

288 Uppsatser om Rain garden - Sida 12 av 20

A Brief Moment Of Peace. Ett utforskande i visuellt uttryck inom 3d-grafik och animerad film

This project was about the creation of a shorter computer animated film. Thegoal of the project was to explore a different technique of the visual outcomethat should not rely on photorealistic rendering and how to find new interestingways to use 3d-graphic for visuals. A big part of the project was also toincorporate music to create a chosen atmosphere and impact on the viewer butalso to help the story forward and questions such as; ?How can you create anexpression for the feeling you want to transmit?? were formulated. The scenewas built up in a 3d-application consisting of a house and surrounding garden,which within an character was animated to tell the plot.

Klimatanpassning och lantbruket i Värmland : Klimatförändringarnas upplevda effekter på lantbruket och olika aktörers åsikter om klimatanpassning

Climate change is a global and slow process that affects humans all over the world. Climate adaption within agriculture is important to reduce the risks that agricultures are exposed to because of climate change.  Through climate adaption you can improve the positive effects and take advantage of them optimally. How the climate change affects agricultures varies depending on regions and societies. The purposes of the study are to examine how different actors experience the impacts of climate change on the agriculture in Värmland.

Den stygga trädgården : En sinnlig tolkningsansats med utgångspunkt i Helen Chadwicks Cacao och Bad Blooms

The purpose of this essay is to discuss what a sensual interpretation of art is and what it should include. The discussion is based on an attempt to do a sensual interpretation of the Greek-British artist Helen Chadwick?s Cacao and Wreaths to Pleasure. Chadwick was an artist working with well-known materials in new and unexpected ways. An interpretation of her works should include the fact that her art affect us on different levels, both intellectually and sensually.

Volatilitetsintegration och Internationell Diversifiering : En empirisk studie om hur Sveriges volatilitetsintegration och diversifieringsmöjligheter har förändrats inom EMU sedan införandet av euron

To accomplish my purpose about where bullying is emerging and how bullying utter it is self and if the educationist consideration disposes conform to the students, i chose two classes from two different schools. With the help of the students thought and speculations and with the educationalists answers, I come to a result. I want to add that my results agreed with the early scientists? research. The results also confirmed by literature and by theories that showed in my result.

Våtmarker i urbana miljöer : växtgestaltning och planering

The practice of landscape architectural involves forming the space in our cities and suburbs, as well as the landscape surrounding. The need of exploiting green environment leads up to, among other issues, flood problem during heavy rain and overfed water environments. The problem is partially caused by the shortage of knowledge, how the environment is responding of the innovations made by the city- urban planning and how to get sustainability. Research and knowledge how to take care of our environment, in a natural way, is increasing. The object of the thesis is to propose control and balance in urban wetlands, and discuss the difference a plant design can do. The thesis deals with discourses in the field of landscape architecture, biological diversity, dam construction, limnology, planting design and management, pollution of the environment and urban design practice.

Optimala antalet användare i en användbarhetsutvärdering : En undersökning om hur många användare som bör vara med i en användbarhetsutvärdering för att uppnå mättnad och ett gott resultat.

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att belysa frågan om hur många användare det behövdes för att uppnå en viss mättnad i en användbarhetsutvärdering för en specifik flash-applikation kallad My Garden. De aspekter som låg till grund för denna uppsats var brytpunkten i ökningen av unika fynd i korrelation med höga procentsatser. Med hjälp av den formativa utvärderingen och analysen av denna gick det sedan att ta reda på vilka problem (så kallade fynd) som upplevdes av användarna i gränssnittet. Resultatet av analysen resulterade i 95 unika fynd i tio användbarhetsutvärderingar. Resultatet visade följaktligen att för denna sorts utvärdering behövdes sju användare för att uppnå 93 % av alla unika fynd som hittades och därmed uppnå en slags mättnad i avklingandet av hittade unika fynd..

Dendroklimatologisk analys av lokalklimat vid Grövelsjön i Dalafjällen

Climate on earth is getting warmer, which effects earth?s energy balance and so forth the ocean and atmospheric circulation.  In many sub-polar regions on the northern hemisphere changes due to warming of the climate can be observed. Some examples that already have been observed are shifts in tree line, towards higher altitudes and latitudes, increased ablation of Swedish glaciers and melting of the permafrost on the Siberian tundra. In Sweden climate change scenarios tell us that it will become warmer and that a higher amount of precipitation in form of rain will be an effect from this. To study climate changes in Sweden, transition zones are useful in order to observe changes in distribution of species and animal populations.

Skrylleområdet - naturupplevelse som motivation till motion? :

Our lives in urban areas are becoming more and more inactive with negative effects on our mental and physical health. Natural environments and physical activity have the power to both prevent and reduce mental fatigue. Meanwhile we engage ourselves with physical activity, the nature fascinates us with its complexity. In April 2006, some of the visitors to the recreational area of Skrylle were asked to fill in a questionnaire which included questions about their habits within physical activity and the experience of nature. The questionnaires were then divided into two groups: those filled out by persons who exercise on regular basis (i.e. three or several times/week) and those who rarely exercise.

Ulleråker sjukhus : trädgård och park : vårdprogram

In the middle of the 19th century came an opposite reaction against the hospitals? treatment of their patients and a more human way was requested. A link between crowded housing, bad hygien and other bad conditions had been noticed and nature was considered to be healthy. Hospitals and sanatiories moved closer to nature due to influences from England, USA and Germany, and cities began building public parks. Employment was seen as calming and healthy for the patients.

