

3911 Uppsatser om Public police - Sida 9 av 261

Vad har tonårspojkar för syn på biblioteket?

The aim of this study is to examine how teenage boysperceive the public library. How do they utilize the resourcesprovided by a public library? What are their thoughtsregarding what a public library offers in terms of services toits visitors? Four qualitative interviews with teenage boyswere done for the purpose of this study. The study showsthat these individuals perceive the library as a resource foryoungsters, women, elders or people with disabilities orspecial needs, but not themselves..

Är du privat eller offentlig? : En studie om vad som utmärker marknadskommunikationen i en privat respektive offentlig organisation.

The market communication in organisations is vital to manage the competition. Studies have shown the importance of market communication in both private and public organisations.Since the past decade market communication has been acknowledged as an instrument to provide the organisations target group with valid information.This thesis is a study about the differences in market communication between private and public organisations. To manage this we asked ourselves the question:?- What distinguish the market communication in a private respective a public organisation??We have done qualitative interviews to get the best result for our study. We have interviewed both types of organisations and our respondents have leading strategic position in their organisations.Our research highlights important differences between private and public organisations in matter of tactics in market communication.In conclusion the result shows a great difference in how an organization is managing their communicative strategies all depending on if it is a private owned company or a public organisation..

Relationer på den industriella marknaden - faktorer som inverkar på förtroende

The purpose with this study has been, based on different public and private procurement conditions, to measure if there are any significant differences in the business relations between public- and private institutional kitchens. Furthermore, to observe what important influencing factors there are to maintain and develop a relationship between a producer and customer. The result of the analysis shows that there are important factors that influences on the trust in the relationship between a producer and customer. These factors are product- and service exchange, communication, strategic purchase and social exchange. In this examination we have showed that there are differences in the relationship between public- and private customers.

Folkhälsa - "Inte bara en morot i handen" - en kvalitativ studie av det kommunala folkhälsoarbetet i Västra Götalandsregionen

ABSTRACT. Introduction: In the Swedish government?s public health policy the municipalities are emphasized as one of the most important actors. Based on their broad range of operations the municipalities have good opportunities to influence the health situation of its citizens. Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the local public health coordinators in Region Västra Götaland are working and what barriers they experience in their work.

CSR i leverantörskedjan : Företags möjlighet att reglera, kontrollera och genomdriva

The first aim of this study is to examine what the differences are between the Classic directive (directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts) and the Revised Classic directive (directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC) when it comes to social considerations in public procurement. The second aim is to examine if the revision of the directive has solved the prior existing problems regarding social considerations in public procurement. In this paper a traditional European legal method is used. The examinations show a number of things, including the Revised Classic directive involving codification of case law, references to other sources of law and some clarified rules as well as new provisions. The regulations regarding reserved contracts, technical specifications, and selection criterion are satisfied in the Revised Classic directive.

?Viktigare än någonsin!? : En granskning av SVT som Public Service-aktör, med fokus på samiskt utbud

Det har under senare år flitigt debatterats om Public Service vara eller inte vara. Vissa hävdar att Public Service är en föråldrad kvarleva av monopoltiden som borde avvecklas och att TV-utbudet ändå skulle hålla en hög kvalitet. Andra däremot menar att Public Service idag är ?viktigare än någonsin?. Vad man än tycker om programutbudet som SVT, SR och UR har kan man inte förneka att det ligger mycket tid och arbete bakom deras produktioner.Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet Public Service i relation till det samiska programutbudet i Sveriges television.

Låt oss tala om integration : En studie av folkbibliotekariers syn på integrationsfrämjande arbete

Social exclusion is a problem in today?s society that we feel public libraries can help resolve since they are based on the idea of equality and openness. The purpose of this essay is to examine how public librarians think and reason about the concept ?integration? as well as what role public libraries can play in immigrants? integration process. With Jose Alberto Diaz? theory on the integration process, and Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model for analysis of the local library profile as theoretical framework, we analyzed the responses from two qualitative interviews in small groups of 2-3 librarians from two different public libraries.

Inferno Shield : Konstruktion av avtryckare med sladd

This thesis was performed at Indusec ABin Stockholm. Indusec AB is a companythat develops security solutions.Together with the Police of Sweden theyhave gotten the assignment to develop anapplication based on one of theiralready existing product Inferno soundbarrier. This application is supposed tobe mounted on a ballistic shield thatthe police use, the application consistsof a speaker box (the sound barrier) anda trigger with wire. The trigger withwire is the part that will be addressedin this thesis. The application willthen be used as a tool to surprise atarget at various skirmishes.The project consists of three majorphases, pre-study, concept generationand modeling.

