

10518 Uppsatser om Qualitative Methods - Sida 14 av 702

Marknadsföring och kundupplevd kvalitet - En fallstudie på Kalmar och Trollhättans Stadsbibliotek

In this thesis the marketing strategies of two public libraries have been explored and studied.The public library of Kalmar participates in the project GÖK which partly is a marketing project. The public library of Kalmar thereby differs from the public library of Trollhättan which is not involved in the project.The main aim of this thesis was to focus on their marketing strategies and see if there were any differences. The thesis was also concerned with the customers and their experiences of the quality of the services offered by the public libraries of Kalmar and Trollhättan, including the customers' perceptions of the operative marketing, and finally if there was a connection between marketing and customer-centered quality. Qualitative Methods as well as quantitative methods were used for the collection of information .The preliminary assumption that Kalmar had a more explicit marketing strategy has been confirmed in the study. However, the customers at the public library of Trollhättan were more satisfied with the total quality of the services offered.

Anpassad undervisning till sent anlända elever : Hur ämneslärare på högstadiet anpassar undervisningen till sent anländna elever

This research paper has examined how three teachers in a Swedish state secondary school adapt their teaching to immigrant pupils aged 13 to16 who have recently arrived in the country. The study is based on observation in the classroom and interviews with the teachers. The study showed that all the teachers adapted their teaching methods in the different subjects by actively working with language development during their lessons. The methods employed included explaining words and definitions, using visual methods of teaching and setting frequent written exercises. In this way the pupils developed their language skills whilst covering the subject coursework.

"Förbrända men icke förintade" : en osteologisk analys av kremerade individer från förromersk järnålder från gravfältet Smörkullen, Alvastra, Östergötland

Cremated remains have long been regarded as a highly complex material that often provides unsatisfactory results. This essay discusses the problems that arise when methods commonly used on unburned bone material are used in a cremated skeletal material. The present essay discusses the results from osteological analysis of seven cremations from Pre-Roman Iron Age from a large cemetery in Alvastra, Smörkullen. Several methods were ultimately not applied in the present study as they were insufficient for application on the relevant material. Since the methods were inapplicable and fragments available for gender assessments too low, no sex assessments were made.

Byte av systemutvecklingsmetod : En verksamhetsnytta eller en nödvändighet?

 AbstractSystem methodology is in the very heart of system development, it is a crucial part of how you define your work, how you choose to approach the actual problem at hand and how to solve it. Researchers in the system development field has shown that not all methods in theory are in compliance with how it is practiced by the companies who use them. In our thesis we have studied a larger international IT- company and one of their local offices in Sweden, who some years back changed their system development method from a more traditional to an agile one. Our aim of this study has been to establish whether both of these methods has differed between theory and in actual use, and if so, why this has occurred and what the underlying rationality might have been to promote this change. Our questions that we sought to answer were; 1.

Statistisk analys av partiella urladdningar

This thesis concerns partial discharges in stator windings and the possibility of analyzing data using statistical methods. Partial discharges, or PD, are a physical phenomenon in which discharges occur locally due to large electric fields. PD can occur in or adjacent to the insulation of stator windings and causes breakdown of the insulating materials. PD measurement can provide an idea of how widespread the PD activity is. A technique to measure and analyze PD that has become very popular over the last few decades is phase resolved PD patterns.

Diagnosens värde i den pedagogiska planeringen för koncentrationsstörda barn i skolan

In my composition, I have choosen to examine the question: What value does the diagnoses have for the teacher when it comes to organizing the work with children troubled by apprehensive disabilities?The method I used to examine my question was qualitative interview.The teachers? I have interviewed are either pre-schoolteachers or schoolteachers.Most of the teachers speak highly of using methods like Komet or SET in the work with the pupils troubled by deficits in their ability to concentrate.During my investigation, I have learned that the teachers think that methods like the above mentioned may help preventing some of the problems at school.Former research as well as the interviewed teachers are saying that rules and structure are very important when you are teaching children troubled by deficits in their ability to concentrate.The teachers are feeling just like me, a little bit insecure when it comes to the diagnoses and most of the time the diagnoses just confirm what the teacher already knows.My intention with this study was to aquire a deeper understanding of what it means to have concentration disabilities and to broaden my knowledge of what the teacher can do to ease the years at school for these children.Keywords: Concentration disabilities, teachers, diagnose, educational planning.

Hur designar man en e-handelssite: : är designers och dokumenterad forskning överens?

This paper examines and summarizes rules, guidelines and methods for how an e-commerce site should be designed, which elements it should contain and where these should be placed. Our approach consists of two phases. First we comprise relevant research within the target area. This is then divided into logical themes and is used as a foundation for an interview guide, which will be used in the second phase. After this, in the second phase, we conduct qualitative interviews with designers that are actively working with design of e--?commerce  sites.

