

884 Uppsatser om Queer pedagogy - Sida 8 av 59

Taggad! : Identitetsskapande och sja?lvpresentation genom taggning pa? en svensk dejtingsajt

This study investigates how tagging is being used in a new way when members of a Swedish dating site get to tag themselves in an act of self-presentation with the aim of meeting new people. In the study seven members of the dating site Mazily were interviewed about their self-presentation, tagging and identity formation there. The questions concerned how they formed their own tags, but also how they interpret and use other members' tags in their search for a potential partner.I have been using queer theories for this study, in order to find out what kind of norms and structures that lie behind and affect the members' behaviour on the website. My study finds that the interviewed members to a high degree reflect about both their own and other members tagging and self-presentations. Although they spend quite some time trying to analyse other people on the website they have a great sense of understanding that a person may give two very different impressions on the site and offline.

En diskursiv icke-identitet? : Ett anspråk på asexualitet inom vardagens sexualitetsdiskurs

 Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur avståndstagandet från sexuell praktik ? det vill säga asexualitet ? problematiseras inom vardagliga kanaler, så som inom film och media. I det samtida samhället utgör den heterosexuellt aktiva parrelationen en norm utifrån vilken alla andra intima relationer jämförs, granskas och bedöms. Genom att analysera och dekonstruera denna sexualitetsdiskurs traditionellt tvingande praxis, lägger uppsatsen vidare fokus på att synliggöra den asexuella erfarenheten i relation till nämnd heteronorm. Uppsatsens material utgörs av tre filmer som på sina respektive sätt presenterar, och samtalar kring, sex, sexualitet och sexuell identitet.

?Alla ska behandlas lika?? : verktyg eller reproducering av stereotyper

Den här studien tar upp jämställdhetsarbete på förskola utifrån en mer queerteoretiskt ansats, för att synliggöra flera interagerande maktordningar runt kön som exempelvis heteronormativitet.

Den lesbiska blicken : En undersökning av blick och betraktarskap utifrån tre målningar av Romaine Brooks

This paper aims to investigate the terms and conditions of a lesbian gaze and a lesbian spectatorship from a feminist and queer theoretical point of view. The empirical material consists of three paintings by the American artist Romaine Brooks (1874-1970).  Brooks was based in Paris in the early 20th century where she was surrounded by a group of intellectual and usually cross-dressing lesbians. The women within this context are the ones depicted in Brooks? paintings and this makes her one of the first artists in modernity to openly portray lesbian and cross-dressing women.

Vad är meningen med värdegrunden? : Om svårigheten i att förena teori med praktik i värdegrundsarbetet i skolan

The topic of this essay is core value issues, how they are mediated in school and how they are practiced. I am investigating a problem concerning the existential worth of the core values-content for children, or in other words, the difficulty of reconciling the theory of the core values and their practice. This problem is portrayed by two stories. The aim of this work is to investigate how to combine the core values theory with its practice, in other words, make it meaningful. In my essay, I turn to recent research in the field to provide a background to my issue, and hereby further point to my problem.

Teknologi, Pedagogik och Ämne : En policystudie om hur nationella mål för IT i skolan transformeras till kommunala IT-strategier

Today there is a large consensus about the importance of Swedish schools providingconditions enabling students to develop the ability to manage and learn through information technologies (IT). The goal of this study was to describe and examine how national education goals for the use of IT transformed into municipal IT-strategies for the school. A content analysis was conducted of thirty-eight municipal IT-strategies collected from Swedish municipal websites on the Internet. The content in the municipal IT-strategies was compared with the content in both the Swedish education act and the national curriculum. The results showed that the content in the Swedish education act and the national curriculum in fact was translated into municipal IT strategies, but that the range of strategies concerning technology, pedagogy and content in relation to IT was broad.

Den homosexuella huvudstaden : En studie av Stockholm i en queer tillämpning av GIS i kvalitativa studier

Det övergripande syftet för denna studie är att problematisera GIS som ett positivistiskt instrumentför samhällsplanering och geografiforskning samt praktiskt anamma en kritisk, queerteoretisk ochkvalitativ tillämpning på GIS-baserade analyser. För att detta ska vara genomförbart kräver det enkvalitativ analys av hur människor utanför det härskande narrativet faktiskt använder och uppleverstadsrum och vilka konsekvenser de normativa strukturerna har genom att analysera hurhomosexuella män i Stockholm upplever och använder stadsrum. Genom en seriefokusgruppssamtal med homosexuella män bosatta i Stockholm har studien visat hur kvalitativadata kan inkorporeras och vara underlag för kvalitativa analyser i GIS. Studien har visat hur enepistemologisk och praktiskt integration av kritisk geografi och GIS kan bidra till en mer nyanseradbild av GIS. Vidare visar studien hur ett GIS kan användas för att visualisera maktförhållanden ochkritiskt utmana det härskande narrativet.

Bortom ?könet?? : om Simones förvandling, avslöjande och återställande i Ulf Starks Dårfinkar & dönickar (1984)

The aim of this paper is to analyse how subject, gender and sexuality is constructed in the book Dårfinkar & dönickar (1984), by Ulf Stark. In relation to this I have also analysed how the main character, Simone, develops from being a child into becoming a teenager.Queertheory is the theoretical basis of this paper. Queer theory questions heteronormativity and aims to dissolve conceptions and notions that function in an excluding and limiting way. Queer theory also questions conceptions that seem obvious and/or natural, for example ?woman?/?man? and ?homo-/heterosexuality?.I have chosen to focus the analysis on a number key events in the book and they are categorised according to Tiina Rosenberg`s three dramaturgic concepts: transformation, unveiling and restoration.

