

9046 Uppsatser om Real time PCR SYBR-green - Sida 25 av 604

Gestaltning av boendelandskapet i gränsen mellan stad och land : exemplet Norränga i Lund

This is a 20 credit Master thesis within the landscape architecture education at the Institute for Landscape Planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at Alnarp. Norränga is situated on the fringe of the city of Lund, east of the existing district of Linero.The city planning office of Lund municipality has come up with a ?in-depth comprehensive plan? for the exploatation of the eastern area of Lund. The plan concerns an area of 1035 square kilometre which contains at least 1500 nya buildings, two schools, primaryschools, stores and bus station for local bus traffic and the new bus line - Lundalänken. The townplan is inspired from the historical Square block city with defined street system. The municipality has visions of what the green areas should consist of.

Time efficiency in a product development process

Purpose: We wish to gain a deep knowledge about product development processes in relation to the aspect of time in companies in highly technological and rapidly changing markets. The purpose is to establish how organizations better can employ time as a resource to make the product development process more efficient. Conclusions: Information we gathered from theory and primary data show that information flow, synchronization and time profit when seeing time in three dimensions are factors which should be reflected in the architecture of a product development process. To illustrate our findings, we decided to create a model..

Investeringsprocesser i kommunalägda bostadsbolag : En studie om lagen om allmännyttiga bostadsaktiebolags påverkan på investeringsprocessen.

Bachelor thesis in Business administration, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Controller, 2FE13E, spring semester 2014Title: Capital budgeting in Municipal-real estate companies - A study of the law of public housing company impact on capital budgeting.Authors: Axel Erlandsson, Caroline Hellman and Niklas LundqvistTutor: Anders JerrelingBackground: Municipal owned real estate companies  has in the past been obliged to take responsibility for providing housing to Swedish municipal inhabitants. Municipal owned real estate company?s has in the past been prohibited to act in profit purpose. In January 2011 the previous law of public housing was replaced with the new law on public municipal housing companies. The municipality may not provide the municipal owned company with any financial advantages against a private owned real estate company.

En tidsseriestudie av varviga sjösediment fra?n Kassjön

This thesis aims to analyse a time series containing the annual accumulation rate of minerogenic matter in the lake Kassjo?n. First there is a theoretical survey of some frequently used tools for the analysis of time series in the time domain and in the frequency domain. This survey is followed by a simulation study that illustrates how the theoretical tools work in practice. After this, the time series "toolbox" is used to analyse the time series from Kassjo?n (5701 data points).

Real växelkurs och direktinvesteringar

Uppsatsens titel: Real växelkurs och direktinvesteringar- En studie av direktinvesteringar på branschnivå till och ifrån Sverige Ämne: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds Universitet Författare: Nils-Olof Jönsson och Martin Johansson Handledare: Niclas Andrén Nyckelord: Direktinvesteringar, real växelkurs, internationell produktion Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera ifall om lokaliserings-, internationaliserings- och ägandeskapsfördelar framkallade av valutakursförändringar styr direktinvesteringar till och ifrån Sverige. Metod: Undersökningen bygger på en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. En nollhypotes och en mothypotes kommer att ställas upp och sedan prövas. Data som vi studerar utgörs av direktinvesteringar till och från Sverige, GDP och tre månaders statsskuldsväxlar. Tidsperioden sträcker sig från 1994 till 2003.

Säljarnas val av mäklare : vid försäljning av lantbruksfastigheter i Skåne län

A favourable economic situation in Sweden has lead to a very good market for agricultural real estates. The estate agents? ads in the daily newspapers, where they actively are seeking assignments, give a hint that the supply is smaller than the demand for agricultural real estates. This situation ends up in a competition between real estate agents to get as many assignments as possible to meet the demand from the market. Describing and explaining the sellers? decision process may give a specific agent an advantage towards other agents.

Att leva grönt är skönt ? men tänker vi likadant? : En retorisk analys av Coop som grönt företag

The purpose of this study is to examine a brand?s green marketing and its consumers? perception of it in order to compare these views. The idea is to find a potential gap and what effect it may have on the brand. A case study has therefore been made with the grocery market brand Coop with focus on organic food. The material used consists of texts from Coop?s website to represent their brand.

MMORPG & färdighetsbaserade lootsystem : Real-cash i en virtuell värld?

