

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 34 av 44

Bäddodling av matpotatis :

This study investigated potato growing in beds as an alternative to conventional ridges.It was based on results from field trials on bed-grown potatoes carried out by Halland Rural Economy and Agricultural Society in 2007, studies of literature and interviews with farmers with experience of bed growing of potatoes. Due to their shallow root system, potatoes are one of the most drought-sensitive crops. Potatoes are often grown on sandy soils with poor water-holding capacity. Factors such as total yield, tuber size distribution and quality defects are negatively affected when water becomes insufficient. Wide beds have a more flat top which leads to more uniform water infiltration. Further on, beds have lower soil surface area due to its shape, and therefore, retain water more efficient. In the field trials, which were carried out at the Stjärnarp Estate near Halmstad, potatoes were grown in beds alongside a conventional ridge-grown crop.

Utveckling av inkontinensprodukt

Together with Attends in Aneby a thesis of 15 ECTS (credits) have been undertaken. The assignment was to develop a new incontinence product for single use. Users of the product value comfort, flexibility, softness, comfort and a discreet product. Users are for individuals with incontinence problems that usually receive the products via prescription. The product must also have an attractive price and good quality from the purchase / originator's perspective.Currently there are two models that Attends supplies, which the project intends to develop, (Slips / Briefs and Pull On's).

Cykelparkering i stadsmiljö : en redogörelse för cykelparkeringens komponenter

In recent years many cities have seen an increase in bicycle traffic. This is a development that benefits both the environment and the individual cyclist. When the need for bicycle parking is not met several problems arise such as an increase in bicycle thefts, jammed sidewalks and a decreased interest in using bicycles. My aim with this paper has been to answer the question of how to create parking facilities in an urban environment based on cyclists' needs. Through a literature survey, following the method "Trattmodellen" (the funnel model) the question has been answered and divided under the headings cyclist, bike, bicycle racks, bicycle garage and bicycle operators and hosts.

Gullrisbock (Phytoecia nigricornis) i grus- och sandtäkter i Halland.

This dissertation is done as a preparatory step for the action plan of environmental Protection shall issue to preserve the Phytoecia nigricornis in the country when it is red-listed and classified as vulnerable (VU). My task was to investigate the prevalence of the Phytoecia nigricornis in Halland County. They wanted to see if it existed in Halland (Ehnström, 1999). If it did not exist they wanted to know how to improve its habitat.the Phytoecia nigricornis is difficult to inventory because when it is larvae it lives in the roots and lower parts of the trunk of the Solidago Virgaurea plant and the adult beetles only keeps to Solidago Virgaurea by mating and egg laying and larval caterpillars when they hatch (Bily, 1989; Molander, 1999). Often it is overlooked or missed, and one question was whether it existed  in the whole country or only in those parts where it was previously found in, Skåne, Blekinge and Östergötland (Ehnström, 1999).One problem for the Phytoecia nigricornis is that their habitats is declining.

Kvalitetsförbättringar och Emballageinstruktioner

This report is the result of a thesis carried out at the Department of Innovation, Design and Technology (IDT), at Mälardalen University on behalf of ABB AB Machines.The year was 1988 when ASEA and Brown Boveri formed a joint venture under the name ABB (Asea Brown Boveri).We perform our thesis at the division Discrete Automation and Motion where they primarily develops, manufactures and sells synchronous and asynchronous AC motors and generators.The main purpose of this thesis was initially to write a general packaging instruction, but the priority changed to develop more specific packaging instructions for Rotors, Stator gables, Bearing support and Outer Cover (plates) instead.The work started off to deal with a problem about that the staff had to start its work to grind away rust on the stator gables due to those stored outdoors. The result was mainly an investment in a new gable rack so that the material can be stored inside, as well as a packing instruction as it was originally intended.The problem on the bearing supports were that the staff thought it was demanding and difficult to clean them from the rustproofing they were greased in. If it is not possible to remove all rust Protection it can cause the paint to not attach properly. After having compared with similar articles a test were done to order a pair of bearing supports without corrosion inhibitor, which gave good results. This initiative also set in motion a process to do the same for more different items.For special pallet, a survey were made of the process with two different VSM and a calculation of how much ABB would earn at ordering more special pallets than getting the material delivered on the A-pallets.

