

3773 Uppsatser om Public bath - Sida 58 av 252

Coco Beach from city dump to paradise : a design proposal for a public beach in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Sub Saharan Africa has during the last decade become the world?s fastest urbanizing region. This change is concentrated to a few metropolitan areas one of them being Dar es Salaam, the largest city of Tanzania. Since the 1960s Dar es Salaam has grown from being a relatively small coastal city of approximately 300 000 people to become a bustling urban centre of four million inhabitants. This development has had a major impact on the city structure, which in turn has affected people?s welfare and the surrounding environment. One such consequence is the detrimental loss of urban vegetation and open areas in the city.

Behovet av ledningsstöd för småföretag. En studie av fyra olika småföretag från fyra olika branscher, i Västra Frölunda

Introduction: Public health researchers have long been focusing on investigating health inpopulations through determinants such as income inequalities. Nevertheless, incomeinequalities can be considered an effect of the organization of welfare regimes. The publichealth status is largely affected by the organization of welfare regimes and consequently thereare large differences in health within and between welfare regimes. How are these differencesdistributed and how can they be explained?Aim: To compare health between welfare state regimes with the use of Esping-Andersen?swelfare regime typology and to investigate the relationship between welfare statedeterminants and health.Methods: A literary review based on 12 scientific articles.

Fallstudie om förfaranderegel handläggning inom skälig tid

Fair trials? rights under Swedish law of public administration (FL) are regulated by Article 7 of the Statute. Similarly, fair trials? right under the European Convention of Human Rights (EU Convention) is regulated by Article 6.1. The essay conducts a comparative study of the two legislations and seeks to determine whether Article 7 of the Swedish law of public administration is consistent and compliance with Article 6.1 of the EU Convention.

Miljöanpassad offentlig upphandling: effektivt styrmedel mot koldioxidutsläpp? : En studie av kostnadseffektivitet, transaktionskostnader och teknisk utveckling

Green public procurement (GPP) can be used as an instrument to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and consideration of environmental aspects within public procurement is becoming more common in Sweden and internationally. Two product groups that have been pointed out as especially important are transports and electricity, where the opportunities for public purchasers to reduce emissions are relatively large. This paper studies GPP which aims at reducing emissions, primarily of carbon dioxide, through environmental requirements within these two product groups. A theoretical analysis of cost-effectiveness, transaction costs and effects on technological development is performed, followed by a closer study of how these aspects appear in practice within GPP. The results indicate that a cost-effective allocation of reductions between the two product groups is most likely to be attained if the main part of emission reduction is achieved through environmental requirements on electricity. The cost for emission reduction within transports is relatively high, especially for heavy transports. For transportation services, more generally focused requirements on emission reductions could probably give greater environmental gains, but the existence of transaction costs steer the environmental requirements towards more technology specific types.

Förskole- och lågstadielärares upplevelser av möjlighet att påverka barns rörelseglädje och fysiska aktivitetsnivå med hjälp av rörelseverktyget Röris.

Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill : En studie av differensen mellan frmaräknad teoretisk diskonteringsränta och företagens redovisade diskonteringsränta

Inledning: Mycket diskussion har förts kring nedskrivningsprövningen av goodwill och de tydliga element av subjektivitet och bedömning som den präglas av. Då mer subjektivitet kännetecknar värderingen av goodwill än andra tillgångsposter leder det till att ledningen kan påverka nedskrivningen i större utsträckning än vad gäller nedskrivningen av andra tillgångar. Syfte: Studien syftar till att jämföra en teoretiskt framräknad diskonteringsränta och företagens egna diskonteringsränta, och en eventuell skillnad mellan dessa diskonteringsräntor. Ett antal förklaringsvariabler kommer undersökas för att se om dessa kan förklara en eventuell differens.Metod: I studien har en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod använts där redovisningsmässiga siffror har hämtas in samt studerats med hjälp av CAPM-modellen.Analys och slutsats: Analysen fastställer att det förekommer en skillnad mellan redovisad och teoretisk diskonteringsränta. Studiens slutsats är att det som är mest bidragande till de kraftiga skillnaderna mellan diskonteringsräntorna är utformningen av IAS 36. Detta beror till största del på att värderingen av goodwill baseras på osäkra antaganden och bedömningar. Förslag till vidare forskning: Förslag till vidare forskning är att göra en liknande studie men över en längre tidsperiod eller undersöka andra faktorer i nedskrivningsprövningen än diskonteringsräntan.

Kommunikation i allmänhetens tjänst : En kvalitativ studie av Sveriges Radios externa kommunikation

Denna fallstudie syftar till att undersöka hur Sveriges Radio i egenskap av public serviceföretag kommunicerar externt. Vi finner det intressant att undersöka hur en offentlig medieorganisation, utanför den kommersiella marknaden, arbetar med sin externa kommunikation. Genom en kombination av kvalitativa metoder och teori rörande strategisk kommunikation, varumärke, publika relationer samt sociala medier, berörs studiens fyra frågeställningar: Vad har Sveriges Radio för kommunikationsmål? Vilka strategier går att urskilja i Sveriges Radios kommunikativa arbete? Hur använder Sveriges Radio sociala medier i sin kommunikation? På vilket sätt påverkar public service-ideologin Sveriges Radios externa kommunikation? Mer specifikt undersöks hur Sveriges Radio bygger och upprätthåller relationer till publiken samt kommunicerar sitt varumärke, bland annat genom sociala medier.Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från Sveriges Radio, samt en retorisk analys av material från SR:s officiella sociala medier. Resultatet visar att Sveriges Radio har implicita kommunikationsmål som är en del av verksamhetsmålen.