Massiva multispelar onlinerollspel (MMORPG) är idag en välutvecklad industri. Det finns även ett fåtal vars ekonomi och loot är baserade på riktiga pengar. Loot är de föremål en spelare kan erhålla genom att t.ex. döda monster och ett lootsystem är de interna mekanismer som hanterar hur loot distribueras i ett spel. Lotterilagen och Lotteriinspektionen reglerar vad som är ett lotteri i Sverige, om ett spel är slumpbaserat och spelaren eller spelarna kan vinna mer än de satsar, så måste arrangören få en licens utfärdad.

Separation av två klasser av åtta-dimensionella reella divisionsalgebror

This thesis aims to analyse a time series containing the annual accumulation rate of minerogenic matter in the lake Kassjo?n. First there is a theoretical survey of some frequently used tools for the analysis of time series in the time domain and in the frequency domain. This survey is followed by a simulation study that illustrates how the theoretical tools work in practice. After this, the time series "toolbox" is used to analyse the time series from Kassjo?n (5701 data points).

"Real men do not eat grass!"-

Grönsakskonsumtion hos arbetsklassmän sett ur ett genus- och klassperspektiv..

Drivkrafter och barriärer för Green supply chain management inom offentliga organisationer

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the driving forces and barriers which may exist at the implementation of green supply chain management (GSCM) within public organizations. Suggestions that may increase or reduce driving forces and barriers to public activities will also be provided, where such is found. The background of the study is that the public sector is such a major customer for many companies / providers, which makes the sector able to highly affect its suppliers. This essay is based on literature studies. The results showed that GSCM is a relatively unexplored area, especially applied on the public sector.

Development of green space in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

In Dar es Salaam, as in many cities in developing countries, green areas are decreasing due to the fact that the growth of buildings, infrastructure and services has become a priority. As the population increases more buildings and infrastructure are needed and much of the building activity takes the form of uncontrolled settlements, which encroaches the public green space. Dar es Salaam has approximately three million inhabitants, of which about 70 percent are living in informal settlements. The aim with this study is to make a design proposal for a park and recreation area where the Msimbazi river basin in the centre of Dar es Salaam is today. The basin consist of a few playing fields, footpaths and some urban farming, but apart from this it mostly consists of unused grasslands, swamps and forests. Because it is an unsafe place and badly connected to the rest of the city infrastructure, it has become a barrier. The annual flood combined with the constant still shallow water creates a good breading ground for malaria mosquitoes.

Doften av ?Kvinna? : Symbolik och begär i Zolas Nana

An analysis of Zolas Nana focusing on male desire. Through a study of the narrtive structure and the polemic relation between the concepts of ?Nature? and ?Culture? it is shown that opposing ideologies are imbedded in the text. Nana is a symbolic character, in large, a myth created by male desire that eventually becomes a manifestation of that desire. At the same time, however, the character Nana evolves from being a mirrored image of male desire into a more stable and real individual and this process is also an answer to when and why she dies,underlining the fact that she initially was a creation emanating from male desire and in losing those symbolic functions she loses her function in the novel..

Utvärdering av Capcals förmåga att beräkna framkomlighet

Performance of an intersection affects the total travel time in a traffic network. An intersection with good performance can easily be described by its contribution to lower travel time than in a comparable intersection. The travel time is of importance in the cost calculations when a specific intersection is to be chosen and designed. It is important to be able to make correct and precise performance calculations so that the cost calculations will not be incorrect. For that purpose the software Capcal, which is a traffic model for intersection analysis on performance, is used in Sweden.

Design av PID-regulator baserad på kommersiell processormodul

The idea to develop  a platform for a PID-controller came from the need to control the temperature in  an espresso machine in a more exact way than a thermostat could perform. In discussions with Syntronic AB the idea developed into PID-control for industrial use. Syntronic AB suggested that the platform should be based on a commercially available processor module to shorten the development time. The suggestion included the use of the microcomputer Raspberry Pi, which supports USB, HDMI, memory card and Ethernet.The work began with establishing a schedule for the 10 weeks of the projects duration, and after that a system specification listing all functions, implementation and limitations was made. When the foundation of the system specification was done, a preliminary system design took shape.Because of the Raspberry Pi´s lack of Analog-to-Digital converter, a circuit board containing Wheatstone bridges, differential amplifiers and a two channel Analog-to-Digital converter was fabricated.

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