325 Uppsatser om Red-list - Sida 3 av 22
Kunddatabas i Java och MySQL
The purpose with this work that is the basis for this thesis was to help Nattavaara Economical association to develop a program for handling invoices, customer information, and storage. The program and this thesis have been done in cooperation with the economical association in Nattavaara. Some of the demands on the program are that it shall handle customer information, storage status, invoices and diesel consumption. The program must be able to printout invoices, reminders, delivery notes, a customer list and a storage list. All information will be stored in a database.
Resulting from anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, average surface seawater pH is estimated to decline from today's approximately 8.05 to between 7.78 and 8.03 towards 2100. For ionisable organic pollutants, changes in pH can lead to a change in the degree of ionisation, which could influence the ecotoxicity of a compound by altering its bioavailability. In this study, potential changes in ecotoxicity of ionisable organic compounds resulting from ocean acidification are examined. This is achieved partly by conducting a literature review, analysing existing literature that investigates this relationship. Potential changes are also evaluated by examining marine ecotoxicity data for ionisable organic compounds on the watch list pursuant to Directive 2008/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, as well as on the list of priority substances according to the 2022 proposal for amending the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).
Massmordet och korsriddaren : En studie av de ämnesövergripande möjligheterna i svenska och historia utifrån film och skönlitteratur
I det här arbetet har jag undersökt hur man kan använda en skönlitterär roman och en underhållningsfilm i ämnesintegrerad undervisning i syfte att uppnå målen i svenska och historia på gymnasiet. Som underlag för mitt arbete har jag använt Steven Spielbergs Schindler´s list och Jan Guillous Vägen till Jerusalem. Min undersökning bygger på en tolkning av styrdokumentens intentioner, samt svensk- och historielärares åsikter om mediernas användbarhet i ämnesintegrerad undervisning. Undersökningen visade att lärare uppfattade filmens och romanens integrationsmöjligheter som mycket väl användbara i syfte att uppnå kursmålen, vilka i sin tur tydligt uttryckte en gemensam nämnare mellan svenska och historia, det vill säga som identitetsskapande. Vidare återfanns förenande element så som en historisk dimension, en kritisk medvetenhet och språket som medium för kommunikation.
Mobbning på arbetsplatser: ett resultat av grupprocesser?
Bullying is a significant workplace problem, a fact highlighted both by companies, government and social science. The purpose of this master thesis was to examine if workplace bullying is a result of group processes. This is a theory-based master thesis. A search of literature on bullying, mobbing and harassment was done in a database called ELIN, Electronic Library Information Navigator, connected to Lund University and 414 articles were singled out. The summary of the articles were studied and according to a list of criteria, I choose to study some of the articles in more depth.
Informationsstyrning av en försörjningskedja i ett icke tillverkande företag.
In this report listed buildings, according to the Swedish Heritage Conservation Act, have been studied with a focus on cases where economical compensation has been given to the owner of the building and cases where the listing of the building has been appealed by the owner. In order for a building to become listed it needs to be particularly valuable from a cultural and historical standpoint. The listed buildings are protected through a list of regulations that determines which parts of the building can or cannot be changed, what methods and materials should be used for changes and repairs, and how the building should be maintained. These regulations should as far as possible be formulated in agreement with the owner, but a building can become listed against the owners will. To decrease the damage this causes the owner he can in some cases have the right to economical compensation. There is also a possibility for the owner to appeal the listing of the building.
Hur fungerar indexering av skönlitteratur? En konsistensundersökning
The aim of this master thesis is to find out how indexing of fiction works. I look at the consistency when users? choices of index words are compared with each other and I also compare users? choices to the current indexing made by libraries. I examine the subject heading list, Att indexera skönlitteratur, to find out how well it works in this particular context. The investigation included seven users who, in three steps, are creating a subject heading index of the Swedish novel Klippdockan by Cecilia Dahlheim.
Byggnadsminnesförklaring - skyddsbestämmelser, ersättning och överklagande
In this report listed buildings, according to the Swedish Heritage Conservation Act, have been studied with a focus on cases where economical compensation has been given to the owner of the building and cases where the listing of the building has been appealed by the owner. In order for a building to become listed it needs to be particularly valuable from a cultural and historical standpoint. The listed buildings are protected through a list of regulations that determines which parts of the building can or cannot be changed, what methods and materials should be used for changes and repairs, and how the building should be maintained. These regulations should as far as possible be formulated in agreement with the owner, but a building can become listed against the owners will. To decrease the damage this causes the owner he can in some cases have the right to economical compensation. There is also a possibility for the owner to appeal the listing of the building.
Informationskompetens - färdighet eller insikt? En jämförelse mellan två modeller över begreppet informationskompetens
This Master's thesis in library and information science aims to shed light on the concept of information literacy in higher education, particularly as manifested in two dissertations on the subject. Two models of information literacy are compared: Christina Doyle's list of ten attributes for students to master and Christine Bruce's seven conceptions of information literacy. The cognitive-behaviourist tradition in Doyle's study and the alternative, phenomenographic approach in Bruce's research are compared and commented. The taxonomies and internal relationship between separate components in the two models are investigated, as well as the ways the models relate to each other. The respective views of knowledge and learning are described.
