

171 Uppsatser om Psychotherapeutic supervision - Sida 3 av 12

Vad ska praktiken vara bra för? En undersökning av den studiehandledda praktikens betydelse inom socionomprogrammet vid Göteborgs universitet.

The purpose of our essay is to investigate the role of the practice period under supervision from a skilled practioner as a part of the student?s development of knowledge. This essay?s main participants are students who are studying their sixth semester during the spring 2009 at the bachelor program of social work at the University of Gothenburg and active skilled practioners during the autumn of 2008 and spring 2009. The essay has primarily a qualitative approach.

Ambulanssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att handleda studenter på grundnivå.

ABSTRACTBackground: As a nurse it is a part of your work description to precepting students. A good relationship between preceptor and student is important for a successful precepting witch can be rewarding for both parties. There are many studies on how nurses in hospital departments experience precepting students, however it is not as explored in the prehospital care.Objective: To describe ambulance nurses' experience of precepting nursing students in the third and final year of university-level nursing school.Method: A qualitative study was conducted. Nine respondents at two ambulance stations in central Sweden were selected with the help of strategic convenience sample. The informants were nurses with specialist education in ambulance/prehospital care who had experience of working in the ambulance unit for at least a year.Result: The majority of participants were positive to precepting students and the time seemed adequate.

Psykodynamiskterapi med unga vuxna : Psykoterapeuters perspektiv

    Abstract The aim of this paper is to highlight experiences gained by psychotherapists in their work with young adults.  Aspects looked at include: recurring themes, the process of diagnosing young adults, the therapeutic alliance, and the therapeutic techniques.  Six experienced psychodynamic therapists were interviewed, and a semi-structured interview method was used. The results show a high level of agreement between the therapists as to their experiences and conclusions of psychotherapy with young adults.Results presented in this paper suggest that there is a difference between psychodynamic therapy used with young adults, and the more traditional psychodynamic therapy.  The most important difference turned out to be the approach of the therapist toward the patient, where a more active and distinct approach by the therapist to the here-and-now situation was to be preferred. All six therapists came out strongly against the use of the DSM manual when diagnosing young adults. The importance of understanding young adults and their difficulties from a psychological development point of view was stressed, as well as the importance of taking the approach that the years of young adulthood bring their own issues and concerns. It is clear from these interviews that there is a strong need for the establishment of institutions or centres specifically tailored to meet the needs of young adults for psychotherapeutic treatment at an early stage and in an adequate way, in order to avoid unnecessary ?pathologising? of their specific problems.  .

Kvalitetsarbetet i Nacka : En fallstudie av kundvalsmodellen inom äldreomsorgen

This essay discusses the interaction between the authorities in Nacka municipality in Sweden and supervisors within the eldercare. In Nacka politicians have gradually started delegate responsibility for how care-giving for the elder should be done and focus instead on formulating economical objectives and overall rules. It is up to the approved supervisors of eldercare to deliver good care and quality. The method chosen to accomplish this is public choice. This method is a part of the big New Public Management (NPM) reform which have had a big impact on Swedish public sector since the 1980´s.

Ekologisk slaktgrisproduktion i Sverige :

This literature review describes organic pig production in Sweden, its advantages and disadvantages, but also how its problems can be reduced or solved. Organic pigs have the possibility to a more natural behaviour than conventional pigs. With outdoor pigs comes problems, especially during wintertime, concerning water and feed supply, thermal environment and supervision. Parasites and leakage of plant nutrients are other difficulties that comes with outdoor pigs. All problems and difficulties can be reduced or put right through correct management.

De har ju lyckats med mig : Om ungdomars erfarenheter av behandling

This study is based on interviews with four youths that have been treated for problems such as drugabuse and criminality. The aim of this master´s thesis is to examine the youths experiences with the treatment they received, but also to examine how they look upon their own lifesituations. The study is presented in categories developed through the use of Grounded theory. The result points out that the treatment can be summarized mainly in two aspects- one concerning care and one concerning control. The first aspect includes supportive and friendly staff while control in this context stands for rules and supervision of different kinds.

DISA-metoden : En undersökning om gruppledarnas bedömningar av genomförandet och av metodens framtidsutsikter

Twice as many women as men suffer from mental ill-health. The negative trend of mental problems among teenagers continues. In certain places in Sweden, 40 per cent of the teenage girls have outspoken symptoms of depression. This is why it is important to observe mental ill-health in a public health perspective. One effect evaluation of the DISA method (Depression In Swedish Adolescents) drew the conclusion that this universal depression preventive method is well working. The DISA method includes cognitive behavioural techniques that change negative pattern of thinking, give practice of communication, strategies of problem solution plus exercises to strengthen the social network.

