

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 65 av 77

ISLAM PÅ NÄTET - Ett svenskt muslimskt cyberlandskap i förändring

This study is based on the discussion of the rapid development and use of the Internet and its role in transforming the religious landscape. More specifically it focuses on the Swedish Muslim cyber landscape and how this has changed over the passed twelve years. Göran Larrsons study Svenska cybermuslimska miljöer i början av det 21 århundradet (Swedish Cybermuslim Enviroments in the start of the Twentyfirst Century) from 2001, is being used as a starting and reference point. The general purpose of this essay is to study religious change online. The specific aim is to investigate if and in that case, how and why the Swedish cyber-Islamic landscape has changed and developed in the last twelve years.The questions to be answered in this study are:- What Muslim actors (groups, individuals and organizations) are represented on Swedish web pages in 2013?- Have the Swedish Muslim cyber landscape changed with respect to the number of web pages, content and actors since 2001, and can these changes be understood and analyzed with the help of existing research on religion and new media and Islam and Muslims in Sweden?The result of this essay shows that there has been a dramatic change regarding the activity in the Swedish Muslim cyber landscape.

Skall man lita på sig själv eller be om hjälp? : Om attributionsprocesser i terapeutiskt förändringsarbete inom beroendefältet

Inledning: I yrkesrollen kommer de flesta psykoterapeuter regelmässigt i kontakt med missbrukare som försöker ta sig ur sitt beroende. Ofta refererar de som lyckas med detta till begreppet "En kraft starkare än vi själva" som de menar sig ha tagit hjälp av för att tillfriskna. Föreliggande arbete är ett försök att tränga djupare i denna fråga kring hur tillfrisknande missbrukare använder sig av detta begrepp.Frågeställningar:1. Existerar en skillnad i attributionsstil vad det gäller den verksamma agensen för drogfrihet mellan deltagarna i olika behandlingsmo-deller/behandlingsmiljöer och hur ser den i så fall ut?2.

Skogsskötsel för att minimera stormfällning över järnväg :

The society of today is dependent of secure transports and deliveries of electrical power. Interruptions in different activities because of fallen trees cost a great deal of money in form of reparations and claimed damages for transport companies and electrical suppliers. Fallen trees along some railway sections are a severe problem. For instance, to repair the damages of the storm of week 5 year 2002, costed 2 800 000 SEK for the line region of Hässleholm. Today, the Banverket railroad company has no norms in general for how close to the railway the forest is allowed to grow.

"Tidningar är som tveeggade svärd" : En jämförelse hur den indiska tidningen The Hindu skrev om ämnet hiv/aids och hiv-positiva personer under 16 dagar år 2005 och 16 dagar år 2007.

We wanted to know how the subject HIV/AIDS was handled in the Indian newspaper The Hindu, which is written in English, during a period of 16 days (30 October-14 November) in 2005 compared to the corresponding period during 2007. Because we liked to study what kind of differences there were in the reporting between these two years. In addition we also wanted to learn how people living with HIV and AIDS are represented in pictures and text. To find out this was the purpose with this investigation.The study is made from the theory of stigma, semiotics and from a professional model of the normative theory. The articles about HIV/AIDS were quantitatively analyzed with help of a schedule of codes and we performed a qualitative analysis on several articles, four from 2005 and four from 2007.

Molekylärgenetisk analys av dilaterad cardiomyopati hos hund :

Canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a disease with high morbidity and mortality and with a high prevalence in certain breeds. Predominatly large breeds are affected, such as Great danes, Newfoundlands, Deerhounds and Dobermanns. One exception is Cocker spaniels, where both American and English Cocker spaniels are affected in a quite high frequency. Cardiomyopathy is characterised as a disease that affects the myocardium and gives an impaired heart function. To diagnose DCM following criteria have to be observed: 1. Dilation of the left ventricle. 2. Reduced systolic heart function. 3. Increased sphericity of the left ventricle. To be certain of the diagnosis, alternative reasons for the symptoms such as lung- and heart diseases with other etiologies have to be excluded Two different types of DCM have been found upon histological examination.

Myndighetscentret ? En kvalitativ studie av myndigheters lokalbehov och en utveckling av ett kontorshotellskoncept

Aim: This paper aims to produce a serviced office concept adjusted to Statens fastighetsverk. The concept will make SFV:s properties more attractive for renting. Method: Information has been collected from interviews with 13 different serviced office companies, one serviced office agent and eleven government authorities. Also litterateur, reports and internet have been used in gathering information.I will use following questions:¨      How is the serviced office concept designed?¨      Which customer segment should SFV direct to and what need does the segment have?¨      How shall a marketing plan look like for the concept?¨      How should a concept designed for SFV look like? Result & Conclusions: Serviced office space is a company that letting functional workspace with access to shared facilities e.g. reception, office machines, internet, phone and more.

Habitat preference and dispersal of a sandassociated beetle, Apalus bimaculatus

Species that have a high degree of specialization and poor dispersal ability can be more prone to extinction than more generalist species and good dispersers. How these species traits affect the viability of populations is dependent on landscape factors,such as isolation and connectivity. Additionally, interactions between species (e.g. symbiosis), and how these interactions vary spatially and temporally can have a large impact on populations. When the range and habitat areas of a species continuously decrease, management strategies are often needed if the species shall be able to survive.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) - en väg mot ökad uthållighet? : en studie av Ramsjö gård

Over the past one hundred years, there has been an increasing globalization and industrialization of the food systems. As a result, the distance between the production and the consumption of food has increased, both in time and space and in the minds of people. There is also an increasing concern for the environmental effects of industrial farming and the long distance transportation of food. Sustainable agriculture and efforts to build more sustainable food systems has emerged in opposition to the global food market. The definitions of sustainability usually include environmental, social and economical aspects. To build more localized food systems is seen as one way towards increased sustainability.

