

14008 Uppsatser om Qualitative analysis - Sida 27 av 934

Är vinkritik nonsens - En explorativ studie av vinkritiker och deras bedömningsprocess i en kluven industri

With increasing wine consumption and a growing assortment at available to Swedish consumers, there is an interest in understanding the decision making process of Swedish wine consumers. In this thesis the expert phenomenon is studied with respect to wine through wine critic reliability: grading objectivity, understanding the process of wine criticism and possible critic influence on consumer behavior. Two studies were performed; a qualitative in-depth session of interviews with industry connoisseurs and a quantitative analysis of 589 online wine reviews. Our results indicate that wine reviews are highly subjective and defy prediction through analysis of external variables. Critics are likely to judge differently based on what information they have at hand, suggesting that expectations affect grading.

"Frälzaren" : En studie i anva?ndningen av religio?sa metaforer i fotbollsrapporteringen i sportjournalistik

The aim of this study was to examine how sports journalists used religious metaphors when covering football during the time span of the study, and how the athletes were portrayed as a result of the usage. The aim was also to study if the usage differed between the two newspapers chosen for the study, one of which is a morning paper (Dagens Nyheters sport section) and one which is an evening paper (Sportbladet).To answer our questions we used a quantitative and a qualitative method, the later of the two was based on a metaphor analysis. The quantitative method consisted of a content analysis where different variables were examined. The time span of the study is articles from one year.The results show that the religious metaphors were used in many ways. Some religious metaphors, such as ones including the word miracle, were more prominent than others.

Med Säkerhetsrådets resolution 1325 (2000) som utgångspunkt : En komparativ studie av två handlingsplaner

Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) is about women, peace and security. Since the resolution was adopted several countries has made their own National Action Plan for implementation of the resolution.Sweden and Denmark are two of these countries. Resolution 1325 is one of the documents that each countries armed force has to relate to in international work.These countries can get to work together in international operations within the framework of the Nordic Defense Cooperation, NORDEFCO. This study is done by looking at similarities and differences in the action plans and whether they can be an obstacle for the countries to cooperate in an international operation.In this paper a comparative analysis of Sweden and Denmark's plans for the Security Council resolution 1325 will be done. The comparison is made based on the clauses of the resolution relating to the member states actions.In this paper, a qualitative text analysis to be carried out with sections of Resolution 1325 as a model for the comparison..

Pionjärer inom Golfen : En Marknadsundersökning av Vreta Kloster Golfklubb

The purpose of this study was to conduct a market survey in order to form a marketing plan to enhance and communicate the image of Vreta Kloster Golf Club. To accomplish this, the authors conducted a situation analysis on the mentioned club. Data was collected through interviews as well as secondary sources. A qualitative content analysis was used to process the interviews. The secondary sources? credibility was scrutinized before their data was used.

En studie om ledarskap i äldreomsorgen

The ever-changing modern health care environment places high demands on leadership skills. The purpose of this study was to describe the causes that effect leadership within the health care services carried out in a municipality. Data was collected by interviewing four health care managers, three registered nurses, eight enrolled nurses and one auxiliary nurse. A qualitative approach based on a content analysis method was conducted in the analysis of the interviews. Latent content deals with relationship aspects and interpretation of deeper underlying meaning of text.

Den sovjetiska kulturkampen 1917-1932 sedd genom Bresjnevadministrationens lins. En historiografisk studie.

This Masters thesis is a historiographic study, which aim is to investigate how the Brezhnev administration 1964-82 describes the events taking place during the soviet cultural struggle 1917-32. The investigation is limited to how some of the literary groups, organisations and currents as well as a small number of Russian writers are viewed by the administration. The third and last edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, which is considered as equivalent with the soviet official view, is used as source. The analysis made in this thesis is divided in two parts; the text analysis of the writers biographies is compared with the result of a discourse analysis, whose target is some of the literary groups, organisations and currents during the topical period. The discourse analysis is a pre-analysis, but its conclusions also have a value in itself.

Biblioteksreportage: dagspressens bild av folkbibliotekens verksamhet

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to investigate how the activities of the public library are portrayed by the Swedish press. It poses the following questions: What kinds of public library activities are portrayed in the Swedish press? What image does this depiction purvey to the general public about the societal role of public libraries?A model of four library spaces developed by Skot-Hansen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen, and Jochumsen is used as the theoretical framework for this study. Qualitative content analysis is applied to 173 Swedish newspaper articles that describe public library activities.The analysis reveals that articles about many kinds of public library activities get published in the Swedish press, but that some activities occur more frequently than others.

