

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 63 av 77

Reuse, reduce & recycle : planning for sustainable solid waste management in Stone Town - Zanzibar

In the low-income countries of the world, rapid urbanization and decaying infrastructure results in an increasingly unsustainable situation when it comes to solid waste management. Often, the solution tends to focus on introducing technical advanced interventions based on the conditions of the high-income world. However, this thesis aims to ?nd site-speci?c solutions on solid waste management at a local scale. By taking in consideration of local conditions a customized approach is possible where the solution is not dependent on expensive structural changes.

Digital signage i butikshyllan - Kan interaktivitet skapa ytterligare en dimension av påverkan vid köpbeslutet

Interactive media is constantly increasing in our surroundings and with the innovation of touch-screens, two-way communication with screens has become part of our daily life. Still, this well known way of process information is not often seen in the in-store environment of grocery retailing. Here, interactive media is an unestablished field where empirical studies are invisible within the academic world. The lack of knowledge in which effect interactive digital signage has is one of the barriers of investing in this marketing solution in-store. The main purpose of this study is to examine and describe the effects of interactive digital signage at shelf within grocery retailing.

Det främsta arbetsredskapet ? Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av det vårdande samtalet med patienter inom psykiatrisk öppenvård

Introduction: The conversation is one of the main components of the nursing process in psychiatric care. The preunderstanding on this research field is described based on theoretical concepts that together form the basis for understanding the study; nurse's role in psychiatric care, communication and caring relationship, as well as theories of the caring conversation and person-centered care. Research on the caring conversation as a theory and how it is experienced by patients existed, however, no research from the nurse's perspective was found.Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences of the caring conversation with patients in psychiatric open care units.Method: Qualitative research interviews were conducted with six nurses working in outpatient psychiatric care in the west region in Sweden. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed according to the qualitative content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004).Results: Four categories with related subcategories were distinguished throughout the analysis: The caring conversation, The importance of the care plan, Limitations and Caring based on the patients narrative.Discussion: An uncertainty about what caring conversation is and what it should contain creates uncertainty in the nurse's work. This results in a need for training for the individual nurse and the further research to obtain evidence for the importance of conversation in caring work.

Radiolänk med GNU Radio

At the Department of Technology and Built environment at the University of Gävle there was an interest to study GNU Radio, which is an "open source radio project. The project is based on that most of the radio signal processing is made in an ordinary PC. The idea behind this degree project was that in a laptop there are several radio transmitters/receivers that takes space, generates heat and transmit in varied frequency band etcetera. All these radio transmitters/receivers could be replaced with a Software Defined Radio system. It means that one common, general radio hardware is used to different communications such as: WLAN, Bluetooth, GPRS, 3G etcetera. The waveform is generated in the software, which makes the system very flexible.

Man är som en hamburgare: man har stora krav både uppe- och nerifrån. : En kvalitativ studie om mellanchefers upplevelser av sin roll som mellanchef i olika former av människobehandlande organisationer i offentlig sektor.

The aim of this study was to explore and gain understanding of the situation between managers in different forms of human service organizations. I chose to use a qualitative method and conducted semi-structured interviews with five professional middle managers in the public sector. To accomplish my purpose, I worked on the basis of several questions. The questions dealt with the role of middle management and what it involves, how it is perceived and what the middle managers think of the specific requirements for them and their leadership in organizations that provide services relating to people.  As a result of the analysis I have used the theory of social roles that describes the meaning of the different roles and role conflicts that arise in connection with various and conflicting expectations. The review of the results shows that middle managers in human service organizations experience to have to deal with a complex leadership role.

Undersökning av utökade användningsområden för Lotsbroverkets slam

Lotsbroverket is the largest wastewater treatment plant on the Aland Islands and it isdesigned for handling wastewater from approximately 30 000 persons. In 2011,Lotsbroverket produced about 2800 m3 of dewatered sludge. The sewage sludge that isproduced is transported to a contractor where it is processed to eventually be used e.g.in the construction of green space. This study aims to investigate available applicationoptions in terms of the sewage sludge that is produced in Lotsbroverket. The main aimis to study the feasibility of using the produced sewage sludge as a fertilizer in theagriculture of the Aland Islands.The sludge already fulfills limit values for heavy metals in accordance with the Act"The Aland Government´s directive on the use of sewage sludge in agriculture." Inorder to clarify the sludge content of pharmaceutical and organic substances it isrequired that the substances are identified and a risk assessment is performed.