Indexeringens dilemma. En analys av förutsättningarna för ämnesindexering av skönlitteratur i förhållandet mellan indexeringen och dess objekt.
This thesis analyses the conditions for subject indexing of fiction by studying the relationship between the nature of fiction and the properties of subject indexing. The analysis is founded on a reading of a recently published Swedish subject headings list and uses a theoretical framework of Adornos theory of modern reason. The study is conducted through a qualitative text analysis in three steps. In the first step the subject headings list is analysed by examining how it provides subject access to fiction by the aspects of form, frame and subject. In the second step of the analysis these aspects of subject access are analysed and discussed by relating them to relevant research of subject indexing of fiction.
Ämnesordsåtervinning av skönlitteratur: En intervjuundersökning av bibliotekariers erfarenheter
The aim of this thesis is to investigate librarians? experiences and opinions about a system for fiction retrieval based on the subject headings list Att indexera skönlitteratur. I want to know if librarians experience that subject headings searches for fiction literature are a good working tool, if there according to librarians are other resources and means that makes fiction available and searchable, and how they estimate the possibility of non-professionals to use subject headings for fiction retrieval. Six librarians at public libraries in Göteborg where interviewed. The interviews dealt with their work with fiction literature, their experiences of subject headings as a fiction retrieval tool, and with their contacts with patrons.
Analys av relationen mellan titel och musik - i ett urval av Torsten Petres pianostycken
The aim of this essay is to analyze the relationship between the title and the music in a selec-tion of piano pieces by Torsten Petre. Based on the work list, a categorization of the piano titles has been made and the categories have been named ?emotions, moods and minds?, ?na-ture?, ?mankind?, ?dances and similar titles?, ?supernatural beings, fairy creatures and popu-lar belief?, ?foreign countries and foreign culture?, ?nationalism and tradition?, ?artifacts?, and ?miscellaneous?. Two pieces from the category ?emotions, moods and minds? Skizzer för piano, third series Op.
Internprissättning : En studie av svenska företag
Begreppet ekonomistyrning innefattar många aktiviteter som i grunden handlar om att uppnå ekonomiska mål. Internprissättning är ett av dessa. När ett företag växer i storlek uppkommer ofta en diskussion om hur organisationen ska decentraliseras och vem som ska fatta beslut. Vanligt idag är att företagen decentraliseras och fler och fler beslut fattas lokalt.1967 gjordes en enkätundersökning som innefattade totalt 235 svenska företag varav bland annat alla börsnoterade. Man ville undersöka vad man i svenska företag vill åstadkomma med sin internavräkning.
Cisterciensklostrens odlingar i Sverige under medeltiden
The aim of this paperisto find out which plants the Cistercian monks might have cultivated in Sweden during the Middle Ages and which types of plants it would have been practical to grow inside or outside of the Cistercian monastery precinct. Archaeologicaland archaeobotanical studies have been consulted to find out which plants were available in Sweden during the Middle Ages. Examples, mainly from Scandinavia, but also from the continent, are used to show that the monasteries were large institutionsthat had to feed a large number of people and that there would not have been enough space to cultivate everything needed within the monastery precinct.Secondary sources have in the main been used to gather this information, except in the case of the Swedish monastery of Nydala where F-Topo, a database developed by the County Museum of Jönköping,has been used to analyse the amount of land and the types of properties owned by the monastery.The conclusion is that for practical reasons the monks would have cultivated plants that needed to be close at hand, that were rare or delicate, that could not be stored for long periods and that were used in small quantities within the monastery precinct. This would include medicinal plants, herbs for cooking and some vegetables like lettuce, spinach,and similar,that do not keep well. Most other items, grains, cabbages, root vegetables, peas and beans could equally well be cultivated outside the walls.
Selecting plant species for the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Carl von Linné at Möckelsnäs :
This report was an outcome of a cooperation between ?The Visitor and Knowledge Project Carl von Linné? and SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Science. The aim with the cooperation was to create a garden and to suggest suitable plants for an orangery already built. All species suggested should have a documented relationship with Carl von Linné. The project is located in the southern part of Sweden at an estate named Möckelsnäs not far away from Linné?s birthplace.
Vilken preferens har tjockskalig målarmussla (Unio crassus) för bottensubstrat och vattenhastighet i Storån, Östergötland?
The thick shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) has a fragmented distribution in southern Sweden. It is a threatened and protected species. In both the Swedish red list and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Unio crassus is classified as Endangered (EN). Causes for this classification are for instance differentiated bottom substrate and deterioration in water quality. In this study, habitat preferences of Unio crassus were investigated to assist in future restoration work.