954 Uppsatser om Random map generation - Sida 12 av 64
En översikt av metoder för attskapa spårbarhet för plastgolv
This thesis describes possibilities for Metso Paper to lower their costs of spray pipes for their pulp wash press TRPE, with maintained good functionality and quality.Information that can be used by competitors has been censored in this version of the essay.To find solutions, alternative suppliers have been contacted and asked to quote. There has also been a new spray pipe designed. The manufacturing costs of the new design have been calculated.The thesis also contains a concept generation of an alternative product to the spray pipes in installations where a high pressure washer is used.To be able to ask other manufacturers of spray pipes to quote, a demand specification based on the currently used spray pipe was made. This was then sent to two alternative suppliers.An investigation of earlier used spray pipes, and the currently used, shows that the nozzles are a big part of the total costs of the spray pipes. To attempt to reduce the nozzles high cost an concept generation was made to find the best solution for a new design.There was a request that it should be possible to change the internal brushes in the spray pipe without cutting and welding.
Från kugghjul till färdig växellåda
This thesis describes possibilities for Metso Paper to lower their costs of spray pipes for their pulp wash press TRPE, with maintained good functionality and quality.Information that can be used by competitors has been censored in this version of the essay.To find solutions, alternative suppliers have been contacted and asked to quote. There has also been a new spray pipe designed. The manufacturing costs of the new design have been calculated.The thesis also contains a concept generation of an alternative product to the spray pipes in installations where a high pressure washer is used.To be able to ask other manufacturers of spray pipes to quote, a demand specification based on the currently used spray pipe was made. This was then sent to two alternative suppliers.An investigation of earlier used spray pipes, and the currently used, shows that the nozzles are a big part of the total costs of the spray pipes. To attempt to reduce the nozzles high cost an concept generation was made to find the best solution for a new design.There was a request that it should be possible to change the internal brushes in the spray pipe without cutting and welding.
Kartläggning och effektivisering av lastbilsflödet mot ryska marknaden : En studie på Scania AB
This thesis describes possibilities for Metso Paper to lower their costs of spray pipes for their pulp wash press TRPE, with maintained good functionality and quality.Information that can be used by competitors has been censored in this version of the essay.To find solutions, alternative suppliers have been contacted and asked to quote. There has also been a new spray pipe designed. The manufacturing costs of the new design have been calculated.The thesis also contains a concept generation of an alternative product to the spray pipes in installations where a high pressure washer is used.To be able to ask other manufacturers of spray pipes to quote, a demand specification based on the currently used spray pipe was made. This was then sent to two alternative suppliers.An investigation of earlier used spray pipes, and the currently used, shows that the nozzles are a big part of the total costs of the spray pipes. To attempt to reduce the nozzles high cost an concept generation was made to find the best solution for a new design.There was a request that it should be possible to change the internal brushes in the spray pipe without cutting and welding.
Strategier vid generationsskifte : ekonomiska implikationer för olika intressenter
A large number of farms within the agricultural sector will shortly be facing a point of time where the farm will be transferred to the next generation. The grantor can choose between totally 8 different strategies to transfer the farm, of which purchase, gift and a mixed form of these are the most common. During 2007 almost 10 000 transfers of agricultural estates occurred in Sweden and the expectation for the coming years is that about 15 000 estates will be transferred each year. By the time a transfer is about to materialize there are usually several stakeholders that in one way or another is trying to influence the outcome of the transfer. The choice of transfer method affects the conditions and possibilities for compensating the siblings.
Fyllnadsgradsmått i lastbilstransporter Hur stort är intresset för fyllnadsgrad i lastbilstransporter hos branschföretagen?
This thesis describes possibilities for Metso Paper to lower their costs of spray pipes for their pulp wash press TRPE, with maintained good functionality and quality.Information that can be used by competitors has been censored in this version of the essay.To find solutions, alternative suppliers have been contacted and asked to quote. There has also been a new spray pipe designed. The manufacturing costs of the new design have been calculated.The thesis also contains a concept generation of an alternative product to the spray pipes in installations where a high pressure washer is used.To be able to ask other manufacturers of spray pipes to quote, a demand specification based on the currently used spray pipe was made. This was then sent to two alternative suppliers.An investigation of earlier used spray pipes, and the currently used, shows that the nozzles are a big part of the total costs of the spray pipes. To attempt to reduce the nozzles high cost an concept generation was made to find the best solution for a new design.There was a request that it should be possible to change the internal brushes in the spray pipe without cutting and welding.
Smileys roll i kommunikation mellan ungdomar över det digitala mediet
Detta examensarbete behandlar användandet av smileys och deras roll i kommunikation mellan ungdomar över det digitala mediet. Hur ser användandet av smileys ut bland ungdomar? Vilken mening lägger sändare respektive mottagare i användandet av smileys? Går det att kategorisera och gruppera användarna av smileys utifrån ålder och kön? Denna uppsats behandlar chatt och det chattspråk (innehållande smileys, förkortningar och asterisker) som dagens ungdomar - generation Z, använder sig av dagligen framför sina datorer. En enkätundersökning bland elever vid två år 6-9 skolor och en undersökning via två diskussionsfora på Internet, ligger till grund för resultaten till denna uppsats. Resultaten visar att smileys används som ett uttryck för känslor, sinnesstämningar, ansiktsuttryck, kroppsspråk och tonfall..
