

9046 Uppsatser om Real time PCR SYBR-green - Sida 65 av 604

?Är det alldeles säkert att jag aldrig, aldrig mera får se honom?? : En studie av hur död och sorg skildras i tre bilderböcker

The aim of this study has been to investigate how the death of a close relative is described in pictures and texts through the eyes of a child character in three picture books. The analysis has also considered how the child character copes with the tragedy and how he or she finds support in the grief process. The books analysed here are Resan till Ugri-La-Brek (1987), Farväl, Rune (1986), and Jättebra Olga! (2010). Since these are works of fiction, this study does not assume that they are an accurate reflection of reality, but the way the child characters act and cope with their grief has been compared with the findings of empirical research on how children react in real situations.The material has been examined by means of a qualitative literary analysis comparing the books according to the research questions. The study finds that the child characters receive evasive explanations from people around them concerning what death means, for instance that the person is sleeping.

Utvärdering av Transportstyrelsens flygtrafiksmodeller

The Swedish Transport Agency has for a long time collected data on a monthly basis for different variables that are used to make predictions, short projections as well as longer projections. They have used SAS for producing statistical models in air transport. The model with the largest value of coefficient of determination is the method that has been used for a long time. The Swedish Transport Agency felt it was time for an evaluation of their models and methods of how projections is estimated, they would also explore the possibilities to use different, completely new models for forecasting air travel. This Bachelor thesis examines how the Holt-Winters method does compare with SARIMA, error terms such as RMSE, MAPE, R2, AIC and BIC  will be compared between the methods. The results which have been produced showing that there may be a risk that the Holt-Winters models adepts a bit too well in a few variables in which Holt-Winters method has been adapted.

Ersättningsmodeller för ballasttransporter : vid anläggning och underhåll av skogsbilvägar

Construction and maintenance of forest truck roads are a necessary element of industrial forestry. Payment for contracting services in this context can be done according to a number of payment models. This study will focus on the methods and consequences associated with a change of Holmen Skog?s payment model from per hour to per metric ton for ballast hauling. The aim of this study is to improve the economic efficiency of Holmen Skog?s ballast hauling in construction and maintenance of forest truck roads. This is done by formulating and evaluating a proposal for a payment model based on crowns per ton.

Undersökning av elkvalitet i distributionsnät med omfattande vindkraftselproduktion

The goal for this master thesis project has been to investigate the power quality in adistribution grid, which has a high fraction of dispersed power production due towindmills. The study has been done on a grid in Laholm South of Halmstad, whereapproximately 45 windmills are connected to the distribution grid owned by SHKEnergi. The investigation has been focused on to two radialy fed 20 kV lines, wheretwelve windmills are connected.Voltage variations have been studied by creating a model of the grid in the simulationprogram SIMPOW. The largest deviation that has been found in any point of the gridis ±1.9 % of the nominal voltage. This deviation is a result of varying powergeneration from the windmills and the voltage regulation at the connection point ofthe line.

Vilka faktorer inverkar vid valet av transportföretag? : En fallstudie om företagskunders resonemang och prioriteringar vid köp av transporttjänster och val av transportföretag.

During the last couple of years the focus for many businesses have moved from just being price oriented to include such factors as quality, flexibility, service, delivery precision and environmentally friendliness. The shift in viewpoint arises from the increasingly competition on the market and the hard economic atmosphere. It has become more important to differentiate the company and its products to be able to increase market share. The purpose with this master?s thesis was to get a better understanding on how companies (customer to DHL) are reasoning and prioritizing when choosing Swedish carriers.

Designkoncept av ?toycam? : Framtagning av koncept för analog kamera

Analogue photography is something that many thought died out in the beginning of the 21?st century as a result of the digital revolution. But that?s not the case. As the digital revolution swept over the world a movement of analogue cameras, and so called toycams grew bigger.

Staden i ord och handling :

What is a city? What do we mean when we describe something as urban? In what way should we build the city so that we can achieve a good environment for our own generation and for generations to come? These questions are constantly of interest and they are frequently discussed. It is also important to have considered these questions when working with city-planning. This essay contains a description of and reflections about the recurrent questions in today?s debate about the city and city-planning.

Another time. Ett inspelningsprojekt

Denna uppsats har för avsikt att utreda begreppet Just-In-Time (JIT) och dess komponenter för att sedan försöka finna dessa i den svenska lastbilstillverkaren Scanias produktionssystem. Litteratur har bidragit med en definition av JIT som sedan har jämförts med hur Scania arbetar inom produktionen. Empiri har erhållits genom intervjuer med berörd personal samt observationer på plats i Oskarshamn och i Södertälje.För japanerna är inte Just-In-Time-tänket en ny företeelse utan det är något de har arbetat efter en längre tid. Denna uppsats har valt att utgå från Jeffrey K. Likers (2004) definition i The Toyota Way.

