

2114 Uppsatser om Real estate statistics - Sida 17 av 141

Växelkursens och BNP:s påverkan på den bilaterala handelsbalansen : En empirisk undersökning av Sverige och dess viktigaste handelspartners

I denna empiriska studie undersöker vi den reala växelkursens och reala BNP:s påverkan på Sveriges bilaterala handelsbalans med 11 länder mellan år 1995-2011. Med en felkorrigeringsmodell i ARDL-format testar vi för långsiktig kointegration. Därefter estimeras den reala växelkursens och reala BNP:s påverkan på den bilaterala handelsbalansen. Vi finner endast stöd för J-kurvsfenomenet och uppfyllt Marshall-Lerner villkor i 2 av 11 handelsförbindelser. Istället observerar vi ett starkare samband mellan real BNP och handelsbalansen.

Konsekvenser av energimodellerad arkitektur

The interest in building low energy houses has increased along with the rising engagement inthe climate questions. With the advancing energy prices it is highly suitably for those whobuild and administer their buildings in long-term to build energy-saving houses. 40 % ofSweden?s total energy consumption constitutes of the energy in residences, therefore it iscrucial to take advantage of all the free energy as we possibly can. With crucial questions likequality of living and profit low energy building is a subject that concerns us all.Three proposals for apartment blocks are presented in this work on a real estate in Stockholm.Each proposal is developed through unique processes of design with the purpose to displaypossibilities to deal with the energy requirements of today and tomorrow through energybased architecture.The first proposal is an apartment block based on a traditional design process, the demands ofthe property owner and it?s affected by opinions from architects.

Skiljer sig riskuppfattning och riskhantering mellan kvinnliga och manliga privata skogsägare? : en enkätundersökning bland privata skogsägare i Sverige

As a forest owner you always have to consider hazards and uncertainty when planning your forestry actions. The aim with this report is to test my hypothesis that there is an overall difference between men and women when it comes to perception, estimation and management of hazards/risks in forestry. I will look into if there are differences in how men and women estimate risks in production forestry from an economical point of view. The aim is also to look into if there are differences between male and female private forest owners, in how they perceive and manage hazards in connection with a possible climate change. To fulfil this aim, an inquiry survey was undertaken in three different areas of Sweden, two areas in the south and one in the north. But in this report I have evaluated the three areas as a whole.

Fastighetsmäklarlagens tillämpningsområde : En analys av kommersiell fastighetsförmedling med utgångpunkt i Svea hovrätts mål nr B 4377-14

I skrivande stund föreligger viss oklarhet vad gäller fastighetmäklarlagens (2011:666) tillämpningsområde. I ett avgörande från Svea hovrätt[1] har problematiken kring huruvida fastighetsmäklarlagens bestämmelser är tillämpliga på kommersiella fastighetsförmedlingar konkretiserats. Frågeställningen har varit föremål för diskussion i motiven till fastighetsmäklarlagen, och efter hovrättens avgörande gett upphov till livlig debatt. Lagutskottet har i förarbetena till lagen framhållit att det inte kan betraktas såsom rimligt att man, i samband med en fastighetsförmedling vid en inkråmsaffär, ska vara tvungen att anlita både en företags- och en fastighetsmäklare eller att valet av överlåtelseform[2] ska tillmätas någon betydelse. Regeringen var av samma åsikt som Lagutskottet, men påpekade att det i praktiken ändå oftast anlitas advokater vid förmedlingar av denna typ.

GeoAnalys i Flashmiljö

There exists a great need among companies and other organizations to be able to visualize statistics. It?s also increasingly common to ask for web-based solutions for increased flexibility and accessibility for users. This paper describes how large amounts of geovisual data, for a large number of regions, can be visualized in an interactive and well-presented manner. The paper let?s you walk through two application scenarios, developed in a Flash environment, using the GeoViz component library for visualization. The first application has been developed for Statistics Sweden (SCB), to give a solution on how to visualize statistics for Sweden?s zip code regions.

Faktorer som generellt påverkar bostadssäljares val av fastighetsmäklare

Utgångspunkten i denna uppsats är att konsumenters val av fastighetsmäklare är beroende av fyra faktorer. Dessa är enligt mig följande: fastighetsmäklaren, kundbeteende, objektet och fastighetsmarknaden. Fokus har alltså legat på dessa fyra faktorer vid framtagning av teori för denna uppsats. 33 stycken kvalitativa undersökningar har genomförts med respondenter över telefon och sju stycken med respondenter som träffades personligen och ombads att fylla i enkätundersökningar. Sammanlagt utfördes 40 stycken undersökningar.

