

14008 Uppsatser om Qualitative analysis - Sida 39 av 934

Vet skolelever mer om Stalins skräckvälde idag än tidigare? : En kvalitativ läromedelsanalys om hur beskrivningar av Stalins terror förändrats i svenska läroböcker i historia från 1950-talet till idag

The purpose of this essay is to examine whether the descriptions of Stalin's terror in history textbooks for high school changed from the 1950s until the 2010s. Since previous research shows that textbook content is influenced from different directions and that it dominates in teaching, therefore I want to find out what similarities and differences that exist in the textbooks. The survey is based on a qualitative approach because I want to have a profound picture of the descriptions of Stalin's terror. The results of the survey show that the number of casualties and the descriptions on the famine has changed over time. Furthermore, textbooks also found it difficult to distinguish between terror, politics and ideology.

Ser sjuksköterskan barnet? : när föräldern lider av psykisk ohälsa. En intervjustudie

Background A lot of children live in families where a parent is suffering from some kind of mental illness. As nurses we have to notice these children, when we meet patients with mental illnes.Aim The overall purpose of this study was to examine if and how the district/ psychiatric nurse acknowledge the child?s situation, when a parent is suffering from mental illness.Method A qualitative approach was chosen for this study. Six psychiatric nurses and seven district nurses were interviewed. Content analysis was used for the analysis.Result Four main themes appeard in the result: dialogs of different character, family focus, collaboration and report duty.

European Union Politics ? en tidskrift och dess invisible college

Author Cocitation Analysis (ACA), multidimensional scaling (MDS) and Social Network Analysis (SNA), has been used to analyze and visualize the invisible college of the journal European Union Politics. The concept invisible college was first introduced in the fifteenth century, through the creation of the ?the Royal Society of London?, and it was reintroduced in the 1960:ies and the 1970:ies by scholars such as Price and Crane. It is said to have been interpreted in as many ways as there are authors who have used it. Here it has been used synonymously with the term citation network.

Unga vuxna med unilateral läpp-, käk- och gomspalt ? perceptuell bedömning och självskattning av tal och kommunikation

The purpose of this study was to investigate how young adults withunilateral cleft lip and palate assess their own speech and communication,and to let speech and language pathologists make a perceptual analysis ofthese individuals? speech at the age of 19 years. An additional aim was toexamine the relationship between these two different ways of evaluation.Data was collected through perceptual analysis from audio recordings and byusing a self-report questionnaire based on the ICF-structure (InternationalClassification of Function, disability and health). Altogether, 33 peopleparticipated. One third of the participants had no speech deficiencies.

Synen på hemlöshet : En diskursanalys av hemlöshetsarbetet i Norrköpings kommun

The aim of this paper is to see how the local authorities in Norrköping create a way to look at homelessness. This aim is examined with the help of the central questions: How does the municipality describe homelessness as a phenomenon? What causes to homelessness can be seen in the texts? How do they describe homeless people? And What kind of actions are used or proposed? The analysis has been done with the tools and thoughts of the critical discourse analysis and made on text documents written by politics and employees of the city of Norrköping. The theories which have been used are those of postmodernism, welfare, homelessness, civil society and relative poverty. The analysis shows that the way the municipality of Norrköping looks at homelessness correspond with the way homelessness is presented in current Swedish research.

Biblioteksrummet som miljöupplevelse

The aim of this study is to understand how the library environment affects the experiences and feelings of public library users. In order to concretise this, the study sets out from the public library in Bollebygd. We wanted to find out how the library users experience the library environment. Does the library environment affect the meeting between library users? How does the environment affect their moving patterns inside the library? Which environmental factors influence the users' experiences? Our questions were: how do users experience the library environment - as a mediating space for information and culture? - as a social room and meeting place? The material used to attain the purpose of the study consists of qualitative observations and interviews, and literature studies.

SAB-systemet och Yahoo! En jämförelse rörande traditionell och ny klassifikation

The aim of this Master thesis is to investigate the similarities and differences between a traditional and a new classification scheme. Two classification systems are compared, "The Swedish Library Classification System" the SAB-system - and Yahoo!. The SAB-system has been used in Swedish libraries since the beginning of the 20^th century, and Yahoo! has been online since 1994. Yahoo! has a Swedish version of its international original, which is used in this study to get a similar starting point with the SAB-system. The method used for this is a content analysis, which in this case is not a quantitative analysis.