Hur står det till idag? : eller kan man ta tempen på kultur?

This study is focused on some individuals' experience of the concept of culture in their everyday life. Some questions about culture were asked to some persons living in a small village in the isle of Gotland and some persons in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, in the autumn in 2007 in a field study.The study showed that peopele tend to shape their own life world in the continuous activity in their near surroundings, in the garden and in reading literature and listening to music. There were some differences in the life world depending on where they lived,  in the country side or in town. Urban life has more offers as to popera and theatres but negatively more violence and stress.A study of literature on the ethnological concept of culture is included. The answers of the individuals also led to different topics such as nostalgia, mind, fear, feelings, body and soul which were enlightened by scientist from the respective fields..

Analysis of Swedish accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. using SSR Markers

AbstractThe genetic diversity in cultural plants is considered to be threatened due to global climate change and antropogenic influence. Unknowing of future conditions for cultivation, gene banks all over the world are now trying to build up costly safety nets of species and varieties that may become highly valuable owing to their specific traits and genetic heredity. Hence, in 2002 there was a national inventory, aimed at the Swedish public, asking for seeds believed to be lost. Among the resulting collected seeds were some accessions of garden bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. The objective of this particular study was to assemble a collection of unique varieties and discard possible duplicates.

WC-spolning med regnvatten

Idag spolar den stora majoriteten av alla invånare i Sverige med dricksvattnen i toaletten. Spolning med regnvatten i WC är något som på flera håll i världen används flitigt främst i områden med någon slags vattenbrist. Men i Sverige har regnanvändande anläggningars popularitet inte riktigt slagit igenom ännu. Orsaken till detta kan härledas till flera faktorer. De viktigaste och de som påverkar mest är; den goda tillgången och således låga priset på dricksvatten i Sverige, samt begränsad konkurrens bland företag och återförsäljare vilket ger ett högt investeringspris på regnanvändande anläggningar för konsumenten. Fokus i detta examensarbete ligger på att göra en grundläggande analys av regnvatten och möjligheterna att genom en regnanvändande anläggning kunna använda regnvatten istället för dricksvatten för att spola i toaletten med. Tillvägagångssättet har varit att genom en studie av olika källor sammanställa information relevant till ämnet regnvatten och regnvattenanvändning till WCspolning, följt av en analys och jämförelse av hur ekonomiskt hållbar en regnanvändande anläggning i ett standardhus beläget i Malmö är, i förhållande till samma standardhus med en traditionell dricksvattenförsörjning för WC-spolning. Resultatet av analysen visar tydligt att en regnvattenanvändande anläggning i fallet med standardhuset i dagsläget inte går att rättfärdiga ur ekonomisk synpunkt, men även att det finns möjlighet till en realistisk ekonomisk förtjänst i andra byggnader eller i framtiden..

Ett svenskt landskap i Australien : svenska kyrkan i Melbourne

As a Swedish landscape architecture student living in Australia for five years, I have often wondered if my memories and my associations with the landscape and the nature in Sweden, are the same as other Swedish people living in Melbourne. Most of the Swedish people who live here in Melbourne remember and associate Sweden?s nature and landscape with where they grew up or where they used to live. The plants that most of the Swedish people I asked missed from Sweden were associated to special feelings or activities. The general type of landscape people remember from Sweden is that of a landscape covered in forests, which you can walk freely through. With these memories as a foundation and with inspiration from the Swedish landscape architect Thorbjörn Anderson?s way of creating places, by letting a few strong changes play against the existing elements,2 but also with consideration of the climate and the severe shortage of water that is current in Melbourne, will I create a design concept for the garden surrounding the Swedish Church in Melbourne. A design concept that will generate memories and associations to Swedish landscapes..

Skuggföredragande växter i trädgård

Detta examensarbete innehåller en beskrivning av växter som under olika förhållanden trivs och kan växa i områden med delvis eller hel skugga. Beskrivningarna av växterna är översiktliga och ämnar inte informera läsaren grundligt om växten utan enbart om enklare fakta för att kunna planera sin trädgård. Jag har valt att inrikta mig på markförhållande beroende på klimatet (torr, fuktig och blöt mark) och markförhållande beroende på substratet (sand, lera, humus och torv) samt temperaturbundna växter. Därefter följer en slutsats där jag reflekterar över mitt arbete. ***********This thesis contains a description of plants that thrive and can grow under different conditions in areas with partial or full shade.

Why UK rain when you can go to Ukraine? : En studie av svenska tjänstebolags etableringsstrategier på den ukrainska marknaden

Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka externa respektive interna faktorer som påverkar valet av etableringsstrategi då svenska tjänstebolag etablerar sig på den ukrainska marknaden. Med etableringsstrategi menar vi valet mellan uppköp(acquisition), kapitalallians(joint venture) eller nyetablering(green-field). I teoridelen redogör vi för de faktorer vi valt att utgå ifrån och vad tidigare forskning säger om deras inverkan på val av etableringsstrategi. De externa faktorerna är kulturella skillnader, marknad, landsrisk och produktion. De interna faktorerna är kontroll och risk, produkten och resurser.Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts på plats i Kiev med fem representanter som haft ledande positioner innan och under etableringen.

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