

14008 Uppsatser om Qualitative analysis - Sida 36 av 934

Riskanalys av farligtgodsled i Kalmar - Rekommendationer med avseende på detaljplan Södra vägen

This report contains a risk analysis of transportation of dangerous goods in Kalmar. The analysis is based on quantitative data and an evaluation of the risks based on both the probability of occurring accidents as well as the consequences of those. The risks are presented as both individual and societal risks..

Elever i behov av särskillt stöd : En kvalitativ studie i definitionen av begreppets användning i styr- och policydokument

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the term "pupils in need of special support" is defined in Swedish central policy documents. The essay is based on a social constructive contribute knowledge about the term?s definition and interpretation with support in a range of scientific texts. The method for achieving the purpose based on qualitative textual analysis of Skollagen 2010:800, Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet- Lgr 11, Salamancadeklarationen and analysis of the result of three scientific studies.Neither Skollagen 2010:800 nor Lgr 11 gives a clear definition of the term ?pupils in need of special support?.

Skandalprinsessan, vampen och den flicksöta kvinnan : - En studie i den kvinnliga kändisens gestaltning i damtidningar

The intention of this study is to find out how the female celebrity is portrayed in women?s magazines directed at women of different age groups. The magazines that I have chosen to analyse are Frida, Veckorevyn and Damernas Värld. My aim is to find out what kind of celebrity appears in the magazines in terms of occupation and topics in the articles. Furthermore, the aim is also to determine whether the celebrity is portrayed in a different or similar way depending on the target group.

Musikbranschen : Från demo till upplevelse

Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to identify different actors and processes in music recording. We find this interesting since there have been a lot of changes in the music industry over the last years. Our ambition has been to point out different actors and their roles during the advent of recorded music, and identify different features and processes in the creation of music today and in the future. To fulfill our purpose we have had the following research question: What characterize, in a future perspective, the gathered process during the creation of recorded music from idea to delivery and experience?Method: We have used a qualitative approach for this study and we have conducted seven interviews with persons from different areas of the Music Industry and radio.

Folkmord i läromedlen : En undersökning om folkmords behandling i fem läromedel för gymnasiets A kurs i historia   

A large number of genocides have taken place in our history. The purpose of this essay is to examine how genocide is treated in five high school history textbooks. I have studied a large number of issues. I have examined which genocides are discussed in the textbooks and which genocides the textbooks don?t discuss.

Colombianer på bioduken : Representationen av tre Hollywoodproducerade actionfilmer

The purpose of the thesis was to analyse three action films; Collateral Damage from 2002; Clear and Present Danger from 1994; and Scarface from 1983, in order to see how Colombians are represented in these movies.The action genre comprises of different stereotypes where the hero and the villain are represented in conjunction to each other. The analysis is about the way the films content and form are used to uphold the representation of Colombians, but also the villain and the hero more generally.Critical Discourse Analysis was used, as main method, and the concepts of denotation and connotation guided the analysis. The main conclusion is that the three movies reproduced an already established collective stereotype of Latin Americans, stereotype that includes both Colombia and Colombians..

Från önskemål till bedömda behov inom äldreomsorgen

AbstractThe purpose with this essay has been to gain a greater understanding and clarify how an arena can create value within place marketing and development of a place brand. This will be achieved through a description of which values an arena causes in the surrounding areas and an understanding of how these values can be interpreted through the place brand. We decided to base our study according to the following two questions:1. What are the underlying reasons why there has been such a big trend with arena project?2.

"Man får vara deras vikarierande pannlob" Möjligheter och svårigheter i omvårdnaden av personer med frontallobsskador vid demenssjukdom/ ?You have to be their deputy frontal lobe?Possibilities and difficulties in nursing care of persons having dementia wi

Nursing care of persons having dementia diseases affecting the frontal lobes, sets special demands on the staff, but the knowledge about how to best tailor nursing care is sparse. The aim of the study was to illuminate possibilities and difficulties in nursing care of persons having dementia diseases with frontal lobe dysfunction and was carried out as a descriptive, qualitative study, based on a review of medical records and interviews with nursing staff (n=10) that was analysed with qualitative content analysis. The difficulties were related to the patients lack of inhibition and judgement, anxiety, agitation, reduced ability to care for physical needs, egocentrism, imbalance between rest and activity, and depressed mood. The possibilities were seen in relation to the nursing staffs professional encounter, characterised by being distinct and consequent, being a step ahead, being flexible and catch the moment, being calm and create a positive atmosphere, being close and trusting and being and doing together. To receive continuous feedback and support was a prerequisite for the staffs? engagement.

