4382 Uppsatser om Psycho-education - Sida 6 av 293
Egenvård av stomi - en litteraturstudie om patientundervisningens betydelse
Background: There are many possible reasons why a patient gets a stoma and in every case it?s of importance for the nurse to adjust nursing care, information and patient education from individual presuppositions. Problem: Patient education regarding stoma self-care is an important part of the nurse?s work within stoma care. The patient is depending on the guidance of the nurse and therefore it is relevant to illuminate the importance of education regarding gaining ability to perform self-care.
Jag kan inte ha nationella prov i social kompetens : En studie i pedagogers tankar om värdegrundsarbete
The purpose of this study is to get an idea of how active teachers in various stages are defining and working with values in their activities, and to highlight the similarities and differences in the way that they are working on this in the various stages. Qualitative interviews with teachers in preschool, primary education and recreational centres are the basis of the results.The study provides an overview of previous research in the area, and has a theoretical basis in Vygotskys sociocultural theory. The results show that respondents believe that the definition of values lays in relational values, which show us how to behave against fellow human beings. The way to work with value education proves to be different among educators, and we can divide them into different camps based on their attitude to value education. These attitudes are shown to be of importance for how the value education is designed..
Sömnskolans betydelse för personer med insomni ? en intervjustudie
Introduction: Sleep is necessary for human survival. Difficulty sleeping occurs in about one in four adult person in Sweden, insomnia in every ten. There are several reasons for difficulty sleeping, where stress is one of the most common. The quality of life and health are affected negatively. Treatment with proven efficacy against insomnia is not only sleep medication, but also cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT.
Lär man sig något av idrottsundervisningen? : En studie om gymnasieelevers lärande i Idrott och hälsa A
The purpose of this essay was to study what students at the upper secondary levels thought that they learned in physical education and if there were differences between girls and boys learning. The purpose was also to study different factors that could affect the learning and to show how curriculum and prior research relate to the students learning. In this essay we used the three aspects of health that are mentioned in the description of physical education: the physical, the social and the psychic. The study was based on a quantitative research where 165 students answered questionnaires about their learning. Our research showed that the students did not get the knowledge that the A-course in physical education should provide and that the goals for the course were not accomplished.
Simundervisning för praktiserande muslimska flickor : Hur olika sociala aktörer upplever att simundervisningen genomförs i den svenska skolan
Since Sweden can be considered to be a secular society it is interesting to investigate how different actors experience swimming education in the course syllabus of sports and health education, for practicing Muslim girls in middle and high schools. The investigation is based on qualitative interviews with sports teachers, practicing Muslim girls and the staff of the public swimming center in Växjö. The result shows that swimming education can be somewhat problematic, since the Muslim girls only want to attend lessons that are gender separated. In the public swimming center, there are no pools exclusively intended for women, and there are only a few times available for women every week. However, the teachers stress opportunities instead of obstacles, and the students? experience that their teachers are trying to create possibilities for them to have a gender separated swimming education.
Vad har det med religion att göra? : En studie om elevers och Skolverkets mål med religionskunskapsämnet
This essay examines upper secondary school pupils as well as the Swedish National Agency for Educations views on the education in subject of religion. How they describe its purpose, what content the topic should address, how the education should be implemented and what influence the pupils should have over their own studies. This to examine how the views of pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Education correlate and to analyze how it possibly can affect the pupil?s motivation. The survey is conducted by semi-forging tured interviews and text analysis in order to ascertain the pupils and the Swedish National Agency of Educations opinions on the issues.
Fyra specialpedagogers uppfattningar av elever med diagnosen dyskalkyli : En exporativ studie av fyra specialpedagoger
This thesis examines some special education teachers with experiences of childrendiagnosed with dyscalculia. Problems with mathematics at school may occur to allchildren in all schools. It is therefore important that the teacher knows the variousdisabilities that teachers may encounter. The study is based on four randomlyselected special education teachers, all-working at schools that are related to amedium-sized Swedish town. This work will immerse in the knowledge ofdyscalculia among four special education teachers.The interviews revealed that all special education teachers felt that dyscalculiainvolves specific difficulties in mathematics, their views on dyscalculia is consistentwith current research.
Tuta i lurendrejeri
Purpose: Exploring the relatively new technology of convolution reverb, to gather knowledge on its limitations when used practically in the production of pop music, and from these findings to learn about applications in other performing arts and sound design.
