279 Uppsatser om Random walk - Sida 15 av 19
Uppföljning av plantering på nedlagd åkermark i Skåne 1991-1996 :
The study was performed for the Swedish Regional Forestry Board in Södra Götaland. The study examines broadleaf plantations on former farmland that were planted between 1991 and 1996 with subsidy payments for conversion of farmland into forest. In particular, the study reviews forests planted in 1991-92 and 1994-96.
In the early 1990s, Swedish agriculture was deregulated and direct subsides to farmers ended. The Swedish state instead granted farmers financial support and offered incentives for conversion of farmland and investments in order to make their unproductive land productive.
The state supported conversion of farmland to broadleaf forest, forest for energy biomass production, or establishment of wetlands on former farmland. The County Administrative Boards and Regional Forestry Boards together monitored the planting of broadleaf forests.
Vitberget Skellefteå, ett kommunägt tätortsnära skogsområde ? föreningarnas och allmänhetens syn på hur skogen bör skötas
The question is who should govern and administrate a municipality owned urban forest? Should societies and the public be invited to participatory planning, who are the interested parties, could they be treated like a group and what are their opinions on administration and management? The study is carried out in a municipal owned forest Vitberget Skellefteå that is widely used by associations and individuals for recreation and training.This has led to several discussions in the local media about the management of the forest, especially in connection to harvesting. The work undertaken here has been to identify who has any interest in the management of the area. After identifying the interested parties, a selection of the societies, schools and pre-schools that actively uses the area as well as random individuals met in the area was interviewed. The questions asked can be divided into six main groups:? Communication with the municipality?s managers for the area? Interference from other activities? Views on forest management? Views on nature conservation? The uniqueness of Vitberget? Development opportunitiesThe crucial factors identified as being needed to succeed in managing an urban forest are long-term administration, information and communication.
BIM - Förvaltarens Framtid
For nearly twenty years people have been talking about Product models, but given that the building industry is so conservative, it is hard to implement new working methods. Product models are these days known as Building Information Modeling, BIM. People often say they work with BIM but they often forget the most important part, the information. A 3D model should be linked with characteristics and information. Information that can be invaluable for the facility manager.We have a vision that in the best of worlds the facility manager would be able to "walk" into the model and see what kind of installations are inside the wall or in the roof.
Utemiljö för motion :
New technology and urban sprawl have resulted in almost half of the population in Sweden being insufficiently physically active. The sedentary lifestyle causes heart- and vascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, stress etc. in the population. One of the biggest priorities in the society is to promote more physical activity. Through literature studies and a questionnaire this paper will examine how we can design the built environment in order to promote physical exercise and if we can change the sedentary lifestyle with a outdoor environment that invite physical exercise.
There are both internal and external factors that have importance for people?s physical activity.
Cykelparkering i stadsmiljö : en redogörelse för cykelparkeringens komponenter
In recent years many cities have seen an increase in bicycle traffic. This is a development that benefits both the environment and the individual cyclist. When the need for bicycle parking is not met several problems arise such as an increase in bicycle thefts, jammed sidewalks and a decreased interest in using bicycles. My aim with this paper has been to answer the question of how to create parking facilities in an urban environment based on cyclists' needs. Through a literature survey, following the method "Trattmodellen" (the funnel model) the question has been answered and divided under the headings cyclist, bike, bicycle racks, bicycle garage and bicycle operators and hosts.
Utveckling av beslutsstöd för kreditvärdighet
The aim is to develop a new decision-making model for credit-loans. The model will be specific for credit applicants of the OKQ8 bank, becauseit is based on data of earlier applicants of credit from the client (the bank). The final model is, in effect, functional enough to use informationabout a new applicant as input, and predict the outcome to either the good risk group or the bad risk group based on the applicant?s properties.The prediction may then lay the foundation for the decision to grant or deny credit loan.Because of the skewed distribution in the response variable, different sampling techniques are evaluated. These include oversampling with SMOTE, random undersampling and pure oversampling in the form of scalar weighting of the minority class.
Karlstads Kyrkogårdar : En värld full av sociala och ekonomiska skillnader
AbstractA walk at Karlstad's cemetery and burial - grounds is like a strolling in an architectural park with trees, bushes and flowers. But these parks are different; they are filled with dead people, their memorial stones and their life stories. This world is full of socially, economically and culture differences from different times from 19th century till today's society. The cemetery - and burial - grounds in Karlstad can tell you about 19th century influences just by looking at the stones and where they are placed. Influences from the religion, the Christianity, which symbols for example is the cross, the birds and the sun that rises or falls, but also phrases that is directing to the bible.
Capacity studies on DeLavals sort gate DSG10
In the dairy production it is necessary to be able to sort cows. Dairy cows are sorted for many different reasons i.e. regrouping into production strings or for treatments i.e. inseminations, pregnancy and health checks, vaccinations or hoof trimmings. One labour saving way of conducting sorting is by using an automatic sort gate.
Återvinningsstationer på Lidingö : attityder och lokalisering
When the producers? responsibility for packaging was introduced in Sweden in 1994 the industry set up public recycling stations to facilitate the collection of the waste material. In order to establish recycling stations at suitable locations the municipalities assist the industry?s service organization for operation of the recycling stations, the Package and Newspaper Collection Service (Förpacknings- och tidningsinsamlingen, FTI). The objectives of this thesis are to improve the service of the public recycling stations within Lidingö town and to increase the accessibility to these stations for the inhabitants of Lidingö.