Svensk offentlig diplomati i förändring : En fallstudie om Svenska institutet

The Swedish Institute is a public agency promoting Swedish interest, national image and confidence around the world. This work attempts to investigate how communication and a process over time influences and effects public diplomacy. The analytic discussion is based on a single case study research of this Institute representing ideas in the international science field of public diplomacy. The theoretical ideas of public diplomacy are placed in a theoretical perspective of social constructivism. The method is qualitative, with excerpts taken from interviews, literature, newspapers, articles, state public reports and social media.

En möjlig väg till återhämtning : En studie om det själavårdande samtalet som en resurs i ett samhälle där alltfler drabbas av psykisk ohälsa

The purpose of this study is to discuss the use of social media by the Swedish Police for democratic purposes. The idea of citizen empowerment is closely related to the development of new communication technologies such as social media. Yet many studies indicate that governmental institutions rarely make use of the assumed potentials of social media.In this study, the democratic potential of social media is derived from Habermas normative concept of deliberative participation. Operational definitions emphasize discursive equality, interactive reciprocity and external impact. The analytical framework is combined with qualitative text analysis to highlight the conditions of interaction between representatives of the Police and citizens.In conclusion: the democratic potential of social media, from a Habermasian point of view, is to a significant extent neglected at the expense of its strategic advantages.

Grafiskt tilltal i offentliga miljöer

Graphic design is an integrated part of the public spaces we move through in our daily lives. This thesis explores the emotional aspects of graphic design, with a focus on environmental graphics for the public space. The goal is to find ways in which the emotional aspects of a design solution can be varied without compromising the practical aspects, i.e. affect the conveyance of information. This goal is pursued through an analysis of historical and contemporary literature as well as by design practise.

Förslag till obligatorisk skatteflyktsklausul i moder-/dotterbolagsdirektivet

The first aim of this study is to examine what the differences are between the Classic directive (directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts) and the Revised Classic directive (directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC) when it comes to social considerations in public procurement. The second aim is to examine if the revision of the directive has solved the prior existing problems regarding social considerations in public procurement. In this paper a traditional European legal method is used. The examinations show a number of things, including the Revised Classic directive involving codification of case law, references to other sources of law and some clarified rules as well as new provisions. The regulations regarding reserved contracts, technical specifications, and selection criterion are satisfied in the Revised Classic directive.

"Meningen är ju att de ska söka själva" : En kvalitativ studie av folkbibliotekariers syn på sin pedagogiska roll gentemot skolelever

The aim of this two years master's thesis is to examine public librarians? views of their pedagogical role towards school children, and to illustrate the relationship between public libraries and schools as a background for the role of the public librarians. The theoretical framework is Carol Cullier Kuhlthau?s theory of the roles of librarians as mediators in reference work (Levels of Mediation) and in education (Levels of Education). The main question of the study is: How do public librarians view their pedagogical role towards elementary school pupils and high school students? Related questions regarding the use of the public library for school purposes, the communication and cooperation between the public library and the schools, the difference between public libraries and school libraries and the librarians? view of pedagogical work are also made.The method used is qualitative interviews.

Rekommendationer för införande av public key infrastructure

The use of insecure networks -such as the Internet- to send and receive information has made the need for preventing unauthorised people reading it yet more important. One of the easiest way to do this is through public key cryptography. However, the problem with this solution is how to tie a specific public key to a certain subject. This is solved by letting a trusted third party issue a certificate that holds, as a minimum, the name of the subject and the subject's public key along with the issuer's digital signature on the information. The rules we make for issuing, revoking and verifying of certificates and the entities that are being used to do so are called PKI - Public Key Infrastructure.

Hur skapas "Sveriges viktigaste mediekanal"? : En kvalitativ studie av SVT Barnkanalen

Syfte: Att undersöka SVT Barnkanalens anställdas syn på public service och hur de anser att de tillämpar denna syn i sitt arbete.Metod: Kvalitativ innehållsanalys, intervjuer samt observation.Material: Innehållsanalys av åtta dokument om public service, intervjuer med sex anställda på SVT Barnkanalen samt en observation på SVT i Malmö.Resultat: Resultatet av denna studie visar att alla de sex personer som vi varit i kontakt med har sin egen syn på begreppet public service och vad detta innebär i praktiken. Beroende på vad respondenten har för yrkesroll på SVT anges olika definitioner på vad som är det mest centrala kärnvärdet inom public service-television. Kanalcheferna tycks ha en mer övergripande syn på vad public service-uppdraget innebär för dess organisationer. Producenter, inköpare och programledare tycks dock ha en mer branschorienterad syn på uppdraget och har själva plockat ut relevanta komponenter som passar deras yrkesroll. Vi anser att ingen syn på public service-uppdraget är helt fullständig, men adderar vi alla medarbetares tolkningar anser vi att hela public service-uppdraget representeras..

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