

288 Uppsatser om Rain garden - Sida 14 av 20

Bestämning av dagvattenflöden i Knivstaåns avrinningsområde

The purpose of the thesis was to map the hydraulic load on the Knivsta river from stormwater runoff, and build a platform for further studies of pollution loads on the rivers ecosystems. New residential areas are planned to be built in Knivsta municipality and it will have an impact on stormwater flows to Knivsta river. To examine the impact this will have, simulations were made in the area as it stands today and after expansion work. The work includes calculation of flows from the populated areas but also from the catchment area around it consisting of woodlands and fields. Because of expected climatic changes which may affect rainfall, the simulations have been performed with different return periods for rainfall data.

Bestämning av vattenytor med hjälp av Nätverks-RTK och totalstation : Inmätning av Karlbergsån i Grums kommun

This report is presenting an approach that can be used to measure water surfaces in difficult conditions caused by dense vegetation and lack of nearby known points. The objective was to make a contribution to necessary measures for adaptation against floods in Grums Municipality along the stream Karlbergsån, which may occur when persistent rain raises the level of the stream. Along the river there are low-lying areas prone to flooding. According to Grums Municipality, the stream may widen where the water level differences are large, to create a better flow path and to counteract flooding. Grums Municipality was also interested in survey stormwater discharges which may affect the water level in the stream.

Passivhus - Vikten av lufttäthet och attityder hos boende

E-Series 450 is a chainsaw designed by Husqvarna AB to the semi-professional user. Husqvarna is a world leader when it comes to chainsaws, trimmers, lawn mowers and garden tractors. The problem in hand can be addressed by the question. ?How easy can we start a chainsaw? The purposehas been to provide a solution to the question above and give Husqvarna a good base of which they can continue towards a finished product.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av trädgårdsrehabilitering

Syftet med studien var att undersöka arbetsterapeuters erfarenhet av trädgårdsrehabilitering. En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats valdes för att besvara syftet. Data samlades in via semistrukturerade intervjuer, med intervjuguide som stöd. Insamlad data analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys, vilken resulterade i tre kategorier. Resultatet visade att trädgårdens olika värden är inflytelserika faktorer för människors egen läkepotential, via deltagande i meningsfulla aktiviteter på olika nivåer i trädgården.

Entréträdgårdar - rumslighet, gestaltningselement, uttryck och sociala aspekter :

The BA thesis Front Yard Gardens ? spatiality, design elements, expression and social aspects is a summary of the entrance and front yard garden phenomenon ? where the entrance is the set design and the designer is the director. The thesis touches the social context of which entrances have been and still are shaped. The various appearance of the entrance and front yard gardens throughout the history, starting with the first entrance by the edge of the wood and coming up to the front yard gardens of today, is described. It touches the present day through an analysis of some entrances and front yard gardens of modern residential areas.

Utveckling av provmetodik för HVAC på lastbil : Klimatprovning i klimatvindtunneln CD7

The issue about how Scania shall perform HVAC tests in the climatic wind tunnel CD7, which Scania is about to complete by year 2013, has resulted in four test methods for truck HVAC and also a test method structure. The test methods have been chosen to focus on sun, snow and rain simulations. These are adapted and developed according to what should be tested and to what can be tested in CD7, which has been the object. With CD7 different climates can be simulated in a controlled environment for complete truck level, from desert with high sun load to arctic cold and snow.The test methods represents a basis to start from, for designers and test engineers which make the testing more repetitive as well as time eventually can be saved. Before the test methods can be applied they must be verified as they are based on theoretical and empirical assumptions.

Att se hälsoträdgårdens färger med huden : en idéträdgård med syfte att väcka diskussion runt temat: blindhet, färger och hälsoträdgårdar

Färg anses livsviktig för den mänskliga organismen och en vital del av den helande trädgården. En hälsoträdgård ska tillgodose brukaren samtliga terapeutiska inslag oavsett funktionshinder. Trotts detta saknas det funktionella färginslag för den blinda brukare som söker rekreation i en helande trädgårdsmiljö. Kromoterapi är en form av färgterapi som använts sen 2000 f. kr.

Alternativ Start till Motorsåg : Reviderad för allmänheten

E-Series 450 is a chainsaw designed by Husqvarna AB to the semi-professional user. Husqvarna is a world leader when it comes to chainsaws, trimmers, lawn mowers and garden tractors. The problem in hand can be addressed by the question. ?How easy can we start a chainsaw? The purposehas been to provide a solution to the question above and give Husqvarna a good base of which they can continue towards a finished product.

