

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 54 av 77

Att skapa trovärdiga karaktärer

Att skapa karaktärer i en animation eller ett spel som publiken får sympati för och känner är levande, är ett avancerat och komplext arbete. Det finns dessutom en mängd olika tips och råd för att skapa en karaktär, att det kan kännas övermäktigt och svårt att sålla i. I denna uppsats kommer syftet därför ligga i att undersöka om det finns en fungerande formel för att skapa en lyckad och livfull karaktär. Syftet kommer även att bestå i att undersöka om denna formel av att skapa en karaktär går att tillämpa på både film- och spelkaraktärer. Dessa frågeställningar kommer att besvaras genom en litteraturstudie följt av en empirisk studie, ?Science fiction in space?, där dessa tips och råd kommer att prövas för att se om den formel som här lyfts fram är lyckosam.

Atopon. En intersektionell studie över svenska gymnasieungdomars tal om religion, etnicitet, klass och kön

This master?s thesis problematizes how students in two Swedish secondary schools think and speak about, and relate to, topics such as gender, class, ethnicity, religion and sex, but also how they move in, make use of, and interact within, the school space. What categorizing and positionings, if any, can be found? Students in two Swedish secondary schools, in a medium sized Swedish town, have been observed (using participant observation) and interviewed (open ended), the material was then examined with intersectional theory. A majority of the ethnic Swedish respondents position ?the religious? as ?superstitious?, ?frightening? and/or ?backwards?, also many of them equated religion with ?muslim/islam?, a greater understanding for the others religious outlook was shown by students with an ethnic background from outside Europe.

Uppfödning av okastrerade hangrisar - ett alternativ till obedövad kirurgisk kastrering av smågris

Pigs kept for meatproduction are often surgically castrated to prevent aggression and boartainted meat. Castration without analgesia and anesthesia is painful and causes a lot of stress to the pig. There are alternatives such as to surgically castrate the male pigs with analgesia and/or with anesthesia, immunocastrate or keep them as intact males. In Sweden the most common practice is to surgically castrate the pigs before they are seven days old. The impact on the pig is that the incision causes pain and stress, which may lead to changes in behaviour, reduced appetite, reduced growth and a higher risk of infections.

Den informella kommunikationens betydelse för de anställdas välbefinnande på Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB på Tetra Pak i Lund

Work is an important part of the lives of humans, fulfilling several functions; it establishes possibilities to interaction and to feeling as belonging to a context, it gives structure to time and space, creates common goals and it leads to a general well-being in individuals. For the well-being of employees it is essential with recuperation in a pleasant environment where you under relaxing and informal forms have a chance to interact with colleagues. The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent the employees of Tetra Pak Packaging Material AB at Tetra Pak in Lund experience that the informal communication during the coffee-break contributes to their well-being. The aim was also to distinguish if this potential well-being effects how the employees experience how work in general makes them feel. The hypothesis of the study is that the coffee-break effects the well-being in a positive way, and that it has a positive effect on how work in general makes the employees feel.

Skolbibliotekets betydelse ur ett elevperspektiv

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what the data from recent Library- and Information Science studies tell us about the importance of school libraries in a student perspective. Our theoretical framework is built upon Elisabeth Tallaksen Rafste?s concept about the values of school libraries to students. Our aim is to investigate how students between the ages of 15 and 18 use and experience school library.

"JAG SKULLE VILJA ATT DET FANNS UTRYMME FÖR MER FRI LEK. KANSKE" : Pedagogers uppfattningar om betydelsen av den fria leken på förskolan

Den fria leken på förskolan är ett ämne som vi upplever har diskuterats mycket på senare tid. Studiens utgångspunkt har varit sex förskollärares uppfattningar om den fria lekens betydelse på förskolan. Metoden som använts har varit kvalitativ och utgått från öppna och ostrukturerade intervjuer med förskollärare på sex olika förskolor, i en kommun i Västra Götalands län. Genom intervjuerna har vi studerat på vilket sätt den fria leken används i verksamheten samt hur stort utrymme den får i relation till styrda aktiviteter. Vi har även undersökt vilken roll förskollärare har i leken samt vilka positiva effekter den har.Resultatet av studien visar att förskollärarna ser fri lek som en viktig del i förskoleverksamheten då den utvecklar många förmågor hos barnen, vilket även många författare belyser.

Framtagning av ECU test rapport och testmetod

Att skapa karaktärer i en animation eller ett spel som publiken får sympati för och känner är levande, är ett avancerat och komplext arbete. Det finns dessutom en mängd olika tips och råd för att skapa en karaktär, att det kan kännas övermäktigt och svårt att sålla i. I denna uppsats kommer syftet därför ligga i att undersöka om det finns en fungerande formel för att skapa en lyckad och livfull karaktär. Syftet kommer även att bestå i att undersöka om denna formel av att skapa en karaktär går att tillämpa på både film- och spelkaraktärer. Dessa frågeställningar kommer att besvaras genom en litteraturstudie följt av en empirisk studie, ?Science fiction in space?, där dessa tips och råd kommer att prövas för att se om den formel som här lyfts fram är lyckosam.

