4382 Uppsatser om Psycho-education - Sida 14 av 293
Tjäna eleven eller skydda skolverksamheten? : En litteraturstudie om skolans teoretiska ansats och praktiska utförande gällande åtgärdsprogram.
Individual Education Plans and the means of creating a sustainable platform for children with learning difficulties is a subject of vast discussion. The original idea was to create a system in which the documentation of certain students with learning difficulties would lead to precautions being taken in order to eradicate difficulties and improve student?s abilities to excel in studies. However, in practice, the IEPs proved less functioning and the special needs of students were not attained accordingly to the theoretical approach. In some aspects the IEPs were a helpful tool to create sustainability for students with special needs, but in the long term the IEPs seemed to provide less support and more segregation.
Mobbning i skolan : En undersökning om elevers uppfattningar av mobbning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa
Bullying is a serious problem for many children and youths in today?s society. Surveys have shown that more than 145 000 children and youths are concerned by the problem as a victim or as bullies. The purpose with this survey is to obtain a clear picture of the students? views of bullying in physical education and health.The main questions in this study are:· Does bullying occur in a bigger extent within the subject physical education and health than within other subjects?· In which elements during physical education lessons is the risk highest to be exposed to bullying?· Are there any differences concerning the students? views of physical education in relation to what age they are. To acquire an understandable picture of bullying I have chosen to do a literature study where different kinds of definitions are presented.
Lärares syn på inkludering i grundskolans tidigare år
This study has examined how teachers in primary education with experience of inclusion look on inclusive education. The study was based on the concept of inclusion and how it is made possible in primary school. The study was conducted using semi-structured qualitative life-world interviews with three teachers in primary education with included pupils with learning disabilities in their class. The results show the complexity of having a pupil with learning disabilities in class. To interpret, follow and then assess under two syllabuses are seen as difficult.
Demokratiundervisning i skolan : En jämförande studie mellan den sydafrikanska och svenska skolan
The purpose of this study is to highlight how Swedish primary school teachers teach of and about democracy and based on this then compare with how the primary school teachers in South Africa teaches of and about democracy. This comparison will then highlight what can be developed in the teaching of and about democracy in Swedish schools. The method used in this study is mind maps because it gives a greater depth in the way teachers look at teaching democracy. The result of this comparison is that South Africa's history pervades the entire democracy education in school but both Sweden and South Africa use methods as dialogue and discussion in teaching of and about democracy. Furthermore, the community, curriculum, teacher and cooperation with other teachers also have an influence on how democracy's teaching looks like in schools.
Elevers motivation för att delta i ämnet idrott och hälsa. En intervjuundersökning bland gymnasieelever med särskilda behov på IV-program
The purpose of this thesis is to explore pupils' motivation for participating in Physical Education. The thesis also investigates the definitions of sport and health and to what extent pupils make any connection between the school subject physical education and their own physical and health status. A semi-structured interview was carried out with thirteen upper secondary school pupils with special needs on the Individual Programme. The interviews were recorded digitally and then analyzed. The results show that there is no unified definition of the school subject among the pupils.
Sexualeducation for young people with autism
This essay is about the sexual- education at special schools for young people in the ages thirteen through sixteen with the diagnosis autism. The study aims to identify, describe and understand the teachers? experiences in how the education is practiced in their daily work with these children. The way of procedure we have used in the study is qualitative interviews with teachers at special schools. The result show that how the teachers practice the education depends on how the student group is constructed and the students? qualifications.
American Psycho ? En analys av Patrick Bateman som berättare
In order to be a good teacher according to preferences from outside the school area, there are many different voices to listen to. The different roles that are assigned for teachers are colliding with the latest research from the pedagogical institutions and therefore the role as a teacher of today is in a complex state of mind. Somewhere, between the traditional role of teaching and the moderating ideal image, reality is revealed in the ambivalent role of the teacher of today. In this pedagogical essay on advanced level we are focusing on obstacles that are hindering the moderating teacher?s role, to be fully developed in the classroom.