Barn som bor med en gömd mamma med skyddade personuppgifter: samhällets insikt och agerande

För att kvinnor och barn ska kunna skyddas mot en våldsam man som förföljer och hotar dem, är de tvungna att leva med skyddade personuppgifter. I Sverige finns det ca 4 562 barn som lever med skyddade personuppgifter. Eftersom dessa barn ofta lever ett väldigt kringskuret liv samt under ständig stress, påverkas deras fysiska och psykiska hälsa negativt av skyddet. För att barnen ska kunna orka leva med sin speciella och påfrestande livssituation, behöver de få stöd från samhället. Syftet med denna studie var att studera utbudet av stöd till barn som lever med skyddade personuppgifter i en mellanstor kommun i Mellansverige. Aktörer som i sitt arbete kom i kontakt med barn som lever med skyddade personuppgifter, intervjuades i denna studie.

Uljabuouda vindkraftpark turbinmodellering och stabilitetsanalys

This master thesis has been performed at Solvina in Gothenburg for Skellefteå Kraftand Vattenfall Eldistribution. The aim of it is to investigate the consequences of theinstallation of a wind power plant on the mountain Uljabuouda in the vicinity ofArjeplog. Especially the impacts on voltage and transient stability are examined.Furthermore, the amount of extra strain on the voltage regulation equipment and theneeds for increased regulation capabilities are looked into.The wind power plant is planned to be built by Skellefteå Kraft and connected to a130 kV grid owned by Vattenfall Eldistribution. The work comprehends the followingmain parts:- Theoretical studies aimed at wind turbines and power system stability issues.- Modelling of the type of wind turbines assumed to be built on Uljabuouda.- Simulations of different operation cases and analysis of the simulation results.The results from the simulations show that, as far as voltage stability and extraworkload on tap-changers are concerned, the wind power plant does not, in anysignificant manner, worsen the present conditions. The problem of overloading theline between Arvidsjaur and Vargfors is also minor.

Dopföräldrars syn på dopet : En kvalitativ undersökning av dopuppfattningar hos dopföräldrar i Härnösands stift i relation till Svenska kyrkans dopteologi

This is an essay within the subject of practical theology. The main interest is baptism. The aim of this essay is to describe the baptism theology of the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan) and the history of the baptism. The goal is also, with the help of qualitative research, to study the view of the baptism with the ones who choose to let their children be baptized according to the liturgy of the Swedish Church in the diocese of Härnösand. The attempt is to give the Swedish church a pattern of action and a direction based on the result of my research.

Fem år med MiFID på svenska värdepappersmarknaden och dess inverkan på mindre investerares förtroende

Background: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, MiFID, was implemented in Swedish law in 2007 and aimed to increase competition of the securities market in order to achieve efficiency and lower transaction costs and to enhance investor Protection. Another aim was to increase confidence in the market. After the implementation of MiFID some doubts had been highlighted regarding its intentional effects. This evoked the authors? interest to examine the directive?s effects and its impact on investors? trust.Aim: To examine how various participants in the Swedish securities market experienced changes since the implementation of MiFID in 2007, and its impact on the securities market and minor investors' trust.Method: The study applied a qualitative method with a deductive approach to describe, interpret and understand the problem area.

Aktieindexobligationer : Småspararens Livbåt på Vägen mot Djupt Vatten?

