

884 Uppsatser om Queer pedagogy - Sida 5 av 59

Sindhia : En queerteoretisk diskursanalys

The purpose of this paper is to explore the female experience as it is spoken of in the novel Sindhia written by Rut Hillarp (1954) and how the main character in the book violates the experience from a queer perspective. My aim is to through a close reading highlight a number of discourses that underpin the book's imminent theme of love and submission.According to Norman Faircloughs critical-discourse analysis, the text one reads produces a certain amount of discourses that one consumes. This way there is a dialectical interaction that can be set into a practical analysis together with a suitable academic perspective. This is the method I use in this thesis.The academic perspective I add isJudith Butler's queer theoriessupported by Michel Foucaults social genealogyin order to understand/analyze the woman?s position in relation to a social empirical history.I came to the conclusion that Sindhia produces the woman's discourse from an ancient biblical/ mythological time up to modern time.

Tusen bilder, tusen ord. Ett socialt kreativitetsprojekt med unga hbtq-personer.

The aim of the essay is to explore how so called ?safe spaces? are built, and the part that creativity can play in this construction. The essay also explores the duality of idea-based social work that at the same time strives to support vulnerable groups and strives to make social and political changes. The essay has its empirical base in the RFSL Ungdom project ?Tusen bilder, tusen ord? (A thousand pictures, a thousand words).

Marte meo i daglig verksamhet - En studie i hur Marte meo tillämpas inom daglig verksamhet

This report is the result of several interviews of employees within the field of pedagogy. The background behind this report is my period as a trainee in one of the daily activities in Malmo. In daily activities the employers gets training, education and guidance in Marte meo, which is funded by public finances. The method, which this study focuses upon is called Marte meo. It is a method of communicating and developing the means for the participants to evolve their skills in communicating and increase self esteem.

Hur verkligheten kan upplevas för en H/B/T/Q-person : -En studie med Grounded Theory som forskningsstrategi

Studien har syftat till att skapa förståelse för hur verkligheten kan upplevas för personer som identifierar sig som homosexuella, bisexuella, transpersoner och/eller queer (H/B/T/Q), idag i Sverige. Vi hade en explorativ ansats utifrån detta syfte och använde oss av Grounded theory som kvalitativ metod för datainsamling och databearbetning. Vi intervjuade 11 H/B/T/Q-personer i Örebro, och vi fann ett antal centrala teman som var återkommande i intervjuberättelserna. Dessa handlade om hur sociala interaktioner med omgivningen påverkade den egna processen mot ett öppet liv som H/B/T/Q-person eller ett mer dolt. Det framkom också att det fanns en koppling mellan öppenhet i detta avseende och psykiskt välbefinnande.

Interkulturell pedagogik : En studie om fem lärares förhållningssätt i en mångkulturell klass

The aim of this essay is to study five teachers' perceptions and experiences of a multicultural class. I want to find out how they relate to intercultural education and how they experience that they may apply it.Sweden is a multicultural society. This fact is even reflected in the school and this imposes on teachers finding new ways to educate and prepare their students for the multicultural society.I chose to carry out a qualitative survey and interviewed five teachers having contact with a multicultural class. The study also offers suggestions to future teachers who can benefit from it in terms of adopting convenient attitudes in multicultural classes with better understanding.The outcome reached shows that the interviewed teachers try to make use of intercultural pedagogy by addressing differences between students, adapting teaching to supply for the needs of students, and also by having good contact with parents. But teachers also experience difficulties.

Familj, moderskap och incest i Så länge vi båda andas : En queerteoretisk temastudie av Stephenie Meyers Så länge vi båda andas

This paper examines in what way the heterosexual matrix is challenged by Stephenie Meyer in Breaking dawn (Så länge vi båda andas). By doing a thematic study on the various family constellations appearing in the novel, I search for the queer elements in it. I discuss incest, family building and motherhood, and find that there are numerous queer elements associated with the themes I have chosen. I conclude that the Cullen family challenges the heterosexual matrix, despite not being typical queer vampire characters. I also find that building a successful family is not based on gender or constellation otherwise, but is instead dependant on democracy and equality.

"Hallå 2000-talet!" : En enkätstudie om heteronormativitet i grundskolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning idag

Studien handlar om heteronormativitet i grundskolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning. Heteronormativitet är antagandet om att det enda rätta och normala är att vara heterosexuell. Normer finns överallt i olika kulturer och grupper, heteronormen är en ledande och övergripande norm i vårt samhälle. I skolan kan svårigheter uppstå för de elever som på något sätt avviker från heteronormen. Svenska lärarutbildningar berör ämnet sex och samlevnad i mycket begränsad utsträckning vilket kan medföra att lärare inte har den kunskap som krävs för att undervisa i ämnet.

Barnbiblioteksverksamhet ur ett genusperspektiv. En explorativ studie.

The aim of this Masters thesis is, with an exploratory stand, to examine the thoughts regarding gender perspective at childrens library service that are expressed from childrens librarians as well as the staff in administrative management. The purpose of the study is to generate ideas for further research and discussion regarding a gender perspective on the childrens library service. A total of eight interviews have been carried out. Three persons at the administrative level and five childrens librarians were interviewed. We also have examined if a gender perspective is expressed in the control documents, from international level to a local level, which the libraries could use when developing and planning their work.

