

3609 Uppsatser om Qality of care - Sida 63 av 241

"Jag känner liksom igen den på något sätt..." - en studie om implementering av värdegrund i en vård- och omsorgsförvaltning

The aim of our study was to increase the awareness of the importance of implementation when a policy document is widely introduced. We wanted to examine how a political decision was implemented on different levels in a social care administration. We also wanted to examine the discretion related to the decision on different levels in the organisation, and if the work is followed up. The theoretical frame of reference in our study is Vedung?s implementation model and Lipsky?s theory about street-level bureaucrats.

Jag är här för att jobba med människor, inte för att skriva om dem : En kvantitativ undersökning om omsorgspersonals inställning till social dokumentation inom äldreomsorgen

The aim of the thesis was to explore the attitudes toward social documentation held by care personnel, as well as factors that could have an impact on the process of social documentation. The study is based on a survey encompassing 100 respondents working as care personnel at six different eldercare units at Kungsholmen in Stockholm. The data was analyzed by quantitative methods, using a statistical software package (SPSS). The main questions in the study are whether the respondents know how, what and why they should document, what obstacles they experience and what they would need in order to document more or better, as well as whether there are factors that influence their attitudes and knowledge regarding documentation. The key results show that more time is the most common need, and lack of time the most common obstacle to social documentation reported by the respondents. Furthermore, the results show that those who report that they are satisfied with their working conditions are most likely to also report that they know how and why social documentation should be conducted. These results suggest that it is urgent for organizations to create good working conditions in order to increase motivation for social documentation. The results are analyzed using organizational theories.

"De vet ju inte vems säng de ligger i" : En studie om vårdpersonals tolkningar, bemötande och hantering av demenssjukas sexuella uttryck

The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how nursing home staff at dementia care facilities interpret, treat and manages sexual behavior of patients. Four group interviews were made with a total of thirteen participants from three different dementia care facilities. The collected material was processed and thematized in pursuance of the research questions of the study. The results were analysed using three concepts from queer theory; heteronormativity, the heterosexual matrix and power, as well as an article about how nursing home staff constructs actions of patients. The results showed that staff member?s assessments about the patient?s sexual behaviours depended on their posture towards the norm of what is considered to be acceptable.

Flerbarnspappors erfarenheter och behov av föräldrastöd på Tjörn

Background: The health of children and youth has decreased the last two decades. The Swedish government has decided to back a national plan for parenting support. The municipality of Tjörn is a part of national parental support project to identify the need and to improve the parental support in the municipality. Purpose: The purpose with this study was to identify experience and need of parental support among fathers with more than one child on Tjörn. Method: Five individual qualitative interviews were conducted with the fathers.

Säljytan - En studie om hur butikschefer arbetar med butikens säljyta

Unaccompanied children that arrives in Sweden are usually placed in homes for care and residence, called HVB. It is the municipality's responsibility to provide adequate care and protection for the children. The aim of the study is to examine how a workgroup on a HVB home for unaccompanied children is working to meet the needs of the children, and how the workgroup improves the children?s integration process. The study also aims to examine the emotional labour of the workgroup, which illustrates how they can manage their own emotional behavior when working with the unaccompanied children.The study is based on a qualitative approach with detailed descriptions of five semi-structured interviews with the workgroup and assistant managers.

Socialt stöd till ungdomar med kroniska sjukdomar

Social support is important for adults well-being, quality of life and self-esteem. The nurse should respond to the patient's care needs, knowledge of social support for young people with chronic diseases is therefore important. The purpose was to investigate who or which ones provide social support for young people with chronic diseases and what social support contributes to. A descriptiv design where used. The literature search in the database Medline via Cinahl resulted in twelwe articles.

Motivation i arbetslivet   : En kvantitativ studie om vad som motiverar personalen inom äldreomsorgen.

The purpose of this thesis is to study what motivational factors motivates the staff in the public elderly care and to investigate how the staff ranks the different motivational factors and if the rankings differ depending on gender, age, education, type of employment, time of employment, employer, income and ethnic background. The thesis is based on a questionnaire study with a total of 97 participants. The questionnaire was constructed with the help of prior similar studies conducted in the USA and Malaysia over a sixty-year time period. These studies are then used to analyze the results. The participants in our thesis were given ten motivational factors to rank according to what they believed motivated them the most.

Kateterrelaterade urinvägsinfektioner ? brist på effektiva preventioner ? En litteratursammanställning

Background: Urinary tract infections caused by indwelling urinary catheters causes unneccesay suffering among those it affects. These infections are also financially straining on the health care services. It is therefore of importance to gain knowledge about which evidence based preventive interventions that have the possibility to reduce the risk for bacteriuria and urinary tract infections among patients with indwelling urinary catheters. Aim: This study aimed to compile available knowledge concerning i) if silver alloy catheters does reduce bacteriuria in this patient group, ii) if aseptic catheterization does reduce bacteriuria in this patientgroup, iii) which routines for changing the urinary drainage bag reduces the risk of bacteriuria, iv) which routine genital hygenic care reduces the risk of bacteriuria? Method: Litterature was searched for in the data bases Cinahl, Medline and The Cochrane Library using the data bases? thesaurius combined with OR/AND.