Förnuft och känsla : En studie av kokböckers visuella kommunikation under det tidiga 90-talet och sena 00-talet

The interest for food and cooking has probably never engaged the people of Sweden as much as it does today. Especially cookbooks are selling better than ever which has been a quite constant trend since the mid 90's. This study explores the connection between visual communication in Swedish cookbooks and the post-modern values which have influenced the market climate and the visual culture. I have used a theoretical framework as reference consisting of theories of semiotics, visual rhetoric, marketing communications and postmodernism. I have been studying six cookbooks, three from the late 00's and three from the early 90's, from the two separate angles of their graphic design and photographic material.

Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning? : - En fallstudie i lokaltidningsjournalistikens informationskällor och informationskanaler

AbstractTitle: Where does the news that you read in your localpaper come from? (Vilket ursprung har nyheten som du läser i din lokaltidning?)Number of pages: 45 (57 including enclosures)Author: Elin RantakokkoTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies 30 hpPeriod: Fall of 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: This paper has the aim to make a systematic survey of the information source and channels that local newspapers use. How much space they get in the paper and how the newspaper works with these sources and channels. The front pages of the newspaper are going to be compared with the insides of the newspaper. The reports roles in the making of news are also examined.Material/method: To be able to answer my questions I?m going to use three different methods.

Kommunikation mellan djurskyddsinspektörer och djurägare

This paper discusses animal welfare, and Sweden, as an EU member state, has a responsibility toensure that official animal welfare inspections are carried out in accordance with communityregulations. The first of January 2009, the welfare moved from the municipalities in to the 21county administrative boards. This restructuring was made due to the deficiencies that the auditconducted by the EU of the FVO (Food and Veterinary Office) 2003 found in the Swedishsystem. Sweden failed in coordination and inspection to ensure animal welfare.The aim of this examination paper is to shed light on animal welfare work operated in the countyof Halland and in Sweden in general. The paper focuses on a few questions.

Smörjning Av Lager

The work thesis was performed at Assalub a company which is situated in Åtvidaberg. The company works with developing, manufacturing and marketing equipment for handling of lubricants for light and heavier industry. The work thesis it is based on a inquiry Assalub got from MacGregor which is a company within cargo solution, from port to offshore system.For unloading grain and other material from the ship cargo it is used combined inlet feeder and screw conveyor, there the inlet feeder is drilling down through the cargo and feed the screw conveyer with material to further destination. At the bottom of the screw conveyer and the inlet feeder there is a bearing that keep the parts together. However the lubrication of the bearing must be made manually.

Miljömål 17: Hållbar konsumtion : Ett försök att integrera den svenska konsumtionens globala miljöpåverkan med miljömålssystemet

Environmental objective 17: Sustainable consumption - An attempt to integrate the global impact of the Swedish consumption with the environmental objectives system The aim of this report was to integrate the global impact of the Swedish consumption withthe environmental objectives system through presenting a suggestion for a seventeenth environmental objective ? Sustainable consumption. How the Swedish consumption pressures the global environment and methods to measure the affects was investigated. The pressure was divided into five main fields: climate, air, water, land and chemicals. The impacton humans and the biodiversity was also discussed, as well as differences between how men and women affect the environment and get affected when the environment changes.

Problematiken kring ett energieffektiviserande projektförslag i en kommunal organisation

When it comes to the priority of a project proposal, a variety of factors is affecting theoutcome. In the municipal sector, factors of non- economic nature appears to be particularlyimportant when the organization is not intended to be profit-making.This study's research question is What problems can occur around an energy-efficiencyproject proposal in a municipal organization? The purpose of this study is to gainunderstanding of what possible problems an energy efficiency project proposal mayencounter, in the municipal implementation process as well as the problems of a changingownership can bring.To conduct this study, the method was qualitative in nature. We have cooperated withVarberg Energi AB and Varberg kommun, which has stood as respondents for the empiricalbasis of the study. In this study, we have conducted four personal interviews.In this study, we have found that there may be several problematic factors associated with anenergy-efficiency project proposal in a municipal organization.

Blandstad : en studie av dess sociala aspekter

Throughout the history, the theories which have shaped our cities have varied from time to time. We have gone from a city development characterized by spontaneousness, where commerce and people side by side shared the space, into a function-based planning where people and functions are being increasingly separated. Regardless the forms of planning the city design causes implications for those who live there when the physical environment controls were we live, work and meet. In today's society where `sustainability ' has become a watchword the current community planning needs to be questioned so we, in the best possible way, can meet future changes. Searching for new planning strategies is part of this and in this essay the term `mixed-use´ will be investigated and analyzed in terms of its social aspects.

Bevarande av webbplatser : En kartläggning bland statliga myndigheter i Sverige

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if Swedish agencies preserve their websites according to the Swedish archival legislations and guidelines. As a theory the OAIS Reference Model (Open Archival Information System, developed by US Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, CCSDS) has been used as a model to show how important it is to develop strategies for public digital information which has to be preserved for long term. The ingest function in the OAIS Reference Model demands that files are prepared for long term preservation and requires that the digital information fulfils established technical requirements.In the study the Swedish National Archive and their advices about preserving websites to archivists on the Swedish agencies are being studied. To control if the agencies meet the requirements for their management and preservation of their websites a survey was sent out to investigate if Swedish agencies preserve their websites. According to the survey result, 84 of 113 agencies preserve their websites in some way. If the technical requirements really was met could not be verified in this thesis, the results was relied on the responses from the authorities.

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