

14008 Uppsatser om Qualitative analysis - Sida 12 av 934

Empire and Multitude - Den globala klassanalysens nya subjekt?

This essay contains a comparative analysis of Erik Olin Wrights Marxist class analysis and Michael Hardt and Antonio Negris post-Marxist class analysis as presented in their books ?Empire? and ?Multitude: War and democracy in the age of Empire?. I discuss the shift in analytical focus from state level to global level that Hardt and Negri's analysis represent and the ensuing relevance of this for contemporary class analysis. The essay also address the challenge and implications posed to class analysis by the ever increasing economic globalization, from a material production to an ever growing immaterial service economy and the decrease in state power in controlling capital and labor movement. I propose that analytical understanding of class conflict help us to a better understanding of the mechanisms and dynamics that generate social and economical inequalities and that an updated Marxist class analysis still have much to contribute to our understanding to how these issues not only shape our society but also our capacity to counteract them..

"Idioter", "mörka krafter" och fotboll : en studie av mediers rapportering om fotbollsrelaterat våld

AIMThis thesis purpose is to fill a knowledge gap of research into football-related violence and media. The objective is to create an understanding of how football-related violence is portrayed in the Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen.METHODTo reach the desideratum we used a qualitative content analysis of 198 articles concerning football-related violence. To analyse the results we used theories regarding ?Framing?, ?the three ?I?s and the ?Stigma-theory?.MAIN RESULTSThe result from the initial analysis showed a heavy reliance on ?frames? by media outlets. This tended to make the news seem more sensational, dramatized and subsequently more readable than it otherwise would have been.

Musik i Film : The Sound of Movies

The purpose of this study is to generate a greater understanding of the different ways in which music can be used to build an identity and create image within movies, and also to explain the different impacts this can have on the parties involved. Through the history of movies music has been used as a tool for enhancement and for expression of emotions. Through music the audience relates to personal memories or emotional states and the experience is given a deeper impact, helping to create memorable movie scenes. Certain directors have created a unique identity through the use of music in their movies, and also artists have been brought forward by starring in a soundtrack. What we find interesting, and what is also the discussion in this study, is in what ways this collaboration/artistic expression can be done and what impact it has on the parties involved.

Det kommer aldrig att bli som förr, men det går att leva : En religionspykologisk och kulturell analys av copingstrategier hos drabbade av tsunamikatastrofen i Thailand 2004.

The aim of this paper is to examine the experience of two Swedish women who survived the tsunami catastrophe in Thailand 2004. Through their biographies, Sävstam and Ernsth-Ohlsson have revealed their experiences, before, during and after the tsunami catastrophe. Coping theory is used to explain how they cope with the consequences of the tsunami catastrophe, and how culture affects the coping process. Pargament´s (1997) theories in coping are used to examine this paper. Pargament argues that the coping process is influenced by the culture context of the individual.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av stress i arbetsmiljön

Studies have shown that stress is common in the nursing profession.Purpose: The aim was to investigate nurses' experience of stress in the work environment at the University Hospital in Uppsala and how nurses deal with this stress and whether the perceived stress experienced affect patient safety and in what way. Method: The study had a descriptive, qualitative design based on nine interviews. The selection criteria for the study was that participants were nurses and that they had worked at least one year within the profession and that they had experienced stress in their work environment. Data from the interviews was analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method by Graneheim and Lundman. Results: The analysis resulted in three categories: "Stress in the workplace?, "stress management" and "patient safety? and showed that all participants had experienced stress repeatedly in their workplaces.

Professionellas perspektiv på anorexia nervousa bland unga flickor

AbstractThe aim of this study is to highlight the professional?s perspectives and work with young girls who have eating disorder anorexia nervousa. We assume a social constructivist perspective where the professional?s interpretations and perspectives on the issue anorexia considered. The study is based on a Qualitative analysis of interviews with seven professionals in the areas of work, social services, school counselor, school nurse, anorexia unit and child and adolescent psychiatry (BUP).From a thematic analysis of the interviews, three themes emerged.

Äldres upplevelser av kvalitet på särskilda boenden

Old people's life situation when receiving municipal help and care in theirlast period of life is sparsely investigated from their own perspective. Thepurpose of this study was focused on the thoughts of the aged people andtheir personal experiences on what quality is within the geriatric care. Inthis qualitative study, 10 elderly people aged 75-90 years wereinterviewed from 3 different nursing homes within Solna Municipality.Qualitative interviews, with the emphasis on their present life situationespecially what brought about a good life, were performed. The interviewswere analysed using qualitative content analysis. The implication of theterm ?meaningful existence? is individual and differs from person toperson.

Konstbiennalens Marknadskommunikation -Hur tre nordiska samtidskonstevenemang kommunicerar med sina viktigaste målgrupper

Introduction: Mental illness is a public health issue which 20-40 per cent of the inhabitantsin Sweden suffer from. Many factors can lead to mental illness and because of that it isimportant that different organisations and professions collaborate in prevention and healthpromotion work. To develop the collaborative process by noticing difficulties and successes,documenting, follow-up and evaluation is of great importance. Aim: The aim of this literaturereview is to investigate which methods are used for evaluation of health promoting anddisease preventive collaborative projects, which focuses on mental health directly orindirectly, and find out what results these projects has revealed. Method: Literature reviewwith descriptive design.

