

3609 Uppsatser om Qality of care - Sida 61 av 241

Sjuksköterskans attityder och upplevelser i mötet med patienter med självskadebeteende

Background: Patients who deliberate self harm often feel disappointed with the health care. The consequence of this may be that the patient avoid to seek help after self harming. Nurses' often experience these patients to be difficult and hard to deal with. Both patients' and nurses' thoughts about the situation may affect the situation in a negative way. A good relationship between the caregiver and patient is important.

Vi hade kunnat släppa taget. : En kvalitativ studie kring anhöriga till spelberoende, deras upplevelse av spelets konsekvenser i deras liv.

Gambling about money is a frequent phenomenon in our modern community?s. The gambling has for some people resulted in a compulsive gambling. These consequences affects not only the gambler but also have impact on his or hers relatives. The purpose of this study is to describe how a small selection off relatives to persons with a compulsive gambling experience the gambling consequences in there life.

Kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med hjärtkärl sjukdom. En litteraturstudie av kvinnor med hjärtkärlsjukdom och sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder

The purpose of this literture review was to describe how women with coronary diseases experience their lives and how nurses can support individual care..

Soldriven kylning i Sverige

This thesis has been performed at the system development company Verendus System AB, together with the home care company Basic Care Unit (BCU).The thesis has consisted of developing a web based informationsystem for BCU in which they can administrate their business. At the time of writing this thesis, BCU was using a windows-application to administrate their activities, which was both costly aswell as resulting in an unnecessary burden. The aim the thesis has thus been to create a platform-independent information system that simplifies and streamlines BCUs work by being user-friendly aswell as imposing some simplifying features.The students has been developing the system by the help of a work method they themselves developed. The method consisted of working in several iterations that each had several milestones. The method resulted in the students knowing easily when each iteration was finished or not.The thesis resulted in a working platform independent prototype.

Digital kompetens - Äldreomsorgspersonals upplevelser av en digitaliserad arbetsplats

This study highlights the importance of computer technology and its impact on elder care staff's skills development in the public sector. The government presents the digital agenda within which information and communication technology today is considered to have a potential for sustainability, growth and development. According to the EU Commission, there are several important elements that should be improved to digitize the workplace. Among these are digital literacy, collaboration between agencies and increased investments in research, education and innovation. New technology can be understood in different ways by individuals, some see the computer as something positive and exciting, while others may find it hard to see the opportunities for learning and development.

Röstvård - en del av körsången? - Körpedagogernas arbete med barn och ungdomars individuella sångröster i kör

Title: Care of the voice ? one part of the choir singing? The choir conductors work with children's and youths' individual voices within the choir. The purpose of this study was to examine how four different choir conductors work with children's and youths' individual voices during choir rehearsal. Further aims of this essay are to shed light upon relevant research within the topic. I used a qualitative method of researching observations with low structure and structured interviews.

"Man måste brinna för det man gör": en studie av arbetsledarnas arbetssituation inom handikapp- och äldreomsorgen i Halmstad kommun.

The focus in this paper was on managers in the middle position in the care of the elderly and people with disabilities. The aim was to develop knowledge about the conditions of work among managers in the middle position and what they characterized as good leadership and which strategies they used in their work. The empirical data consisted of nine qualitative interviews with managers in the middle position in the municipality of Halmstad.The frameworks that mainly limited the middle managers' discretion were laws, political regulations and most of all it was the allocated budget. Their discretion was found closer to the operation such as working methods, recruitment and changes in job schedules. The middle managers spent the majority of their working hours with personnel administrative work and that they often had to prioritise among their tasks.

HIV-positive women?s sexual health: A meta-synthesis of how HIV-positive women experience and describe sexual health

There is no consensus of the concept sexual health in the context of being HIV-positive women. Research in the area tends to focus in different measurable parts of sexual health for HIV-positive women. A meta-synthesis on that research issue can develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of how HIV-positive women in qualitative studies describe and experience sexual health. The purpose with this study is to analyze and synthesize the results about how HIV-positive women describe and experience sexual health. The meta-synthesis follows Noblit and Hare´s method of meta-ethnography and additional use of Walsh and Downe´s checklist to appraise qualitative articles.

Rättsäkerhet i den psykiatriska tvångsvården : Lagstiftning och tillämpning

This study examines whether or not there are inherit flaws in Swedish legislation concerning psychiatric institutional care, or in the application of the act, which might lead to the failure of rule of law for the private citizen. Law (1991:1128) concerning psychiatric institutional care in certain instances (LPIC) aims to establish rules which will ensure rule of law for the mentally ill in case of psychiatric institutional care. Despite this, there are legal cases which indicate that these rules, and their implications, are not always considered at the psychiatric wards.The questions at issues which this study aims to answer are thus: Are there any deficiencies concerning rule of law in LPIC 2?3 §§, 4?6 §§, 7?10 §§,15?25 §§ and 32?33 §§ ? This section focuses on LPIC and its design. Whether or not the act adheres to rule of law is examined through a definition which has evolved through discussions of concept based in Peczeniks definition of rule of law.

