

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 22 av 77

Gångtrafik i citymiljöer : En studie via två angreppssätt

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

"Det här är inte ett hospice" : Konstruktioner av död och döende på en avdelning för palliativ vård

The study aims to analyze conceptions of death and dying at a clinic for palliative care, using a constructivist perspective and a discourse analytical approach. The empirical material consists of interviews with staff members, documents and photographs of the environment, taking both space and materiality into account. I conclude that the studied practice is mainly characterized by a tension between a caring discourse and a medical discourse..

En grav är mer än bara en grav... En metodutveckling av tafonomi som redskap att förstå olika anläggningar med djur

This paper deals with a taphonomic study of contexts with osteological material of dog (C. familiaris L.) from the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Sweden and Zealand, Denmark. The general aim is to develop and test a method to try to understand the activity behind and define specific archaeological structures. My questions also regards to wether a taphonomic analysis of the material could be used to identify treatments as wrapping and contraction of the dogs, but also dismembering and other preparations of the body. The study focuses on the relation between the space of decomposition, disarti-culation of the joints, evidence of wall effect, cutmarks, weathering and signs of postdepositional arrangements.The analysis is based on contexts from the materials Hornborgasjön, Vedbæk, Skateholm I and II, Sjöholmen, Ertebølle, Bökeberg, Bredasten, Löddesborg, Bergsvägen and Röekillorna, dating from early Maglemose culture to Neolithic Battle axe culture.The analysis shows that a closer study of taphonomic processes can be used to identify different structures as graves, offerings, religious and non religious contexts or parts of animals, probably put into the ground as waste.

Fågel, fisk eller mittemellan. : - Finns det ett samband mellan prisuppfattning och hyllplacering?

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att se om hyllplacering i vertikalled är en faktor som påverkar en konsuments prisuppfattning av varan i fråga. I denna kvantitativa studie så undersöks detta fenomen på kaffeförpackningar och diskmedel. För att undersöka detta så genomfördes en enkät-undersökning på 100 personer som fick svara på bakgrundsfrågor om bland annat sina köpvanor, samt skatta pris och lyx-faktorn på 3 bilder och totalt 45 produkter. Undersökningen visade mycket men inte att hyllplaceringen hade någon betydande inverkan på prisuppfattningen..

Värdering av bostadsmiljöer i medelstora städer : En metod att mäta upplevelse

Examensuppsatsen syftar på att utreda hur folk uppfattar en bostadsmiljö av en viss karaktär utifrån de konstvetenskapliga områdena arkitektur och bebyggelsemönster. En undersökning genomförs där allmänheten värderar tio områden från tre olika städer. Resultatet presenteras bland annat med hjälp av polära diagram, i diagrammet bildas en värderos, vars bild illustrerar den upplevda känslan av området..

Landskapsarkitektur som länk mellan platsen och dess användare : att fnna mening i vår byggda omgivning

What gives a place meaning for it?s users? The intention of this paper is to investigate how landscape architecture is able to form places that evoke involvement from it?s users. Ideas within architectural theory such as territoriality space and place is being explained and used when analyzing several different case studies. The places for my case studies are all distinct in their expression and can all most be treated as objects on their own. In my case studies I came to the conclusion that a designer can work in many different ways to create a site that appeals to it's users, but that it is the sites that allow users to interact that become meaningful places..

moyar : hafin : iþra : byn : reta; Flickor, förrätta era böner väl : social struktur i gotländska runinskrifter under medeltid

This paper discusses runic inscriptions from the middle ages on Gotland and how they portray social structure. It focuses on three themes: (1) fixed time and space, (2) women and the nuclear family and (3) profession and social status/structure. It also discusses changes brought on by a more structured and established Christianity, as well as differences between medieval rune stones on Gotland and their predecessors Viking Age rune stones in the Mälar Valley..

Fastighetsutveckling av Norrmalm 5:1 : En studie över Karlbergs station

Rapporten är en undersökning gällande det som händer när en plats ändrarfunktion och karaktär. I Stockholm har pendeltågstationen Karlberg en centraloch social roll som kan komma att rubbas av dess stängning. Vår rapport kommersåledes handla om att undersöka och förstå platsen för att sedan geåtgärdsförslag på ett gestaltningsarbete i form av ett byggnadsverk..


The project has been performed in a close collaboration with Hörsam who works in the field of hearing technology. In a first meeting with the company, the Project group was showed a few existing storage boxes for hearing aids. The company thought they were unnecessarily large with plenty of unused space and wanted a new, smarter solution to be developed.The project began with user studies in which audiologists, maintenance technicians, future users and others were interviewed. The purpose was to obtain their views on today's storage boxes and to find out how well the users maintained their hearing aids. It proved to be a large lack of knowledge regarding the management of hearing aids within the users.

