

2366 Uppsatser om Reading task - Sida 5 av 158

Lär med Educare : När omsorg möter lärande i förskolan

 AbstractMy curiosity of students' use of images for reading led me to seek knowledge of the students view on the text illustrations in the literature and through interviews. This study is about how pupils in the school year 2 experience reading, especially with images. The purpose is to investigate the significance of illustrations in reading for students in school year 2. I also want to find out how students see themselves as readers and how the survey material believes that the students comprehend reading. Eight children, both girls and boys have participated in the interview.

Läslust i skolan : En studie om hur elever i årskurs 2 motiveras till att läsa skönlitterära böcker

AbstractThe aim of the study is to investigate what the concept of ?love of reading? means and how selected teachers act strategically to increase the love of reading in pupils in grade two. The Swedish concept of love of reading (läslust) has not always had the same meaning; in the past it was used in connection with the desire to pursue further studies, while the term is used today when talking about pupils? own will to read books. The ability to read is a significant part of a pupil?s schooling, and therefore it is important to work to ensure that pupils love reading.

?En virtuell bokcirkel blir mer en del utav vardagen??: En kvalitativ studie av virtuella bokcirklar

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine virtual reading groups, and which meaning the users perceive that the virtual reading groups offer. In addition, the study inquires which details can be improved to further amend the needs and wants among the users of virtual reading groups. Through these outlines, it is discussed how libraries and librarians can make use of virtual reading groups as a resource. The study is based upon qualitative interviews, consisting of asynchronous e-mail interviews with a total of sixteen members in two different virtual reading groups.

Läsförståelse av faktatexter i NO, med stöd av Leselos, en norsk arbetsmodell : En fallstudie av en intervention i årskurs 3

To read and understand are essential competences for everyone in our society; at the same time reading comprehension among Swedish pupils is on the decline. The Swedish school must therefore try to improve their instructions to increase the students' reading comprehension. The aim of the study was to describe how three reading comprehension strategies, if possible, could improve the reading comprehension for the students, including children with learning disabilities, when reading texts of natural science in a third-grade class. The three strategies that were introduced were: to activate prior knowledge, to structure information and to record contents. The questions of the study were: How are the three strategies introduced in the classroom? Can the children with learning disabilities see any benefits for their reading comprehension when working with the strategies? How do the children with learning disabilities experience working with the strategies? Can the teacher see any benefits when working with the strategies? Is it possible to see any differences among the students' results, before and after completed intervention? Method: The results have been collected through observations and qualitative interviews, which make this a qualitative study.

Finns det någon list med digitala tavlor? : En kvalitativ studie av översiktstavlor inom agila projekt och förutsättningar för digitala sådana

This paper is about the use of task boards in agile system development projects. The main focus is on how digitalized versions of the task board can be of assistance during the development process. Our investigation is based on qualitative studies, with system developers of various backgrounds and professional roles, along with studies of relevant literature. The main results are that a digitized version of the task board can increase awareness for the team and be of major importance if it is accessible through the web. On the other hand negative effects of the digitalization can emerge as well.

Läslust : En studie om pedagogers uppfattningar gällande att väcka läslust hos barn i förskoleklass

Children's language development is highly connected to the success of every school. Especially when it comes to the children learning reading and writing skills, regardless of what method the schools use in order to achieve this. An early intervention can facilitate the learning of reading comprehension. Reading aloud and playing with the language learning is the greatest gift we can give our children and students. Children learn how to use a book by turning the pages and see how the words and texts are structured.

Barn med lässvårigheter och bibliotek en användarstudie om några barns erfarenheter och upplevelser av bibliotek.

The purpose of this study was to examine how some children with reading problems experience and use libraries. The main problem was: How do dyslectic children experience and use libraries and how do they handle their reading difficulties when using libraries? The questions at issue were: 1. Do children with reading problems use libraries, and if so how? - in which purposes do they use libraries? - which materials and services do they use? - why dont some children use libraries? 2.

Den krokiga vägen till läsning : En kvalitativ studie om lärares arbete med elevernas tidiga läsinlärning

The purpose of this study is to contribute to our knowledge about what methods? teachers say they use in the work with pupils? early reading acquisition, and how they evaluate the pupils´ reading development. I also like to find out what educational interventions teachers believe that pupils with reading difficulties need, and how they say they work to meet the needs of these pupils. The project is based on the following questions: What methods do teachers say they use in the work with pupils early reading acquisition? What extra resources do teachers consider that pupils with reading difficulties need? How do teachers evaluate children's reading development? In order to answer my questions, I've done qualitative interviews with three teachers, at two schools, in two medium-sized municipalities.