Förändringar i vegetationens sammansättning efter en våtmarksrestaurering : Changes in the vegetation composition after a wetlandrestoration
The loss of such great wetlands, which has arose in Sweden the last decades, has created a situation that threats both the function and the biological diversity within the wetlands. Many ecological niches can be found in the wetlands and it is one of the habitats where most different species exist. In the 17th Century people started to ditch damp environments, such as bogs, to create a productive cultivated ground. Further ditches were made when the forestry gave large economical profits. The wetlands were impoverished from both groundwater and nourishment, and this led to a great loss of species.In a corporation with WWF and Skogsstyrelsen in Arvika, the University of Karlstad has participated in the Laskerudproject, a hydrological restoration-project in a forest landscape.
SOUNDSTAGE : Miljöförstärkt ljud i smartphone
Det här arbetet syftar till att genom design av en telefonapplikation undersöka hur ljud kan förstärkas av den omgivande miljön. Arbetet visar på hur miljöförstärkt ljud skiljer sig från ljudförstärkt miljö samt vilka begränsningar det innebär att använda en vanlig smartphone som plattform. Ett långsiktigt mål är att genom en produkt som låter oetablerade ljudproducenter distribuera sina alster i den offentliga miljön främja fri kultur och kreativitet.Arbetet har följt principen för RtD (research through design), där designprocessen utgör det fall som studeras och dokumentationen av den utgör den bas av data som analyseras och leder till slutsatser kring ämnet.Designprocessen i detta arbete innebär en mindre omfattande användarstudie i enkätform för att identifiera målgrupp, krav och mål. Följd av en andra studie där en prototyp framtagen med grund i resultaten från användarstudien utvärderas av deltagare genom observation, intervju och reaktionskort. De största utmaningarna för designen grundar sig i att ta fram en applikation som inte stör upplevelsen, men samtidigt kan instruera användaren i hur man använder applikationen. Utifrån arbetet dras slutsatsen att användarinstruktioner, såväl visuella som auditiva, löper större risk att störa upplevelsen i miljöförstärkt ljud än i ljudförstärkt miljö. Vidare konstateras att den största bristen i en lösning som bygger på standardutrustning i jämförelse med en lösning som nyttjar dedikerad utrustning utgörs av begränsningar när det kommer till att ange riktning med hjälp av ljudets rumslighet..
En undersökning av specialpedagogiska perspektiv inom ridterapi
Background: Investors have several options to choose from when the goal is to achieve the highest yield at the lowest cost and risk. Stocks are a common investment options, but is also associated with risks. Portfolios are usually constructed with several different assets to reduce the unsystematic risk of investment. Funds are similar to composite stock portfolios, the big difference is that they dealt with in their entirety and investors may not affect the fund's content. The problem remains that whether you choose stocks or mutual funds there is still uncertainty as to how the future will unfold.
Kartläggning av kapacitetsutnyttjandet och ställtider på Stålöv AB : Survey of the use of capacity and set up times at Stålöv AB
The aim of this report is to analyse the use of the capacity at the CNC (computer numerical control) cutters and show how the level of set up time for these cutters at Stålöv AB. This assignment is concrete whereas there are no subjective questions to this matter and there are only cold figures presented.Production economy is getting more important as the competition hardens and there are several different ways to increase productivity and efficiency in a company. In order to increase productivity and efficiency work studies are used to, through an analysis, find developments in methods that result in improved work methods and to establish the time that are used. Increased production of different parts and customer driven production in combination with increased demands on rationalisation of capital have led to an enlarged interest for shorter set up times in the production.To point out the use of capacity and the set up time of the cutters at Stålöv AB we used frequency studies. Frequency studies are work measure methods based on random observations on predetermined events to calculate the relative occurrence of these events.
Jämförelse mellan olika träbjälklag
Wooden joist slabs is a common type of floor in residential buildings. Higher demand and production of residential buildings increases the possibilities of profiting by optimizing the system of joists in a variety of areas. Spring and deflection is something most people can relate to since it?s not that uncommon to hear furniture rattle when you walk over a wooden floor. To remove the presence of those kinds of vibrations the system of joists have to be made stiffer than the standard joist construction that is used in today?s constructions.
Korrigering för slumpfel och metodeffekter i sambandsanalys av enkätdata med SQP 2.0
Sambandsanalys av surveydata kompliceras av förekomsten av slumpfel och metodeffekter i de avgivna svaren. Dessa felkällor kan leda till betydande över- eller underskattning av sambanden mellan undersökta variabler, och riskerar att leda till felaktiga slutsatser.En sedan länge känd metod för att estimera och kontrollera för slumpfel och metodeffekter i enkätdata är den så kallade Multitrait Multimethod-metoden (MTMM). Nackdelen med MTMM-metoden är att den kräver att varje fråga som ska analyseras ställs minst tre gånger i samma enkät, vilket gör att ansatsen i praktiken oftast inte är möjlig att tillämpa. Sedan 2012 finns dock ett verktyg, SQP 2.0, som gör det möjligt att skatta slumpfel och metodeffekter i enkätdata utan att genomföra MTMM-experiment. Den här uppsatsen utvärderar prediktionerna från SQP 2.0 på en enkät om arbetslivsrelaterade frågor besvarad av svenska och brittiska respondenter.