

272 Uppsatser om Pupil - Sida 3 av 19

Gränsöverskridande och samhällets förfall. Om det sublimas ursprung och relevans för samtiden

The free choice of upper secondary school?A study of the meaning of the information channels for the choice of upper secondary schoolAuthors: David Fridner & Rikard ZeilonMentor: Ingela WadbringQuestionnaire studyDate: 2008-08-11AbstractThe choice of upper secondary school is a very important choice, both for the school and for the ninth grader. In Göteborg, the free choice of upper secondary school has generated several new information channels apart from the traditional counselor, daily news and the acquaintance. Today it is harder than ever to reach the Pupil through the constant media noise and new forms of communication such as events appear. The fight for each Pupil gets more and more important every term and it has now become real big business.Today?s youth is imprinted by a growing individuality and everyone knows that equableness is something very important.

Elevinflytande i engelskundervisningen på gymnasiet : En jämförande studie mellan årskurs 1 och 2

The aim of this study is to investigate the notion of Pupil influence in English teaching at level 1 and 2 at High-School level. The study focuses on how the students and teachers experience the possibility of influence in their English classes. Empirical data has been collected through questionnaires from two classes at year 1 and two classes at year 2 in English. The study also includes interviews from four teachers and four students. The study is both qualitative and quantitative.

En likvärdig skola för alla?

In this essay we discuss how the decentralisation of the Swedish school system affects the concept of ?equal opportunity school?. We investigate the development from both a historical and contemporary perspective, in order to identify changes over time. The central question of the essay is how the decentralisation of the school system affects the teacher?s perspective and experiences of the government?s framework about ?equal opportunity school?? The analysis is based on four qualitative, semi structured, direct interviews with respondents both active in municipal schools situated in the Malmö council and with more than thirty years of experience in their profession. Our analysis of the interviews show that both respondents experience the overall situation in the schools has deteriorated from an equal opportunity aspect since the decentralisation of the school system.

Individuell utvecklingsplan - produkt eller process? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur fem lärare för de yngre åldrarna använder IUP

The intention of this study is to interview teachers in order to create a picture of how they look at their work with IUP (Plan of individual development). The main question formulated in my study is in what way IUP can become a contribution to the learner´s development. All teachers who participated in the interviews believe that the purpose of the document is to be proactive, developing and positive for the Pupils. The teachers also believe that it is intended to serve as a clarification for Pupils as well as teachers. It´s clear to see that the IUP generally is believed to be a supportive resource in education.

Hälsofrämjande och förebyggande elevhälsa : från nationell till kommunal och lokal nivå

The perspective on health among school Pupils needs to be extended. School is animportant arena for the promoting of health among youth, primarily from a healthpromoting perspective and a proactive perspective. A holistic approach has gatheredsome ground in the policy documents for the nine year compulsory school in Sweden, butin what way, and what effect does it have on the governing authorities and on schoollevel?The aim of the study is to investigate the coherence between national, municipal andlocal levels regarding the view on health among Pupils. In order to do this, the guidelinesfor Pupil health in the municipality of Örebro and operational plans for seven F9 schoolsin the municipality of Örebro will be studied and compared to the government bill?Health, learning and sense of security?.

"Dom som är tysta och vi andra" : Elevers sociala relationer och grupperingar på en högstadieskola i Stockholm

Recent research in classrooms has often had its focus on the Pupil, the individual, and not on the different groups of students that exist. In a classroom there are normally several different groupings, each one having its own personal attitude towards the current lesson. If there had been more research we would find it easier to understand why Pupils sometimes behave the way they do.The purpose of this essay is to analyze how Pupils` social relations create groupings. Furthermore I intend to investigate how and why Pupils show their belonging to a certain group.The two questions of the essay are:1. How Pupils? social relations appear in a classroom?2.

Det fria valet av gymnasieskola? En studie av informationskanalernas betydelse för valet av gymnasieskola

The free choice of upper secondary school?A study of the meaning of the information channels for the choice of upper secondary schoolAuthors: David Fridner & Rikard ZeilonMentor: Ingela WadbringQuestionnaire studyDate: 2008-08-11AbstractThe choice of upper secondary school is a very important choice, both for the school and for the ninth grader. In Göteborg, the free choice of upper secondary school has generated several new information channels apart from the traditional counselor, daily news and the acquaintance. Today it is harder than ever to reach the Pupil through the constant media noise and new forms of communication such as events appear. The fight for each Pupil gets more and more important every term and it has now become real big business.Today?s youth is imprinted by a growing individuality and everyone knows that equableness is something very important.

IKT verktyg ? befrielse eller belastning? : Elever i behov av särskilt stöd och deras uppfattningar om IKT verktyg i lärandet.

The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the perceptions that ten 12-15 yearold Pupils with special educational need, who had been assigned a personal computer, have about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning process. Data was collected by personal interviews and observations. Sociocultural perspective and phenomenographic research approach were used as theoretical and methodological frameworks in analyzing and understanding the result. The major conclusions were that most respondents perceived the computer as beneficial assistive technology for learning, but some felt singled out by having a computer to assist in learning. Students had various opportunities to succeed in using their tool depending on e.g.

