

362 Uppsatser om Psychotic disorder - Sida 13 av 25

Ökar surfplattor afatikers digitala delaktighet?

In today?s society more and more activities are digitalized. This means that everyone has to be able to use information and communication tools (ICT) in order to take part in the digital world, otherwise they will be left out of the digital community. There is a so called digital gap between for instance elderly and young people, where elderly do not know how to use the tools and there for cannot gain access to the digital society. What happens when people, not only grow old, but also have a communication disorder, such as aphasia? How are they included? The purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not surf pads are good tools for bridging the digital gap for people with aphasia, and which activities and situations that encourages people with aphasia to work with the surf pad.

Livskvalitet och hälsa hos personer med alternativt utan diagnosen ADHD. 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) och konsekvenserna av att ha detta funktionshinder har debatterats mycket på senare år. ADHD anses vara en medfödd uppmärksamhetsstörning av varierande grad som finns hos 3-5 % av befolkningen och påverkar hela livet för den drabbade. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa skillnader i livskvalitet och hälsa hos barn, unga och vuxna med diagnosticerad ADHD i jämförelse med personer som saknar denna neuropsykiatriska störning. Datamaterialet bestod av 11 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ ansats publicerade år 2000-2008. I resultatet framkom tre områden där skillnader fanns: livskvalitet och fysisk hälsa, livskvalitet och psykisk hälsa samt livskvalitet och social hälsa.

Cutaneous Melanoma in the Grey Horse

Equine cutaneous melanomas arise much more often in horses with a grey coat color than in horses of other colors. Some scientists have in different studies come to the conclusion that the melanomas are neoplasms which can be classified by examining their histological and macroscopic features. The more defined and demarcated a tumor is, the more benign it tends to be. Other scientists believe that the skin lesions are the result of a pigmentation disorder that is linked to the greying of the coat color. According to this theory, the lesions are not malignant although they have the ability to metastasize.

Hundkomando! eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i grundskolan resonerar kring sitt sätt att kommunicera med och bemöta barn med ADHD

The aim of this thesis was to use qualitative approaches to show how teachers in primary school reason on their way to meet and communicate with children who have ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Research questions of the study were as follows: How does teachers in primary school reason about their way to communicate with children with ADHD? Do the teachers use some specific methods or means of communication with students who have ADHD? Do the teachers reason about their way how to handle conflicts with students who have ADHD? I collected my empirical material through a qualitative interview method. My theoretical starting points were interaction theory and the socio-cultural perspective. I have used these theories to analyze my material.

Upplevelsen av ADHD-problematik : En jämförande studie om ungdomars och föräldrars perspektiv

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) är ett välkänt problem hos ungdomar. Studien jämför föräldrarnas upplevelser av ungdomarnas ADHD-problematik och ungdomarnas egna upplevelser av sig själva och sina föräldrars reaktioner. Befintliga data från ett forskningsprojekt används där undersökningsdeltagarna var ungdomar, från skolår sju till första året på gymnasiet. Resultaten visade att föräldrar som ger höga skattningar av sina ungdomars ADHD symptom skiljer sig kraftigt från andra föräldrar både när det rör ungdomars beteende och sina egna beteenden. Ungdomarna skiljer sig i upplevt eget beteende där ungdomarna med ADHD-problematiken hade svårigheter.

Den terapeutiska relationen : Samspelet mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten med ätstörning

En terapeutisk relation är viktig i omvårdnaden av patienter med ätstörningar och det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan är medveten om dess betydelse i omvårdnaden. Syftet var att undersöka hur en terapeutisk relation skapas samt dess betydelse i omvårdnaden mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten med ätstörning. För sjuksköterskor kan det vara utmanande att etablera en terapeutisk relation till patienter med ätstörningar, då det är vanligt att dessa patienter inte har sjukdomsinsikt. Sjuksköterskan kan använda sig av olika strategier och verktyg för att skapa en terapeutisk relation och en vårdande miljö. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie och 12 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades.

King Kopetzky syndrome - En beskrivande litteraturstudie om möjliga bakomliggande orsaker och rehabilitering

KKS includes difficulties hearing speech in background noise although results from pure toneaudiometry are normal. The condition is also called ?Obscure Audiotory Dysfunction? and?Auditory disability with normal hearing?. KKS affects a heterogeneous group. We believethere is a need for synthesis of existing studies to acknowledge the condition in Sweden toimprove rehabilitation for the affected individuals.

Psykosocial skolmiljö : En kvantitativ undersökning på en gymnasieskola

Here is presented the result and discussion of a survey concerning the psychosocial environment in a school in the vicinity of Stockholm. The theoretical background of this study was the model of demand-control by Theorell, and various aspects of stress by Frankenhauser and Ödman. The survey was constituted of an inquiry form which was handed out to six different classes at the school. A total of 86 students filled in the form, and their answers were treated with standard statistical procedures to reveal the results. The inquiry form was made up by five parts; one that concerned the background of the respondent, one that reflected the psychosocial health and stress level and three parts that concerned discrimination, victimization and school democracy.