Ungdomars egen upplevda psykiska hälsa och skolsituation

The aim of this study was to describe non-surgical treatment options for the diseases mucositis and peri-implantitis found in present literature. The literature review also illustrates the effect of the treatment opptions on soft tissue with mucositis and peri-implantitis surrounding dental implants. The study reviews twelve scientific articles that have been processed from the aim of the study. The result shows six therapy options, Er:YAG laser, air abrasive, ultrasonic device, hand instruments, hand instruments in combination with antibiotics and hand instruments in combination with clorhexidin. The following methods are described according to how they are used and how they affect the soft tissue surrounding dental implants.

Fördelning av sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsarbete

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsarbete har förändrats genom tiderna. I början av 1900-talet var sjuksköterskeyrket ett kall, vilket huvudsakligen innefattades av att se till att smittosamma sjukdomar inte spreds vidare, samt hålla patienten ren. Idag innefattar sjuksköterskeyrket ett mer komplext arbete där administration, specialistvård, teknik, patientnära omvårdnad samt kontakt med andra yrkeskategorier och instanser ska vävas samman. Syftet med den här pilotstudien var att belysa hur fördelningen av sjuksköterskans arbetsuppgifter ser ut över dygnets 24 timmar. Strukturerad observationsmetod användes för datainsamling.

Trygg med trygghetslarm? : en kvalitativ studie av några ålderspensionärers erfarenheter och upplevelser av trygghetslarm

The purpose of this study was to depict some elderly people?s experiences of personal safety alarms. Furthermore, the aim was to look into whether there is any difference in experience between men and women and depending on their level of care. Using a qualitative method, semi-structured interviews were carried out with eight elderly people; six women and two men. The main questions of the study were: How do the elderly people experience the practical use of personal safety alarms? In what ways, if any, do the elderly people experience that the personal safety alarm has changed their daily life? In what ways do the elderly people experience that the personal safety alarm effects their ability to stay in their own home? A cognitive perspective was mainly used to analyze the results.

Vi ser att det funkar! : - en kvalitativ studie av validations- och reminiscensmetodernas effektersett ur ett personalperspektiv.

The purpose of this essay is to examine how health care staff, in dementia care, feel that their work situation is affected by using two methods which are specifically designed for use in work with elderly persons suffering from dementia: validation and reminiscense.To examine this, we used a qualitative research method in the form of semistructured interviews with 6 assistant nurses/nurses. These nurses work in a living with dementia targeting which have recently applied the above two methods. Of the results reveals that nursing staff feel positive effects in their work through the use of validation and reminiscense. Examples of these positive effects are greater inclusiveness and strengthen relations in the staff group, strengthen relations between staff and residents, reduced medication of soothing medicine and improved communication with the persons suffering from dementia. The results show that nursing staff feel that it can be difficult to absorb the working methods, the importance of sufficient time and continuous guidance in the exercise of the methods and the need for a genuine interest for them to generate positive effects.

Patienters upplevelser av sjuksköterskans bemötande på akutmottagningen : En litteraturstudie

Background:Studies show that when nurses are experiencing problems in the care of non-Swedish speaking patients, it is often due to obstacles in the communication. Studies also show that a prerequisite for adequate care is that there is a basis for a direct communication. Nurses perceive interpreters as an important link to the patient when they do not share a mutual language, the nurses perceive interpreters as a bridge in the conversation.Aim:The purpose of the study is to describe nurses' experiences of the quality of assessments done with the help of an interpreter.Method:The study was conducted through interviews with ten nurses, working at psychiatric clinics. Qualitative content analysis was used for the analysis, which resulted in five categories.Results:The analysis resulted in one theme: "it´s the interpreter who tells me and have not the feeling that the patient has" and five categories: "shades of the language", "conversation structure", "the interpreter's competence", "interpreting implementing" and "the interpreter's gender and origin". The nurses experience working with interpreters as a challenge.

Människa, var är du? Prästens roll som själavårdare i det postmoderna samhället

The purpose of this study is to find out how clergymen in the Church of Sweden understand their role as pastoral caregivers, in a context of a society that has changed quite a lot during the past decades. The study is based on interviews with four clergymen, two men and two women in the ages of 40-65 with experiences from congregations of different social and geographical kind. The interviews are analyzed in themes. When analyzing the interviews identity and role theory is used as a tool, but also the idea of a postmodern society and metaphors for the different kind of roles a pastoral caregiver can take during counseling.The clergymen meet a broad range of people in counseling, both those who regularly attend church activities and those who are complete strangers. They are all focusing on the needs of the confident.

Kan barnets bästa tillgodoses genom släktingplacering? : En forskningsöversikt

Denna studie är en forskningsöversikt med syfte att undersöka hur barnets bästa i form av identitetsskapande, familjerelationer och etnicitet tillgodoses vid familjehemsplacering i släktinghem. Frågeställningar för att besvara syftet var; vad visar forskningen beträffande barns behov av stabilitet i relationer och identitetsutveckling vid släktingplacering? Utifrån detta tittar vi även på de etniska aspekterna, eftersom lagen är tydlig med att barn med annat etniskt ursprung, helst ska placeras inom släkten. Till tidigare forskning har vi använt oss av fem forskningsöversikter skrivna inom området släktingplaceringar. Teoretiska utgångspunkter i studien är familjerelationer och identitet.

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