

14008 Uppsatser om Qualitative analysis - Sida 45 av 934

Kvinnors upplevelser av förändrad kroppsuppfatting och sexualitet efter mastektomi : En litteraturstudie

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer affecting women. The treatment of breast cancer may lead to forcing the woman to remove her breast. The breast is a symbol of femininity and sexuality for many women. The purpose of this literature-based study is to describe women's experiences of altered body image and sexuality after mastectomy. This may provide a better understanding of the nurse in responding to these breast cancer patients.

Är vi på rätt väg? : Historiebruk bland Budapests gatunamnsändringar i det postkommunistiska Ungern

In this qualitative thesis I have studied the process of street-naming in Budapest. I have done this primarily through examining legislative and street name records in Budapest in order to define a distinctive use of history. In an attempt to concretise public opinion, I designed and distributed a succinct questionnaire and used newspaper articles to create a clear view of the political milieu. Furthermore, I have utilised a typological method to summarise the use of history and elucidate the results. I came to the conclusion that a moral and, to some extent, ideological use of history is dominating the street-naming situation in contemporary Budapest.

Demokrati i förändring : En studie om hur synen på demokrati har förändrats i samhällskunskapsläroböcker över tid

AbstractIn the paper, democracy's development and change are studied in Swedish textbooks related to social science. The study?s starting point is that the picture of democracy provided to students has changed over time. The study aims to see how the view on democracy has altered in Swedish textbooks in social science. In order to examine this, I have studied seven textbooks, from 1945 to 2006, in social science.

Och nu blir det reklamfilm : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de sju svenska politiska reklamfilmerna inför EU-valet 2009

Och nu blir det reklamfilm - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de sju svenska politiska reklamfilmerna inför EU-valet 2009Seminar date: 2010-01-14Department: Media- and Communication scienceReport category: Degree project undergraduate levelAuthors: Johan Heikensten and Elin LarssonAdvisor: Kristoffer HoltPurpose: When TV4 for the first time offered advertising time to the Swedish political parties for the upcoming election of the European Parliament in 2009, a huge debate broke loose in the media. Regardless of opinions on the matter, we find it safe to say that political television commercials will have a great influence on future election campaigns in Sweden. Hence, we find it of great interest and importance to examine these seven commercials in order to look for tendencies, strategies and trends within the material. Theories: The theory chapter includes Communication, Political communication, Videostyle, Commercial strategies, Rhetoric and Semiotics. Methodology: The survey is based upon two qualitative analyses, a rhetorical analysis and a semiotic analysis.

DUBBELDIAGNOS Upplevelser av bemötandet från psykiatrin, socialtjänsten, omgivningen och personalen på boendet.

With this study, we have chosen to continue our B-essay about dual-diagnosis. In the essay we have done some research on how this target group feels about the treatment from the dependent unit, psychiatry unit, social services unit and the housing environment. We wanted to know about the feelings because during the B-essay we found out that individuals whit the dual-diagnosis is skipped between different caregivers. We used a qualitative method with six interviews from two different housings in south of Sweden. The information we got we used in our result and analysis part, where we found out that the caretaker?s thought the treatment were fine and that it was the surroundings they found the most fault with..

Vad innebär barnfattigdom i en välfärdsstat som Sverige?  : En jämförande studie om hur begreppet barnfattigdom har förändrats över tid i den offentliga debatten

The purpose of this essay was to study some selected magazine articles by examining how the concept of child poverty is produced in the public debate, and to see if the definition of the term has changed over time. The theoretical approach on which this study is based has been used as a tool to provide better understanding on the subject. Furthermore, theories of consumer society, the "collateral damage" and the theory of welfare regimes have been used. In the previous research presented in the paper focuses on linking children and families living in precarious economic conditions, consumer standards and welfare systems that characterize society.This study has a qualitative approach as it attempts to capture and increase understanding of how the concept of child poverty can be understood from a Swedish context. The study is based on newspaper articles that are studied using a structural text analysis.

Rekvisitet påtaglig risk vid betalningssäkring : -ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

A new type of chartered holiday, fitness holiday, has evolved during the last years and has also been mentioned in different media channels. Despite this, fitness holiday is a relatively new and unexplored phenomenon, which caught our interest to further explore this. The desire to travel on a holiday of this type has also increased. Therefore, a study about this particular phenomenon with focus on the traveler?s motives behind the choice to go has been done.It?s a qualitative study and most part of the data has been collected during a field study to Playitas Resort, Canary Islands.

Superhjälte eller hjälplöst offer? Vem är vem? : En genusstudie av kvällspressens offerkonstruktioner efter skjutningen på Utöya.

On July 22nd 2011, there was a terrorist attack in Norway. First a bomb exploded in the Parliament House, in Oslo; and shortly after that a man shot 69 politically active young people at a camp on the island Utöya. Throughout the weeks to follow, we could read about the victims' stories. They told of tears, fear and heroism. But who got to tell what? The purpose of this study was to see how the Swedish tabloids described the victims from a gender perspective.