?Man känner sig otillräcklig? : En kvalitativ studie om fem lärares upplevelser av att undervisa nyanlända elever i ordinarie klasser

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers in primary schools experience the situation of teaching newly arrived immigrant Pupils in their regular classes and also how they plan their teaching for these Pupils. The empirical study did intend to answer the following two questions; how do teachers experience the situation of teaching newly arrived immigrant Pupils in their regular classes? How is teaching of newly arrived immigrant Pupils in regular classes being formed? A qualitative method was used in the form of interviews with five primary school teachers from two different schools. The overall perspective I have assumed in this study is the sociocultural perspective, but I have also taken up a second language perspective and an intercultural perspective. All the teachers in the study have described their experiences of teaching newly arrived immigrant Pupils in terms of difficult, tough and demanding at the beginning, but nowadays somewhat easier.

Lärares betygsättning : Har elevernas uppförande en inverkan på deras betyg?

Do teachers? expectations of their Pupils become a part in the judgement of which grade a Pupil will receive in the end?Several of the polical parties in Sweden have recently been argueing that teachers should be able to give Pupils a grade in how they behave in school. Several newspapers also have reported that Pupils today have gotten lower results for the last few years and more Pupils do not get approved in all subjects. Because many of the studies about Pupils results focus on the Pupils? skills, I deciced to focus on the teachers part in how a Pupil get a better grade or not.In the study I have been looking at a small community in the south of Sweden.

Elevers attityder till och intresse för skolans fysiklaborationer/Pupil?s attitudes and interests to school?s physics laboratories

Undersökningens huvudsakliga syfte är att ta reda på hur elever uppfattar experiment och laborationer inom ämnet fysik. Ett annat syfte är att kartlägga elevuppfattningar om grupparbetet inom det laborativt arbete som kan ha betydelse för elevens aktivitetsgrad och lärande. Som grund för detta examensarbete har vi använt oss av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som genomförts på 250 elever i grundskolans senare årskurser och gymnasieelever som läser natur eller teknikprogrammet. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att eleverna tycker att det är intresseväckande med laborationer, de ser till viss del kopplingar mellan deras vardag och fysikundervisning och de tycker att de lär sig mer genom att laborera. Dessa uppfattningar stämmer väl med vad didaktisk forskning anser vara syften med laborationer..

Svenska som andraspråk : En kvalitativ studie av utformningen av undervisningen inom andraspråksinlärning

The purpose of this qualitative study is to understand and examine the problem andreason why second language Pupils have difficulties reaching the goals of thecurriculum in ?Swedish as a second language?. The study is based on interviews withtwo second language teachers and Vygotskijs and Antonovskys theories. The interviewswith teachers gave a broader view on why these difficulties exist and whatconsequences might occur. This analysis shows that there can be different reasons as towhy Pupils can not reach the goals in their second language that are set for them.

Dyslexidiagnos : Hur kan diagnosen påverka en individs självbild och skolsituation?

Avsikten med den här studien var att ta reda på hur en diagnos kan påverka en elevs självuppfattning samt hennes skolsituation. Denna fallstudie visar att diagnosen inneburit en förklaring och positiv bekräftelse för eleven. Hon vet nu att det finns en orsak till hennes läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Hon har också blivit mer medveten om att hon har rätt att få mer hjälp vilket har bidragit till att eleven lättare själv ber om hjälp. Föräldrarna vet att de har rättighet att få mer stöd till sitt barn och att det finns olika hjälpmedel för att underlätta skolarbetet för henne.

Religionen i klass(!)rummet : En studie om betydelsen av klass i elevers tal om religion och religionsundervisningen pa? gymnasiet.

Sweden  has  been  characterized  as  one  of  the world?s most  secular  countries, even though  it is  becoming  increasingly more multicultural.  This,  combined  with  the fact that Pupils do  not  feel  they  have  enough  time  in  school  for  Religious  Education and that the requirements are increasing made me interested in how they talk about religion in upper secondary school. The aim of this study is to see if there are any differences between how Pupils in vocational programs and academic programs are talking about religion and Religious Education. The main questions that were raised revolved around 1)  how  Pupils  talk  about  what  religion  is,  2)  how  they  talk  about  religion  in  the Swedish  society  and  3) how  they  talk  about  Religious  Education  in  upper  secondary school. The questions were also about what similarities and differences I could find in the way they talked about these subjects.

Ur en annan synvinkel : Om unga med synnedsättning och vad som inverkar på deras gymnasieval

The study deals with young people with visual impairment and their choices of upper secondary school, what is behind and how they are affected by other aspects and other people around them. It also describes how these students experience the career counseling they received for the election. This has been the purpose of the study and was examined through qualitative method and interviews with five young people aged 15 to 21 years with severe visual impairment or blindness. The results and conclusion is that these young people are greatly affected by their parents in choice of upper secondary school and that the school?s attitude to the Pupil has a major impact on whether the Pupil chooses the school.

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