Identitet och själviscensättning i bloggsfären : en kvalitativ studie av bloggen iMilk

Title: Identity and self-staging in the blogosphere- A qualitative (text and semiotic) study of the fashionblog ?iMilk?Number of pages: 55 (excluding references and appendix)Author: Lea KaufmannTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media- and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring term 2013University: Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to theoreticallyinterpret contemporary identity in the web by analyzingthree fashion blog posts created by Signe Siemsen.The analysis is based on theories regarding identity andself-staging in the network society. The work aims tohighlight the relatively fresh theme "Internet as anidentity-creating and identity-seeking platform" andexplores ways of using a blog in order to create a virtualidentity. The study calls for more in-depth research andfurther discussion.Material: The material consists of iMilk, a Swedish fashion blogwritten by a 21-year-old girl. The blog existed betweenSeptember 2007 and March 2010 and three posts,namely from September 2007, April 2008 and October32008, were analyzed based on theories regarding identityand internet by Manuel Castells and John Sulers.Method: The following thesis is based on a qualitative discourseanalysis and a semiotic image analysis.Main results: The thesis you are about to read shows clear signs ofhow the creator behind iMilk, Signe Siemsen, is using herblog to construct and highlight selected parts of herpersonality and to define the person she wants to be andbe seen as.

Religionen i klass(!)rummet : En studie om betydelsen av klass i elevers tal om religion och religionsundervisningen pa? gymnasiet.

Sweden  has  been  characterized  as  one  of  the world?s most  secular  countries, even though  it is  becoming  increasingly more multicultural.  This,  combined  with  the fact that pupils do  not  feel  they  have  enough  time  in  school  for  Religious  Education and that the requirements are increasing made me interested in how they talk about religion in upper secondary school. The aim of this study is to see if there are any differences between how pupils in vocational programs and academic programs are talking about religion and Religious Education. The main questions that were raised revolved around 1)  how  pupils  talk  about  what  religion  is,  2)  how  they  talk  about  religion  in  the Swedish  society  and  3) how  they  talk  about  Religious  Education  in  upper  secondary school. The questions were also about what similarities and differences I could find in the way they talked about these subjects.

Modig eller rar, vad sa far? : En studie om Kamratpostens framställning av flickors och pojkars fritid

The aim of this study was to shed light on how journalists describe the child?s world and what gender labels are used in their descriptions. We wanted to get a better understanding of what happens when gender is constructed.In order to study how gender is constructed, we chose to examine how the children?s magazine Kamratposten describes children?s spare time. We chose Kamratposten because it turns to both girls and boys.

"Kvinnan ska eftersträva skönhet enligt rådande ideal" : En analys av myter i VeckoRevyns frågespalter

This essay is an analysis of mythologies in the Swedish women´s magazine VeckoRevyn. The magazine?s own explicit purpose is to break down the unhealthy opinion of what beauty is in their industry today. By content and linguistic analysis the results of this study are interconnected to the beauty myth as it was established by Naomi Wolf in 1991. The goal is to pinpoint how VeckoRevyn?s question and answer columns construct relationships to their readers, and the mythologies that they maintain.

"Man får vara deras vikarierande pannlob" Möjligheter och svårigheter i omvårdnaden av personer med frontallobsskador vid demenssjukdom/ ?You have to be their deputy frontal lobe? Possibilities and difficulties in nursing care of persons having dementia

Nursing care of persons having dementia diseases affecting the frontal lobes, sets special demands on the staff, but the knowledge about how to best tailor nursing care is sparse. The aim of the study was to illuminate possibilities and difficulties in nursing care of persons having dementia diseases with frontal lobe dysfunction and was carried out as a descriptive, qualitative study, based on a review of medical records and interviews with nursing staff (n=10) that was analysed with qualitative content analysis. The difficulties were related to the patients lack of inhibition and judgement, anxiety, agitation, reduced ability to care for physical needs, egocentrism, imbalance between rest and activity, and depressed mood. The possibilities were seen in relation to the nursing staffs professional encounter, characterised by being distinct and consequent, being a step ahead, being flexible and catch the moment, being calm and create a positive atmosphere, being close and trusting and being and doing together. To receive continuous feedback and support was a prerequisite for the staffs? engagement.

Crowdfunding : Svenskarnas motiv till att investera

The purpose of this essay is to examine the Swedish people?s level of knowledge about crowdfunding and their incentives and deterrents to crowdfunding investments. Early on crowdfunding was divided into two objectives: reward based and equity based crowdfunding. The division of objectives is logical due to the differencing conditions of the motivation for investors to invest. Supported by theories in crowdfunding incentives, commitment-trust, the prospect theory, and the diffusion of innovations, we aim to establish a comprehensive line of reasoning to support our model of motivation in the conclusive chapter.The results of this essay were achieved by a combined method.

Altmetri ? ett delfält i utveckling

Altmetrics, a subfield of informetrics, is still in development. The aim of this thesis is to explore; the significance altmetrics may have in the LIS field, and to define the new perspectives altmetrics offer in comparison to traditional metrics. The research questions are:- How can altmetrics affect research assessment?- How does altmetrics position itself towards traditional metrics?- How could altmetrics influence the LIS field?A qualitative content analysis was used as a method. The analysis of a sample of ten peer reviewed articles was based on a coding scheme with eleven codes.

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