

10518 Uppsatser om Qualitative Methods - Sida 6 av 702

Betalningssätt via webben : En studie om konsumenters ansedda kunskap angående olika betalningssätt via webben och deras säkerhet

The e-commerce in Sweden has increased each year for the past several years, but still just over half of all the consumers feels worry about payment security. This could be the reason why over half of the consumers just shopped about one time on the Internet during the whole year of 2009. Another reason could be that the many consumers have a lack of trust to the different payment methods that are available during payment on the Internet, because they might don't possess enough knowledge regarding the payment methods and their security. If the consumers were to gain more knowledge about the payment methods and their security, it may lead to that the they would feel more comfortable when shopping online, and do it more frequently. It is this that will be investigated in this paper.The purpose of the paper  is to research if consumers believed knowledge concerning the different payment methods available on the web and their security influence the consumers trust in the payment methods.

Om att lära sig prestera under press

I have researched different methods for practicing with the purpose of learning some useful ways to handle my performance anxiety issues, to better understand the phenomenon, and to be able to perform better under pressure. I chose or created nine methods and used each during a decided period of time, each period ending with a performance. Afterwards I analyzed the methods with the help of audio recordings and written concert evaluations to see if it was possible to alter my practicing techniques to be more directly focused on preparing for the concert situation..

Nyhetsanvändning på Karlstads Universitet : -En studie av vilka nyhetsmedier som är mest använda och har högst förtroende bland studenterna på Karlstads Universitet

This essay deals with the subject of the use of news medium amongst the students inKarlstads University. The presentation of the problem is about illustrating the or thosemedium that is the most used amongst the students, and also which one, ore which onesof the news medium the students puts largest trust in. This subject was chosen with thepurpose to illuminate patterns and attitudes of and to news medium, to make it easierfor eventual research in the future to connect these patterns and attitudes with theparticipation in political elections. The subject in question is interesting because of thefact that the news medium is one of the largest sources of information for the citizensknowledge?s about the society, and the citizen?s attitude to the news medium mightpossibly have the ability to affect people?s commitment in politics.

Prismodeller för Facilities Management-tjänster

A study has been conducted on how organizations in Sweden administer costs of facilities management services internally. There are three main theoretical methods for administering costs. In the first method, costs are maintained on a central level; in the second method, costs are allocated and in the third method, internal transfer pricing is used. The aim of the study is to identify which methods are applied in practice, to evaluate whether the methods fulfill their intended purposes and to study the relationship between the methods used and the cost level of facilites management services. In practice, a large diversity of methods are used for facilities management costs.

Framtagande av kravspecifikation för standardsystem

There are several methods and models within the areas of software engineering on how to proceed during a software development process. For each of these methods and models there are benefits and drawbacks, depending on how you choose to look at them. A difference of principle between the different models is that they either advocate iterative development or not. In parts of software engineering one makes use of different methods depending on which is most fitting in a specific situation. There are several methods on how to recieve more qualitative data from the end-users during the requirement collection, but the reappearing pattern is still user centric participation, which means that the user participates more actively in part of or the entire development process.

En Grupp Patienters Upplevelse av Sjukgymnastisk Huvudvärksbehandling

There are several treatment methods that are used by physiotherapists to treat migraine and tension type-headache (TTH). The effects of these methods have been evaluated in previous studies. However, there are few studies evaluating headache patients own perception of the treatment. The purpose of this study was both to examine the patient?s perception of the physiotherapy headache treatment and to examine if the treatment had effect on their quality of life.

Affärsmetoder, ett undantag ifrån patenterbarhet? -En komparativ studie av USA, Europa och Sverige

There is no commonly accepted definition of a business method. It ought to consist of a method or a process of doing business. Business methods constitutes a broad category of patents, it is hard to tell exactly what can be interpreted in to the term. Most of the world's legal systems have made an exception from patentability for business methods. In the USA the exception was abolished in a case 1998.

