

9046 Uppsatser om Real time PCR SYBR-green - Sida 5 av 604

Regional utvecklingsplanering och grönstruktur : en studie av de gröna kilarna i Stockholms län

The aim of the thesis is to analyze the role of regional development planning concerning a regional perspective of green structure and to reflect on its future role. The target group of the study is foremost practitioners but also students of regional planning and development. Three questions are examined. 1) What view concerning green structure has the regional planning body of Stockholm County Council (RTK) communicated through the years? 2) Has this view contributed to generating a common understanding concerning green structure among the actors in the county? 3) Has this common understanding been referred to by actors in discussions concerning how this green structure should develop? The empirical material consists of documents from rtk, the County Administrative Board, the municipalities of the county, a network of ngo:s, as well as interviews with representatives from the above mentioned organizations.

Grönt perspektiv på planering! : ortsanalys med grönt perspektiv, exemplet Örkelljunga

Often, the green is handled as an opposite to the built, but if it could be seen as a part of the built and the society, the planning will be easier to handle. The thesis work wants to create a method that treats villages in an analytic way in a context; with green, blur, grey and all the other colors that together are the completeness.This master's thesis is made to be used as foundation in detail plannng in the municipality of Örkelljunga. Target audience is on one hand those who work with planning and green matters in Örkelljunga municipality, but also other planners who work with landscape.Literature in the field of green city planning has been studied and 30 methods for analysis have been valued. The method for analysis that has been used in this work is a merging of ten different methods and has included literature studies, sketches, interviews and work on spot. The ten methods are consciously chosen to together make one comprehensive and true image of the village, as far as it is possible.

Beslutsprocesser i fastighetsbolag vid energiinvesteringar

Municipal Real Estate Companies runs by a political boarder who makes decisions in large investments. In some cases the municipal counter have to take the decisions about big and expensive investments. A successful investment needs to be built on solid ground.Media has lately focused on energy topics as a part of the environmental discussion and the real estate companies tries to use the new technology that the market has provided. Energy investments in new buildings are not longer a small part of the energy saving program. Long-term investment demands needs large knowledge and awareness about the energy topics that have recently grown in the municipal real estate companies.

Interactive Visualization of Statistical Data using Multidimensional Scaling Techniques

This study has been carried out in cooperation with Unilever and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. In areas of statistics and image processing, both the amount of data and the dimensions are increasing rapidly and an interactive visualization tool that lets the user perform real-time analysis can save valuable time. Real-time cropping and drill-down considerably facilitate the analysis process and yield more accurate decisions. In the Smartdoc project, there has been a request for a component used for smart filtering in multidimensional data sets. As the Smartdoc project aims to develop smart, interactive components to be used on low-end systems, the implementation of the self-organizing map algorithm proposes which dimensions to visualize.

Analys av QoS i mellanvaran Meteor

This thesis is closely related to the Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive System(DySCAS) project. DySCAS is a middleware for electronics in an automotive system. Thethesis work has been performed in cooperation with ENEA. Parts of the demonstrationplatform Self configurable High Availability and Policy based platform for Embeddedsystem (SHAPE) developed for the DySCAS project by ENEA have been used in theimplementation phase of this master thesis.The goal of this thesis was to evaluate how the Meteor MW, an offspring of the DySCASmiddleware, should handle QoS and to design a Quality of Service Manager (QoSM) for theMeteor MW that fulfilled hard real-time requirements. The thesis also had the objectiveof analysing and identifying the requirements on such a QoSM from a QoS perspective.Specifically the requirements to guarantee real-time support for applications running onthe MW.

IAS 40 : Verkligt värde -vs- Anskaffningsvärde

1 January 2005 came the new reconstructed version of IAS 40. It came to compensate the earlier ÅRL and FAR who was applied within the European Union. These new standards came to be called as IAS/IFRS. The standards? are supposed to make sure that the differences between the different countries won?t be so split.

Female empowerment genom trädplantering: Hur Green Belt Movement har skapat förutsättningar för demokratisering i Kenya

Den här uppsatsen behandlar kopplingen mellan female empowerment och demokratisering. Med utgångspunkt i en maximalistisk definition av demokrati, hävdas att female empowerment är en nödvändig förutsättning för att en demokratiseringsprocess ska kunna lyckas.I uppsatsen analyseras den kenyanska miljöorganisationen Green Belt Movement:s arbete utifrån teorier om female empowerment. Kvinnor i Kenya är traditionellt underordnade männen och saknar inflytande och möjligheter att styra över sina egna liv. Inom Green Belt Movement har kvinnor fått en ledande roll och givits möjligheten att påverka sin situation. Analysen slår fast att organisationen har lyckats skapa female empowerment i flera aspekter bland de kvinnor som är aktiva i dess verksamhet.

Optimization and validation of a triplex real-time PCR assay for thermotolerant Campylobacter species associated with foodborne disease

The genus Campylobacter is globally recognised as the leading bacterial cause of human foodborne gastroenteritis. Every year around 8000 Swedes are infected by Campylobacter. Most people are infected by thermotolerant Campylobacter species, commonly C. jejuni and C. coli.

Grön kemi och hållbar utveckling : Laborationsdesign för gymnasium och högskola

This thesis is about sustainability within chemistry, the so-called, green chemistry. With this work  I seek to combine green chemistry with sustainable  development  and find methods for teaching green chemistry in a laboratory environement.  I have designed  and tested two labs with ingredients of green  chemistry and sustainable development in my study. I wanted to determine if my design model  leads to conception for the students. The students have through forms and interviews declared their perspective on the education and their conception. In a laboratory environment the pros of a laboratory way of work should be recognized.

Finansiell analys med avseende på risk: En studie av svenska fastighetsbolag

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the status of Swedish real estate companies in terms of financial health and risk of financial distress. The background is the ongoing financial crisis, which partly can be derived from the American real estate sector. Publicly available accounting information from 16 listed real estate companies has been analyzed for a period of one year using financial ratios covering both the operational and financial activities. We find that the deceleration in the economy and in the real estate sector have forced the real estate companies to make large write downs, in line with the relatively new accounting rules, IFRS. Write downs are likely to reoccur during the following periods and real estate companies will therefore probably be forced to continue to show negative results.

Energiåtervinning : av kompressorkylvattnet

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Gröna lösningar - en fallstudie av aktuell teknik för energieffektivitet för Skanska Sverige ab 

ur society is today in a phase of development in environmental and sustainable thinking. Alarming reports show changes in climate caused by our load and exhaust of resources. The energy usage contributes to a big part of it, by its emission of carbon dioxide. The built environment uses around 40 % of the total energy consumption in Sweden and requests to strongly reduce it are presented from both EU and national level.This thesis brings up the subject of green building with a focus on how we can create more energy efficient buildings in projects of new construction. Since the construction industry today often fails to pass on the knowledge between different projects, as a return of experiences, the construction company Skanska suggested the topic for this thesis.

Produktionsplaneringsrutiner för manuella svetsresurser

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Intern logistikgenomgång av nuvarande tillverkningsorganisation

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Produktpackning : framtagning av ny layout

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

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