Konceptstudie av drivmodul till bandskotare med hybriddrift

BAE Systems Hägglunds has a long history of producing high performance terrain tracked vehicles (mostly for military applications), and they are now aiming at developing a tracked forwarder with similar techniques.The forwarder will be of series hybrid type where a diesel engine via a generator will power the motors (one for each drive wheel). Thanks to individually controlled motors and the gentle rubber tracks, this forwarder is calculated to have a considerably higher average speed in the terrain and to be more gentle to the soil. The forwarder with a weight of 11 metric tons and a load capacity of 15 metric tons is specified to have an average working speed of 7-10 km/h, a top speed in terrain of 15 km/h and a top speed on roads of 40 km/h.This master?s thesis aims at developing a conceptual design of the forwarder?s drive module which includes electric motor, gear unit, brake and drive wheel.To investigate if the requirements can be fulfilled a study of the dimensioning loading scenarios has been carried out. The resulting needs regarding the torque has been considered in order to determine the required gear ratios for different motor options.

När tågen slutat gå : förvandling av övergiven räls till publikt promenad- och parkstråk

Abandoned and unused railway structures often possess great potential if they are reclaimed and reused for new purposes. The thesis focuses on the global trend of restoring and revitalizing these areas, converting them into park areas, rail trails and green corridors in the city landscape, while preserving their ecological, social, esthetic and historic values. These rail areas were often abandoned when industries moved out from the cities, either to industrial areas or abroad. The use of railways for transporting industrial goods was also replaced to a large extent my motorized road vehicles in the mid 20th century, leaving the rails under-utilized. Because of their location and intrinsic values, they can be reused for important functions, such as green areas in the city environment, providing space for recreational activities and exercise and social meetings and interactions. I have closely investigated the three park areas High Line in New York, Promenade Plantée in Paris and Schöneberger Südgelände in Berlin, which have all gone through this transformation in recent years. I have summarized my conclusions in three key concepts to consider: design for social values, preserve the architectural history, and leave room for future evolution. The final part of my work is a design program for an abandoned railways area in Stockholm: Eriksdal railway area.

Grafisk skärpa : ett arbete om gaturummet

The streetscape is a complex environment with a lot of different parts and users. If you look at the streetscapes main parts you have floor, walls, roof and furniture. The floor in the streetscape, the street, consists of the ground and the paving. It can be made of a lot of different materials with both architectonic and practical functions. The walls usually consist of the houses. They have a big influence on the streetscape depending on architecture, heights and widths.

Bygga om och till för dikor :

To be a farmer and have suckler cows is a difficult combination especially considering the economy. Because of the increased feed costs, the margins have become tighter. The meat price from beef cattle has increased a little when this text is written (spring, 2008), but not so much that it covers the cost for feed etc. I have a small suckler cow production on approximately 30 cows and 2 bulls plus followers as a part-time business. The herd is tied in the old dairy stable built in the late seventies.

Identitet i den somaliska diasporan : en intersektionell studie av kvinnors jag och delaktighet i samhället

This work applies intersectionality to five Somali women self-narratives and focuses on their identities and positions in Swedish society, but also their relation to Somali society. Since people constructs in relation to the environment, this work studies the impact of environmental confirmations of their own self. Intersectionality is brought into the social work with an operational attempt, and shows how critics of power and interplay between theories and empirics can provide new knowledge. Intersectionality also demands some alterations of the social constructionists? idea of the ego.


SammanfattningUnder en relativt lång tid har det inom samhällsplaneringsdebatten framhållits vikten av att verka för en utveckling som tar oss från funktionsseparerade, segregerande och trafikalstrande stadsbyggnadsstrukturer till den funktionsblandade attraktiva staden som erbjuder närhet, jämlikhet och minskat biltransportbehov mellan dess väl sammanlänkade och integrerade stadsdelar och funktioner.  En tydligt rådande trend och utveckling inom stadsplanering är också den ökade fokuseringen på att hitta modeller och verktyg för att kunna bedöma och utvärdera stadsutvecklingsförslag ur holistiska hållbarhetsperspektiv, vilket bl.a. märks i utvecklandet av hållbarhetscertifieringsmetoder för stadsdelar samt krav som ställs på holistiska delanalyser och redovisningar i dessa.Hur problem, förutsättningar och innebörden av olika strukturella lösningar framställs kan ha en stor betydelse för vilken lösning som väljs samt hur väl den valda lösningen bidrar till en önskad stadsutveckling. I detta sammanhang kan det vara av värde att i planeringsprocesser att ha bra verktyg för att kunna analysera och beskriva olika förutsättningar och förändringsförslag.Trafikverket publicerade i 2011 rapporten "Integrering av handel i städer- Metoder, strategier och exempel" (2011:050). I rapportarbetets senare delar utvecklades förslag till en metod/modell för att kunna mäta och i ett samlat i sammanhang redovisa olika beståndsdelar som bedöms ha betydelse för en ökad fysisk strukturell och funktionell integration. Metoden som föreslås, den s.k.

Trädgårdsstaden : från historisk idé till dagsaktuell verklighet

The aim of this study has been to make clear the conception of ?The Garden City?, and also to investigate why and how the garden city has come to be a more frequent and attractive form of settlement in our Swedish community. The essay is supported by a literature study about the garden city from its beginning (1890?s) to present time. To make a distinct explanation of the garden cities progress over time, I have studied the idea behind two garden cities of today, Tullinge and Vistabergs garden city.

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