

14008 Uppsatser om Qualitative analysis - Sida 53 av 934

ADHD i skolan : En undersökning om anpassningar i skolverksamheten för elever med ADHD

In the new media society, social media has become an important part of many organizations' daily lives. Organizations, whether public or private, must be where their audience is and many times, these can be found on social media channels like Facebook. Leading researchers in the fields of crisis communication and relationship management believe that social media is a great tool for managing relationships between an organization and its' public, whether it's before, during or after a crisis.The purpose of this study is to examine how the Karlstad municipality use Facebook to manage civic relations before, during and after a crisis. The municipality's approach will be compared to the citizens' experiences of the municipality's communication in different stages of a crisis.The theoretical framework used in this essay is the research on crisis communication and relationship management. How these two frameworks can be integrated with social media like Facebook, is an important part of understanding how the Karlstad municipality make use of Facebook to manage civic relations and communicate before, during and after a crisis.The empirical study consists of a qualitative interview, two qualitative content analysis and an online survey.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetstillfredsställelse vid en medicinavdelning

Abstract:Job satisfaction has great significance for nurses. The job is very demanding and requires a great deal of responsibility. Low job satisfaction and organisation changes affect their work negatively. The aim of the study was to investigate the nurses? job satisfaction and job situation.

Fans of Brands - The revival of fan clubs

Our purpose is to display the meaning of fan clubs and further reveal the potential value of fans. This study has an abductive approach with a qualitative data collection, where empirical material has been collected through a micro netnographic study along with qualitative interviews. IKEA and IKEA Family have been applied together with virtual fan clubs to study the fan club phenomenon. The study is based on prior literature concerning loyalty, customer clubs and brand relations. This theoretical framework was chosen to fulfil the purpose of unveiling the meaning of fan clubs and the potential value of fans.

Mannen och Outsidern : Maskulinitet i Elin Wägners 30-talsromaner

This essay aims to explore the philosophical meaning of the expression ?present and real? in Clara ? or, On Nature?s Connection to the Spirit World by F. W. J. Schelling.

Skolbiblioteket i lärarutbildningen

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine student secondaryteachers? perceptions of the role of the school library libraries aswell as compare results with an earlier study. The followingquestions were posed:1. How do student teachers view the school library?2.

Boken kommer: förmedling och bemötande.

My aim is to examine the special form of interaction between users of the shut-in service and the responsible librarians. My purpose is to examine how mediating of literature can be pictured in correlation with shut-in services. How do librarians describe their experiences of the shut-in service? What roles of mediating can be perceived? How can interaction interpreted in the context of the shut-in service?The material was acquired by doing qualitative interviews of five librarians who works with shut-in service. This study is based on the theory of Åse Kristine Tveit.

Barns lek och hälsa -ur ett föräldraperspektiv : "Det krävs balans för att få ett tryggt barn i en sund kropp"

Background: Children are different and they live under different conditions, but one they have in common - the desire to play. Children's play is important for their health and wellbeing. The aim: was to highlight the knowledge and issues that preschool children's parents have about young children's health and wellbeing, with a focus on physical activity and play, to promote health. A further aim was to highlight the obstacles and opportunities that parents experience regarding physical activity for young children. Material and Methods: The main study two focus group interviews were used with eight parents of children of preschool age.

Nu jagar de papperslösa : En kvalitativ diskursanalys om massmedias framställning av Reva-projektet och polisens arbete

The purpose of this essay, ?Now they are chasing paper-less - A qualitative discourse analysis of mass medias depiction of the Reva-project and the work of the police?, is to analyze how mass media portrays the Reva-project and polices work with the project. The basis for the essay will be eight selected newspapers. The Reva-project implies collaboration between the Police, the Swedish Migration board and the Swedish Prison and Probation Service within the border police. The aim of the project is to enhance the efficiency and the execution of the border police work, in accordance with the government?s target.

Från sjuksköterska till distriktssköterska Utveckling i professionell identitet och fördjupad omvårdnad

Background: The district nurse's competence description is comprehensive and sets high standards for a wide range of skills. The population's need for health care will rise according to life expectancy, lifestyle diseases and multi-morbidity increases. To graduate as a district nurse, 75 higher education credits are needed and after graduation, the district nurse must have developed both personal qualities and gained skills that makes it possible to work in primary care, child / school health care and home care. Aim: The aim of this study is to highlight the newly qualified district nurse experiences in developing professional identity and describe on how this development affects nursing.Method: In the pilot study a qualitative method with an inductive approach was used, and data collection was made by four semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.