Svårigheter och utmaningar i religionsundervisningen : En religionsdidaktisk studie med fokus på lärares uppfattningar kring svårigheter och utmaningar i religionsundervisningen
The purpose of this essay is to describe what difficulties and challenges are for teachers of religious education at upper secondary school. The essay is written from a teacher's perspective, where the focus is on the teacher's perceptions of the difficulties and challenges of teaching religious education. The methodology for the collection of information was done through qualitative interviews. Previous research shows that one of the challenges in the teaching profession is the interpretation of the curriculum, and then which of those is correct. The essay shows that the biggest challenges that teachers experience in the subject of religious education is the students' prejudice against different religious groups, and also the difficulty of getting students to understand the purpose of what is being taught.
Interkulturella relationer : en kvalitativ studie om lärares och elevers förhållningssätt till etniska och kulturella bakgrunder
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether and how some teachers in primary education in a multicultural area discussing the interculturality in their teaching with students from grades 1-3. It also aims to examine how students? cultural interactions in the classroom are expressed..
Det livslånga lärandet som tayloristisk tragedi : En ideologikritisk analys
The aim of this essay is trying to understand the ideological changing process over the last decades and the ideological meaning of the relatively new conception lifelong learning as well, and how it comes that the opportunities offered the individual pre-school child and the individual compulsory-school pupil to assimilate the so important learning, differs so dramatically all though the expressed ambition to offer each and every one equal opportunities. What are the ideological structures that are, and have been in function, that carries and have carried the perceptions of the use and value of fostering and education?In a time with the welfare ideology in a hegemonic position, it was seen important that the state took major responsibility for the education of the citizens. In our time, it appears, an economist ideology has taken the hegemonic position, and education is becoming an increasingly economic issue, and equality is decreasing along with, as in general society, the increasing of segregation within the educational system..
Hur förhåller sig kenyanska lärare till föreställningen om barn som besatta av demoner? : Hur några lärare i Kenya resonerar kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd
The purpose of the study is to find out how some teachers in Kenya reason about children in need of special support. To undertake the study the following question are used:How do some teachers in Kenya reason about children in need of special support?The study has been made with qualitative interviews in Kenya. A total of four teachers at primary school level have been interviewed. The decision to do qualitative interviews is made by the opportunity to get as comprehensive answers as possible from the respondents' reason about children in need of special support.Three different kinds of special education perspectives have been used in this study.
Högutbildad och anställningsbar? - en studie av klassbakgrundens betydelse på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
Since the 1950s new laws on higher education have led to a ?mass education phenomenon? in Sweden. This has led to a surplus of people with a university degree measured against available positions on the labor market. As a result of that development it must be assumed that in this over qualified society it is not anymore the degree but additional factors which are decisive for getting a job. In this respect the importance of the class background for getting a jobb that is equal to once level of education shall beexamined.The research was carried out by means of a Quantitative Analysis based on data from anational database called Undersökningar av Levnadsförhållanden (Survey of LivingConditions).
Chaufförsutbildning-en nödvändighet?
Detta examensarbete undersöker om det behövs en chaufförsutbildning för nyanställda inom transportbranschen med avgränsning till Poståkeriet och vad som bör ingå i en sådan. Arbetet tar också upp vikten av kunskap inom kundrelationer för chaufförer och företaget.
Det finns även ett förslag på upplägg för en utbildning samt en stödlista för utbildande chaufförer..
Ämnet Idrott och hälsa som grund för ett längre arbetsliv
The purpose of this study is to examine how well the teaching of physical education meets the needs of a future life in the building and construction industry. In order to answer the survey's purpose, we have carried interviews with teachers for the subject Physical education and health as well as with teachers for the Building- and construction program in order to through their experience gain understanding of common health problems in the profession, but also to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the subject Physical education and health for this profession. We have reported and described previous research and then analyzed it during our processing of collected data material. The result of the interviews showed that the teachers as far as possible are trying to adjust the lessons to suit this practical program. They also indicate several aspects to consider in order to further customize the education for students in the Building- and construction program.
Den pedagogiska resan i förskolan
The aim of the study is to make a comparison between the nursery/preschool recommendations (by the state) made in 1972 and the one used today. Here I?ve focused on the posts of looking after children vis-à-vis the educational responsibility. Also the type of education recommended in 1972 and what type of education recommended today. My questions concerns what the preschool recommendations from 1972 are and how they are viewed and applied today in the 2000nds.Since my questions has to do with ideologies regarding children, family and society I choose to do a specific form of text and content analysis called Idea and ideology analysis.In my theoretical chapter I choose two aspects central for my field of examination.