

2114 Uppsatser om Real estate statistics - Sida 42 av 141

Kostnadsutjämningen inom Barnomsorgen i Sverige - en diskriminantanalys

Sweden?s District councils and Country councils are in itself to a large extent responsible for the state financed welfare. Because of this, Sweden has a contribution- and adjustment system. The reason for this system is to create equal chance, for all District councils and Country councils, to be able to give the citizens service independently of their income and non-influential structural differences. The adjustment is built upon the so-called standard cost method, which contains four different parts.

EG-domstolen:roll och funktion i en utvidgad europeisk union

The European Court of Justice, the ECJ, has the governing function in the Union as a guardian of law and justice. Even today, with a Union of 15 memberstates, statistics show that the ECJ and the Court of First Instance have increasing difficulties in fulfilling their tasks. This situation is chiefly a cause of an increasing number of cases raised. Due to this, profound changes have to be made in order to preserve common lawagreements in a future expansion of the Union. The purpose of this paper is to exam which changes the Courts have to make in order to meet an increased amount of cases that an enlarged Union would mean..

Grönare konsumtion : Hur konsumerar deltagare i MiljöVarDag projektet idag?

The way we socialize today is radically different from how it was only twenty years ago. Since the arrival of the Internet more and more of what we know about the lives of our friends comes from text-based social networks, or blogs. This means that we all, more or less, have become authors of our own life stories and that the reality we live in have become fictionalized. In this paper I explore what effects this postmodern process of dissolving boundaries has had on the autobiographical genre, where the line between fiction and reality is traditionally stressed. By analysing Carina Rydberg?s (b.

Evaluation of an automated multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for rapid detection of Influenza A and B viruses

Influenza is a viral infection that affects global health and economy with its endemic and sometimes pandemic spread. Rapid detection of Influenza viruses enables antiviral use and can bring financial savings. It is also essential for the global surveillance of prevalent Influenza strains. RT-PCR is considered the most specific and sensitive method for detection of Influenza, but Influenza mutates at a high rate and it is therefore crucial that RT-PCR methods are updated regularly.In 2014, Cepheid released their Xpert Flu/RSV XC assay, which can detect Influenza A and B and RSV by multiplex RT-PCR in approximately one hour. The aim of this study was to evaluate this assay at Laboratoriemedicin Västernorrland by using the laboratory?s previous PCR assay for detection of Influenza viruses as reference method.Real-time RT-PCR was used to compare Xpert Flu/RSV XC to the reference method.

Ledarskap och personalomsättning inom mäklarföretag med franchisestruktur : kan HRM bidra till minskad personalomsättning?

SyfteVi vill undersöka om och beskriva hur Human Resource Management kan bidra till minskad personalomsättning inom franchisedrivna fastighetsmäklarorganisationer. Huvudfrågor:Hur upplever anställda och före detta anställda fastighetsmäklare att personalomsättning påverkar branschen och deras arbetssituation?Hur skulle en mer omfattande organisationsstyrning med inriktning på HRM kunna minska personalomsättning inom fastighetsmäklarorganisationer styrda enligt franchisestruktur?MetodI arbetet hålls ett Hermeneutiskt synsätt. Ämnet personalomsättning och dess orsaker har tidigare behandlats i uppsatser som berör fastighetsmäklarbranschen och vi ser vårt arbete som en vidareutveckling i denna fråga. För att få en uppfattning om hur medarbetare ser på ledarskap och personalomsättning, används den kvalitativa intervjumetoden.Resultat & SlutsatsDe svar som framkom av intervjuerna med anställda och före detta anställda, visar att det finns en stark oro för personalomsättningen inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Detta påverkar anställda mäklares redan höga arbetsbelastning.

Konsumentens dilemma : ekologiskt eller konventionellt?

A majority of Swedish consumers have a positive attitude towards organic production and the number of organic products on the market is increasing. Despite these positive trends, there are still relatively few consumers who choose to buy organic produced products. According to statistics, only 3% of the total sales of food consist of organic products. The aim with this essay is to understand what is needed, both from the grocery store and the consumer's point of view, to increase the consumption of organic food. Information has been collected partly through questionnaire with consumers and partly through analysis of sales statistics for a selected numbers of products. Then the empirical material have been analysed in the light of a combination of the Behavioural Perspective Model (Foxell, 1997) and Kotler's Four P:s (Kotler, 2002). Consumer's willingness to buy organic products is influenced by a number of different factors. One important thing is if the grocery store offers a behaviour setting that stimulates the consumers positive attitude and facilitates their possibilities to collect new information. Furthermore, the store needs to offer a broad and well-visualised selection of organic products.