"A gentle push": barnets inskolning i förskolan

An absolute majority of all Swedish children begins to attend preschool at some point between the age of one and five. The acclimatisation to preschool means a great change in every small child's life. They leave all that is well known, the parent and their home, to face a whole new environment with new kids and adults to get to know and learn to trust.The purpose of this study has been to find out how the professionals in preschool reflect upon the child's acclimatisation at preschool. More specifically we wanted answers to how the preschool teachers, in their work with the child's acclimatisation, relates to the today, in preschool, much debated relationship between the two perspectives care and pedagogy.This qualitative study is based on ten interviews with preschool teachers at different preschools in a small town in Sweden. The analysis is based on a presentation of the interview material compared with earlier research and the theoretical aspects we have chosen, which are Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory and the Object Relations Theory.While working with this paper it has come clear to us that there is no explicit or common definition of the concept of care within preschool, while there is a clear definition of the concept of pedagogy.

Identitet och motstånd : Normbrott inom hiphop

Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur identitet uttrycks i tre musikvideos som tillhör genren ?queer rap? (Mykki Blanco, Le1f och Zebra Katz) där jag ställer frågan om den identitet som uttrycks hos dem är subversiva. För att ta reda på detta användes representations-begreppet tillsammans med Richard Dyers definition av stereotyper och José Esteban Muñoz avidentifikations-begrepp.Dessa tre artisters identiteter går att tolkas som subversiva då de använder normer och redan befintliga identiteter för att skapa nya uttryck, både från det heteronormativa och andra subversiva subkulturer. De skapar nya identiteter och uttryck med de normer som finns..

Gränser av hud, glänsande kroppar och längtan : En queer närspelning av Mass Effect 3

This essay aims to examine how the synthetic non-human subjects, EDI and Legion, are constituted in terms of their bodies, gender, desire and emotion, in the gaming series Mass Effect. In a close-gaming method I also want to explore in which way the gamer can effect or even change the expressions of the body, gen­der, desire, and emotion made by the synthetic non-human subjects. In order to do this I use Judith Butlers and Sara Ahmeds queer theory, and Donna Haraways cyborg feminism. I concluded that EDI em­braces her embodiments and is given a highly sexualized female body, being more of a woman than a machine. While Legion is rather embracing disembodiment and is given a non sexualized, androgynous male body, be­ing more of a machine than a man.

The first Woman born with a Difference : En komparativ queerläsning av Djuna Barnes Ladies Almanack

The aim of this thesis is a comparative study of Djuna Barnes' 1928 book Ladies Almanack and turn of the century sexological texts focusing on Havelock Ellis' studies of 'sexual inversion in women'. The study is based on queer theory concepts from Judith Butler and Fanny Ambjörnson as well as Michel Foucault's studies of the history of sexuality. After a presentation of the theoretical concepts and a short introduction of earlier research on Barnes' works my reading and conclusions are presented in five chapters focusing on different theoretical and thematic aspects of the studied texts. A recapitulation and discussion ends the thesis.In short, my conclusions are that Ladies Almanack contrary to earlier research can be read as a queer text, and a form of counter-discourse to the general one regarding lesbianism in the early 1900's. The text also reveals itself as a pointed critique and a satire of Havelock Ellis' writings on 'sexual inversion in women'.

Pizza och magiska stunder i undervisningen : en kvalitativ studie av processinriktad undervisning med utgångspunkt i två pedagogiska inriktningar

AimThe aim of this study is to discuss process orientated education by identifying and describing general elements in two alternative pedagogies that in different ways attempt to separate themselves from the didactics in the traditional school. The questions are:1. How do the general elements for example the pupil, the knowledge and the lesson, in classroom education appear at a Waldorf and a Freinet school respectively?2. How do the general elements for example the teacher, the lesson planning and the overall goal, that teachers obey to and create in their lesson?s planning appear at the two schools respectively?MethodThe study is based on four days of observations in one ninth grade class at a Freinet school and a corresponding amount of time in one eighth grade class and one ninth grade class at a Waldorf school.

En Bättre Människa : En normkritisk studie av föreställningar om kön och sexualitet i berättelsen om normbrytande ungdom

This study aims to make out, which notions and ideas about gender and sexuality that comes into expression in the description of the deviant youth. This study is a narrative analysis, based on a queer theoretical approach. The queer theory directs attention to the normative frameworks on gender and sexuality. Queer theory also illustrates the relationship between the normative and what is considered abnormal/deviant. The study's empirical basis is 8 legal texts, legal documents formed in a Swedish context, which include the welfare state´s judiciary and social services.

Att ställa ut eller ställa till det: om utställningsverksamhet och tyst pedagogik på folkbiblioteket

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate whether exhibitions and silent pedagogy can be used to develop more inspiring environments in the public library. Silent pedagogy is a term from the field of museum education describing the silent communication with visitors that takes place in exhibitions through introduction and orientation, layout and installation, as well as signage. In the 1980s, articles in a Swedish library magazine discussed the pedagogical importance of library exhibits and how they make the patrons aware of the library?s resources. This led us to museum education and a desire to investigate whether its theories were transferrable to the library context.

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