Methodology: This is a case study of creating convolution reverb by doing impulse responses (IR) and then applying them to studio recorded pop music. The empirical data consists of the final song results, notes and journals from during the process and the comparisons, as well as established litterature on acoustics, psycho-acoustics and music production.
Results: Convolution reverb can widely and freely be used in the production of music and other audio-based art forms, since our study shows that the result of a well-made impulse response from a particular room is indistinguishable from music that is actually played and recorded in the same space..
Resursfördelning vid specifika läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi : Några elever och pedagogers uppfattningar
This study hopes to provide a deeper understanding for the situation that pupils in dyslexia and special education teachers are experiencing. The aim is to examine how students with dyslexia and special education teacher / special needs education teacher are experiencing difficulties, resources, additional adjustments and support. The aim is also to examine the experience in opportunities for improvement and what similarities and differences exist between students and special education teacher / special needs education teacher regarding the allocation of resources. The study is made with focusing on a certain dilemma perspective, using methods such as interviews. The results of the study point to lack of time, time pressure, teachers 'skills, management directives and students' understanding of their own learning as factors affecting resource allocation, in which all factors influence each other and are interdependent of each other..
Förnuftets fostran och framsteg : Relationen mellan begreppen frihet och utbildning hos Condorcet.
The majority of the interest for Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794), has been focused on his work in mathematics and political science, especially on his famous method on voting tally. With a background in the French enlightenment, on the brink of the revolution, this essay focuses on his political and philosophical ideas, specially his thoughts on the role of education in humanity?s struggle toward greater freedom. Is it possible to identify a connection between the concepts of education and freedom in his writings? This question is largely unanswered, even though it is fundamental for the understanding of the underlying reasoning of Condorcet.
Hur invandrarungdomar tillgodogör sig svensk musikundervisning utifrån musiklärares perspektiv
Music has a role to play in every country and every culture. Sweden today is a country whith many different cultures, religions and music genres. The purpose of this investigation is to study how immigrants youths profit from music education on the basis of music teachers' perspectives. Questions at issue are: are there immigrant children/ youths who can not take part in music education? Have the students' religions any importance? Do the parents question the offered education? Is there more opposition to some specific kind of music? Are teachers avoiding to present some music? Can music education help the immigrant youths to form their identities? I have used questionnaires and I have made five interviews.
Bildning och skönlitteratur i folkhögskolan
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the present importance of liberal education in the Swedish "folkhögskola" by studying its expressions in the teaching of literature and fiction. I have interviewed teachers at four different schools about their opinions of liberal education, literature and cultural heritage, means of instruction, and influence of their students. Liberal education in this thesis is considered as a process. Starting from our own experiences we meet something strange to us and while absorbing this in our experiences we change. But its purpose also is to convey the canon of Western literature.
Lärarstudenters upplevelse av utbildningens förmåga att förbereda dem för undervisning av andraspråkselever : En intervjustudie med blivande lärare i samhällsvetenskapliga ämnen
This study aims to investigate how a number of students who are at the end of a teachers? educations program in social studies, geography, religion and history interpret that the national curriculums states that every teacher is responsible for students language development and should be supportive of language backgrounds. In the light of the curriculums the study explores how the teacher education students feel that the education has prepared them for teaching children with Swedish as a second language. The study also examines how the teacher education students think that the teacher education could improve in matters like preparing future teachers to teach social studies, geography, religion and history to second language children.The study is based on interviews with seven university students and shows that they feel a responsibility to develop their future students? language.
Folkbibliotekariens yrkesidentitet : vad den består av och hur den formas
This master's thesis reports on our investigation of how the public librarian's professional identity is formed and what it is formed of. We have considered factors such as: education, competence and daily tasks. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on concepts such as competence, education, professional identity and profession. We have also carried out an empirical study where we have interviewed nine librarians on public libraries. The method of analysis is qualitative.
Vi skapar barns ordförråd : En studie om barns språkmedvetenhet i förskolan i Sverige och Marocko
AbstractThere is a lot of confusion when it comes to defining Special Education. An example of this appears here by a statement from Assarson (2007) "Special Education initiates a special pedagogy, but contains no innate sense of what is the special component in it" (p. 52, authors? translation). This study is an attempt to clarify the elements of the concept.