Vad tycker elever är viktigast när de läser? : Vilken eller vilka läsarter tillämpas av en klass gymnasieelever i mötet med novellen Ett anspråkslöst förslag (Swift, 1729) i en skolkontext?

This is a study of the reactions of high school students in Sweden when reading A Modest proposal (Swift, 1729). If they get the chance to write whatever they want about the text, what do they find important? This study emanates from Rosenblatts (2002) view of reading out of two different stances: the aesthetical and the efferent. The aesthetical mode is reading for pleasure and experiencing the text, whilst in efferent reading the reader is primarily focused on what he or she will carry away as information from the text (Rosenblatt). To be able to categorize the material from the students more properly, a different set of ideas about reading modes, obtained from Tengberg (2011), is also presented and used in this essay..

"Det handlar om att hitta rätt bok till rätt person vid rätt tillfälle": En undersökning av läsfrämjande verksamhet för ungdomar i åldern 13-19 år.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate librarians views on reading and reading promotion for young people. The main issue is if activities in reading promotion for people between the ages of 13-19 years can result in inspiring non-readers to actually become readers. To find the answers, qualitative interviews were held with eight librarians. The literature review covers research on the reasoning of young people on reading, a historical review of fiction and reading, a review of arguments on the benefits of reading and finally a chapter which concerns reading promotion activities. The result of this study showed that the conceptions of reading promotion and book talk are very complex and that they each can have different meanings.

Bokstäverna bara hoppar! : Att kämpa med avkodningen och dessutom förstå det du läser.

Title: ?The letters jump?- to struggle with decoding and still understand what you are reading.Author: Maria EkUniversity of UmeåDepartment of EducationSupervisor: Asbjörg WestumExaminer: Fredrik KarlssonKeywords: Poor readers, Structured text talks, Reading strategies, Reading comprehension, Commitment and Motivation.During the past decades, Swedish studies show that reading comprehension and skills in reading strategies have decreased. In secondary school for individuals with learning disabilities there has been a focus on care-taking rather than on comprehension in general, and on reading comprehension in particular.The purpose of this study was to investigate whether Reciprocal Teaching would increase reading comprehension and motivation among upper secondary school for individuals with learning disabilities. The study presents how three 17-year-old pupils and their teacher, discussed expository fact texts during twelve lessons using the reciprocal method combined with power point-presentations to get the students to read more actively with interferences and reflections. The ambition was to make the structured text talks as interesting as possible with texts easy to read, technical aids, structure to make the students feel security when reading and to get committed pupils with an increased interest in reading.The results show an increase in motivation in reading, and the students were more prone to take an active part in discussions..

Tonårspojkar och identitet: om den skönlitterära läsningens betydelse

The purpose of this Masters Thesis is to explore the impact of spare time reading fiction on the identity of teenage boys, and what it really means to them. To investigate this, we have focused our investigation on how teenage boys relate to and what they search for in their reading. The data collection is based on 8 interviews with boys in the age between 14 and 15 and on literature on the subject. The theoretical framework focuses on the reading theories of Joseph A. Appleyard, the transactional theory of Louise M.

Artificiell intelligens : Prestanda hos beteendeträd och Hierarchical Task Network

Detta arbete undersöker skillnader i tidseffektivitet mellan beteendeträd ochHierarchical Task Network. En enklare spelprototyp av typen top-down 2D shoot-emup implementerades. Spelprototypen använder två typer av autonom motspelare så kallade botar. En bot för beteendeträd och en bot för Hierarchical Task Network. Spelprototypen mäter körtiden för varje typ av bot i sex olika situationer.

Läsarens väg till skönlitteraturen: en användarundersökning

For young people today the ability to read and interpret text seems to be of decreasing standard. This bachelor thesis is trying to find patterns among five different library patrons, all adults and most of them readers for life. The specific aims are, through their individual stories, to find out what made and helped them become readers of literature for enjoyment and pleasure. How do they look upon themselves as readers, how do they find their reading and finally which role does it play in their everyday lives. Five semi-structured interviews have been conducted in a qualitative way and been put through a thematic-narrative analysis.The avid readers of this study all read throughout their lives and almost right from the beginning read a lot.

Folkbibliotekarierna och läsfrämjandet ? en diskursiv studie av svensk bibliotekspress 2012-2013

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the identity of the public librarianwith regard to reading is manifested in the library field. The approaches thatare taken to reading and readers are examined as well as the consequencesdifferent approaches might have. The empirical material is based on 93articles published in Swedish library journals. The theoretical andmethodological starting point is discourse analysis. The application ofdiscourse analysis according to Michel Foucault?s hypotheses reveals threediscursive formations regarding the professional identity of public librarianswithin the framework of reading promotion: The public librarian asguarantor of democracy is related to the public library's original mission offostering, cultivating and educating citizens.

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