

2114 Uppsatser om Real estate statistics - Sida 13 av 141

Integration in the Supply Chain - use of Real Options to mitigate the costs of the Bullwhip Effect

Purpose: During the last years Real Options have been established in many areas of the day-to-day business. Recent literature also tries to address Supply Chain problems with option theory, since an efficient Supply Chain increasingly gains in importance as a significant competitive advantage. This thesis tries to answer the question, if Real Options can mitigate the costs induced by the Bullwhip Effect as one of the major problems in Supply Chains. Methodology: The authors of the thesis used a deductive approach. Based on a theoretical model utilizing Real Option contracts and under the usage of a randomly created dataset the influence of the Bullwhip Effect on the company?s business and financial structure is examined and subsequently analyzed.

Statistikångest och gemenskapskänslor hos beteendevetarstudenter - En jämförande studie av distans- och campusstudenter

Ångest inför statistikämnet (Statistics anxiety) försämrar prestationerna och kan få studenter att undvika statistikstudier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka ifall studenter som upplevde ett stödjande klassrumsklimat (Sense of Community) hade mindre statistikångest. Syftet var också att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i upplevd Statistics anxiety och Sense of Community mellan campus- och distansstudenter. En webbenkät besvarades av 13 campusstudenter och 28 distansstudenter i åldrarna 20-51 år (M=29,4). Statistiska analyser visade inget samband mellan de båda begreppen i analys med samtliga studenter, däremot fanns ett positivt samband för studenter i årskurs två.

Renovering av flerfamiljsbostäder inom miljonprogrammet ur ett energi- och lönsamhetsperspektiv

Miljonprogram is a Swedish building program from 1964 to 1975. During that time about a million homes were constructed. Now, almost 50 years later, they are in desperate need of renovation. In order to fulfil the Swedish environmental objective to decrease energy consumption 50 per cent until 2050, considerable housing stock built under the Miljonprogram has to be renovated.Focus in this thesis is on the building services and theirs profitability that can decrease energy consumption in households build during the Miljonprogram. Building construction is not considered in this report.

Konvertering från direktverkande el i kommersiella lokaler : Ekonomisk och hållbar utveckling

Buildings worldwide account for 40 % of the total energy use. Climate change is of increasing importance, but few are willing to reduce their standard of living or get a higher cost for the change. Energy efficiency of existing buildings gives the greatest benefit economically and environmentally. The real estate company Klövern AB manages 46 properties in Karlstad. Heating is the major cost of the total operating costs of real estate. Rising energy prices increase the need for Klövern AB to improve energy efficiency and to investigate alternative sources of heat.

Analys av bostadsrättspriset i Stockholms innerstad : En multipel linjär regression

In this study a multiple linear regression was carried out in the interest of analysing a number of variables effect on the final prices of apartments in Stockholm?s inner districts. The result may be employed to predict and observe percentage changes on the final price of apartments in Stockholm in the future. Five models were constructed after which they were analysed and compared. The construction of these models were supported by data from the real estate agency Erik Olsson.

Stabil växelkurs och låg inflation - Inbördes oförenliga? En studie av implikationerna av en real appreciering

This paper examines a long run macroeconomic dilemma. This dilemma states that given a real appreciation, i.e. a continuous increase in the real exchange rate, an economy has two options open with respect to inflation and nominal exchange rate. Either the economy chooses a fixed exchange rate- regime but has to allow for a rising inflation. Or the economy can choose an inflation targeting- regime, but then has to allow for an appreciating nominal exchange rate.

Reala optioner : ett strategiskt verktyg

Background: Businesses are traditionally valued with the so called Discounted Cash Flow-model. When valuing newly-started businesses, surrounded by high uncertainty, and whose capital mostly consists of unrealized business opportunities, the Discounted Cash Flow-model needs to be complemented if the total value of the business is to be captured. A valuation with the help of real options is capable of valuing these unrealized opportunities, which often exist in newly-started businesses. The unrealized opportunities are to be found in the business plan of the business, why this needs to be valued to capture the total value of a newly-started business. Purpose: To demonstrate what the use of real options can result in when valuing businesses.

