

2114 Uppsatser om Real estate statistics - Sida 9 av 141

Motiv och värdering vid köp av skogs- och lantbruksfastigheter i Västerbotten

The study has been done on behalf of and in cooperation with LRF Konsult. The purpose of the study was to try to find out how forest estate buyers valuated different parts of the estate at the time of the purchase and to see if it was possible to identify different trends between different kinds of purchasers. The study is delimited to Västerbotten County and all the purchases were made thru LRF Konsult. The background of the study is that the forest estate purchasers are paying more and more for the forest estates. The prices are often much higher than the net present value which means that they are paying for something more than just the timber value. The study is made with a questionnaire mailed to one hundred forest estate purchasers. Answers got returned from 48 of them.

Säkrare budgivning med ny fastighetsmäklarlag?

Mäklarbranschen har varit omskriven i media de senaste åren och förra året presenterades det nya lagförslaget på en ny fastighetsmäklarlag. I dag finns det ingen lag som reglerar mäklarens skyldighet att uppvisa budgivningslista efter avslutad budgivning. Dock säger det nya lagförslaget: ?En fastighetsmäklare ska vara skyldig att dokumentera budgivningsprocessen och att överlämna dokumentationen till köparen och säljaren när överlåtelseavtalet är slutet, den ska också syfta till att hindra mäklaren att presentera luftbud och därigenom pressa upp priset.? Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på om lagförslaget kommer att resultera i tryggare budgivningar. Vi vill även ta reda på hur mäklarna ställer sig till budgivningsförfarandet i den nya lagen samt om deras förtroende kommer att stiga hos presumtiva köpare.

Osäkerheten i ombyggnationsprojekt : Case Study av ombyggnation av Praktikertjänst huvudkontor

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

God vardagsmiljö på Ringön - Att integrera ett industriområde i staden på verksamheternas villkor

This report is about Swedish statistics on work related accidents and work related diseases onboard Swedish ships. The authors analyzed collected statistics from two authorities and an insurance organization in an attempt to compare the data. In order to understand the need for statistics and why the authority publishes them; minor literature study was conducted. The results of the literature study are in the background chapter. The requirements for the different cases to be registered in the statistics have been investigated, in unity with the issue in question.

Ägande av hyresbostäder i Sverige : Marknadstrender under perioden 2006 ? 2012

The real estate industry is a sector where the companies generally have a capital structure which is high leveraged. The financing? with the related terms ? is therefore specifically of high importance for the companies in the sector. Traditionally, the way of obtain financing is by borrowing from the bank. Lately, due to new bank regulations, the banks have become more restrictive in their lending which have lead to a growth of other financing alternatives.

Finanskrisens påverkan på fastighetsbolagens finansiering : Alternativa finansieringslösningar

Denna uppsats behandlar hur fastighetsbolagens finansiering har utvecklats efter finanskrisen, hur finanskrisen specifikt har påverkat fastighetsbolagens finansieringsverksamhet samt i vilken utsträckning fastighetsbolagen har börjat använda alternativa finansieringssätt i sin verksamhet. Detta ämne är intressant då finanskrisen har haft en stor inverkan på det ekonomiska klimatet världen över vilket också inkluderar de svenska fastighetsbolagen och de svenska bankerna.Uppsatsen kombinerar en kvantitativ undersökning av alla svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolagskapitalstrukturer med en kvalitativ undersökning bestående av ett antal intervjuer medrepresentanter från flera fasighetsbolag och banker.Den kvantitativa undersökningen visar att det skett stora förändringar i fastighetsbolagensfinansiering. Användningen av alternativa finansieringssätt, såsom preferensaktier, obligationer,MTN- och Certifikatsprogram har blivit vanligare i fastighetsbolagen. En stor anledning till detta är att bankerna i många fall har velat begränsa sin utlåning till fastighetsbolagen samtidigt som kreditmarginalerna har ökat på grund av bland annat högre kapitaltäckningskrav för bankerna.Utvecklingen av fastighetsbolagens finansiering kommer fortsätta framöver och alternativa finansieringssätt kommer i större utsträckning användas som komplement till banklån och stamaktiekapital..


As a result of increased property prices on apartment buildings in Halmstad many local investors thinks that the market behaves illogical. This because these investors can?t find any profitability in many real estate transactions. The valuation between different investors on the same object therefore goes their separate ways. One example of this is a property in central Halmstad which starting price was about 23 million SEK.

Vad är bakgrunden till utländska investerares intresse av den svenska fastighetsmarknaden? : Why are foreign investors interested in the Swedish real estate market?

Den svenska marknaden för kommersiella fastigheter är het och har varit det under lång tid. Bland annat konstateras i en undersökning från revisionsbolaget Pricewaterhouse Coopers och Urban Land Institute att Stockholm, efter London och Paris, just nu rankas som Europas tredje mest attraktiva stad för utländska investerare att köpa och äga fastigheter i.Detta väckte vår nyfikenhet att konkretisera de faktorer som kan ha lett fram till att utländska fastighetsinvesterare attraheras av den svenska fastighetsmarknaden.Genom att vända oss till företag med stor inblick i de förhållanden som råder på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden fick vi intervjusvar från fem representanter.Arbetet med teorin gjorde att vi förväntade oss ett visst svar men intervjuerna gav oss ett helt annat resultat. Denna uppsats belyser många faktorer som gör Sveriges fastighetsmarknad lättillgänglig. Dock påvisar vår studie att framförallt transparensen och likviditeten på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden är det som gör den så intressant för utländska investerare.Transparensen på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden, som är en stor konkurrensfördel på den globala marknaden, hotas av skattetekniska konstruktioner. Att inte förlora denna fördel på den internationella investeringsmarknaden är ett problem som måste lösas.

