

7 Uppsatser om Receipts - Sida 1 av 1

Förändrad aptering av massaved från 3- till 4-meterslängder vid gallring inom Södra : en systemanalys av effekter från avverkning till levererad virkesråvara

The costs of logging and of transportation with truck are dominating the total cost of wood delivered at industry. To support the profitability for the members' forestry the processing and handling with the timber has to be as efficient as possible. Increased length of pulpwood in thinning is one conduct that can result in higher productivity and/or lower costs. The study is scaled as a system analysis with the aim to exemplify the differences between working with 3- and 4-meter as standard length of pulpwood, related to biological aspects, timber Receipts, cost of logging and cost of transportation with truck. Important aspects are if the change is technically and biologically feasible and economically profitable.

Digitala kvitton och dess framtida tillämpningar

Consumers today leave a fragment of information when they pay with their debit and credit cards. The aim of our work is to investigate ways to design a concept of a system in which digitally stored information that today is fragmented among several different holders, can be assembled into a system and made available to consumers. In our study of how a system for financial flow of information should be designed, we intend to study the present situation and the attempts made to alter it into a more informative reality. We intend to investigate the flow of information when a consumer pays by card, and the possible solutions regarding the design and transportation of digital Receipts. A majority of the information of our digital consumption is today handled digitally.

En kvittoskannare Implementering av optisk teckenigenkänning för Android-enheter

Rapporten är ett kandidatarbete som utfördes under våren 2013 vid Institutionen för Data- och Informationsteknik, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola. I rapporten beskrivs utvecklingen av en applikation för att fotografera kvitton och med hjälp av optisk teckenigenkänning lagra informationen från dem på en smart mobiltelefon.Projektgruppen önskar tacka Sven-Arne Andreasson för den tid han lagt på att handleda projektet. Projektgruppen önskar även tacka Magnus Gustafsson och Anna-Lena Fredriksson på Avdelningen för Fackspråk och Kommunikation på Chalmers för den vägledning de gett under arbetet med rapporten..

Musikens oanade effekter - En studie om musik i dagligvarubutiker

The retail industry is complex and when it comes to the in-store environment conventional marketing tools seldom find their way. The impacts of in-store atmospherics on customers and the psychological impact the store environment has on their decision-making are rather remarkable. An in-store atmospheric that often is used in order to affect customers is music, in fact it is one of the in-store elements that has been investigated more carefully. Nevertheless, in spite several studies on music and its impact as an in-store atmospheric on customers, it is not yet obvious what applies. To bring some clarity on the subject this study is aspiring to explain what applies when it comes to playing music in grocery stores.

Price transmission dynamics of Chinese ADRs listed on the NYSE

Purpose: This study aims to examine the price transmission among ADRs (American Depositary Receipts) and their underlying shares, US market index and Hong Kong market index. We will attempt to capture how a shock in the home market is transmitted to the foreign (and vice versa). In addition we will attempt to assess the relative weight of each variable in the system generating unexpected variations of its own and other variables and at what speed the shocks are absorbed.Methodology: ADF unit root test, Johansen?s co-integration test, Granger causality test, VECM, impulse response, variance decomposition Empirical foundation: Five Chinese ADRs listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Each ADR represents a specific industry.

Svartedalens naturreservat : en social rikedom värd att utveckla!

Svartedalens nature reserve a social richness worth develop. The nature reserve of Svartedalen is an area of high biological and social values. The reserve is located close to several densely populated areas. The reserve has been classified as a national area of interest for nature conservation and outdoor life, and as a Natura 2000 area according to both the bird- and habitat directions. The reserve is the largest landarea in Västra Götaland, 3 410 hectares, where a resolution has been made about all these forms of protection. The foundation Skogssällskapet owns 1 956 hectares of the reserve, at 1 384 hectares of the property they pursue FSC-certified silver culture, according to current management plan.

Färg i slöjden : Ett medel att räkna med

Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka färgens betydelse i skolslöjden. Vi har reagerat på att färg används i begränsad omfattning dels i lärarutbildningen men även i grundskolan. Vi efterforskar förklaringar i slöjden och slöjdlärarens historia. Genom bakgrundsfakta om färg vill vi åstadkomma ett ökat intresse för användandet av traditionella färger och ett laborerande arbetssätt. Färganvändning kopplas till kursplanen i trä- och metallslöjd och tydliggörs i diskussionen.