Denna uppsats innehåller en uppföljningsstudie av Malmö Områdesundersökning 2012 (MOMS) med ett närmare fokus på delområdena Annelund och Södervärn. I dessa delområden konstaterades att övervägande del respondenter är trygga eller delvis trygga i sitt bostadsområde trots flera omständigheter som korrelerar med hög otrygghet. I uppsatsen har vi eftersträvat att kvalitativt undersöka bakomliggande mekanismer till respondenternas övervägande trygghet i form utav observationsstudier och intervjuer med nyckelinformanter. Uppsatsen innehåller en utförlig beskrivning av fenomenet "trygghet" och en genomgång av forskningsläget kring faktorer som påverkar tryggheten på olika sätt. Resultaten visar att den övervägande tryggheten i delområdena kan bero på att Annelund och Södervärn är belägna i närheten till olika mötesplatser där invånare träffas och får möjlighet att etablera gemensamt definierade informella regler och accepterat beteende. Delområdena har av olika anledningar genomströmningar av människor som naturligt övervakar områdenas gator och platser och i bostadshusens fysiska struktur fann vi goda möjligheter för invånarna att övervaka sin omedelbara bostadsmiljö. Vi konstaterade att Annelund har tydligare gränsdragningar mellan invånarnas privata utrymmen än i Södervärn, men att känslan av tillhörighet till sitt bostadsområde var starkare i Södervärn med kringliggande delområden.

TILLFÄLLIGA EFFEKTTOPPAR I FJÄRRVÄRMEN : Kan man med hjälp av lagrad värme undvika att de uppstår i betonghus?

Climate and environmental issues is now high on the agenda. We live in a generation that must try to solve some major environmental problems. Buildings and habitations account for approximately 40 % of Sweden's total energy today. To reduce this figure, as needed, more research in the field of energy efficiency is required.This thesis concerns the heating of buildings. The load on district heating is heavy during certain times of the day.

Lärares erfarenheter av förändrad undervisning: lärare möter övergångar mellan det lokala och det globala klassrummet

Syftet är att analysera och beskriva hur lärare erfar en förändrad lärarroll i samband med nätbaserad undervisning som bygger på relationen mellan det lokala och det globala klassrummet. Young Masters Programme är en nätbaserad global kurs inom området hållbar utveckling. Data till denna studie kommer från medverkande lärares skriftliga svar på intervjufrågor, vilka analyseras genom ett fenomenografiskt angreppssätt. Forskningsdata utgörs av lärares redogörelser av deras erfarenheter. Studien visar att flertalet av de deltagande lärarna ser komplexiteten i lärandet för hållbar utveckling i globala sammanhang, Global Learning for Sustainable Development (GLSD), och vill arbeta multidisciplinärt och ämnesgränsöverskridande med Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) i globala nätverk.

Öppen och kollaborativ innovation : - Erfarenheter från sex företag -

This master of science thesis intends to examine how the established innovation theoriesinteracts with the social and cultural phenomena arising from the reduction in communicationcosts as a result of the development of the internet.The aim is to present a knowledge inventory of attitudes to and experiences of an openapproach, with emphasis on collaborative innovation, in product and service developmentdriven companies in different fields. The studied theories and the empirical results forms thebasis for an analysis of how companies can benefit from the diversified knowledge that existsoutside their borders as well as an exploration of the potential for this kind of knowledgeexchange to act as a catalyst for innovation.The theoretical part of the study is based essentially on two tracks: (1) innovation theories witha focus onopen innovation and user innovation, and (2) a broad review of how theories ofdiversified knowledgeand collective intelligence has become possible to apply in an innovationcontext. The empirical part of the study is based on material obtained from semi-structuredinterviews with respondents from six companies.The results show that companies have implemented unstructured innovation initiatives withoutany formal links to the structured product development processes, which are part of thecompanies core activities. The main conclusions include the following insights: There is a needfor structured links between the unstructured initiatives and the core activities, which makes itpossible to take promising ideas to market. The companies also have to lose some control of theunstructured initiatives; consequently it is impossible to pinpoint what the outcome will be.