Green Building : Ett företags energieffektiviseringsarbete i ett byggprojekt samt de krav som ställs för att få byggnaden Green Building klassad.

The examination has been performed at Bjerking AB, which is an architectural and engineering company. Bjerking AB has the ambition to be a member of Green Building.The Green Building program developed in year 2005 by The European Commission, the program is an environmental system with the aim to improving energy efficiency within the sectors of non-residential buildings. The minimum requirements to participate the program are following: in new-built buildings the calculated energy consumption must be 25 % lower than the requirements in the BBR (Building regulations) and in refurbishment the reduction must be 25 % lower than before the optimization.The aim of this study has been to examine and review the company Bjerking AB's energy efficiency work in the project of building the school/kindergarten S:ta Maria Alsike, where the goal is to get this building Green Building classed. A description of requirements to become a member of the Green Building has also accomplished in the thesis.The methods performed in this study are literature review, searches on the Internet, studies on the project database for facts/values, calculation of energy consumption and interviews of members of the Green Building. The following issues have been dealt with in the report;-          Did the building in the project manage the requirement to achieve an   energy consumption that is 25% lower than the requirements in BBR?-          What technical measures/system was selected in the building?-          What kind of cooperation was the project based on?-          What is required for consultancy companies and real estate owners to become members of the Green Building?The study of the project and calculation of estimated energy consumption in the building, give the result 47 kWh/m2, year.

Tillförlitlighet för automatiska sprinkleranläggningar - en analys av befintlig statistik

In this report statistics concerning the reliability of sprinkler systems from seven countries has been analysed. The objective of the report has been to determine the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden and to present suggestions on measures to increase the reliability. The main conclusion that has been drawn is that the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden is 92 percent according to the analysis of Swedish statistics, and that this figure finds support in statistics from other countries. Further results are that the quality of design, installation, maintenance and inspection of sprinkler has to be improved and that the Swedish incident report has to be revised..

Kringtjänster för fastighetsmäklare

The amendment of a law which is expected to come may well have a significant impact on the Swedish real-estate broke market. The law change will probably have an effect in the number of ways real-estate brokers will compete as a result of the increasing variety of services offered. In order to gain competitive advantages brokers must be at the forefront in the development regarding the changing market. To do so requires that the company chooses an appropriate range of peripheral services that are profitable. The problem is to choose the ?right? services to convey. The purpose of this paper is to describe the services that are in demand for transmission and how the agents can work to meet the demand of this new market.

Arbetsrelaterad stress hos fastighetsmäklare : En analys av i vilken utsträckning olika variabler är stressande i fastighetsmäklaryrket

I vårt arbete har vi analyserat vilka variabler som är mer eller mindre stressande i yrket som fastighetsmäklare. De variabler vi valt att undersöka är faktorer inneboende i arbetet, roll i organisationen, karriärutveckling, relationer på arbetet, organisationsstruktur och klimat samt utomorganisatoriska källor till stress. Sammanlagt medverkade 426 fastighetsmäklare från 8 olika fastighetsmäklarföretag i en enkätundersökning. Resultaten har sedan analyserats med hjälp av ett flertal olika statistiska analyser. Resultatet från undersökningen innebär en revision av de tidigare sex variablerna till fyra nya: organisationsklimat, ansvar, tid och händelser i livet.

Vad säger statistik om arbetslöshet? : En analys av den offentliga debattenom arbetslösheten i Sverige inför valet 2005

This essay examines the public debate concerning the unemployment of Sweden just before the general election 2005. Its main purpose is to analyse what lies behind the huge differences in statistics, as presented by the two leading factions in the debate. It concludes that these differences are foremost a problem of semantics, and that although the two factions have statistical proof of their claims, it is their use of terminology that is in fact their main weapon in the debate.The key word here is the swedish word for employment ? sysselsättning ? which the two facitons use in entirely different ways, creating a lot of possabilities for interpretation. This has caused a type of debate which is actually about the reinterpretation this word, and those who are to be included in the statistics as being ?sysselsatt?, therefore, it is semantics that affects the number of unemployed people in the statistics..

Risk förknippad med outsourcing inom fastighetsförvaltning

This study?s purpose is to identify and analyse the risk associated with outsourcing of services within real estate management. Completing this study I have used the method induction with qualitative personal interviews. A number of risks are identified, however, the advantages of outsourcing generally dominate over disadvantages. The companies studied are generally able to handle the risks associated with outsourcing..

Bankers syn på ändringar av aktiekapital, revisionsplikt och redovisning : En fallstudie av svenska storbanker i Karlstads kommun

The amendment of a law which is expected to come may well have a significant impact on the Swedish real-estate broke market. The law change will probably have an effect in the number of ways real-estate brokers will compete as a result of the increasing variety of services offered. In order to gain competitive advantages brokers must be at the forefront in the development regarding the changing market. To do so requires that the company chooses an appropriate range of peripheral services that are profitable. The problem is to choose the ?right? services to convey. The purpose of this paper is to describe the services that are in demand for transmission and how the agents can work to meet the demand of this new market.

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