Hur patienter med typ-2 diabetes reflekterar kring egenvård och information kring egenvård gällande fotsår

AbstractThe aim of this study was to find out how patients with type-2 diabetes reflected on self-care and the information about selfcareactivites regarding diabetic footulcers.The study has a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. The study included fourteen patients with type-2 diabetes and they had footulcers related to their disease. They were recruited from different health centres in two cities in the Middle Sweden. The patients were interviewed and the interviewes were transcribed and worked up with qualitative content analysis. The authors recived seven subcategories which were sorted into two categories; reflection regarding information about self-care and reflection regarding self-care.

Att främmandegöra det välkända

Our modern swedish society is charactarized by peoples and cultures from all over the world. In this perspective I believe that young pupils of today need culture studies in school in order to understand themselves and further to recieve knowledge about different cultures, traditions and lifestyles. The present study is an attempt to investigate the potential of the ethnological culture analysis as a pedagogical method. The paper is divided into two sections; one in which I (a student teacher in swedish language training) have applied the culture analysis in a literary context. By using the culture analysis on Emily Brontë´s classic book Wuthering Heights I have tried to let typical elements from the Victorian era appear.

Ur chefens synvinkel : - om ett jämställdhetsprojekt i Kalmar kommun

Kalmar Municipality has in 2008-2010 made an effort to educate managers on gender, with the goal of mainstreaming gender into public activities so that all citizens should feel safe in that treatment and services are designed and resources are distributed equally to both sexes living conditions and needs. The overall aim of this study was to examine whether the training effort has paid off, and how gender mainstreaming has been implemented in the different activities. We have used a qualitative approach, which we examined through interviews managers' approach to gender equality.Gender was generally described as an important issue of all respondents, and all were working to mainstream gender into their activities and workplaces. The results show that the operational and management needed clearer directives and strategies in their efforts to promote gender equality. Education was necessary because personal definition of gender may differ from the control contents of the documents.

Omkonstruktion av mätram

The main point in this diploma work lies to a beginning on analysis of the existingmodel of WoodEye scanner. The analysis aims to forming a view and understanding ofhow the scanner is designed and how it functions, and certain conditions around thescanner. On the basis of the result from the analysis and obvious criteria, has a numberconcept proposals been put forward. The concept proposals has then been evaluated andbeen compared with current concept, obvious criteria and compared to each other. Thebest proposal has then been developed far to a completed concept..

Tolkningar av begreppet "tillgänglighet" på Värmlandsarkiv

This survey examines how a regional archive, Värmland Archives, interprets and works from the departure point of national cultural accessibility goal ?Everyone should have the opportunity to participate in cultural life?. And it is also a comporative study of discourse regarding accessibility between Värmland Archives and some other actors in the archival cultural system. Critical discourse analysis, according to Norman Fairclough, is used as a theory method. A discourse analysis is made on empirical data based on document study and qualitative research interviews. My conclusion is that if the term Accessibility is seen as a focal point the accessibility discourse in the documents of Värmland Archives and of the other actors studied can not be clearly discerned. Värmland Archives´s interpretation of terms regarding accessibility analyzed in the survey, varies among the staff regarding how the archives and its services should be accessible, and what accessibility means in the context of the archives.

Finsk och svensk tvångsvård av missbrukare : En kvalitativ studie om argumenten för tvångsvård och vårdtid

The Swedish and the Finnish compulsory care legislation that regards abusers differ in several ways. The arguments for compulsory care and for the time which one will receive compulsory care are dissimilar. The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse which arguments for compulsory care and the length of the care time that has been expressed in the Swedish and the Finnish laws and in the statutes. The tools were an argumentation analysis, which is a form of qualitative text analysis method, combined with a hermeneutic scientific position. We have investigated the arguments that try to justify compulsory care and the care time that has been expressed in the laws and the statutes.

Kan man se med öronen? : En uppsats om filmljud

This thesis is about the interaction between composition, notation and interpretation and what occurs between the fields with an extended notation.The purpose of my thesis is to examine the possibilities tothoroughly describe and map the sounding samples through composition prototypes.The thesis has a qualitative approach, and the empirical material consists of different documents about notation and from interviews with musicians and students about the instruments used in the thesis.It also consists of 17 compositions recorded at Örebro University School of Music as an appendix.The analysis shows that the context in which the symbols are found, play an important role in performing them. It also shows that the performers are rooted in a traditional way of performing..

Lika bolag leka bäst - En studie om betydelsen av likhet vid sammanslagningar av bolag

This study addresses the issue of mergers between consulting firms. Previous research has shown that there are specific factors that determine the outcome of a merger and that success is more likely if companies are more similar. The purpose of the study is therefore to define relevant factors and understand when resemblance matter and under what conditions disparity may cause problems. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to find a pattern of which factors are more important in a successful merger. The problem of the study is addressed through a qualitative research approach and is conducted on six different mergers.

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