

767 Uppsatser om Quick response - Sida 5 av 52

Digital reklamskylt för utomhusbruk, där ett dynamiskt målgruppsanpassat budskap ändras genom fjärrstyrning

The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

När läraren blir elev : En kvalitativ studie av argumenterande texter skrivna av lärare

The present study aims to examine how teachers write polemical articles. This genre often occurs in national standardized tests in Swedish schools. The study seeks to analyze argumentative structures in the articles. It also categorizes assessment notes written by the teachers in response to each others? articles, by interpreting response texts.    The examination shows that there is uncertainty among the teachers about how to create structures in argumentative text types.

Det redovisade resultatets värderelevans - före och efter IFRS

This thesis aims to investigate if there are any differences in the value relevance of yearly earnings announcements before (2000-2004) and after (2005-2009) IFRS were implemented for listed companies in the European Union. To assess the value relevance of earnings, an earnings response coefficient (ERC) is estimated using a linear OLS-regression model. The regression model uses accounting earnings per share as the explaining variable, with the corresponding return starting from (but not including) the previous year's earnings announcement date, ending at (and including) the current earnings announcement date, as the dependent variable. This study finds that there is no statistically significant difference between the estimated ERCs for the two periods. Although no statistically significant difference is found, data shows that the R2-values, which measure the explanatory power of the regressions, are higher for the period before IFRS.

Den Segrörliga Utbildningen : Lärarutbildningens kvalitet vid Växjö Universitet

This work is a quick look at the overall quality of the teaching program at Växjö University and how the program is viewed by the students, future teachers, who attend it. This work aims to deduce how Växjö University uses it's resources to improve the overall quality of the teaching program..

Intuition i beslutsfattande : En studie om det intuitiva beslutsfattandet och dess påverkande faktorer vid Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala

Managers operating within the dynamic society of today are said to rely on intuition when effective and quick decisions are to be made. This skill or phenomenon has aroused an interest within the academic world of management whom has explored intuition, its relation to decision making and its influencing factors, especially in the private sector. Intuitive decision making is however not isolated solely to this sector but also involved in decision making associated to the public sector. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is to investigate whether managers at the hospital Akademiska in Uppsala involve intuition in decision making and to what extent the factors time, amount of information, individual experience and decision complexity influence the intuition.The theoretical framework includes academic research regarding how intuition and rationality affect decisions, the concept of intuition and factors influencing the intuitiveness of decision making. Furthermore the theoretical discussion explores intuition connected to leadership, negative aspects of intuitive decisions and a comparison between different factors that separates public and private sector in terms of decision making.

CAN ANALYZATOR : Worst case response time

Analys av värsta fallets respons tid av CAN meddelanden..

Polisens kunskap ? allmänhetens trygghet En utvärdering av polisområde Älvsborgs trygghetsmätning

Aim is to investigate from a criminological perspective how the safety questionnaire in Älvsborg police district can be improved theoretically and methodologically, in order for the questionnaire to effectively measure criminal victimisation, concern about crime, safety and confidence in the police.1. What should a good questionnaire contain?- Which methodological problems are related to measuring criminal victimisation, concern about crime and confidence in the police?- Which criminological theories are interesting in this context and how can questions be designed from these theories?2. How will the themes now represented in the questionnaire be measured in the best possible way? Are there any reasons to remove, The material consists of questions from the safety questionnaire, the total analysis report and individual reports for the local authorities, as well the results and technical information from Mind Research.

Antikroppsstatus mot kattpest hos lejonen i Kolmårdens Djurpark :

The lions at Kolmårdens zoo are vaccinated against Feline Panleukopenivirus (FPV). In 1994 there was an outbreak among the lions at the zoo of FPV disease. A retrospective study has been made to measure the antibodytiters in vaccinated lions and lions that lived during the outbreak. An ImmunoPeroxidase Monolayer Assay (IPMA) was used to analyze the titers in the sera from the lions. Lions were divided into five groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 contained lions vaccinated one, two and three times respectively (a total of 40 animals). The lions of Group 4 were born in 2004 (six lioncubs) and were vaccinated according to different regimes and the changes in antibodytiters were followed as respose to vaccination during the spring 2005.

Sverigefonder - varför skiljer sig en del från marknaden?