Svartedalens naturreservat : en social rikedom värd att utveckla!

Svartedalens nature reserve a social richness worth develop. The nature reserve of Svartedalen is an area of high biological and social values. The reserve is located close to several densely populated areas. The reserve has been classified as a national area of interest for nature conservation and outdoor life, and as a Natura 2000 area according to both the bird- and habitat directions. The reserve is the largest landarea in Västra Götaland, 3 410 hectares, where a resolution has been made about all these forms of protection. The foundation Skogssällskapet owns 1 956 hectares of the reserve, at 1 384 hectares of the property they pursue FSC-certified silver culture, according to current management plan.

Hygien, städning och desinfektion inom smådjurssjukvården :

The aim of this report is to create an easily accessible guide to basic hygiene, cleaning and disinfection within the small animal practice. It is based on a literature study, using mainly research from the public health sector, due to the lack of relevant scientific reports within the veterinary field. To prevent the spread of infectious diseases it is important that the staff understands the importance of basic hygiene. Hand hygiene and disinfection and cleaning with water and detergent combined are the most important routines to prevent spreading of disease. In conclusion the differences between the veterinary and the public health sector are small, but some basic differences exist due to the nature of the patient?s needs.

Nyckeln till arkiven : En kritisk diskursanalytisk studie om interoperabilitet och kollektivt minne

In the democratic process, of discussion and decision making, there is a need of reliable and authentic information. Archives are authentic and reliable information and also provides long term accessibility. But the public archives potential isn´t utilized enough at a societal level. The public archives are organized in a decentralised manner, and there are no common accesspoint at a national level. In the thesis this issue of accessibility and use at a societal level, is discussed in terms of collective memory.

Kultur och kvinnlighet. Myndighetsutövares reflektioner kring invandrade kvinnor.

The aim of this study is to discuss how public officials, who are implementing integration policies, describe and relate to ?immigrant women?. The analysis is based on interviews with eight public officials. Drawing on perspectives from discourse theory, multiculturalism, western feminism and postcolonialism, the diskussion tries to place the interview statements within a theoretical debate concerning the concepts of culture/ethnicity and sex/gender. The picture of the ?immigrant woman? seems to be somewhat revised.

?Varför går man inte hårdare fram?? En studie i krigsorienterad journalistik inom svensk public service.

Title:?Varför går man inte hårdare fram? ? En studie i krigsorienterad journalistik av Public Service från Ukrainakonflikten?Authors:Cemil Arikan, Staffan Florén Sandberg and Karl Henrik OlssonSubject:Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism, media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg UniversityTerm:Spring 2014Supervisor:Mathias Färdigh, JMG, Gothenburg UniversityPages/words:48 pages/16701 wordsPurpose:The main purpose of the paper was to examine if and to what extent the conflict coverage of two Swedish public service news programmes from the ongoing Ukrainian conflict could be said to orientate towards either war or peace journalism.Method:Quantitative and qualitative content analysisProcedure:News broadcasts from Rapport 19:30 and Dagens Eko kvart-i-fem, covering the Ukrainian conflict, over a period of two months, were analyzed from the normative perspective of Johan Galtung?s peace journalism theory and Wilhelm Kempf?s theory of war and peace discourse.Results:Both Rapport and Dagens Eko were found orientating towards war journalism. Reports were given, in a great extent, to events of violence and verbal threats.

"Nu är det slut på sossepjalleriet och pisshumanismen" : Om kravet på motprestationer inom socialtjänsten

The purpose of this study was to determine if and how the city district of Södra Innerstaden in Malmö, by using the Skärholms model, demand their client to reciprocate. The first problem set was to see how the demand was shown in the social service act from year 1998. From there the motives behind the introduction of the Skärholms model in city district of Södra Innerstaden were researched and also if there were a demand on reciprocity in city district of Södra Innerstaden public administration. The study was conducted in an exploratory way. The method used was to describe the idea behind Skärholms model after examining documents from the public administration.

Förmedling : från Arkeologisk Dokumentation till Publik Presentation

The aim of this study is to investigate how new knowledge, discovered and translated by the archaeologist, is transferred to the public by examining the question posed to the archaeologist by ?la?nsstyrelsen,? the county administration office.Since there can be no mediation of knowledge without an understanding of its perception, I pay a visit to the cognitive sciences in order to answer what knowledge is and how it functions in regards to contract archaeological results.I argue that the current structure of mediation, in regards to archaeological knowledge, is in need of the same quality control that is demanded by the contractors in regards to standard archaeological procedures. When presenting archaeology to the public, consideration needs to be paid to the different targets groups of society. The importance of national directions rather than regional translations for mediation of archaeology is stressed by the author. This needs to be carried out through a change of the questions posed to the contracted archaeologists by the county administration in their ?fo?rfra?gningsunderlag,? the order specification for archaeological investigations. .

Projektledares psykosociala arbetsmiljö inom offentlig verksamhet : En kvalitativ studie i Värmlands landsting

Thesis in project management, D-level by Chris Baldebo & Anders Persson spring semester2011. Tutor: Lennart Ljung. ?Project Manager's Psychosocial Work Environment in thePublic Sector ? A Qualitative Study in the Värmland County Council?.The purpose of this study is to examine how project managers in the public sector perceivetheir psychosocial work environment in a public organization. Therefore we have formulateda hypothesis based on the assumption that there exist differences in how project managersperceive their psychosocial work environment, depending on whether they work in public orprivate sector.Based on the objective, one research question has been formulated: How do projectmanagers active in the Pegasus program experience their psychosocial work environment? Tobe able to say something characteristic about the project managers psychosocial workenvironment our approach has been to interview five project managers.

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