Nytt spritsrör på TwinRoll typ TRPE : Undersökning av kostnad på spritsrör
This thesis describes possibilities for Metso Paper to lower their costs of spray pipes for their pulp wash press TRPE, with maintained good functionality and quality.Information that can be used by competitors has been censored in this version of the essay.To find solutions, alternative suppliers have been contacted and asked to quote. There has also been a new spray pipe designed. The manufacturing costs of the new design have been calculated.The thesis also contains a concept generation of an alternative product to the spray pipes in installations where a high pressure washer is used.To be able to ask other manufacturers of spray pipes to quote, a demand specification based on the currently used spray pipe was made. This was then sent to two alternative suppliers.An investigation of earlier used spray pipes, and the currently used, shows that the nozzles are a big part of the total costs of the spray pipes. To attempt to reduce the nozzles high cost an concept generation was made to find the best solution for a new design.There was a request that it should be possible to change the internal brushes in the spray pipe without cutting and welding.
Uppköpta familjeföretag : Hur har organisationskulturen förändrats?
Familjeföretag är den dominerande formen av företag i både USA och Sverige, men endast en tredjedel av alla ?första generationen? familjeföretag förs vidare till nästa generation och endast 15 % av dessa förs vidare till tredje generation. På senare år har det blivit vanligare att företagen säljs vidare utanför familjen men det har inte forskats kring hur kulturen påverkas av ett uppköp av en extern part.Syftet med uppsatsen är att påvisa om och i så fall hur kulturen i ett familjeföretag förändrats vid uppköp av en extern part.För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte har ett kvalitativt, hermeneutiskt tillvägagångssätt använts. Vi har genomfört fallstudier på tre företag där ett före- och efterperspektiv på kulturen har studerats genom kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer.Resultatet av forskningen visar att kulturen i tidigare familjeägda företag förändras vid uppköp av en extern part. Hur kulturen förändras beror på de nya ägarnas värderingar, prioriteringar och mål..
"Dom kallar oss invandrare!" : En undersökning som bygger på hur ungdomar av "andra generationens invandrare" identifierar sig själva.
This investigation is aimed to analyze and gain insight into how young people of the "second generation immigrants" identify themselves in a society where they are seen as immigrants of the environment in view of the name. Also, how they identify themselves during trips to their home/country of origin are of relevance to see if they are affected in their own identification, depending on how they believe they are seen from the outside.Through a survey, the statistics were produced, which serves as a preliminary to the larger part of the investigation where six individuals were interviewed in order to give deeper answers to the questions sought. The answers that emerged were then analyzed in relation to selected theories.In connection with the investigation it has emerged that the young people in question often identify themselves in such a way that they think that the surroundings look at them. It is in relation to how others see them as they see themselves, which creates a distance between the surroundings and themselves. With increased knowledge on both sides, this distance between the environment and the young people in this investigation maybe could reduce..
An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..
Morgondagens effektiva fjärrvärme : En beskrivande litteraturstudie
This report is made as a literature review, focusing on the work done to increase understanding of efficiency in the categories of substations and secondary heating systems, with respect to the deviation from the theoretically possible cooling off in the distribution network as well as the economic benefit that appear. The main purpose of a considerable part of the literature used in this report addresses the issue of identifying individual causes of reduced cooling in district heating systems. These literature resources have been compiled and summarized as part of the report.The technology of district heating is associated with benefits such as better use of the energy in a fuel. This is the case of cogeneration plants where serial generation of electricity and thermal energy increases efficiency compared with the parallel generation where heat is generated locally and electricity is generated centrally. Serial generation thus allows for lower primary energy demand.
"Det är svårt att få dem att stanna längre än tre år" : måste rekryteringsprocessen förändras för att tillfredsställa unga medarbetares krav?
How does a corporation work during the recruitment phase to entice and motivate younger members to work for their organization?The aim is to examine in which grade corporations and organizations? recruitment needs to adapt to encounter Generation Y on the labour market.The base in our method is abduction and our research is based on a qualitative method. We have fulfilled interviews with corporations such as Scania, Skatteverket, Swedbank and Appelqvist & Ottoson HR AB.Corporations need in a sense change their recruitment and emphasis their resources to sell the whole corporation and its image to the young job applicant. The younger members demand a total impression of the corporation to implement an interest and to get motivated to work there. Together with our respondents we have realized that Generation Y has higher demands on their workplace than earlier generations..
Är Stockholmsbörsen predicerbar?
I den här uppsatsen testas huruvida Stockholmsbörsen är predicerbar, i motsats till den icke-predicerbara teorin ? Random Walk theory. Till skillnad från majoriteten av tidigare studier, undersöker jag predicerbarhet för enskilda aktier, och inte bara som ett aggregerat fenomen i form av ett index. Resultatet av studien visar att Stochholmsbörsen som en homogen grupp inte gå att predicera. Däremot, då varje aktie undersökts i isolerad form, uppvisar majoriteten av aktierna ett predicerbarat beteende ? i form av Mean Reversion, alternativt Mean Aversion..
Videokonst : En inblick i videokonstens värld
An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..
Industrialism suddas ut... : vad händer sen?
Mandometer® är ett medicinskt hjälpmedel som används för att normalisera ätbeteende hos personer med övervikt och ätstörningar. Mandometer® har utvecklats av Mando Group AB och används i behandling på Mandometer- och Mandoleankliniker i Sverige, USA och Australien. Det har nyligen skett en utveckling av Mandometer® från generation fyra till generation fem. Den nya versionen består av en tunnare våg och en mobilapplikation, istället för en våg och en bärbar dator. Det finns ingen tidigare studie kring den nya versionens användarvänlighet.