

3929 Uppsatser om Public dental clinics - Sida 7 av 262

Urinseparerande avloppssystem - En utvärdering med hänsyn till teknik, ekonomi, användbarhet och drifterfarenhet

This paper deals with the use of Internet at Swedish public libraries. The author asks whether public libraries should or should not limit access to information available on the Internet. Starting from the American discussion, concerning Internet at public libraries, the author shows the Swedish attitudes. The paper demonstrates that many Swedish public libraries have adopted rules forbidding retrieval of certain kinds of information, such as hard-core pornography and racist propaganda. The persons in charge of such actions claim that public libraries should provide high-quality educational literature and should not spread mass-produced, provocative information.

Tandvårdsrädsla, generell oro och självkänsla : Dental fear, general anxiety and self-esteem

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur coachning kan ses som stöd för elevernas lärande på en gymnasieskola i Mellansverige. Studien belyser coachning utifrån perspektiv på lärande ur ett fenomenologiskt inspirerat angreppssätt. Insamling av data har gjorts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Totalt intervjuades åtta personer varav dessa var 4 lärare och 4 elever i årskurs 3.Undersökningen visar att coachning kan ses som stöd för elevernas lärande dels genom att det medvetandegör elevens egen potential till att utveckla sig och dels att lärarna blir medvetna om vilka fungerande strategier eleven använder sig utav för att optimera bästa möjliga lärandesituation. Arbetssättet innebär att elever får stor frihet att välja kunskapsinnehåll utifrån kursplan.

Tjocka kroppar och smala platser : om överviktiga personers erfaranheter av att vistas i offentliga rum

How is the fat body constructed in public spaces? This essay deals with the experiances of five participants, being fat in public spaces. The fat body is often constructed as "matter out of place", more or less expected to be invisiable in public spaces. But living with a fat body isnt all about assimilation, wearing black clothes to fit in or staying at home in fear of facing comments of your body. More than being a body constructed as improperiate in public spaces, the participants view can be described as "revolting".

Television i allmänhetens tjänst : en studie av public service-begreppet

Title: Television in the Service of the Public - a Study of the Public Service Concept(Television i allmänhetens tjänst - en studie av public service-begreppet).Author: Daniel FärnstrandAim: To describe the ideals, or principles, that the Public Service Ideology or concept of Pub­lic Service is based upon. The two main questions the paper aims to answer are thus:· Which principles should, according to the theoretical norm, guide Public Service activity?· Which principles guide Public Service television in Sweden today, according to the actual guidelines for the Public Service organization SVT? Method / Material: A study of relevant literature is carried out. Further, the actual guidelines for SVT are summarized. The normative guidelines are then also summarized, and a compari­son is made between this summary and the actual guidelines for SVT.Main results: Although a comprehensive definition is hard to find within the theoretical frame­work, a summary of the theoretical ideal is carried out.

Identitet, modernitet och Twitter : Hur sociala är egentligen sociala medier?

Social media on the internet allows both public and private actors to communicate with each other. The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the relationship between the public and the private in social media on the internet, specifically with emphasis on the identities which are shaped in this relationship. The social media explored in this study is the micro blog Twitter. Data was collected from the pages of three public and private actors on Twitter, specifically with concern to their interaction with public and/or private actors. The data was analysed with support in sociological theories on modernity, identity, self-identity, socialisation and Erving Goffman's theories on everyday expression.

Ungdomars egen upplevda psykiska hälsa och skolsituation

The aim of this study was to describe non-surgical treatment options for the diseases mucositis and peri-implantitis found in present literature. The literature review also illustrates the effect of the treatment opptions on soft tissue with mucositis and peri-implantitis surrounding dental implants. The study reviews twelve scientific articles that have been processed from the aim of the study. The result shows six therapy options, Er:YAG laser, air abrasive, ultrasonic device, hand instruments, hand instruments in combination with antibiotics and hand instruments in combination with clorhexidin. The following methods are described according to how they are used and how they affect the soft tissue surrounding dental implants.

Rutiner och riktlinjer för förebyggande av smitta på svenska djursjukhus och kliniker

To be able to give optimal care to patients in small animal hospitals, we have to have knowledge about how to prevent the spread of infection. An important part in this is hand hygiene routines. We have to clean hands whenever they are visibly dirty, and disinfect them regularly in between. Another important part is the cleaning and disinfection of the environment in the clinic, and also the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of medical instruments. Other important parts are isolation of patients with known infections, to wear clothes with short sleeves and to wash them at least once daily, to wear gloves, having short nails and not wearing jewelry when working.

Erosionsskador hos barn och ungdomar

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine and explain the various methods available to rate the erosion damage, and on which teeth and tooth surfaces of erosion damage mostly occurs in children and adolescents.Method: A literature review was conducted, based on 15 scientific articles that have been reviewed, evaluated and analyzed. Articles were searched for in the database PubMed.Result: Six of the articles used the TWI (tooth wear index), which is an index to diagnose the tooth wear in the primary and permanent dentition. Eight articles used other indices as they considered that the TWI was not sufficiently developed to register the degree of tooth wear on some teeth. Tooth wear in the primary dentition occurs most often in the canines and incisors. Tooth wear in the permanent dentition was found in the literature to be mostly occurring on the occlusal / incisal surfaces of all teeth and tooth surfaces.LyssnaConclusion: There is no common index in the articles but many of them use the TWI.