Digitalt textiltryck ger mig möjlighet att skapa textilier av hög kvalitet i små upplagor utan begränsningar vad gäller rapportstorlek och färgantal. Jag kan producera hållbara och praktiska textilier med en handgjord känsla. Dessa egenskaper ger tekniken intressanta möjligheter som en överbryggare mellan design och textil konst/konsthantverk. Det ger också stora möjligheter att anpassa formgivningen efter en specifik möbel eller miljö. Detta vill jag utnyttja i mitt arbete.

Vertikal förtätning : En del av ett hållbart stadsbyggande?

This is an essay concerning the density of the city. An increasing amount of today?s cities have a shortage of space available for the erection of new buildings and settlements, especially in areas close to the city-centre. New buildings and settlements are therefore often found in the outskirts of the city, resulting in long distances between work and living for many people. These long distances are a waste of limited resources and are inconsistent with the vision of the sustainable city.The challenge for the future is to insert new buildings and settlements in the existing city-structure and in this way reduce the distances between different city-functions.The density of the city can be increased in two different ways; by inserting new buildings between existing ones or by extension existing buildings, for example by an additional floor.

Gräset är apoteksgrönt eller var går gränsen för ett gränslöst språk : om nationell identitet i svensk språkpoesi

Based on the on the assumption that the two recent Swedish poetry collections mil by Anna Hallberg and mallamerik, mallamer, malameri, mallame, amerik, mallameka, merikka, by Lars Mikael Raattamaa, are constructed with theoretical questions about identity, national identity, language hierarchy and power in mind, this study aims to investigate the ways in which these issues come to expression. Simplified, the term language-poetry, or språkmaterialism, can be used to describe a language-philosophical poetry that aims to eliminate the hierarcic structures between writer and reader in a text and invite the reader to become the co-worker of it. The study shows that by different ways of eliminating the centre of the text, the text is made democratical. But one question that this study asks is how can a nation's conventional and standardised written  language ? the language of the centre ? be used to write itself out of this centre into the margin? Stepping from a theoretical background of postcolonial theories on identity and national identity, including reflections as those given by Benedict Anderson, Madan Sarup, Timothy Brennan, Stefan Helgesson and Mia Cuoto, the analysis points out how this poetry laborates with the terms bugging, repetition, national language identity, and space as poetic material, in order to work in line with ? and contrary to - conceptions of a unified and shared language.

Urban dagvattenhantering med regnträdgårdar : gestaltningsförslag för Gårdsgatan i Norra Djurgårdsstaden

I Stockholm pågår i dagsläget ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt som kallas Norra Djurgårdsstaden, där visionen är att skapa en hållbar och klimatanpassad stadsdel i världsklass. Stockholms stad har valt att bland annat arbeta med olika former av ekologisk dagvattenhantering i projektet, där en av dessa former är regnträdgårdar. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att ta fram ett gestaltningsförslag för hur dagvattenhanteringen kan lösas med hjälp av regnträdgårdar längs en planerad gata i Norra Djurgårdsstaden. Gestaltningsförslaget baseras på underlag av landskapsarkitektkontoret URBIO, som har erfarenhet av att arbeta med regnträdgårdar. Växter och växtbäddsmaterial är huvudsakligen valda utifrån råd från sakkunniga. För att få förståelse för regnträdgårdens funktion och uppbyggnad gjordes en litteraturstudie i arbetets inledande fas.

Invandrares upplevelser av diskriminering och den politiska diskursen om invandrare i Sverige mellan 1960-2009

Aim: This paper aims to produce a serviced office concept adjusted to Statens fastighetsverk. The concept will make SFV:s properties more attractive for renting. Method: Information has been collected from interviews with 13 different serviced office companies, one serviced office agent and eleven government authorities. Also litterateur, reports and internet have been used in gathering information.I will use following questions:¨      How is the serviced office concept designed?¨      Which customer segment should SFV direct to and what need does the segment have?¨      How shall a marketing plan look like for the concept?¨      How should a concept designed for SFV look like? Result & Conclusions: Serviced office space is a company that letting functional workspace with access to shared facilities e.g. reception, office machines, internet, phone and more.

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