

125 Uppsatser om Psychiatry - Sida 1 av 9

När psykiatrin vände sig åt samhället : Om psykiatridebatt, sektoriseringsplaner och Nackaprojektet 1968-81

This essay revolves around the reformation and sectorization of Swedish Psychiatry starting in the 1970?s. Psychiatry was to change from being based in closed asylums to being an institution in the middle of society, finding social solutions to mental illness and working through a dynamic network of various care givers, such as welfare officers, nurses and psychiatrists. This new kind of Psychiatry was first tested in Nacka, where psychiatric reformers Johan Cullberg and Bengt Berggren were the heads of a six-year long pioneer project of sectorized psychiatric care. My specific purpose is to analyze the new ideas of mental illness and of Psychiatry?s role in society which were introduced in this project and how they were expressed in the official reports presenting it.The reformation was preceded by a public debate concerning Psychiatry, which had intensified a few years around 1970.

SAMVERKAN OCH SAMARBETE : Socialtjänsten och Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrins gemensamma arbete

Author: Johanna Jarl and Marie WestphalTitle: Co-operation and Collaboration The Social services and Child- and adolescence Psychiatry joined action [Translated title]Supervisor: Mikael SandgrenExaminer: Torbjörn HjortChildren and adolescences that have both psychological and social problems is an increasing number of the society. It used to be a demand that Social workers and personnel at Child and adolescence Psychiatry had interdisciplinary collaboration, today it is more then a demand it is a requirement. The aim of this study was to understand how the personnel at the Social services and Child and adolescence Psychiatry look at the cooperation between the two organizations in Sweden.To be able to accomplish this study we have interviewed four persons employed at the Social services and three persons employed at Child- and adolescencePsychiatry all of them were interviewed individually. To be able to analyze our material from the interviews we have used new institutional organization theory and Goffmans dramaturgic perspective at teams. The interviews showed that there is collaboration between the organizations on all levels, but that the organizations have different priorities.

Att vårda patienter i rättspsykiatrisk vård som uppvisar självskadebeteende : sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser

Deliberate self harm as defined pathologically as well as socially is becoming an increasing phenomenon within forensic Psychiatry. Nurses working with patients who have self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic Psychiatry face different challenges which affect their feelings and attitudes in different ways, in their nursing practice.Purpose: To explore nurses? experiences of caring for patients who suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic Psychiatry.Method: Qualitative semi- structured interview s from eight nurses working within the forensic psychiatric clinic. Interviews were analysed by using a qualitative content analysis.Results: They worked strategically and emphasized the importance of teamwork, good communication and urged for the need to get necessary education, staff focused tutoring and patient focused therapy.Conclusion: Need for necessary education, patient focused therapy and staff focused tutor is needed to empower staff working with patients who are confined within forensic Psychiatry and suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour..

Rätten att benämna : Maktutövning i Amalie Skrams psykiatriromaner

Amalie Skram (1846-1905) was born in Norway but lived in Denmark. She published several books about gender relations and built up a reputation as a naturalistic writer. In 1894, a nervous breakdown made her seek help from the famous psychiatrist Knud Pontoppidan. He sent her to an asylum, but she returned home after spending two months in psychiatric care. In 1895, Skram published two novels about the painter Else Kant, based on her own experiences but not written as autobiographies.

Patologiskt samlande -en funktionsnedsättning : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om professionella aktörers erfarenheter av arbete och hjälp i förhållande till patologiska samlare.

This qualitative interview study examines the shared and discrepant experiences that nine professionals, three from each field of Psychiatry, social service, and housing have from working with people with hoarding disorder, and their view on help. The main difficulty when working with hoarding disorder is described as lack of insight and understanding of the severity and consequences of the disorder among people with the disability. Professionals highlight the importance of proper diagnosis and cooperation among disciplinary teams working with hoarding disorder. Approaches differ regarding the issue of how to best help a person with hoarding disorder, especially as the emphasis of autonomy becomes more prevalent. The landlords who were interviewed expressed the hoarders? need of help from the society, whereas the social service interviewees accentuated voluntariness and motivation as a favorable long-term management.

Behandling och kunskapssyn - En studie om ungdomsmottagningars och barn- och ungdomspsykiatrins arbete med ungdomar.

TREATMENT AND EPISTEMOLOGY A STUDY ABOUT YOUTH CLINICS AND CHILD- AND YOUTH PsychiatryS WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE Larsson, A och Nilsson, J. Behandling och förhållningssätt. En studie om ungdomsmottagningar och barn- och ungdomspsykiatrins arbete med ungdomar. Examensarbete i normöverträdelser, normkonflikter och sociala interventioner 15 poäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, enheten för Individ familj och samhälle, 2011.

Vart jag mig i världen vänder... : Om konstruktionen av bedömningar inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin

The purpose with this essay was to study the judgements made by child- and adolescents Psychiatry teams on a fictitious case, in order to see what similarities and differences there would be in their way of discussing, judging and proposing efforts.We carried out this study by visiting four child- and adolescents Psychiatry teams and letting them make judgements on a fictitious case constructed by us. First the teams were introduced to a vignette and then asked to complete it by requiring more information till they considered themselves to have enough information to be able to arrive to a judgement on the case and propose efforts, on which we later interviewed the teams. After the interviews we compared what extra information the teams required, what judgements they made and what efforts they chose to offer the family. The result was analysed from a social constructivist perspective. One central analysis concept was diagnostic frame, which is about in what category the team places the problem.The study revealed that the judgements, which are socially constructed within the teams, differed, and that the teams offered the fictitious family different efforts.