När, var och hur? : En studie av kontaktlinsanvändares köpbeslutsprocess

The purpose of this essay is to find out how two schools work with newly arrived children and to see how they differ. There is a lack of national directives for those who work with newly arrived children and teenagers; this makes the introduction very different between schools.The study is qualitative, based on interviews with four teachers in two different compulsory schools. One school is situated in a suburb of Stockholm and the other one is situated in a minor community in Dalarna. One schools got a preparatory class for newly immigrated pupils and the other school doesn?t.The theoretical frame that I have chosen to analyse these interviews are literature and research on Bilingualism, Children with PTSD, Intercultural Pedagogy and Special PedagogyMy results also show that these schools work very differently, and that there is very little co-operation within the school and with the units around the school, regarding these children.

Skolintroduktion av nyanlända elever i grundskolan

This essay is a study about the school introduction of immigrant pupils in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose if this study is to examine the organisation municipal school introduction for immigrant pupils in the compulsory school in Södertälje. The method I have used is qualitative research method which depends on interviews and analysis of documents.The result shows that the municipal is without a plan for the school introduction of the immigrant pupils and that the individual compulsory school has the main responsibility for the school introduction of the immigrant pupils. The result also shows that there is a need of increased teaching of mother tongue. There is also a need of competence development within intercultural pedagogy.My conclusions are that a municipal plan for the school introduction of immigrant pupils should increase the immigrant pupils? possibility to a shorter time of introduction to the compulsory school..

"Välsignad vare illusionen" : Normer och ideal i Karin Boyes Astarte

In this essay I analyze Karin Boye?s first novel, Astarte, focusing on her views concerning norms,ideals and female liberation. The novel is written in a tone of irony, allowing for many of thecharacters to be viewed as caricatures. The theories and methods I use are drawn from genderstudies and queer theory. Queer theorist Judith Butler, and the concepts of performativity, interpellation, genealogy and the heterosexual matrix, are of central importance for my analysis.

Syndens Scheherazade. En studie av subjekt och sexualitet i Birgitta Stenbergs "Kärlek i Europa"

Birgitta Stenberg?s autobiographical novel Kärlek i Europa was published in 1981. It takes placein the fifties and is written in a genre popular in Sweden during the seventies, the feministconfession novel. The genre had a strong political purpose, by way of sharing experiences ofliving as a woman in a patriarchal society the aim was to raise consciousness of oppression andmake way for liberation and sisterhood. But there was not room for everyone in the feministstruggle.

Upplevelse & Inlevelse : En kulturarvspedagogisk studie av Hogslaby Järnåldersby, Botkyrka kommun

The main purpose of this study is to view the aims of the local authority of Botkyrka for their prehistoric village, and to compare those with the actual activities in the village.Because of no official formulated aims, the study were laboured through interviews, observations, analysis of evaluations and a parallell literature study.For the visiting pupils today, the village has an introduction, but not a follow-up. Pedagogically the follow-up is the most important part, seeing that it?s there the knowledge is created in relation to the experience.Through experience-pedagogy, based on learning by doing, try to attain an experience intended to generate knowledge. But in this case, the focus lands on doing, and the reflection fails to occur. This is a learning based on the situation, rather than on the reflection, situated learning..

?DET BLIR MER KOPPLAT TILL VERKLIGHETEN? : Drama som pedagogiskt verktyg

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka användandet av drama som pedagogiskt verktyg i gymnasieskolans undervisning och elevers attityder till det. För att ta reda på detta användes en enkätundersökning bestående av kvalitativa och kvantitativa frågor på en gymnasieskola i Mellansverige. Resultatet från undersökningen visar att drama som pedagogiskt verktyg upplevs ha flera olika effekter för eleverna, både pedagogiskt som individuellt. Slutsatsen är således att drama inte bara är ett verktyg förbehållet läraren för att skapa en lustfylld undervisning utan drama är också ett betydelsefullt redskap som elever kan använda för sin sociala och emotionella utveckling..

De(o)begripliga familjerna : en diskursanalys av SOU 2001:10 Barn i homosexuella familjer

Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att analysera den statliga offentliga utredningen SOU 2001:10 Barn i homosexuella familjer, för att se hur den normala respektive den onormala familjen skapas genom olika distinktioner. Jag fokuserar på hur kön/genus och begär kan ses som betydelsebärande konstruktioner i skapandet av den hetero- och den homosexuella familjen, samt den heterosexuella normens makt att begripliggöra handlingar, beteenden och kategorier.Jag analyserar min empiri, SOU 2001:10, med hjälp av feministiska och queer teoretiska utgångspunkter, där inspiration hämtats från dessa teoriers konstruktivistiska och dekonstruktivistiska ansatser. Jag har i uppsatsen varit intresserad av att visa hur queerteori kan användas för att dekonstruera ett empiriskt material som har materiell och kulturell betydelse.I uppsatsen visar jag hur Butlers heterosexuella matris kan användas för att förstå hur den homosexuella familjen normeras i utredningen. I kapitlet Familjens ?ontologi? visar jag hur den homosexuella familjen och den heterosexuella familjen skapar varandra och hur den heterosexuella hegemonin drar upp gränserna för de (o)begripliga familjerna..

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