Gröna aktiviteter : Att marknadsföra gröna argument i fastighetsbranschen

Undersökningen ämnar öka förståelsen för och analysera hur fastighetsföretag marknadsför gröna argument och hur de uppfattar att intressenterna bemöter dessa.I uppsatsen studeras följande forskningsfrågor:* Vilka strategier används hos fastighetsföretag inom ramen för green business?* Hur kommunicerar fastighetsföretag green business genom grön marknadsföring?* Hur uppfattar fastighetsföretagen att intressenterna bemöter deras gröna marknadsföringsargument?.

Hur tillförlitlig är värderingen av förvaltningsfastigheter?: En studie av tillämpningen av IAS 40

This thesis studies the way valuation of investment properties is conducted in accordance with IAS 40 and how reliable these valuations are. This has been conducted by studying ten Swedish real estate companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX, during the period 2005-2008. The study shows that all companies use valuation models to determine the fair value of investment properties. Two different types of models have been identified. Companies that use the cash flow model show inconsistencies in time horizon, and how they determine the horizon value.

Bostadsspekulantens köpbeslut : En kvantitativ studie över bostadsspekulantens beslutspåverkan

Bakgrunden för denna studie är problematiken kring beslutsfattande. Tidigare forskning visar att en individ dagligen fattar en mängd medvetna och omedvetna beslut. Dessa beslut faller sig olika utefter vilka erfarenheter, preferenser och känslor individen har och hur detta påverkar individen vid köp av dyra sällanköpsvaror. Syftet med studien är att identifiera faktorer och personlighetstyper som influerar köparens beslut gällande dyra sällanköpsvaror..

Svagt intresse för köpmäklare : en fråga om bristande kännedom eller saknas behovet?

 Syfte: Syftet med kandidatuppsatsen är att ta reda på ifall det svaga intresset för köpmäklare i Sverige beror på en bristande kännedom om köpmäklartjänstens existens eller om det saknas ett behov för tjänsten. En kortare utredning av hur lagen ser ut genomförs för att se om en köpmäklartjänst kan utövas enligt den idag rådande lagstiftningen.Forskningsfråga: Beror det svaga intresset för köpmäklare i Sverige på att svenska folket inte är medvetna om att tjänsten existerar eller beror det på att det inte finns ett behov av tjänsten?Metod: I uppsatsen har information samlats in genom två olika typer av undersökningsmetoder, kvantitativa enkäter och kvalitativa intervjuer. Informationen av dessa har sedan sammanställts och utgör resultatet i uppsatsen. Analysen i arbetet utgår ifrån resultatet vilket har bearbetats med den teoretiska delen som en grund.

Miljöval för byggnadsmaterial : Med häktet i Helsingborg som referensobjekt

Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.

Kartläggning av en fastighets miljöpåverkan : Livscykelanalys av flerfamiljsfastigheten "Teodoliten"

Today's climate and environmental issues have now been up for discussion for quite long. Various environmental measures have been taken, but it is not always certain that those measures actually are for the better because of the complexity of our environment. Therefore, studies of whole life cycles are very important even if they are time and resource intensive.Real estate accounts for 15% of global carbon emissions, but also affects our environment in many other aspects. In Sweden this number is even higher. About 30 % of its carbon dioxide emissions originates from building sector and changes are therefore of great importance.

Fastighetsmäklare : en unik tjänst

The purpose with this thesis is to clarify how estate agents working with their marketing and marketing strategies. Our study has occured in Kalmar and we have used five different estate agents for our collection of empiric?s data. We have worked with a qualitative methodology to achieve deeper knowledge about these five company?s which have been chosen for the study.We have selected theories that suit our subject and together with the empiric data these two parts will be compared which concludes in an analysis.

Sociala Fastigheter : En studie om hur fastighetsdistributörer kan stärka sitt varumärke via Facebook

Aim: The aim of our study is to analyze and evaluate from a marketing perspective how estate agents can use facebook to strengthen their brand. Method: We have used an inductive study form where we?ve used a quality and a quantity data gathering method. The data has been gathered from an interview with Botkyrkabyggens marketing coordinator and from an internet survey based on a convience selection and a snow ball selection.Theory: SWOT, Brand Equity, Word of Mouth, Customer Relationship ManagementConclusion: Facebook can create and measure "word of mouth" effects, and also create better information management and flow of information compared to traditional marketing for an estate agent. The risks of facebook is the difficulty in educating the staff about the site and the fact that facebook dominates the policies and rules which suddenly can change.

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