

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 10 av 77

Mind the gap : the possibilities of the public space in the contemporary city

Mind the gap encourages you to beware of the interspaces. The project seeks to defend the gaps that occur in time and space and encourages the reader to care about the interruptions of the routine-like and planned, whilst also opening up a discussion about interaction and participation. Mind the gap is a project about the many opportunities the public space has in the contemporary city. What you have in front of you is the result of this project. As society constantly changes, new and different needs arise in the city and it is necessary that architects and planners understand and adapt to these changes. They have to be able to develop new ways of thinking and to challenge established perceptions of what the public space is and should be. This means being able to see that the public space could be different and to recognize the potentials for it to change. This project examines the underlying ideals of urbanism and investigates the potentials of the City when shaped by these ideals.

Tegnér i gymnasiet : En komparativ studie av Tegnérs utrymme i gymnasiala litteraturantologier samt läroplaner från 60-talet till våra dagar

The purpose of this study is to present a comparative analysis of seven literature anthologies for the Upper Secondary School, from 1968-2004, to investigate how much space Esaias Tegnér is getting and how many and which of his works that is presented in these anthologies.The study is set against the hypothesis that Tegnér is getting a reduced space in the anthologies because of his connection to Romantic nationalism, which after World War II has been associated to the themes and ideology of the National Socialism. In view of this I have asked myself if Tegnér is getting a reduced space in the literature anthologies for the Upper Secondary School. My study shows that this is the case.One can also see clear trends in a subjective approach towards the author. In the anthologies where Tegnér have had a strong prominent role, he is retaining his position even in later editions. Over the entire period of 1968-2004 he is getting a less prominent role, although he is generally presented as the greatest poet of his time.I have also examined the discussion of Tegnér during that period to see if you can find any connection between the discussion about Tegnér and the change his work gets in the literature anthologies.

Janusansiktets potentialitet: en studie mellan erfarenhetsrum och förväntningshorisonter

This essay will discuss the Roman God Janus, as a figure of speech, in four different texts written by Publius Ovidius Naso, Michel de Montaigne, Francis Bacon and Elijah Fenton. The Janus figure could also illustrate the relationship between the past, the present and the future, because of the attributes of looking back and forward, in both space and time, that Janus was said to possess. Reinhard Koselleck's ideas of space of experience and horizon of expectation will be used as an analytical approach, thus creating a dual purpose for this essay. On one hand to understand texts about Janus, which implies an understanding of the changes over time associated with the history of ideas of Janus, and on the other the past's importance in relation to the future, which includes an understanding of Janus via Koselleck's thesis about the change in relationship between experience and expectation.The question formulations are as follows: How has the Janus motive changed over time in the researched texts? How can the literary use of Janus show the changed relationship between the space of experience and the horizon of expectation, and in a wider context between the past and the future? Janus has gone from being a physical presence, as the arcs of the Forum Romanum in ancient Rome, to becoming a tool for authors, one that spans many literary rooms.

Hemma i världen(globen?) En studie av social förändring och identitet

In this thesis my purpose is to study the mechanisms and discourses that are the foundations for identification processes, in a contemporary society characterised by increased mobility. By means of a fictitious life history, I relate to this problem constantly through the work. At the beginning of the essay I discuss the traditional, western, philosophical view of the self and its surroundings, which eventually leads me to focus on the theories of the sociology of knowledge. From this perspective I choose to examine globalisation processes and mobility, to create an understanding of how these two, changes the circumstances for the individual identification. In my concluding argument I stress that all research or all studies concerning identification processes must take into account that these identifications always take place with regard to time/place which also means, that it takes place both in real space and in imaginary space.

Plats att se andra och bli sedd? En fallstudie om samspelet mellan stadens struktur och segregation

Arbetets syfte är att undersöka och diskutera om fysisk utformning kan bidra till eller förebygga segregation, samt att jämföra olika principer för att minska rumslig uppdelning och ge ökade möjligheter till social interaktion. Fokus är hur stadens struktur och utformning bidrar till, eller försvårar, att människor befinner sig på samma offentliga platser samtidigt, vilket skapar möjlighet att se och blir sedd av andra människor. Att se och bli sedd av andra människor är något som flera forskare lyfter som viktigt för att bli ömsesidigt medvetna om varandras existens, och minska uppdelning i ?vi? och ?dem?. I arbetet undersöks Nedre Norrby i Borås med hjälp av space syntaxverktyg och Gehls kvalitetskriterier.

Rädslans koreografi : Unga mäns föreställningar om rädsla, hot och maskulinitet i den offentliga vardagen

"The choreography of fear" is a discourse-analysis study which focus at how young men speaks about fear, threat and violence in the public everyday life. The study adopts socialcontructionism as theoretical approach and also uses theories about gender, hegemony masculinity, fear as a social constructed phenomenon and moral-panic. The study is based on qualitative interview whit young men in age 18-30 and the method is mainly discourse-psychology. The section of Analysis discuss subjects as what and whom the young men consider to be a threat and which areas in the public space they consider to be dangerous and how they choose to handle the menace. The Analysis also focuses on how the informants speak about fear, how they define fear and what they consider arouse fear..

Arkitekturer i operativsystem : en fallstudie i monolitisk och micro kernel

Den tekniska utvecklingen driver fram allt mer avancerade datorsystem. Samtidigt ställs allt större krav på stabilitet och flexibilitet i de operativsystem som ska användas på dessa system. De senaste årtiondena har micro kernel arkitekturen varit föremål för intensiv forskning och det finns idag ett flertal operativsystem på marknaden som använder denna arkitektur. Traditionella monolitiska operativsystem är relativt resurskrävande system som ofta anklagats för att sakna struktur. Micro kernel baserade system är en lösning på detta problem där man bantat ner kernel till så lite som ett tiotal kilobyte och flyttar ut tjänster som normalt ligger i kernel till user space.

