

2114 Uppsatser om Real estate statistics - Sida 22 av 141

Bootstrap som hjälpmedel att öka noggrannheten och bedöma precisionen vid probitregression, med tillämpning på hörselmätningar

In many biomedical contexts, e. g. when evaluating hearing disorders, the data obtained can be described as pairs (x1, y1), ?, (xn, yn) where x is a quantitative variable and y a 0/1 variable whose probability of taking the value 1 is a monotonic function of x. One way of analysing such data is to perform probit regression; thereby two parameters, b0 (= the constant) and b1 (= the slope) are estimated; the interest centres around m = -b0/b1, i.

Svinnoptimering VTIS1

The goals of this Bachelors? Thesis were to establish the production loss through the VTIS1 Pasteur at Arla Foods Linköping dairy and then suggest simple but effective solutions to minimize the losses for each production run. If the timeframe allowed it, some of the solutions would be implemented and tested in full production to determine their impact on economic and environmental savings.The very first step of this project was to establish the statistics over what losses there is in the production pipeline through VTIS1, from milk and powders in mixer tanks to finished and packed products in cold storage. Then, when knowing how much product was actually lost and where, those bottlenecks could be pinpointed and examined more closely. At this stage the focus was switched, from the otherwise complicated and broad manufacturing process, to the VTIS1-aggregate, since early data indicated there were quite substantial losses there.In conjunction with this project Arla Foods purchased an absorption photometer-measuring device (OPTEK AS16) that could be inserted straight into the product stream out of VTIS1, allowing real time measurements of its optical density.

Strategier för positionering av kontorslokaler

The report aims to examine how property owners position themselves to reach their targetmarket, and which strategies they use when positioning their product. The investigation has beencarried out mainly in the form of a case study in which a number of interviews with Stockholmreal estate companies has been conducted, focusing on commercial property market segment.The interviews have resulted in identification of common and specific strategies among thecompanies. These strategies have been analyzed in the light of the theory by Philip Kotler andKevin Lane Keller, focusing on how an offer should be designed to reach a competitive position.It can be concluded that positioning is a key activity for successfully addressing the targetmarket. Successful positioning mandates three key requirements to be met; determining thecategory to which the offer belongs, identifying similarities and differences compared to thecompetitors and developing a brand mantra. The result of the case study concludes that theproperty companies work similar in many ways.

Förfoganderättsinskränkningar vid fastighetsöverlåtelse : med fokus på överlåtelseförbud i onerösa avtal

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if a transfer restriction in a conveyance of real property for consideration is legally binding. In doctrine the legal situation is described as unclear. It will also be investigated if the restriction is binding in relation to the acquirer´s creditors and in relation to a new owner of the property.A transfer restriction in a conveyance of real property for consideration is legally binding between the parties and in relation to a new owner of the property. Even though the restriction is binding between the parties and in relation to a new owner, it is not binding in relation to the acquirer´s creditors. The Supreme Court has stated that it is a general legal principle that a transfer restriction in a conveyance for consideration is not binding in relation to the acquirer´s creditors.In this thesis it will also be argued that the legal situation is inconsequent.

?Contract-For-Difference? - en studie om den optimala faktiska marginalen

We have two aims with this thesis. The first aim is to describe CFD as a financial instrument in detail by highlighting its potentials and disadvantages. The second aim is to try to find the optimal real margin for each of the underlying stocks.We have adopted an inductive approach, combined with a quantitative method. We have worked with data and tried to come up to conclusions from the results we got.The conclusion of our thesis is that it is optimal to enter a CFD-contract with own capital covering at least 20 % of the value of the contract..

Aspect Analyzer: Ett verktyg för automatiserad exekveringstidsanalys av komponenter och aspekter

The increasing complexity in the development of a configurable real-time system has emerged new principles of software techniques, such as aspect-oriented software development and component-based software development. These techniques allow encapsulation of the system's crosscutting concerns and increase the modularity of the software. The properties of a component that influences the systems performance or semantics are specified separately in entities called aspects, while basic functionality of the property still remains in the component. When building a real-time system, different sets of configurations of aspects and components can be combined, resulting in different configurations of the system. The temporal behavior of the system changes and a way to ensure the predictability of the system is needed.

Vad är äkta countrymusik? - En genres strävan efter det genuina

The purpose of the present study has been to explore if there is an agreement between people about what to call real country music. Three Swedish people who are interested in country music have described this music by means of interviews. The interviews have been analysed and compared with literature dealing with country music, and the result of the study presents three conceptions: authenticity, simplicity and contextual comprehension. The conclusion is that there seems to be some common views about what real country music is but that these conceptions are not defined in exactly the same way by different people..

Arkitektonisk kvalitet med fokus på skönhet ? En fallstudie av hyresgästers betalningsvilja för skönhet i Garnisonen

In the Real Estate market there are a large number of commercial properties with offices. As acompany or business you are faced with many decisions when choosing your office space.This bachelor thesis examines the concept of architectural quality with focus on beauty and itsvalue for office tenants. The ambition is to find out if beauty is a decisive factor in theselection of office and if there is a willingness to pay for it.The selected question is studied in a case study of Garnisonen where tenants, a propertyowner and an architect are interviewed, all with connection to the examination object.Garnisonen is well suited as a case study because it is Stockholm's largest office complexwith buildings from three different architectural eras. Tenants in the survey represent allarchitectural styles and have different industry affiliation.As a theoretical framework a literature study is presented where the importance of beauty forthe individual, the built environment and society are treated, and also how the office can beused for branding purposes. The interviewees? views of beauty and their opinions on beauty atwork in Garnisonen are presented in the results.