Effekter av Tvärprofessionella standardvårdplaner för palliativ vård

Syftet med studien var att beskriva hälsorelaterad livskvalitet, ångest/depression och vårdtillfredsställelse hos kvinnor med bröstcancer tidigt i sjukdomsförloppet samt att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan dessa aspekter. Vidare studerades förklarande bakgrundsfaktorer; demografiska, socioekonomiska och medicinska faktorer samt psykosocialt stöd. Denna tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes som en enkätstudie kompletterat med medicinska data från Regionalt register för bröstcancer i Uppsala/Örebroregionen. Totalt 1574 förfrågningar om deltagande gick ut, varav 69 % valde att delta i studien. Niohundratrettiotvå kvinnor ingick i de slutliga analyserna (59 %).

Vårdsituationer utan bot- Att vårda äldre palliativa patienter i en kurativ vårdkontext

Bakgrund: Sveriges befolkning blir allt äldre vilket skapar ett krav på kunskap om vård och omsorg till den äldre patienten. Sjukhusavdelningar är fyllda av äldre patienter och många av dem är svårt sjuka och kommer spendera sin sista tid på en vårdavdelning. För att ge en helhetsvård till den döende patienten ska vården bygga på de fyra hörnstenarna symtomlindring, kommunikation, relation och stöd till närstående samt ett multiprofessionellt samarbete. Som sjuksköterska vill man göra sitt yttersta för att patienten ska må bra, vare sig det är att må bra mot ett tillfrisknande eller att må bra i livets slutskede. Den ofta hektiska vårdmiljön på en vårdavdelning kan motverka en god palliativ vård.Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda äldre svårt sjuka patienter i livets slutskede på vårdavdelningar utan palliativ inriktning.Metod: Studien har en induktiv kvalitativ design.

Kateterrelaterade urinvägsinfektioner ? brist på effektiva preventioner ? En litteratursammanställning

Background: Urinary tract infections caused by indwelling urinary catheters causes unneccesay suffering among those it affects. These infections are also financially straining on the health care services. It is therefore of importance to gain knowledge about which evidence based preventive interventions that have the possibility to reduce the risk for bacteriuria and urinary tract infections among patients with indwelling urinary catheters. Aim: This study aimed to compile available knowledge concerning i) if silver alloy catheters does reduce bacteriuria in this patient group, ii) if aseptic catheterization does reduce bacteriuria in this patientgroup, iii) which routines for changing the urinary drainage bag reduces the risk of bacteriuria, iv) which routine genital hygenic care reduces the risk of bacteriuria? Method: Litterature was searched for in the data bases Cinahl, Medline and The Cochrane Library using the data bases? thesaurius combined with OR/AND.

Ambulanssjuksköterskors möjlligheter att bedriva evidensbaserad vård vid prehospital smärtbehandling av patienter med höftfraktur

Väntetiden för patienter som ådragit sig höftfraktur till operation är ofta lång och kan uppgå till över ett dygn. I första delen av vårdkedjan är det ambulanssjuksköterskan som möter patienter som ådragit sig höftfraktur och omhändertagandet där smärtbehandling ingår genomförs med stöd av upprättade vårdriktlinjer. Ambulanssjuksköterskan har ett ansvar enligt svensk lag att den prehospitala akutsjukvården som genomförs ska vara evidensbaserad.Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka specialistutbildade ambulanssjuksköterskors uppfattningar om möjligheten att bedriva evidensbaserad vård vid prehospital smärtbehandling av patienter med höftfraktur. Detta är en kvalitativ studie med beskrivande design.Resultatet visade att den specialistutbildade ambulanssjuksköterskan uppfattade generellt att vårdriktlinjerna var tydliga och lätta att förhålla sig till. De uppfattade att smärtbehandling var väl fungerande och evidensbaserad.

Psykiatriambulans Akut prehospital psykiatrisk vård

Bakgrund: Specialistsjuksköterskan ska uppta patientberättelsen och utifrån sinspecialiserade kunskap om medicinska eller psykiatriska tillstånd göra en korrekt bedömning.Sjuksköterskan ska från sin bedömning sedan förse patienterna med adekvata vårdåtgärder. IGöteborg har andelen ambulansuppdrag som klassificeras som psykiatrisk sjukdom ökat desista åren. Med anledning av det planerar ambulanssjukvården i Göteborg en speciellpsykiatriambulans med dubbelkompetens, en sjuksköterska som har specialistkunskap inompsykiatri samt en ambulanssjuksköterska. I Stockholm skall en psykiatriambulans införas 1april 2015 men inte med dubbelkompetens. Anledningarna till planen att introducera enpsykiatriambulans är att utveckla den akuta prehospitala vården bland annat genom att hjälpapatienter med psykiatrisk problematik till rätt vårdnivå.

Faktorer som inverkar på situationer med hot och våld inom vuxenpsykiatrin

Objective: To investigate the experiences of ambulance nurses when using Boussignac CPAPcompared to their previous model, and their suggestions for possible improvements in the use of CPAP in the care of patients with pulmonary oedema. Method: A qualitative study with a descriptive and exploratory approach. Data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews with ambulance nurses, seven men and three women. The analysis was conducted using Lundman and Graneheim?s content analysis.

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