Plackavlägsnande effekt : jämförelse mellan manuell och elektrisk tandborste

Munhälsan är en viktig del av allmänhälsan som kan påverka livskvaliteten. Plack har betydelse för munhälsan och kan vara en bidragande faktor till utveckling av parodontala sjukdomar och karies. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att jämföra den plackavlägsnande effekten med användning av manuell och elektrisk tandborste.Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie och materialet samlades in genom sökning av vetenskapliga artiklar i databasen Pub Med. Sökorden var ?dental plaque?, ?plaque?, ?dental biofilm?, ?electric toothbrush?, ?power toothbrush? och ?manual toothbrush?.Resultatet baserades på en sammanställning av 15 vetenskapliga artiklar.

Den offentliga förvaltningen ? demokratins eller ekonomins arena?

Ever since its conceptual birth, the questioning of consequences due to the implementation of ideas from the reformation doctrine, called New Public Management, has been a common occurance among those who have dedicated themselves to research in superior methods of Public Administration. What this thesis aims to do is shed light upon what value-conflicts may occur within public administration organisations when they begin to idealize the rationalization of economic issues. The goal of this thesis will be fulfilled through the creation of two ideal types of public administration that exist in opposition to each other. These two ideal types will show two different views on how decision-making and organisation will be managed in their respective sectors. By doing this, there will be clarification as to what conflicting values arise with the implementation of ideas taken from New Public Management, as well as defining the fundamental difference between which ethical decision model is used..

Biblioteksreportage: dagspressens bild av folkbibliotekens verksamhet

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to investigate how the activities of the public library are portrayed by the Swedish press. It poses the following questions: What kinds of public library activities are portrayed in the Swedish press? What image does this depiction purvey to the general public about the societal role of public libraries?A model of four library spaces developed by Skot-Hansen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen, and Jochumsen is used as the theoretical framework for this study. Qualitative content analysis is applied to 173 Swedish newspaper articles that describe public library activities.The analysis reveals that articles about many kinds of public library activities get published in the Swedish press, but that some activities occur more frequently than others.

Public service-uppdraget i italiensk television : En innehållsanalys av nyhetsprogrammet Tg1

The main question this bachelor thesis aims to answer is how the public service program Tg1?s news broadcasts may look. The following questions were used to discuss thetendencies of the result: How can the distribution of the news categories appear in Tg1?sbroadcasts? Can the main news be considered as impartial and objective in its linguisticand pictorial representation?To answer the aforementioned question I chose to do a combined study, using aquantitative content analysis and a qualitative content analysis.To lead my research, I focused on two requirements underlined by public servicebroadcasters, namely, objectivity and impartiality, and diversity. The outcome shows thatthe diversity in Tg1?s broadcast is disproportionate and that the pictorial representation isnot impartial and objective without the linguistic part.

Hur bra är ett program om ingen tittar? : En studie om hur produktionspersonal resonerar kring underhållningsprogram i Public Service- och kommersiella kanaler.

Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilka hänsyn som måste tas när underhållningsprogram, bl.a. de som är baserade på utländska format, produceras för att visas i Public Service-kanaler.I studien, som ....

Kanal 1 i Kanal5? : En kvantitativ studie om studenters attityder gentemot att public service utför marknadskommunikation

In recent years, the digitalization and media convergence has increased, which has made the market for public service- medias more competitive. Perhaps this is why public service has chosen to communicate with recipients outside their own channels.The purpose of this quantitative study is to find out how students attitudes looks towards the fact that public service are performing marketing communication. To find out, we conducted a survey, as 256 students of Linnaeus University in Kalmar answered. Together with the study we have used different theoretical references in order to analyse the responses from the survey, and obtain our conclusions.By analysing the empirical material we came to the conclusion that the majority are in favour of public service performing communication outside its own channels. But we also noticed that the communication needs to be in a certain way for the students to be positive.

Uppfattningar och upplevelser av hypnoterapi mot tandvårdsrädsla

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka uppfattningar av hypnoterapins effekter och upplevelser av hypnoterapi som behandling av tandvårdsrädsla på tandvårdskliniker.Material och metod: Materialet inhämtades genom intervjuer med sex informanter som arbetade med hypnoterapi som behandling mot tandvårdsrädsla på tandvårdskliniker i Sverige. Intervjuerna har genomförts med användning av en intervjuguide och varade i ca 20 ? 35 minuter. Metoden var kvalitativ och data analyserades med innehållsanalys. Resultat: I studiens resultat framträdde ett huvudtema: Förebyggande behandlingsmetod. Resultatet visade att informanterna uppfattade hypnoterapins effekter som goda och de upplevde hypnoterapi som effektiv vid behandling av tandvårdsrädsla.

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