

9 Uppsatser om Raped - Sida 1 av 1

Våldtagen eller inte? En studie kring professionellas syn på den våldtagna kvinnan och den rättsprocess hon genomgår

Many sexual crime matters are in a difficult position when it comes to proof, where it's word against word between the parties. However, the legislation states that it's the offender's actions that are to be in focus for the judicial judgement, but often the focus is on the woman, whether she said no and how she acted in that particular situation (Sutorius & Kaldal, 2003).The purpose with this essay was to investigate the professionals' view of the Raped woman and what image the professionals convey/construct of the legal proceedings she goes through. With professionals, we mean lawyers and other professionals that function as support or treatment contacts for Raped women. The questions we considered to be relevant for our investigation were: What image of the Raped woman do the professionals convey? What image of the crime rape do the professionals convey and what image do they convey/construct of the legal proceedings the woman goes through? How is the view of the Raped woman constructed in society? We considered qualitative interviews mixed with earlier studies and theories to be the best investigative method for our purpose.

Fem över tolv en vinternatt : brottsoffer och medier en studie av olika berättelser om samma händelser

This study is based on narratives from two victims of violence. A Raped old woman has turned to be the core of this narrative of narrative. She is both a narrator and the head person in her narrative. Her narrative turned out to be a dialogue between two genres namely her trauma story and her life story. By experience violence has been associated with masculinity and powr, which is discussed in some detail.

?Hon får skylla sig själv? : En undersökning om attityder på svenska internetforum avseende våldtäkt mot kvinnor

The purpose of this study was to highlight how women who have been victims of rape are described in discussion forums on the Internet and how the view obtained is affected by victim and gender constructions. By observing several discussion threads on Swedish internet forums, we have been able to explore how discussions and attitudes are made about women who are victims of rape and which characteristics are assigned females. This study analyzes these attitudes from a gender construction theory and a victim construction theory. Through this analysis, we wanted to gain a deeper understanding of attitudes about female rape victims and if the attitudes are rooted in victim and gender constructions. This study shows that women are often assigned responsibility to a rape if she put herself at risk and if she is assigned negative attributes such as promiscuous, as a liar or if she drinks too much alcohol.

Nesligt våld mot kvinna : En undersökning kring synen på kvinnor som blivit våldtagna i Karlstad perioden år 1900-1943

The purpose of this paper is to examine the early 1900s approach to women who have been Raped in Karlstad and how you looked at rape during this period. I have used criminal case files from the Karlstad criminal police to examine. The actual study is set up in that way that I have tried to answer my questions through case studies that have been categorized in three type?s perpetrators and three types of victims. The three types of offenders who I am using are the "the naughty young man," "the violent worker" and "the drunken man".

Vad hade du på dig? : Representationen av våldtäktsoffer och förövare i tre dagstidningar med olika ideologisk inriktning (Aftonbladet, SvD och DN)

The following Bachelor?s thesis examines how three Swedish national newspapers (Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet), which all represent different points on the ideological spectrum, portray victim and perpetrator in their representation of rape during the year 2011. The thesis examines the newspapers news, editorial pages and reports of rape. The study uses a quantitative approach with qualitative elements which has its foundation in the theory of social constructivism and priming theory. Political science can be studied from the perspective of power, and media has a central role of this power.

Synen på våldtäkt : Utifrån den synvinkel som fanns hos statens offentliga utredning kring sexualbrott 1976, SOU 1976:9

This study is based on a proposition about the legislation regarding sexual offences prepared by a commission initiated by the Swedish government in 1972 which was presented in 1976. The purpose of this study has been to ascertain the commissions views on rape based on their representation of the problem, their presuppositions and assumptions regarding it and future consequences in behavior for victims and offenders of the crime. The key results of this study is that the commission regarded the ?problem? of the then current legislation to be non-consistently with the time being. In their opinion the legislation needed to be loosened from its moral strings and be adjusted to the ?new? sexually liberal era.

"Man slutar tänka, man rycks med i någon slags gruppsykos" : En diskursanalys av massmedias diskussion kring våldtäkten i Bjästa 2009

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the media discussions of the rape in Bjästa 2009 and to reveal how stereotypical illusions of ethnicity, religion and gender affect how media understands and defines violence. The rape in Bjästa occurred in a ?Swedish context? but has been defined as honor related in other arenas outside media. This discussion occurred because the whole village turned against the woman that was Raped and supported the perpetrator? a phenomena that speaks against the idea of an equal society and a behavior that is usually understood as honor related and something that the ?others? do.

Vilsen, ensam och splittrad : den våldtagna kvinnans upplevelser och omvårdnadsbehov

Syftet med studien var att beskriva hälsorelaterad livskvalitet, ångest/depression och vårdtillfredsställelse hos kvinnor med bröstcancer tidigt i sjukdomsförloppet samt att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan dessa aspekter. Vidare studerades förklarande bakgrundsfaktorer; demografiska, socioekonomiska och medicinska faktorer samt psykosocialt stöd. Denna tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes som en enkätstudie kompletterat med medicinska data från Regionalt register för bröstcancer i Uppsala/Örebroregionen. Totalt 1574 förfrågningar om deltagande gick ut, varav 69 % valde att delta i studien. Niohundratrettiotvå kvinnor ingick i de slutliga analyserna (59 %).


Män som utsatts för sexuellt våld är ett ämne som erhåller lite uppmärksamhet både inom forskning och i vardagligt tal. Att analysera skriven medias framställning av sexuellt våldsutsatta män har så vitt jag vet inte utförts i en svensk vetenskaplig kontext innan, vilket gör denna studie unik i sitt slag. Studiens primära syfte var att undersöka hur män som utsatts för sexuellt våld framställs i skriven media. Jag ville se huruvida media bekräftar eller förkastar de sociala myterna kring ämnet. Vidare så var målet med studien att ytterligare belysa ämnet för att lyfta upp det för diskussionen och fördjupa förståelsen och kunskapen för ämnet.