Skapandet av ett fredligt samhälle. Vad kan vi göra? : En studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattning om skolans och deras egen roll i skapandet av en fredligare värld

The aim of the study is to examine what upper secondary school students think that they themselves and their school can do to create a peaceful society. The study combine qualitative and quantitative methods based on questionnaires distributed among 328 students in three high schools in Sweden. The survey is a combination of multiple choice and open questions. For the analysis of quantitative responses the computer program SPSS was used producing frequency tables and response rate schemes. To analyze the questionnaire's qualitative part a narrative analysis method was used.

IT-samhällets kärleksbrev : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av kommunikationen via nätdejting

Abstract Author: Kristin NäsTitle: The technology society?s love letters ? a Qualitative analysis of communication through internet dating.Level: BA Thesis in CommunicationLocation: University of KalmarLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 53 Keywords: communication, dating, web dating, gendering talk, interaction, flirting, the internet, contact, communities.Summary: A qualitative study on the subject of internet dating and how people using internet dating chooses to present them self and how they choose to communicate with others to create contact. Internet dating is a phenomenon that is continually growing. 2 million people in Sweden are singles today and more than half of them have tried internet dating at least once. The purpose of this study was to research the way people choose to present them self and how the communication on an internet dating site is used.

"Det är som en glaskupa runt hela prostitutionsstråket - vistas man där är allt tillåtet". En narrativ analys av två socialarbetares berättelser.

This essay focuses on two social workers talking about their working field in the prostitution area in a Swedish city. The study aims to investigate how the social workers talk about their field and clients that are in it through the use of narrative analysis. Furthermore we discuss the complications with qualitative interviews, narrative analysis from a feminist theoretical and methodological point of view. The study is based on an interview with the two social workers. The result reveals only tendencies rather than a general "truth".

Barn, familj och klass : en jämförande studie av läseböcker i svenskämnet för årskurs 3, från 1950 till 2009

In primary school reading-books in Swedish language is something that students come across early in school and have done ever since the 1800s. After World War II there have been major changes in society. 1962 there was a school reform where the school turned into a nine-year system of compulsory education. That is why it is interesting to see what reading books contain with regard to notions of children, family and class and how the developments have been from the 1950s until the present time. This study aims to analyze and compare the different aspects of how notions of children, family and class are produced in the reading books for primary school for pupils in third grade, between 1950 and 2009.The research questions were:What are the notions of children, family and class in the reading-books?What differences/similarities exist in the reading books from the 1950s to the  recent decades?What could be the reason?I have chosen to apply qualitative text analysis originating in idea analysis.

Detaljplanera Trygghet : En studie om hur trygghet kommer till uttryck i tre detaljplaner i Umeå

This essay aims to examine how safety is reflected in local plans. This was done by describing the physical environments, which are addressed in the local plans and its impact on safety. It has also been undertaken to see if certain physical environments with respect to safety have been addressed differently.The paper is made with the qualitative method Thematic analysis. The method is used to analyze the three local plans that have been available during the essay. The analysis was done with my created themes Traffic separation, Accessibility, High vision, Light and bright and Human presence.The results have shown that the local plans takes up physical environments that are good for safety.

Kontinuitet och förändring i svensk utrikespolitik : En textanalys av de utrikespolitiska deklarationerna mellan 1991 och 2010

With background in the acknowledgement of the current period of major change in the characteristics of traditional Swedish foreign policy, considering the membership in the European Union, as well as the new contextual scenarios that Sweden has been situated in after the end of the cold war, this thesis aims at scrutinizing the Swedish Foreign Policy from 1991 to 2010. The purpose of the thesis is further to localize continuity and change in the ideas which Sweden has explicitly stated in its foreign policy. Based on the theory of institutionalism, the thesis also aims to bring forward plausible explanations built on the main empirical findings. This has been done by identifying different types of goals and means within realism and liberalism as well as categorizing each theory within three ideal types.The chosen research method has been a qualitative text analysis with focus on an ideational analysis. The material on which the descriptive analysis is based upon is constituted by the annual statements of government policy in parliamentary debates on foreign affairs.The results of the thesis show that the ideas that are related to solidarity, consensus and active foreign policy are constant through the period of examination.

En studie om lärares arbete vid övergångar : Hur arbetet som bedrivs i arbetslaget återspeglas på individ, grupp och organisation

 This thesis is based upon the assumption that in Swedish school today it is a wide gap regarding the information flow when pupils are switching school. This was one of the reasons Skolverket published a report clearly stating that this is the case. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and describe how teachers are working in a teacher team at transitions to see and understand what their work may mean individually, in a group and to the school as an organisation. The questions at issue is to see how the teachers cooperate during transitions and how they notice students in need of extra support and students level of knowledge during transitions. The two last questions at issue is first to see how teachers approach parent?s expectations on the school and the teachers, secondly it is to examine what implications their work will have on the school.

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