Syftet är att undersöka om Sverigefonder under en nio- sju- respektive femårsperiod genererar riskjusterad över- respektive underavkastning. Målet är därefter att härleda avkastningen till en fondförvaltares förmåga att framkalla en skev fond, alternativt till dennes eventuella selektivitets- respektive timingförmåga. Detta med hjälp av Jensens Alfa, Treynor & Mazuys modell samt Asymmetric Response Model. Ett första delsyfte är att utreda i vilken utsträckning avkastningen kan knytas till det fondbolag som förvaltar fonden respektive fondens förvaltare, antal förvaltarbyten, storlek samt omsättningshastighet. Målet är även att koppla egenskaperna till skevhet, selektivitets- samt timingförmåga.

Marknadsundersökning om markägarens val av skogspartner

The driving forces from the forest owners point-of-view was studied on a market where several buyers attend to procure round-wood. It was concluded that forest owners prefer personal contacts to other means of communication, but that it is essential that the initial contact is a personal letter on paper. Furthermore, although price is always important, long standing relations is asked for. The buying companies need skillful experienced buyers that can provide more than just quick closures of deals..

?Det finns ingen «quick fix« i energifrågan.? ? En kvalitativ studie av energifrågan i västerbottnisk dagspress

Titel ?Det finns ingen «quick fix« i energifrågan.? ? En kvalitativ studie av energifrågan i västerbottnisk dagspressFörfattare Johanna StenmarkUppdragsgivareJMG, Göteborgs universitetKurs Examensarbete, Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation (JMG), Göteborgs universitetTermin Höstterminen 2013 Handledare! Mathias A. Färdigh Sidantal 39 sidorAntal ord 12 930 stSyfte Att undersöka hur energifrågan omskrivs i västerbottnisk dagspress före och efter olyckan på Fukushima. Metod Kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Altheides ECA-modell ! Material 155 ( 150) st texter av karaktären insändare, debatt och ledare från tidningarna Folkbladet, Norran och Västerbottens- Kuriren från mars månad under åren 2010, 2011, 2012 samt 2013. Huvudresultat Energifrågan i den västerbottniska dagspressen visar sig ofta vara regionalt orienterad.

Fast fashion i modeindustrin : En kamp mot klockan

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad som inom fast fashion har påverkat företagen på den internationella modemarknaden. Världen har förändrats och konsumenter ställer högre krav på modeföretag. Tiden blir en allt mer drivande faktor i och med att leverantörskedjor utvecklar kortare ledtider. Produktionsstrategin inom fast fashion företaget är i leverantörskedjan av stort fokus. Vi vill med denna uppsats skapa uppmärksamhet till det omtalade fenomenet som har tillkommit, fast fashion.

Parametriserad 3D-modell av cyklon : Parametrisering av en 3D-modell av ett cyklonfilter i SolidWorks för snabb framtagning av nya konstruktioner till Outotec Skellefteå

This bachelor thesis project has been executed at Outotec Sweden AB in Skellefteå. Outotecs main business focus is selling mineral and metal processing technologies. A rest product from the metal process is particle-polluted gas and cyclone designs are today the most commonly used abatement device for particle control. A cyclone provides a simple design with high efficiency particle percolation by using air streams.The purpose of this work is to reduce the time it takes create new cyclone designs in Outotecs projects. An extensive construction work is needed for every new cyclone order due to new designs.

Transportörens hantering av slaktsvin och slaktsvinens beteende vid avlastning på slakteri :

The study concerns the unloading of pigs at the slaughter house, both from the pigs view and from the transporters view. The study has been carried out at the slaughter house (SLP) in Helsingborg, Sweden. It includes a questionnaire to all transporters (65 % response) and a direct observation of the unloading. The transporters handling of the pigs, their use of different equipment and the response of the pigs has been studied. The pigs behaviour at unloading and their reactions to environmental factors has also been studied.

The WT1-gene ? its role in tumourigenesis and prospects for developing a vaccine

The WT1 gene is a complex gene originally known to suppress cancer in kidneys. Studies of WT1 knockout mice have confirmed the important role of WT1 in the pathogenesis of Wilms? tumour, a tumour which counts for 95% of all childhood renal tumours. In that case the WT1 gene acts as a tumour suppressor gene. Subsequent research has shown that the WT1 gene in many other cases acts as an oncogene, e g in leukemia or lung cancer (even though these cancer forms can emerge as a result of many other aetiological factors).

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