Nedskrivning av goodwill i svenska storbanker

Background: Sweden and the rest of the world went through the biggest financial crisis at the end of 2008 since the 1930s. The major Swedish banks have goodwill related to their acquisitions inside and outside Scandinavia. Swedbank, SEB and Nordea has acquired in the Baltic countries and Russia, however Handelsbanken has established itself in Great Britain. The crisis in the Baltic countries led that real wages fell, unemployment rose, real estate prices collapsed and the number of borrowers who had trouble repaying their loans increased rapidly. All this led to the problem of impairment of goodwill in the Swedish banks that had expanded rapidly in the Baltic countries.Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the application of IFRS 3 in Swedish banks before, during and after the financial crisis, and to investigate the low-downs in the four majorSwedish banks in 2006-2010.Completion: The study is primarily based on the case studies by the examination of the annual reports from all banks as well as evaluation of the interviews.The authors have chosen to makea strategic choice of a small number of cases through the concentration on the impairment of goodwill in the bank sector of Sweden.Results: The result of this study is that there are problems for banks in implementation of IFRS 3 in practice because of insufficient information in the banks' financial statements.Generous estimates used in the calculation of impairment testing.

En utvecklingsprocess

This is a study in my preparations for my final concert at the Academy of Music and Drama- ?????????? University. My aim is to create a plan and a schedule for my practising methods and other preparations so I will be able to perform at the top of my ability.I have studied and chosen a collection of methods that will help me prepare for my concert and at the same time develop my oboe playing. As a result, I have found an effective way for me to prepare technically on my instrument. I have also learnt and developed methods in how to focus and mentally prepare for a performance..

Leveransproblem : Ett problem vid strukturerad produktion

When building large buildings, such as compartment buildings, there is a number of deliveries arriving on the construction site daily. In order to receive these deliveries without disturbing the rest of the work going on JM often books a fixed unloading time. When doing that they can be prepared when the delivery arrives. Making sure there is a suitable unloading area, someone to meet the delivery and when needed proper machines, such as a tractor or a crane, to help unload bigger deliveries. The person receiving the delivery is supposed to make an acceptance control where they check the delivered goods making sure nothing has been damaged in transport and that they have received what they were supposed to receive.

Print quality study of a laboratory offset press

PAPRO operates within the Forest Research company and their mission is to develop value-addingindustry solutions. At present there are no good ways for mills to easily test the printing quality on newsprintpaper. There is a great need for a fast way to do this on different paper qualities; with a laboratory-offset press this can be both a time and money saving method. At PAPRO Forest Research, NewZealand, a laboratory offset press has been developed and designed, during the past seven years, concerningthis issue. Earlier projects were made concerning the press, e.g.

Röjning på snö och röjning på barmark : effekter på produktivitet och kvarvarande bestånd

Approximately 4000-5000 hectares, of SCA´s forest land area in Västerbotten, are in need of pre-commercial thinning (PCT) every year. Within the management district, the areas annually treated with PCT must increase, in order to decrease the area with an urgent need for PCT. This can be done by employing more forest workers or entrepreneurs, by mechanized PCT or by an extended season for PCT. Positive experiences from a private forest owner, who started to carry out PCT when the first snow came and then continued for several months, gave an idea to investigate the possibilities to prolong the season of PCT. The purpose of this experiment was to compare PCT carried out when there was snow on the ground with PCT performed when there was no snow on the ground.

Köparnas nöjdhet med sin fastighetsmäklare

The purpose with this exam project has been to explore how satisfied the buyers of forest land have been with their real estate broker through the transfer process. The respondents had the opportunity to rate a number of different questions around the current acquisition. A questionnaire with 19 acquisition-related questions was sent to 134 people. People who since 2008-01-01 until today, have acted as a buyer of forest land. 80 responses were achieved and the result shows that the majority of buyers have a high gathered satisfaction..

Muntligt berättande på folkbibliotekets sagostund

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to elucidate the phenomenon of storytelling and its methodology in the context of public library story-time for pre-school children. It also strives to give an insight into the functions of story-time both with regard to the storyteller and the participating children. The study is based on qualitative methods in the form of a literature analysis, observations and interviews. The interviews were undertaken with two storytellers from the same library who work with children up to three years old and children aged between four and six years. The result of the study suggests that storytelling is more appropriate than reading aloud in situations when large groups of children are involved.

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