A serological study of Rift Valley Fever virus in two regions in Tanzania

Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a disease caused by Rift Valley Fever virus (RVFV), which is an arbovirus. An arbovirus is a virus that is transmitted by an arthropod vector, in this case a mosquito. The virus is a member of the Phlebovirus genus in the family Bunyaviridae. It was first identified in the Rift Valley in Kenya in 1930. The disease is a zoonosis but mainly affects domestic ruminants inducing massive abortions and a high mortality among young animals.

Sortval f?r ?pplehagen: Odlade och rekommenderade ?pplesorter i Skaraborgs l?n 1880?1930

This thesis investigates the former apple orchard ?pplehagen with a focus on its origin, history, and remaining fruit trees. Historical aerial photographs, historical maps, an interview with a former owner, together with a field investigation has served as the methods of this survey. The investigation shows that ?pplehagen probably was established between 1882 and the 1930?s as a rational orchard in the spirit of the time aiming to produce fruit both for household and for sale.

En helande trädgårdmiljö för barn med cancer : barnens behov och trädgårdens effekt på det psykiska välbefinnandet / en litteraturstudie

Mål: Att undersöka effekten och behovet av en helande trädgård/ odlingterapi för barn med cancer och deras välbefinnande. Bakgrund: Barn som behandlas för cancer utsätts både för psykisk och fysisk påfrestning. Deras behandling är många gånger tuff och det förändrar hela deras tillvaro. Behandlingen fokuseras på det medicinska/fysiska hälsan, barnens psykiska välmående kan ibland bli åsidosatt. Risken att drabbas av posttraumatisk stress ökar för de som drabbats av cancer.

Lean för kortare väntetid till strålbehandling : Förbättringsarbete och enkätstudie hur det påverkar arbetsmiljön

The aim of the study was to explore the methods used in horticultural therapy gardens in rehabilitating people suffering from fatigue syndrome. Nine horticultural therapy gardens were contacted of wich three chose to participate. Using case study as method e-mail interviews was carried out with the participants about their establishment and what kind of theories they based their methods upon. The material collected from the interviews was complemented with additional data from the establishments web pages and information pamphlets. Collected data was processed trough content analysis and then formed as background for the development of a program theory for horticultural therapy.

Phenotyping of Bali cattle and interviewing farmers in Indonesia - a minor field study

Among the Indigenous cattle breeds in Indonesia, the Bali cattle is the most preferred by small farmers. The Bali cattle is a beef breed, and is considered to have several advantageous characteristics and to be well adapted to the country?s harsh environmental tropical conditions with drought and rain. The main aim of this project was to phenotype of Bali cattle from different locations in order to identify and document diversity within the Bali cattle breed based on their observable characteristics, to compare cattle from different areas and production systems to see the effect of management on phenotype. In this study, 107 cows and bulls of the breed Bali cattle, from Kalimantan, Sumatra, Lombok and Bali were phenotyped.

Svenska sojabönor - finns marknadsmöjligheter?

The large-scale soy cultivation has negative consequences for the habitat of local populations because of the intensive use of pesticides and the destruction of rain forests and eco-systems. GM soya, varieties are often used. The majority of Swedish people, however, do not want GM products in their food. It will be hard in future to ensure GM free food, particularly foods that come from countries where GM crops are grown on a large scale. It is very difficult to avoid cross- contamination when both GM and non-GM crops are grown in the same area.

Trädgårdar för rehabilitering : en jämförelse mellan Alnarp och Vidarkliniken

Detta arbete handlar om terapiträdgårdar gjorda för att rehabilitera människor med stressrelaterade sjukdomar. Jag har valt att jämföra två terapiträdgårdar, en vid Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet i Alnarp och en i anslutning till det antroposofiska sjukhuset Vidarkliniken. Syftet är att se vilka likheter och skillnader de uppvisar trots att de kommit till på olika sätt. Trädgården i Alnarp skapades som ett forskningsprojekt för trädgårdsterapi medan Vidarklinikens rehabiliteringsträdgård skapades med antroposofin som grund. Om Alnarp och deras trädgårdsterapi finns en mängd litteratur som jag använt mig av, men om Vidarklinikens trädgård finns inte lika mycket, och därför har jag regelbundet samtalat med Vera Billing som designat deras terapiträdgård.

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