Psykometrisk prövning av PG-13; ett självskattningsinstrument för ihållande sorg

Frågan om ?normal? respektive ?patologisk? sorg har under en lång tid varit ett omdiskuterat ämne inom psykologin och psykiatrin. En grupp forskare har tagit fram kriterier på ett syndrom som fått benämningen ihållande sorg (?prolonged grief?). Studier har visat på att ihållande sorg är ett distinkt syndrom separat från depression, posttraumatisk stressyndrom och generaliserat ångestsyndrom.

"De vet ju inte vems säng de ligger i" : En studie om vårdpersonals tolkningar, bemötande och hantering av demenssjukas sexuella uttryck

The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how nursing home staff at dementia care facilities interpret, treat and manages sexual behavior of patients. Four group interviews were made with a total of thirteen participants from three different dementia care facilities. The collected material was processed and thematized in pursuance of the research questions of the study. The results were analysed using three concepts from queer theory; heteronormativity, the heterosexual matrix and power, as well as an article about how nursing home staff constructs actions of patients. The results showed that staff member?s assessments about the patient?s sexual behaviours depended on their posture towards the norm of what is considered to be acceptable.

Barn med 22q11.2 deletionssyndromet ? hur hör de?

The 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is a common genetic disorder that affects for example the heart, palate, immune system and hearing and therefore affects a child?s development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the proportion of children (0-18 years) with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome who have a hearing loss. A retrospective study of 103 children diagnosed with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome was conducted by medical records. Of the 103 children, 51 were boys and 52 were girls.

PATIENTERS UPPLEVELSER AV ATT VÅRDAS FÖR BIPOLÄR SJUKDOM : En studie gjord på självbiografiska böcker

Bakgrunden till studien är att bipolär sjukdom är en av de tjugo vanligaste orsaker till funktionsnedsättning i världen. Det finns få studier gjorda på hur patienter upplever att vårdas för sjukdomen. Vårdpersonal kommer möta patienter med diagnosen inom all form av sjukvård. Syftet är att belysa behov av vård och stöd såsom det upplevs av patienter med bipolär sjukdom. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie där sju självbiografiska böcker analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod.

Föräldrar och pedagoger i ett gott samarbete : En kvalitativ studie av några förskolepedagogers och föräldrars upplevelser av samarbetet mellan hem och förskola i arbetet med barn som har diagnosen autism

This thesis describes and analyzes how some early childhood educators and parents perceive cooperation in educational work with 4-5 years old children who have been diagnosed with autism. The work will examine which approach preschool teachers assume, the extent to which parents are involved in the work and how parents influence looks.The Literature section provides an overview of previous research on different pedagogical approaches with autistic children, what parental cooperation can mean for autistic children, and what advantages and disadvantages there are with cooperation between preschool teachers and parents.This work has a hermeneutic perspective. The method is based on a qualitative study where we used qualitative interviews with a hermeneutics base. The theoretical starting point for this work is the variety of theoretical perspectives.The final results/summary we came up with is that preschool teachers and parents of autistic children believe that parental cooperation in preschool has a crucial role in children's development and learning. Both sides believe that it is necessary to have a partnership, but we also came to the conclusion that parental cooperation, in addition to the positive, was also perceived as problematic to some degree..

Vårdpersonals upplevelser och erfarenheter av att utföra tvångsåtgärder inom sluten psykiatrisk tvångsvård : En litteraturstudie

Background:The adult inpatient psychiatric care is regulated by law and allows certain amount of coercion, most commonly restraint, forced medication and seclusion. To be treated according to this law you need to suffer from a serious mental disorder, oppose to the care and have an indispensable need of care. Many studies describe patients experiences to be treated with coercion but few about health care workers experiences.Aim:To describe health care workers experiences of performing coercion in psychiatric compulsory care.Method:A literature review was made and eight articles is the basis for the result.Results:From the articles used inthis study four themes were created. These are coercions impact on relations, health care workers feelings during coercion, coercion as a necessary evil and health care workers need for reflection. The themes are presented as headlines in the result.Conclusion:To use coercive measures brings out many different feelings among health care workers.

Barn med koncentrationssvårigheter : Om förhållningssätt och bemötande

Concentration problems have been discussed from a variety of angles and have been problemized in different ways. One approach is to place the major part of the problem on the child independent of its environment. The terms used as an explanatory model are ?attention disorder, impulsiveness, difficulty at finding suitable activity levels, difficulty in understanding rules and instructions? (Kadesjö 2007). Others place the root of the problem in the environment prevalent at pre-school and school.

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