Mars och Venus i cyberspace ? genusmönster i bloggen

The purpose of this thesis is to find out if people have changed the way in which they write since the introduction of the internet. Men and women have been writing books, articles, letters, diaries and different types of literature for centuries. To give the reader some background about the weblog as a literary media, this thesis has a whole chapter on half-public literature that includes the history of letters and diaries. The weblog is a unique way for anyone to be whoever they want, whether it be a man or woman, old or young. The reader has no possible way of knowing if the script is true or not.

Fl?ckreducering ? Bl? Vinranka En j?mf?rande studie av tv? efterbehandlingsmetoder vid reng?ring av glaserad keramik

This study explores the effects of two different post-treatment methods on stain reduction in glazed creamware from the late 20th century. The objects stains have been characterized by type one and type two stains which is the result of prolonged contact with food residues, were subjected to the same initial stain reduction. The two post-treatment methods examined are soaking the objects in deionized water and surface rinsing with deionized water. The comparative analysis included photographs under normal and UV-light exposure to assess stain visibility, weight measurements before and after treatments to monitor the absorption and evaporation of liquids, and observations throughout the experiment. The results revealed that while type two stains showed significant alterations after treatments, specifically after soaking, type one stains remained unaffected by both methods.

Informationssökning och vidareutveckling ? Gymnasielärares informationsbeteende i yrkespraktiken

Resource-based learning or problem-oriented learning are teaching methods that are becoming more and more common in schools today. In order to make these teaching methods work there is a demand to make students information literate. The aim of this thesis is to find out how six teachers at six senior high schools apprehend their professional role of seeking, preparing and developing the course in history of literature. I have used phenomenography which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology. This means that by doing a limited number of qualitative interviews one is able to describe the variations of the conceptions that have emerged.

Rektorn och skolbiblioteket : uppfattningar om skolbiblioteket

The purpose of this thesis is to describe how principals apprehend the school library. In order to respond to this I formulated three questions: How was the improvement of the school libraries carried out in one municipality? Is the school library experienced as a part of the schools organization? How is the use of the school´s library experienced? To be able to answer these questions, for the purpose of this thesis, I have studied relevant literature on school libraries, the school organization and literature on Qualitative Methods. I have made six qualitative interviews. The objects of the interviews were three librarians and three principals.

Bedömningsarbete i grundskolans tidigare år­?lärandesyn, bedömningsprinciper och lärarpraxis : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Ryssland

Issues related to knowledge assessment and its consequences for both the individual and the entire school system are topical in today's school debate. The mere fact that didactic issues that focus on assessment are discussed actively not only in scholastic environments but even in media and other communities is further proof that knowledge assessment is an important and complex phenomenon in our lives.The subject that I have chosen to look into is about how the work with assessment issues is handled in Swedish as well as Russian elementary school's early years. The goal with this study is to see how my studies have been conducted with a qualitative approach by which I collected qualitative information in the form of documents, papers and interviews. To make the approach even more appropriate for my area of research, I have chosen to merge two qualitative research methods. The first is a qualitative content analysis which analyses the governing documents.

Nya tillämpningar för utandningstest kopplade till Kibions diagnostikinstrument IRIS®

The aim of my thesis is to obtain knowledge of textile wastewater and textile sludge from an environmental perspective, which can be used as a basis for the  ?Sweden Textile Water Initiative? guidelines for a sustainable sludge management. In my study I have mainly focused on textile dyes, salts and metals and their routes during wastewater treatment.This paper is partly a literature review, which I began by identifying the pollutants discharged from each textile process. Then I studied wastewater and sludge quality, environmental aspects, possible treatment and recycling methods. I have also tried to find existing type of guidelines in order to make comparisons.

"Eftersom det är en lagidrott förväntar sig spelarna att någon bestämmer" : En kartläggning av kunskaperna rörande träningsmetodik inom svensk pojkishockey

The purpose of this study was to examine social workers working process in social assistance with focus on the child´s perspective. We were interested in learning about the existence of variations in approach and attitude between two municipalities. Question to be answered about what methods and approaches used by social workers to include the child´s perspective in the process of social assistance. Another question to be answered about what the manner in which social workers took into account the child´s perspective when the families apply for social assistance in relation to the operations and requirement. To fulfill the purpose, Qualitative Methods were used.

Avlivning av häst : en enkätstudie

Today there are various methods to use when euthanizing horses. Earlier the use of free or captive bullet was the most common method, but in recent decades this has changed and chemical euthanasia is now considered the most common method. The chemical euthanasia has in Sweden been dominated by the use of barbiturates. Somulose® entered the market in the beginning of the 90?s as an alternative to previous chemical euthanasia.

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