Empty Space, Wasted Space

Dagens städer är byggda och formade med en stor ojämnlikhet i hur utrymmet fördelas mellan olika fordon och transportslag. Parkeringar längs med vägar fungerar endast som förråd åt bilar. Gator har blivit transportsträckor utan någon riktig identitet.Hur kan vi återta och omprogrammera en del av dessa parkeringar? Fokus ligger på hur man genom små förändringar på flera olika platser kan ta tillvara på de lokala krafter som finns och samtidigt skapa en levande och dynamisk stad.Syftet är att skapa en grogrund för en stadsutveckling på en gräsrotsnivå och som sedan kan påverka i vilken riktning våra städer utvecklas och förändras. Målet är att omdefiniera det publika rum mellan stadens byggnader, som idag till stor del upptas av motorfordon, till att bli något nytt och berikande åt staden som helhet..

INVOXICATED. En interaktiv lek med ljud

Invoxicated is an interactive play sculpture where children can explore the wonderful and playful opportunities of sound. Talk into one end of the sculpture, and the sound will travel through the sculpture and come out in the other end. On its way, the sound gets distorted by a number of sound effects. By bending the sculpture?s body, and pressing the sculpture?s buttons, the sound effects gets altered in real time.

In b__ween. Ett arbete om sammanhang

As a designer, I find myself daily being confronted with choices which eventually can be summarizedas how we experience something. What?s the function, feeling, what colors should there be, shapes,materials, etc. Different parts will be combined to create an entirety. The only question is why we areaffected so differently by the same entirety.In this project I have examined how the relationship between a space and a product affects ourperception of a coherensy and what it is that makes us experience it so differently.I wanted to find a way to methodically explore the importance of the coherency for the experience ofa product and a space in relation to each other, in order to produce a material that can form the basisfor further work on the spatial context.I?ve looked into the psycological term central coherence and formed a scale that shows the humanabilities to perceive a context in various psychological conditions.

Det medeltida Fårö - en studie av en ödegård utifrån ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this study was through applying a new perspective reach the people who during medieval time lived and worked on the farm. On the basis of my previously study and a gender perspective this study have compared general literature with local and then interpreted the farm from a local context. The questions raised here concerns division of work and spatial distribution on the farm as well as local impact on gender constructions.This study resulted in interesting problems within the archaeology itself but also in significant details about the farm. No gender restrictions could be seen in the houses except in Hus 1 were a smaller space, which probably used as storage or a workshop had been restricted tomales. Instead the buildings social space mainly consisted of a mixed gender environment.

Att bli och att fortsätta vara familjehem : en kvalitativ studie med familjehemsföräldrar

The aim of this study is to describe and understand the reasons to why people choose to become foster parents. By using the theory of action we wanted to investigate their intentions rather than their motives. The questions we wanted to answer where: How do the foster parents describe their reasons for becoming a foster home? What reasons do they give fore keeping on being foster parents? How do they comprehend their task and the fulfilling of it? The study was performed by utilizing qualitative interviews with five foster parents, four women and one man. In the analysis we used the theory of action as a theoretical perspective.

Förstudie för skapandet av ett miljöövervakningsprogram : en styrkeanalys angående vattendrag i västerhavets vattendistrikt för fastställandet av provantal i tid och rum för ett effektivt omdrevsprogram

The environmental monitoring in Sweden has been developed by several different parties and is now being coordinated and made more effective in order to meet the current demands on high quality information regarding the state of the environment. Sweden has been divided into five different water districts based on watershed areas because of requirements in the Water Directive of the EU. In Sweden there are two common types of environmental monitoring programs used to gather information on changes in time and in space. Currently both these two types are used for lakes in the water district of the western sea but only one is used for watersheds. The purpose of this report is to supply basic information regarding the possible need for a second environmental monitoring program for watersheds in order to better describe the spatial variation within the district as well as to determine the number of samples necessary in order to describe the district over time and space.

Mellankrigstiden och Andra världskriget i gymnasieläroböcker i historia från 1944 - 2008 : en kvantitativ undersökning av innehåll och disposition

This essay investigates how the chapters of the interwar and the Second World War have changed in the high school history textbooks during the period from 1944 to 2008. In the study eleven history textbooks have been studied, most quantitatively but also qualitatively. For example the number of pages and rows devoted to different subjects and countries are compared in the books over time. The result of the study shows that there are some big changes over time but in most sections there are also big differences between the books, which make it harder to draw general conclusions. There are a lot more names, pictures and dates in the newer books compared to the older ones, although the number of different names is about the same in all the books.

En mötesplats med utsikt och ett öppet rum för insikt : En studie av folkbiblioteksarkitektur och synen på folkbiblioteksrummet - Exemplen Lomma bibliotek och Halmstads stadsbibliotek

The focus of this two year master?s thesis in Library- and Information science is the study of two Swedish Public Library buildings with the examples Lomma and Halmstad. The main goal and purpose of the thesis is to try to uncover which views and values of the public library are expressed in the examined libraries; and to what extent these views manifests are shown in its architecture.The theoretical framework is based on Raymond Williams?s cultural concepts of effective, dominant culture and the two extremities of this culture, called residual and emergent cultures. A second aspect is Yi-Fu Tuans concepts of Space and Place.

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