Logistikfastigheter i Stockholms län - En analys av värdeinverkande faktorer

In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.

Avveckling av tomträtter

In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.

Patienters livssituation och vårdkostnad

The purpose of this paper is to test a procedure that would be useful for a certain, more final purpose. Assume that you want to know if the differences in the result of a certain effort in health care have any connection with differences between the life situations of the patients. This would be easier to investigate if the life situations of the patients had connection to the easily available variable Health Care Cost (in Swedish VK). In that case the searching for connections between VK of patient groups and the result of health care efforts would be sufficient to gain knowledge of possible connection between health care efforts and life situations. Thus that is the final purpose.

Utbilda och forska är vi bra på - men att samverka? : En kritisk studie av Högskolan i Gävle och den tredje uppgiften

The cooperation between university and industry life in the region of Gävle is always a topic of importance. University and High schools have various roles to fulfill: except administrating the training and supporting research they should also - as a third role - contribute to cooperation between organizations, business companies and other associations. In addition to that, they should support individuals by local as well as regional development. The purpose of our paper is to make a critical review of the cooperation between the University of Gävle (HiG) and industry life until today and the consequences in order to encourage students to stay in the Gävle region during and after their period of studies.Initial we started with a preliminary inquiry with a questionnaire as a base for students in three programs at the Department of Economy; the program for Bachelor of Science, the program for estate agent and another economy program with direction estate economy. From this preliminary inquiry we got the picture of the way the students looked at the problem.

A foreign aid dilemma : a study of budget support versus project aid

Foreign aid is a very debated and controversial topic. The most recent studies have focused more on GDP growth and foreign aid correlation, however not much of the debate has focused on what kind of foreign aid should be given. The most common foreign aid is budget support, often a bilateral funds transfer between two countries. This kind of foreign aid can be both conditional and unconditional from the donors? perspective.

Kvällens sista beställning: från Kungsgatan till akuten : En studie om effekten av Ansvarsfull alkoholservering på krogvåldet i centrala Karlstad

This thesis represents my individual final research in Societal Risk Management. The aim of the study is to research whether the method called Responsible Beverage Serving has had the desired effect of diminished alcohol-related violence in Karlstad City, after its implementation into the ordinary operational agenda for Karlstad district in the county of Wermland. According to the method, the alcohol-related damages as well as alcohol-related violence in a society can be reduced by refusing to serve minors and clients who are excessively intoxicated.In order to be able to reach the aim of the thesis, the subsequent questions must be answered;Has excessive drinking reduced in the bars and clubs in Karlstad City?Has it become more difficult for minors to be served alcohol in the bars and clubs in Karlstad City?Has the police reported amount of assaults outdoors diminished regarding the alcohol-related violence in Karlstad City?This research is an intervention study and uses a quasi-experimental design. The intervention itself is the method called Responsible Beverage Serving.

Skyddsvillkor för areella näringar i 3 kap. FBL: En rättfallsstudie

In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.

Erfarenhetsåterföring i praktiken : En studie vid Jernhusen AB

This examination has been made in cooperation with Jernhusen which is an estate company owned by the government, with estates along the railways in Sweden. This assignment is to help Jernhusens business area Projektfastigheter with their experience feedback, which is to-day almost absent. Business area Projektfastigheter has the task of supporting Jernhusens three other business areas with skills and resources for the estate projects that Jernhusen runs. Jernhusen must become stronger with the collecting of experiences and as a business because of the liberalization of the railways, which leads to a more competitive market. A tool for this is successful experience feedback.The concept of experience feedback is to gain experience across a variety of cases, where individuals and/or groups can chose situations with relevant similarities and differences with current case.

Argument bakom valet av affärssystem

Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera de argument ochfaktorer som ligger till grund för valet av ett specifiktstandardsystem, hos några utvalda företag. I uppsatsenpresenteras teorier kring de effekter ett standardiserataffärssystem kan ha för påverkan på en verksamhet, samten redogörelse för SIV-metoden. Teorierna som presenterasär till för att ge nödvändiga bakgrundsfakta kringaffärssystem. Den insamlade empirin från respondenternahar resulterat i sju kategorier av argument, till varför deintervjuade företagen valt ett specifikt affärssystem..

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