Språkutveckling i förskolan : -en intervjustudie om pedagogers arbete med språkutveckling för barn

AbstractIn my work on language development in preschool the purpose was to examine how and to what extent the pre-school supports children with special needs in their language development. Trough qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers, I wanted to see how they work with language development in preschool. In the study, Main questions asked in the inquiry :How do teachers and support children?s language development?What techniques, resources and tools available to facilitate language development? The conclusion that I made from my inquiry is that the primary language stimulation methods teachers use to encourage children?s language development are rhymes telling, books reading and song singing based on active selection of pieces that match the children?s maturity level.And how they are using different language stimulation techniques Karlstad model, TAKK (Signs of augmentative and alternative communication) and TRAS (Early registration of language development) to promote children?s language development. Keyword: Language development, language stimulation, treatment, communication, methods..

Att göra eller inte göra : Hur kontroll och nyfikenhet påverkar regelverket på Facebook

This paper is a literature study on search engine optimization (SEO) considering the leader of the search engine market: Google. There´s an introductory background description of Google and its methods of  crawling the Internet and indexing the web pages, along with a brief review of the famous PageRank algorithm. The purpose of this paper is to describe the major important methods for improved rankings on Google´s result lists. These methods could be categorized as on-page methods tied to the website to be optimized or off-page methods that are external to the website such as link development. Furthermore the most common unethical methods are described, known as ?black hat?, which is the secondary purpose of the text.

Metoder för att generera sudokun med få ledtrådar

In this report, we review various methods for generating valid sudoku with few hints. The report begins with a bit of terminology and anoverview of various methods that can be used to generate sudoku. Subsequently we go through the results of these generating methods, where wecan see that in order to generate sudoku with few clues, one must takespecial care how to place the clues of the sudoku. Finally we come to theconclusion that one of the neighbour-generating-method wasthe fastest algorithm for generating sudoku..

Motivation på SFI : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om fyra lärares uppfattningar kring hur man kan arbeta för att motivera eleverna på SFI

Due to lack of knowledge about motivation in Swedish for adult immigrants (SFI ), I have chosen to write about motivation. Motivation is a complex concept to understand. It has different meanings depending on what context the term is put in. In this study , you will read about the external and internal motivation . But also about integrative and instrumental motivation.

Lärande - styrt eller i samspel? : En studie om lärares syn på undervisning och lärande

This study?s purpose was to examine which main forms of teaching methods that occurs in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school and how often learning through social collaboration take place. The study contained literature and interviews with eight teachers. Our research-questions were: What is the teacher?s opinion about different teaching methods, their opinion about learning and teaching and if there were any difference between the teachers teaching younger or older students regarding teaching methods? Our conclusions of this study were that ?lecture-methods? is the most common among teachers.

Vad betyder tecknen i bilden? : Paragrafigurativa element i kinesiskt tuschmåleri. En visuell kultur-undersökning.

Due to lack of knowledge about motivation in Swedish for adult immigrants (SFI ), I have chosen to write about motivation. Motivation is a complex concept to understand. It has different meanings depending on what context the term is put in. In this study , you will read about the external and internal motivation . But also about integrative and instrumental motivation.

Lärcentra och lärmiljöer på folkbibliotek ? en studie av personalens synsätt på motivation och metoder

The aim of this thesis is to investigate what distinguishes the views of staff at centres for learning as regards users? motivation at centres for learning in public libraries. The following questions were asked:? How do staff at centres for learning view the users? motivation to studies?? How do staff at centres for learning view causes for lack of motivation and obstacles for motivation to studies?? What methods do staff at centres for learning use to motivate potential users to studies and to market the learning centres? ? What distinguishes these views of staff on users? motivation at centres for learning in public libraries?The methods used in this study are: literature studies, qualitative interviews and questionnaires. Interviews and questionnaires were done with six employees at six centres for learning.

Gymnasieelevers upplevelser av hälsoprojekt : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Studies show that children?s and adolescents health decreases, especially the mental health. There are today many health methods that flourish in the school area. Methods that is external and used as individual interventions and methods that have the intention to integrate health in all aspects of the school curriculum.Research on health projects often show what the intervention or method has produced. Few studies have been found who discuss the pupil?s own experience regarding health projects.

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