Det offentliga rummets föränderlighet: En studie om stadsutveckling i centrala Sundsvall

Syftet med detta arbete har varit att analysera hur offentliga rum förändras i samband med omfattande stadsutveckling. Arbetet ska ge upphov till ny kunskap för hur offentliga rum i framtida nyetableringar och i närliggande bebyggelse kommer att användas. Det offentliga rummets användande har studerats i en litteraturstudie och i en empiri över Sundsvalls tätort. Sundsvall valdes som empiri eftersom staden står inför två spännande stadsbyggnadsprojekt i direkt geografisk anknytning till stadens centrum. Detta tillsammans med att Sundsvalls centrum, Stenstaden, är ett väldefinierat stadscentrum, som är tydlig i sin struktur, gör att staden fungerar bra som fallstudie.

To reject the world - to embrace the world

Ever since Thomas More?s book Utopia was published in 1516, theutopian idea has not lost its topicality and has been strongly rootedin literature, art, film and architecture. Utopia can be seen as a statein which utopia allows a space for wishes, dreams and a desire forsomething better. In my degree project I have chosen to explore thehistorical utopian ideas to create a content that treats utopia on asubjective level. With visual communication as a starting point I havetried to fixate this state in a book.

"Att skriva livet är en annan historia": att förstå och hantera inkonsekvens, diskrepans och levande metaforer i en levnadsteckning

In the pilot study for a biography, some of the methodological and/or theoretical problems facing the anthropologist and biographer are discussed.The empirical section is based on a number of interviews I made with my grandmother over the period 1995-2001. I have come across inconsistencies in the material when rendering a historical event. Furthermore, the material makes me reflect on how the biographer or anthropologist is able to handle or interpret that she and the subject/informant has a different attitude to metaphors and how the metaphors can change over time, space and interpretation.The essay begins with a summary review of some of the central social and behavioural scientific theories that can be related to the individual and the biography.There then follows an in-depth discussion based on Paul Ricoeur's philosophy that says that your identity is created in relation to how you look at your history and future at the present time. Identities are created in an interaction between the field we are currently in, the cultural capital that includes gestures, mannerisms, symbols, our language and the area of interpretation the field allows in the culture. Consequently, the biography is also a representation that is created in time and space and between the subject and the person rendering the subject.The biography or ethnography is transient and is of necessity a historiography.Ricoeur talks about the living metaphor.

En kringflackande studie, i tre resande romaner : En läsning av romanerna Sargassohavet, Desirada och De osynliga städerna utifrån Édouard Glissants Relationens filosofi. Omfångets poesi

In this essay I have read the novels Wide Sargasso Sea (Jean Rhys 1966), Desirada (Maryse Condé 1997) and Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino 1972) through Édouard Glissant?s notion of the primary scene in Philosophie de la relation. Poésie en étendue. I have examined how the primary scene can be seen as a political/an aesthetical strategy in the three novels. This was done in order to question the blunted tool of the notion of the identity, which is often considered in studies regarding ?postcolonial novels?.

Dammet, vår minsta gemensamma nämnare : En känsla av tillhörighet

Dust, our smallest common denominator                                                                                                                                                                 Charlotta Lindvall ABSTRACT  I find it fascinating to know that we are all made of the same material as the stars and that everything is connected to each other and in a constant movement and transformation, a recycle of material. We are all made of stardust. In fact all life is sprung out of dust.In my essay I investigate the dust and ask the question if there are any traces in the dust. I look at the history of the dust and how it has affected us and our world through the decades. What does this small and airy but oh so unappreciated dust tell us? Why do we want to get rid of it? Is it possible to find a sense of belonging in the big context by investigating the dust and its origin and could I transform such a low material as dust into something magic that makes people reflect on our origin and belonging and how everything is connected? In my work I use dust as a material and in the essay I compare my work with other artists who have worked with dust as a material.Dust is everywhere because its source is from everything.

En sublim odyssé : En studie av 2001: A Space Odyssey och det sublima

Studien undersöker det sublima i Stanley Kubricks rymdepos från 1968. Främst behandlas den estetiska dimensionen av begreppet men av stort intresse är också huruvida filmmediet rymmer en mediespecifik sublimitet. Fyra tänkare ligger till grund för förståelsen av begreppet så som det formuleras i den teoretiska inledningen av uppsatsen ? Longinos, Edmund Burke, Immanuel Kant samt Jean-François Lyotard och varje tänkare erbjuder en unik förståelse av begreppet. Detta ger ett mångfacetterat begrepp som kommer att prägla det metodologiska förfarandet.

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