The main purpose of the essay was to evaluate whether investments in index-linked bonds were suitable investments for smaller investors on the international finance market. To determine whether the index-linked bonds are good investments, the variables yield, cost and risk were used to measure the index-linked bonds against investments in stocks and funds. The reason for the interest in this subject is that investments in index-linked bonds have grown furiously the last few years. With the growth of the investments the criticism of index-linked bonds has also grown stronger. The critics? main point is the cost of the product, and they imply that investors can create their own index-linked bond and thereby avoid the bank fees.This study used a quantitative approach, because all the data of yield, cost and risk consist of numbers.

"Nu är det riktigt, riktigt, riktigt, riktigt besvärligt" : En kvalitativ analys av TT:s rapportering om barn och unga som flyr ensamma till Sverige.

Today many separated children and youth up to 18 years - children in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - flee from war and armed conflicts around the world. Many of them come to Sweden for Protection and to apply for asylum.The aim of this study is to examine how the national Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå - TT - constructs the image of separated children and youth. The main research questions have been: How does TT construct the image of the separated refugee children? The more detailed questions put to examine this main question have been: what are the issues being focused in the reporting and what discourses, voices and sources are let into the journalistic material?The theoretical perspective should be considered as social constructionistic where the basic idea is that the image of the separated child also constructs the way society looks upon them, their rights and their needs, affecting how these children will be welcomed and treated when thay arrive in our society. The empirical study is a qualitative analysis of text, produced in the span 2007- April 20th 2010.

Avsaknaden av samvetsfrihet inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården : Hur Sverige valt att frångå Europakonventionen

The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.

Förskolans nya grind : utveckling av grind till förskolan

Detta projekt bygger på ett samarbete med Group perimeter Protection AB som är en del av Gunnebos koncern. GPP levererar områdesskydd och bland dessa grindar och staket till förskolan. Samarbetet har resulterat i utvecklingen av en säker och brukarvänlig grind till förskolans utomhusmiljö. Projekt syftar till att utveckla en nytänkande användarvänlig utomhusgrind till förskolan. I dag är förskolans säkerhet ett omdiskuterat ämne i media och inom förskolan, vilket resulterat i att regeringen har tillsatt en utredning för att komma till rätta med vart det brister? Innan den utredningen gett några svar, utgår vi ifrån observationer i vardagen.

Gräsrotsbyråkraters arbetsmiljö : En studie om psykosocial arbetsmiljö bland högstadielärare och socialsekreterare som arbetar med myndighetsutövning för barn och unga.

Bakgrund. Pressade förhållanden på arbetet tycks vara kännetecknande för högstadielärare och socialsekreterare som arbetar med myndighetsutövning för barn och unga, två professioner som båda arbetar med barn och inom offentlig förvaltning. Deras arbetsmiljö har genomgått förändringar, bland annat genom att ökade krav tillkommit, vilket har kommit att påverka de anställda. Ett flertal faktorer som inverkar på den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, på såväl organisations-, grupp- och individnivå, har i tidigare forskning identifierats. Det övergripande problem som studien undersöker är hur högstadielärare och socialsekreterare som arbetar med myndighetsutövning för barn och unga uppfattar sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö.

Utrustning inom svensk travsport : Hur utrustning tillämpas bland svenska travtränare och påverkar hästen i ett djurskydds-, och välfärdsperspektiv

The trotting in Sweden has a good reputation in an international view, both in the perspective of success and how the sport is managed with focus on security, animal Protection and animal welfare. A large number of equipment details are fitted on the horses during training and competition. The Swedish law of prevention of cruelty to animals regulate training and competition with racehorses, and propose to protect horses from unnecessary suffering. The equipment permitted in races is regulated in Tävlingsreglementet (The Regulation of Competititon) and in the regulations of equipment, that the Nordic Regulation Committee and Nordic Animal Welfare Committee have worked out. Due to training and competition the equipment must even meet the Swedish law of prevention of cruelty to animals. However, the behaviour or the senses of the horses is often affected by the equipment due to the way the equipment corrects, modifies, restrains or reduces the behaviour of the horse, which may cause the horse stress or discomfort.

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