Reklam i kostym : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning av de köpta debatterna på Newsmill.se

The aim of this thesis was to explore and analyze the sponsored debates on Newsmill, so called seminars. How does the sponsor use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes? Who is allowed to write in Newsmills seminars?To answer these questions we used both a quantitative survey and a qualitative survey.To examine how the sponsors use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes we conducted a Qualitative analysis which included three of the eleven seminars - a total of 26 articles. We examined how the sponsors conveyed the picture of themselves and if the written content in Newsmills seminars contained any hidden marketing. We could see that the sponsor has a great deal of influence on the seminars and also used them to market their brand with hybrid messages.

Don't be blinded by the words : En uppsats om att kommunicera med hjälp av fotografier

Following study is about the anorexic behavior and the pro-ana movement, which is a web-based subculture where the followers of this, stands for anorexia as an identity position and lifestyle, rather than a disease. The purpose of this study was that, from a sociological perspective give possible interpretations of the anorexic behavior, and interpret why some anorexics choose to be a part of and identify oneself with the pro-ana movement. The reason has been to conduce more knowledge and understanding of the topics, but also to contribute with a deeper perspective and sociological approach to the former research that is already available.To conduct the study, qualitative research has been used, and the chosen methodology was document analysis/text analysis. The collected empirical data consisted material from two pro-ana forums, four blogs and six twitter accounts, where all the users of those claimed to be supporters of the pro-ana. The empirical data has been interpreted by Howard S.

Psykiatrisjuksköterskans erfarenhet av att skapa hjälpande relationer med patienter inom slutenvården

 This bachelor?s thesis purpose is to examine how library staff experiences the meeting with non-Swedish speaking users of public libraries, and how they solve different situations. Today there is not much research on this subject but we find these questions important to study because we think it is good to be aware of the situations that can arise and discuss how to solve any problems. To have a basis for this qualitative study we conducted group interviews with library staff, where they are asked about their experiences with non-Swedish speaking users. In the analysis the results of the interviews are compared to previous research and related to communication theory, which is the theoretical framework for this study.

Kvinnliga och manliga chefer i kris : En kvalitativ studie om hur dags- och kvällspress framställer kvinnliga och manliga chefer i krissituation

Female and male managers in crisis- A qualitative study of how daily and evening newspapers produce female and male managers in crisisThe purpose of this studie was to investigate how female and male managers are produced in daily and evening newspapers. The newspapers that has been used in this study is Dagens Nyheter, as a representation for daily newspapers, and Aftonbladet, as an representation for evening tabloids. To answer the purpose three issues has been formulated: what are the female and male managers importance in emergency situations in the articles? How are power attributed to women and men in the articles? What similarities and differences are there between the representations from Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet?The theories that has been used in this studie are mainly gender theory, critical discourse analysis (CDA).The results of the analysis showed that female managers in subjectivily presented articles reports are produced in a more negative way than male managers. Further could the male managers be interpreted to be attributed more power in the articles than the female managers..

Talande vid datorspel : Vilken roll har engelskt tal vid datorspel för utvecklingen av ungdomars muntliga produktion?

This study aims to find possible effects from the use of Voice over internet protocol software together with computer gaming on young adults English output. The study also tries to find effects of media usage on output and if there exists differences between boys and girls. This is done through analysis based on data collected from 28 informants, age 16-18. The data consists of recordings of individual stories coupled with a survey. The empirical data is analyzed in both quantitative and qualitative way.

Veingeskolan F - Undersökning av inomhusmiljön samt en konstruktionsmässig utvärdering

Title: Veingeskolan F - Investigation of the indoor environment and a structural analysisMethod: Complete analysis of structural drawings to determine if the school have been constructed correctly. In my teorethical studies of the drawings I must seek out points that may have been damaged from moisture, this contains a full survey of the foundation, walls and ceiling. To strenghten the data collected from the drawings I must visit the school and do field investigations to find out if the school has any problems with the indoor environment.Analysis: I determined that we had some damages on specific places, these damages was caused by leaking roofs, a carpet that was tarnished by strong sunlight in connection with some type of glue and also the ventilation that may have been drawing malodorous air from a shaft in the foundation.Conclusion: I was able to see that the decision to demolish the school was quite drastic, if the county would have done continuous fixups on the construcion when the employes had complained maybe the action to the tear the school down would have been unnecessary. The lack of communication between the two parts lead up to the decision to demolish and build a complete new school..

"Lets Play!" : En studie av kunskapsöverföring mellan digitala spel och musikinstrument.

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if users of digital music games may acquire skills from the games that may be of use in learning to play a real instrument, that is a non-digitally simulated instrument like an acoustic piano. We have used Gee?s theory regarding a possible interconnection between different semiotic domains, and how this connection may enable a transfer of skills between related domains. In this thesis we examine possible skill transfer between the domains ?digital games? and ?non-digital instruments?. To examine our question formulation we chose to conduct a pilot study from which we collected both quantitative and qualitative data.

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