Strukturerad- kontra beteendeintervju : Skillnad i mängd och kvalitet på den information som erhålls vid anställningsintervjuer

According to Barclay (2001), behavioral interviews yield higher quality information, than other interview techniques. This study focused on whether the quality and quantity of information differ between structured interview and behavioral interviewing. Two headhunters held 16 job interviews with the two techniques, 9 behavioral interviews and 7 structured interviews. Both headhunters and candidates have evaluated the interviews quantitatively. Initial and concluding interviews have, as well, been held with the headhunters.  No definitive answers were found in the quantitative analysis, but the qualitative results suggest that behavioral interviews give, because of the headhunters opinions, more and higher quality information.

Patientens upplevelse av DT-kolografi undersökning

SAMMANFATTNING Tidigare studier har handlat om jämförelse av patienternas erfarenheterfrån olika undersökningar av tjocktarmen som kolografi, koloskopi och DT -kolografi. Denna studiehar lyft upp patientens erfarenheter från DT -kolografi som berodde på bemötande från personalenvid DT -kolografi och på patientens erfarenheter från tidigare undersökningar. Syfte med studienvar att beskriva hur patienten upplevde DT-kolografi. Materialet hade erhållits från intervjuer medsjutton patienter och analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade attpatienternas upplevelse av undersökningen berodde på både bemötande från röntgensjuksköterskanvid DT-kolografi och på patienternas egna erfarenheter från tidigare undersökningar och på derasförväntningar..

Nya medier - nya användare

This essay shows how administrators in two different organizations are experiencing freedom of action in their work situation. The essay is made based on a qualitative method and interviews were used to implement the study. People chosen for this study are four administrators at a governmentagency - the Social Insurance agency, and four municipal officers from different Social service offices in southern Sweden. The theoretical framework consists of Weber's theory of bureaucracy, and his discussion of the legal authority. The analysis is designed as adiscussion of the parts that were especially prominent during the interviews.

Upplevelsen av arbetsmiljö i öppna kontor inom IT-sektorn : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim:The aim of the study was to describe the experience of working environment in open plan office within IT- sector.Background:Previously was the most common office model cell office, open plan office is now the most common. A good working environment in theise two office types needs different attributes. A theory to explain relationship between health and unhealth is Karasek and Theorells demand- control- supportmodel.Method:A qualitative interview study was performed to gain a deeper understanding of the experience of working in open plan office within IT- sector. Ten informants from two different organizations were chosen. The result has been analyzed with qualitative content analysis.Results:The analyses resulted in three themes and six sub-themes.

Alkohol- och drogtester på arbetsplatsen

Purpose/aim: The purpose of this thesis is to examine if, and in that case how, the municipality of Umeå worked strategically with its communication during 2014 when Umeå was chosen as ?European Capital of Culture?. The research is mainly focused on the outlines of their communication plan, main goals, what  communication strategies the municipality has chosen to and their choice of media channels.Material/method: Two methods are used for this research; qualitative interviews with four employees within the communication team during Umeå2014 and a text analysis of three formal documents which provide the framework of communication policies and media strategies during Umeå2014.Results: The results clearly indicate a well structured, strategic planning outlined in the formal documents. The four people intreviewed all had a good knowledge of the policies and strategies in the documents, they also described their work in accordance with these..

Montazami-lockar möter masterminds i Svenskt Näringslivs entreprenörsporträtt : En kvalitativ fallstudie av entreprenörsporträtt i tidskriften Entreprenör

This study has as its purpose to reveal whether female and male entrepreneurs are offered the same kind of conditions in their role of entrepreneurs in their respective media representation. This is studied by analyzing portrayals in the magazine Entreprenör (Br.E. ?Entrepreneur?). Methodologically the analysis will be making use of textual analysis, semiotics and discourse analysis in order to expose the underlying gender perspective(s) in Entreprenör.The entrepreneur portrayals? texts and visuals will be studied in the light of gender and entrepreneur theory, and more specifically on the basis of theories about representation, discourse and stereotypes.The main conclusion of the study is that female and male entrepreneurs are not offered the same conditions in their roles of entrepreneurs in a medium such as Entreprenör.

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