K3-regelverkets krav på komponentavskrivning : Vägen till en mer rättvisande redovisning?

Frågeställning: Vad har fastighetsföretag och revisorer för uppfattning om det nya kravet på komponentavskrivning?    - Leder det till en förbättrad redovisning sett utifrån begreppen relevans    och rättvisande bild, om så på vilket sätt?Hur påverkas redovisningen i företag inom fastighetsbranschen av det nya kravet på komponentavskrivning?Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka uppfattningar revisorer och företag inom fastighetsbranschen har om det nya kravet på komponentavskrivning samt hur det påverkar fastighetsföretagens redovisning. Studien syftar även till att försöka utröna om komponentavskrivningar leder till en mer rättvisande redovisning.  Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod. Insamling av primärdata har skett genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem fastighetsföretag och två revisorer.

Förhandling vid tomträttsavgäldsreglering av kommersiella tomträtter - Med fokus på beräkningsmodell för avgäldsunderlag

The objective of a site leasehold is to allow the lessee to occupy a specific plot of land. In return, the lessor imposes an annual ground rent. The ground rent ownership gives the lessor the possibility to capture the increasing in land value. As such, the rent is based on the value of the land multiplied with a percentage that reflects the yield of the land value. It is renegotiated every ten years.

Att spela in tramp i studio: En studie om studioinspelning av fotsteg i snö

The complex sound of someone walking in snow aren't easy to create in a studio. The best way to get the sound is to go out on a surface with real snow and record the footsteps there, but it is a complex procedure to get the right sound on the snow because snow sounds different in various temperature and various kinds of snow. It is important to find the right kind of snow to get the right sound on the foot steps. In a studio, the foley artist can create the sound of footsteps in snow by walking on different kind of material, like potato flour, coarse salt or corn flakes, the question is how realistic this materials sounds and what temperature on the snow they sound like. The results shows that the real snow (warm and cold snow) sounds most realistic and the potato flour sounds like warm and wet snow, the corn flakes some think sounds like cold snowwhile others think that it doesn't sound like snow at all and the coarse salt sounds like snow when it is around -10°C in the air, they all sounds similar in realism compared to each other.

Svensk real växelkurs och fundamenta : en kointegrationsanalys

I denna studie används Johansens metod för kointegrationsanalys för att skatta ett långsiktigtjämviktssamband för den svenska reala växelkursen under perioden 1980-2004. Resultatet bliratt den reala växelkursen på lång sikt kan väntas appreciera till följd av försämrad handelsbalansoch höjt oljepris, medan en real depreciering blir följden av en ökning i den utländskaproduktiviteten. Dessa resultat ger belägg för Balassa-Samuelssoneffekten, liksom förtransfereringseffekten. Undersökningen visar även att den svenska respektive utländskarealräntan, liksom nivån av svenska Net Foreign Assets, inte uppvisar någon långsiktigpåverkan..

Införandet av värdering av materiella samt finansiella tillgångar till verkliga värden : och dess påverkan på borgenärsskyddet

Title: The implementation of valuation of tangible and financial assets to fair value ? and its effects on the creditor protectionCourse: Bachelor theses in business accounting, 10 Swedish creditsAuthor: Sam EspelandAdvisor: Ogi ChunKey words: IAS 16, 39, 40, fair value, creditor protection, equityPurpose: The purpose with the essay is to examine how the implementation of the IAS standards that regard valuation to fair value, effects the equity and how the effects on equity affects the creditor protection.Methodology: The essay is using both a quantitative and a qualitative approach in which the quantitative part constitutes of data collection from annual reports and the qualitative part constitutes of interviews.Theoretical perspective: The theory gives a thorough understanding in how the IAS standards are designed, furthermore the procedure at liquidation and lack of capital is being treated, moreover some relevant terms and concepts are being treated.Empirical foundation: This chapter is divided into two parts, in one part the results from the quantitative approach is being presented in diagram form, and in the other part the interviews are being presented.Conclusions: The implementation will give a higher equity for most real estate companies, but likely also for example the mining industry. The creditor protection will likely be worsened among the industries that experience an increase in equity since their activities may proceed for a longer time before they have to be liquidated..

Sover mäklaren gott om natten? : En studie av tvingande, normgivande och moraliska regler.

Syftet med denna studie är att få en förståelse för hur mäklare uppfattar att de förhåller sig till, och tillämpar, lagar och etiska riktlinjer i sin yrkesutövning..

Real växelkurs och direktinvesteringar

Uppsatsens titel: Real växelkurs och direktinvesteringar- En studie av direktinvesteringar på branschnivå till och ifrån Sverige Ämne: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds Universitet Författare: Nils-Olof Jönsson och Martin Johansson Handledare: Niclas Andrén Nyckelord: Direktinvesteringar, real växelkurs, internationell produktion Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera ifall om lokaliserings-, internationaliserings- och ägandeskapsfördelar framkallade av valutakursförändringar styr direktinvesteringar till och ifrån Sverige. Metod: Undersökningen bygger på en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. En nollhypotes och en mothypotes kommer att ställas upp och sedan prövas. Data som vi studerar utgörs av direktinvesteringar till och från Sverige, GDP och tre månaders statsskuldsväxlar. Tidsperioden sträcker sig från 1994 till 2003.

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