Arbetet med känslor i Anknytningsbaserad familjeterapi

Inledning: Depression är ett av de vanligaste psykiatriska symtom hos svenska ungdomar och unga vuxna. Anknytningsbaserad familjeterapi (ABFT), är särskilt inriktad på depression och suicidnära ungdomar. Uppsatsen har fokus på arbetet med känslor i familjeterapi/ABFT.Frågeställning: Syfte att undersöka hur psykoterapeuter som följer ABFT-manualen kan arbeta med att fördjupa den emotionella nivån hos familjemedlemmarna. Går det att urskilja samband mellan terapeutens interventioner och känslomässig fördjupning hos familjen, hur ser i så fall dessa samband ut?Metod: Kvalitativ fallstudie på en hel filmad psykoterapi, totalt 18 sessioner.

Föräldrars uppfattningar kring sin betydelse i det cannabisförebyggande arbetet ? En kvalitativ studie med fokusgrupper som metod

Introduction: Parents have been shown to be of great importance in preventing cannabis use among adolescents. Parenting practices such as control, open communication and good relations within the family have shown to be protective factors, whereas lack of communication and weak social and emotional support have been associated with an increased risk for cannabis use among adolescents. Aim: The aim of the study has been to explore parents? perceptions about their own importance in preventing cannabis use among adolescents. Method: A qualitative method consisting of focus group interviews has been used to fulfill the aim.

Den engelska invasionen?

The Swedish language has for over six hundred years been under influence of foreign languages. Nowadays, it is the English language that undoubtedly affects it in largest scale - even though both French and especially German have had a serious influence through history. In an inquiry by behalf of the Swedish Government, named Mål i mun ? förslag till handlingsprogram för svenska språket (2002), one of the conclusions was that journalism is an important area that has to be under linguistic supervision to avoid a gradual weakening of the Swedish language. It is also a known fact that the Swedish sports writers has a tendency to use a lot of English words, even though there are equivalent Swedish ones applicable.

Naturupplevelse och psykisk hälsa : Hur påverkar naturupplevelser människor med stress- och utmattningssymtom

Stress-related diseases in Sweden have doubled since 1997. Even longterm sickness related tostress has increased over the last decade. In future there is a need of alternative methods todecrease the amount of people being affected to gain a better population health. Natureassisted therapy (NAT) was shown to be a successful method as part of the therapy of stressand burnout likewise was nature an important factor to prevent people from mentaldisorders. The aim of this study was to analyse the latest research concearning nature and itshealth effects with focus on stress and burnout patients in order to plan health promotingactivities outdoors for these patients.

Robothandel ? En rättvis arena? -En litteraturstudie om Robothandeln med aktier

The purpose of the thesis is to demonstrate how high frequency trading affects the stock market. The growing high frequency trading is affecting the game plan on the financial markets and concerns have grown about the high frequency users intentions with their business. It is difficult to receive an overall picture of the subject because the lack of previous research and even the research that exist do not show the entire picture. The thesis contributes to the research through a comprehensive picture of the present debate as well as the previous research through a literature study. Our results showed that high frequency trading provides liquidity to the market, there is a statistical connection between high frequency trading and volatility, no price manipulation is being used and there is a need for a supervision of the high frequency trading..

Palliativ vård i kommunal vård och omsorg : en empirisk studie av hur sjuksköterskor uppfattar arbetet med palliativ vård i kommunal hälso- och sjukvård

Background: Palliative care is something that all people should have the right to be allowed to, to be able to enjoy the qualities of life, even when someone has been afflicted with illness that cannot be cured. How do the nurses in municipal home-care deal with and prepare themselves to perform a righteous task? Aim: The aim of this study is to illuminate nurses, comprehensions of palliative care within municipal home-care. Method: The method is a questionnaire to nurses. Results: The results did comply to law and regulations.

Invadörer på svenska spelmarknaden-En statligt reglerad marknads ökade konkurrens från webbaserade företag

In Sweden we have a regulated gambling market which means that there are three gambling companies who are operating under the supervision of the Swedish state. These companies have exclusive rights to the Swedish market, divided between them. AB Svenska Spel is one of them and they control all gambling concerning sporting events and the four casinos in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Sundsvall. However, since a few years back several Internet-based companies have entered the Swedish market and the competition has become even fiercer in the last years. Due to numerous marketing restrictions the Internet companies have been forced to find new ways to strengthen their brand.

Underhålls- och driftplanering inom Svenska kyrkan : Hur ser kontrollen ut hos en av Sveriges största fastighetsägare?

This diploma work handles how some parishes of the Swedish Church administrate their building properties.The report also includes how some external property managers in Sweden work with maintenance plans and other maintenance issues. Further, a number of deficiencies have been identified and suggestions to workarounds are treated. The conclusions drawn in this thesis are based on the author´s experience in the field, performed interviews, and literature studies. The result of the work shows a general lack of knowledge in many parishes what concerns regulatory requirements, properties with no maintenance plan and substandard supervision resulting in unnecessary and expensive repairs. Based on these results, different plans for the maintenance of the building properties of the Swedish Church has been proposed..

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