Metoder för prediktion av kardiovaskulär sjukdom med njurfunktionen

This study examines if the prediction of cardiovascular disease in hypertensive patients can be improved upon when renal function and microalbuminuria are added to the classical risk factors The predictive capability of a model is measured by discrimination, calibration, reclassification and Harrell's C.The results are ambigious. In most cases, microalbuminuria should be included in the model, but the results regarding the other measures of renal function are varied. Therefore, the selection of risk factors to include in the model depends on which measure of prediction one prioritizes..

Stjärnhusen i Gröndal : bevara och förnya stjärnhusens innergårdar

It is sixty years since Sweden's first star-shaped housing estate was built in Gröndal, a suburb of Stockholm. Olle Engkvist, the building contractor, was the driving force behind the residential area and it was designed by architects Sven Backström and Leif Reinius. The estate comprises detached star-shaped houses suited to a more hilly terrain and terraced star-shaped houses on the flat land. The eight gardens of the terraced houses form the shape of a hexagon. It is these gardens, designed by Sven Hermelin and Per Friberg, which are the main focus of this thesis. The buildings on the estate have recently been renovated and it is now time for the gardens to be restored.

Trädgård - en angelägen fråga : Carl Adam von Nolcken, Jordberga gods och trädgårdskulturens främjande i Skåne 1834-1857

Baron Carl Adam von Nolcken was born in 1811. In 1834 he took over Jordberga Estate in the South of Skåne from his father. The estate remained in his possession until his death in 1857. von Nolcken was interested in agriculture and horticulture from an early age and attended the newly started Institute of Agriculture, Degeberg in Västergötland in the early 1830:s. At Degeberg, von Nolcken learnt all about modern farming methods, which he put into practice on his own estate. von Nolcken was one of the persons who during the mid 19th century worked intensely to develop horticulture and the art of gardening in Skåne.

Framkomlighetsanalys med hjälp av en digital terrängmodell och kartdata

Driveability analysis of terrain data offers an important technique for decision support for all kinds of movements in the terrain. The work described in this report uses a high resolution digital terrain model generated from the laser radar data and further processed by the Category Viewer program, and information from the Real Estate Map. Properties of features found in a filtering process are calculated and compared with a set of rules in a knowledge base to get a driveability cost. This cost is then visualized in a graphical user interface. An evaluation of what driveability is and what it is affected by is performed, and a general cost function is developed, which can be used even if not all relevant information is available.

Att blogga om hus : En studie om hur mäklare använder sociala medier

This is a study about how realtors or estate agents market their services in social media. Social media is an upcoming channel in marketing and is becoming more important every day. The user generated content on internet is a new way of communication where companies don?t have to be considered as soulless, if companies use it correctly. This study investigates estate agents efforts to market their services in these channels and how they do it.

Hemodialyspatienters uppskattade vätskeintag och det faktiska vätskeintaget: En empirisk studie om samvariation

AbstractThe aim of the study was to examine the relation between estimated fluidintake and real fluidintake among dialysis patients. The data were collected through study specific questionnaire and data from the medical record. Patients attached to eleven Swedish dialysis units were asked to participate. The number of patients that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were 222 persons of whom145 (65%) chose to participate in the study. The dialysis patients estimated their fluid intake for a day in average 9,06 deciliter.

Det kommande K3-regelverket : Vad anser redovisningsansvariga i mindre fastighetsbolag?

Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad de redovisningsansvariga i mindre fastighetsbolag har för uppfattning om det kommande K3-regelverket.Studien har en kvantitativ och deduktiv ansats. Empiri har samlats in via webbenkäter som skickats ut till företag. Empirin har sedan analyserats och jämfört med tidigare forskning och teorier.Resultatet från studien visar framförallt att kunskapen om K3-regelverket är låg hos respondenterna. Det beror troligtvis på att K3-regelverket ännu inte har införts och börjat tillämpats av företagen. Resultatet visar även att detta regelverk har mestadels negativa associationer.Förslag till framtida forskning är att undersöka hur de mindre företagen uppfattar K3-regelverket efter införandet.

Klarsynthet : om den filosofiska innebörden av "det närvarande och verkliga" i Clara - or, On Nature's Connection to the Spirit World av F. W. J. Schelling

This essay aims to explore the philosophical meaning of the expression ?present and real? in Clara ? or, On Nature?s Connection to the Spirit World by F. W. J. Schelling.

Verifikation av verktyget aspect analyzer

Rising complexity in the development of real-time systems has made it crucial to have reusable components and a more flexible way of configuring these components into a coherent system. Aspect-oriented system development (AOSD) is a technique that allows one to put a system?s crosscutting concerns into"modules"that are called aspects. Applying AOSD in real-time and embedded system development one can expect reductions in the complexity of the system design and development. A problem with AOSD in its current form is that it does not support predictability in the time domain.

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