Motivera elever till fysisk aktivitet- skolsköterskans perspektiv

Introduction: In the past years children in primary school age has become increasingly sedentary. One of the school nurses' main task is to provide tools for students to make healthy choices. During the health visit, the school nurse gets the opportunity to inform and talk about health and physical activity with the students.Aim: To describe how shool nurses? work to motivate students to physical activity.Methods: The authors have conducted a pilot study that will form the basis for a large-scale study. Four nurses were interviewed using an interview guide based on open-ended questions and a qualitative content analysis was used when the interviews were analyzed.Results: The analysis revealed two categories and four subcategories.

Den Normaliserande Alliansen : Två programverksamheter för unga lagöverträdare

The papers purpose is to examine how the Botkyrka and Huddinge municipalities implement their juvenile law offenders' programs. The paper briefly and concisely outlines the history of juvenile offenders and the social services programs dealing with them. We focus on how two municipalities?, Huddinge and Botkyrka, implement these programs. The municipalities belong to the same judicial district,?Södertörns tingsrätt?.

Gringo - en språklig förnyare men hur? : En genre- och stilanalys av ett nytt samhällsmagasin över kulturgränser

The essay is an effort to examine and define three examples of liminal dance performances through an aesthetic, hermeneutic and semiotic analysis. The examples are three dance or liminal performances, made by three different choreographers and performed at ?Moderna Dansteatern? and ?Dansens Hus? in Stockholm during September and October 2005. In the effort to determine the liminal and cross-over in the performances, the analysis focus on aspects such as: the character of the work, choreography, the use of scenery, stage light, requisites, conception of place and interior room, the use of costume and mask, the use of different media as text, pictures, film, and music or not using any these, and the interaction with the audience. The analysis depends on a historical background and the use of literature in the subject.

Påverkar GIH:s utbildning i friluftsliv studenterna? : En studie av naturupplevelser hos studenter vid GIH:s lärarprogram  

AimThe aim of this study is to examine students' previous experiences of stay in the nature and their experiences of nature in the context of teaching situations in friluftsliv at GIH. It also aims to elucidate how the teaching of friluftsliv at GIH affects their former interpretation about nature. The questions of the study are: What past experiences of stay in the nature elucidate GIH-students? Have the students approach to nature changed according to the education? If yes ? how? What affects students' perception of nature? MethodTo answer the questions, a quantitative approach (questionnaire survey) and qualitative methods (interview study) was used. The qualitative method is based on phenomenology and hermeneutics.

Att lära med webquest. En fallstudie om studenters erfarenheter av Webquest för barnmorskor vid Karolinska Institutets Universitetsbibliotek.

The main purpose of this Master Thesis is to describe students experiences of learning with Webquest för barnmorskor (Webquest for midwifes) at the University Library of Karolinska Institutet (KI), Stockholm. To investigate the possibilities of acquiring information literacy in higher education with the webquest model a qualitative case study is carried out, based on five interviews with students. The students? perceptions of the webquest course and their ideas on information seeking and information literacy are being analyzed in relation to a framework of learning theory and information literacy expressed by documents and librarians of KI. A descriptive presentation is structured from the main themes that emerged in analysis within the frames of my research questions.

"Ya know, I don't mind being labeled a crackhead." : En semiotisk analys av hur tv-spelet Grand Theft Auto V skildrar hudfärg, klass och kön

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the representation of race, social class and gender in the 2013 video game Grand Theft Auto V. Postcolonial theory, including terms such as cultural hegemony, whiteness and Michel Foucaults definition of power, has served as the basis for the analysis. The postcolonial theory has been combined with class theory and gender theory for an intersectional analysis. Semiotic analysis has been used as the method in the thesis, and a total of nine story missions ? three for each protagonist in the game ? have constituted the material.

Framtidens resurs eller dagens problem? En studie om institutionens syn på ungdomar och dess effekter.

AbstractIn this thesis we analyze how institutions describe the dichotomy between ?problem? and ?resource? when dealing with young adults. We also analyze the consequences of this dichotomy as it involves the younger generation's participation and group identity in today's society. Dichotomies and New Institutionalism Theory is the base for this case study completed in Malmö, Sweden. We have done eight qualitative interviews with politicians and employees in Malmö municipality and a quantitative content analysis of reference documents from both the Malmö and Swedish governments.

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelse av barnanestesi

AbstractThe aim of this study was to describe the anesthesia nurses experiences of pediatric anesthesia in two surgical wards, a general surgery department and a day surgery surgical department at two hospitals in central Sweden. The study had a descriptive design with a qualitative approach, in which ten anesthetic nurses with more or less experience in children's anesthesia participated. Data were collected using semi-structured interview questions and were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results were reported based on a theme, three sub themes and nine categories. The theme When skills, tactfulness and interpersonal skills come to a head, with three sub themes Being prepared and ready, Interacts and open for participation   and Emotional tension.

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