Att leva med psykiska funktionshinder och samtidigt missbruk : - en kvalitativ forskningsöversikt om individer inom psykiatrin med dubbeldiagnos

This qualitative research overview consists of the State of knowledge about people with dual diagnosis. The focus is on what Psychiatry reform meant for people with mental disabilities. Author`s ambition has been to consolidate current understanding in the problem area. The purpose of the paper is to make an analysis of the State of knowledge concerning individuals within Psychiatry with simultaneously addiction problems. The issues that will be processed are: what it means to live with dual diagnosis, how to coordinate cooperation efforts, and what is the evidence-based mode.


Discussion about the connection between severe mental disorders and criminal acts is constantly ongoing. Violent crimes committed by persons with severe men-tal disorders get a lot of media attention in today´s society. This arise general questions regarding the penalties that these offenders are sentenced to. It is known that the responsibility for these people lies on the forensic Psychiatry, however, the media does not draw attention to what is happening in this organization. The purpose of this study is to describe the forensic psychiatric organization from a staff perspective and from a legal perspective.

Jag är någon annan : Psykiatrikerna Karl Jaspers och Viktor Emil von Gebsattels filosofiska perspektiv på depersonalisation

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka psykiatrikerna och filosoferna Viktor Emil von Gebsattels och Karl Jaspers föreställningar om ett psykiskt fenomen de besriver som depersonalisation. Uppsatsen analyserar deras respektive föreställningar om fenomenet med särskilt tonvikt på skärningspunkter mellan psykiatri och filosofi. Depersonalisation definieras av dessa tänkare som att kroppen och jaget upplevs som främmande, automatiskt, externt och iakttaget från utsidan på ett tvångsmässigt sätt. Jaspers och Gebsattels föreställningar står i motsättning till ett biologiskt och psykologiserande förstående av psykiskt lidande som var vanligt i deras tid. Det finns hos dessa tänkare en konflikt mellan att å ena sidan vilja undvika att förtingliga människan och hennes lidande till fastställda definitioner, och att å andra sidan betrakta ett upplöst och undflyende jag som patologiskt..


Forensic psychiatric care is a complex business. Patients who are cared for in forensic Psychiatry are usually in need of care for a long time. The forensic care is a major intrusion into a person's life and the nurses and caregivers are the people who spend the most time with patients. They have a difficult mission providing a good and personalized care while patients are deprived of their liberty. Previous research demonstrates that patients experience forensic care as uncertain, insecure and punitive but that there are also glimpses of "good care".

Bedömningssamtal inom Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatrin

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the structured and evidence-based assessment tool/method The Brief Child and Family Phone Interview (BCFPI) trough a social psychology perspective of conversation. The aim was especially to seek an understanding of the method considering aspects of children?s participation. The research question was: how do the method users apprehend the advantages and the limitations of the BCFPI method considering aspects of children?s participation.

Vad ligger till grund fo?r den psykiatriska bedo?mningen inom den prehospitala va?rden? : Ambulanssjuksko?terskans perspektiv

Bakgrund: Ambulanssjuksko?terskans roll inneba?r bland annat att bedo?ma en patients tillsta?nd. I bakgrunden presenteras bedo?mningsprocessen ur ett psykiatriskt, prehospitalt och kombinationen prehospitalt/psykiatriskt perspektiv.Syfte: Syftet a?r att belysa pa? vilka grunder ambulanssjuksko?terskor go?r sina bedo?mningar i mo?tet med personer som kan antas lida av akut psykisk oha?lsa.Metod: Studien grundar sig pa? en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Data har insamlats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och har analyserats med hja?lp av kvalitativa inneha?llsanalys som Granheim och Lundman beskriver den.Resultat: Utgo?rs av tre huvudkategorier; Patienten i fokus fo?r bedo?mningen, Omgivningens roll samt Va?rdarens tillva?gaga?ngssa?ttDiskussion: Resultatet har diskuterats utifra?n andra studerade arbetssa?tt och tankeprocesser bakom en bedo?mning.

En kartläggning och utvärdering av vårdkvalitet inom den rättspsykiatriska öpenvården i Malmö: utifrån ett patientperspektiv

The aim of this study was to map out the quality of the treatment in the forensic outpatient care unity in Malmoe from a patient point of view. This target group, seriously mentally disordered law-offenders, has been neglected in the scientific research. This investigation will hopefully contribute to a positive change in this subject. To achieve a good understanding of this field a methodological triangulation was conducted which included an observational study, a pilotstudy and semistructured interviews. 14 patients and 10 staff members were interviewed.

IT som verktyg i behandling inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin

Information technology is increasingly used in healthcare. New methods, such as apps and computer programs and Internet-based treatments are introduced to treat various medical diagnoses. Increased demand for help in mental illness means that it is necessary to develop alternative assessment and treatments to traditional treatments that may be offered by primary care and specialist Psychiatry. Government and Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) have agreed to support, and treatment on the web is part of that development. The work is all about, and how Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ( Bup ) , use psychological e- services, and apps for the treatment of adolescents and the types of psychological e-treatments for adolescents are available in Sweden today.  Methods used are interviews and literature studies, where I examined the use of computerized psychological treatments in Västernorrland and Stockholm County Council.

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