

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 19 av 44

Vad motiverar till ideellt arbete i ungdomsorganisationer?

Early studies of what motivates volunteering often have had an older sample and youth organizations have not been studied. A survey was used to study motives for volunteering in Swedish youth organizations. The importance of age and years of volunteering was studied. In the analysis 102 persons in age between 17 and 59 years participated. The participants ranked the motives as followed: knowledge, development, values, social, career and Protection.

Myndigheter för hållbar utveckling : En studie av myndigheters miljölednignssystem 2005

Agencies towards Sustainable Development ? A Study of Environmental Management Systems in Governmental Agencies 2005A vision of the Swedish government is to build an ecologically sustainable society. A tool in this effort is to implement environmental management systems (EMS). The aim of the thesis is to present in which phase of the implementation of EMS Swedish governmental agencies are. This will be done by compilation and evaluation of agencies? yearly environmental reports.The thesis is written in co-operation with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Swedish EPA).

Utveckling av styrning till solföljande MaReCo-hybrid i Hammarby Sjöstad

Turning solar collectors, heliostats, is certainly not a new idea but has been explored for at least two decades. Projects on this subject have resulted in more or less realistic constructions, in a commercial point of view. Far too often the technical goals have had higher priority than the economical, which has resulted in a few constructions having the ability to compete with conventional, fix solar collectors. The economical issues have been given high priority in this project, without decreasing the demands on reliability. The system has been given the following mechanical and electronical properties: One-axis movement, fix heat carrying fluid system, microcomputer controlled movement and automatic Protection from overheating.

Nästa generations ryggskydd

?Nästa generations ryggskydd? är ett examensarbete vid Innovations- och designingenjörsprogrammet på Karlstads Universitet. Uppdragsgivaren är Stefan Ytterborn på POC Sweden i Stockholm.POC är ett företag som satsar på att utveckla ny och effektiv skyddsutrustning till alpinskidåkare för att förhindra allvarliga skador. Då utrustningen och åkstilen ständigt blir mer extrem måste även skyddsutrustningen utvecklas för att ge så bra och smidigt skydd som möjligt.Uppdraget har gått ut på att ta fram en produkt eller metod som skyddar ryggen vid alpin skidåkning. Denna problemformulering har varit väldigt öppen och gett en hel del spelrum vid idégenerering och produktframtagning.Examensarbetet resulterade i en produkt som skyddar ryggen mot den nuförtiden mer frekventa skadeformen, kompressionsskador.

Nästa generations ryggskydd

?Nästa generations ryggskydd? är ett examensarbete vid Innovations- och designingenjörsprogrammet på Karlstads Universitet. Uppdragsgivaren är Stefan Ytterborn på POC Sweden i Stockholm.POC är ett företag som satsar på att utveckla ny och effektiv skyddsutrustning till alpinskidåkare för att förhindra allvarliga skador. Då utrustningen och åkstilen ständigt blir mer extrem måste även skyddsutrustningen utvecklas för att ge så bra och smidigt skydd som möjligt.Uppdraget har gått ut på att ta fram en produkt eller metod som skyddar ryggen vid alpin skidåkning. Denna problemformulering har varit väldigt öppen och gett en hel del spelrum vid idégenerering och produktframtagning.Examensarbetet resulterade i en produkt som skyddar ryggen mot den nuförtiden mer frekventa skadeformen, kompressionsskador.


In the current situation is the straight tube cutter, that provides Luvata?s line of large recoolers with copper tubes, manually operated. To prevent damages and facilitate mounting the tubes must be properly arranged when they leave the machine. This report aims to investigate and present an automated solution where the operator does not need to participate in the process. A number of theories have been drawn up and tests have been done.

Hur påverkas en redares ansvarsförsäkring av bristande överensstämmelse med säkerhetsföreskrifterna? - En studie av Finnbirchs förlisning

M/S Finnbirch förliste år 2006. Fartyget var lastat med lastbilstrailers och pappersrullar. Lasten var otillräckligt säkrad vilket gjorde att lasten lossnade när fartyget gick in i en svår storm. Fartyget fick slagsida och sjönk. Rapporten syftar till att ta reda på hur den otillräckligt säkrade lasten, som berodde på en bristande säkerhetsorganisation påverkade försäkringsutbetalningen.

Miljöteknisk undersökning enligt MIFO : en studie på fastigheten Bodsjölandet 1:14 avseende den nedlagda tjärfabriken i Grötingen

During 40 years of industrial production, from the end of the 1890?s until the end of 1930?s, coal and wood distillation products were manufactured in AB Carbo?s tar factory along the River Gimån in Grötingen, in the county of Jämtland, Sweden. In accordance with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s Methods for Inventories of contaminated sites, MIFO, the site in Grötingen has been identified as a potentially contaminated site. In order to determine whether toxic substances pose a threat to human health and ecological systems in the area, there was a need to investigate the presence of contaminants, their levels and potential for migration.

Från soptipp till naturreservat : En studie av makt i Lövsta-Kyrkhamn-Riddersvik genom actor-network theory

This paper investigates, through an actor-network theory perspective, how the recreation area Lo?vsta-Kyrkhamn-Riddersvik northwest of Stockholm has developed from being a dumping site into becoming a nature reserve. This investigation also tries to describe and explain which values that have been promoted in the area by the local voluntary associations and companies. Lo?vsta-Kyrkhamn-Riddersvik has been inhabited for more than 3000 years, originally with farming as the most important business.

"Allt ska dokumenteras" : - en kvalitativ studie av den ökande dokumentationen inom svensk sjukvård

The main purpose of this essay is to study the role of documentation in Swedish health care today and the consequences of the augmentations in paper work that have taken place during the last couple of decades. The method used in this study is interviews with health care personnel.The following questions are treated:-       What kind of documentation has increased in Swedish health care?-       How is the patient/health care professionals affected?-       How is the work of the health care professionals affected?The conclusion of the essay is that the increasing amount of time spent on documentation that for much part has never been performed before, (such as risk analyses, statistics and writing much more thorough charts), has consequently left very little time for actual patient care. The research also showed that faith in health care professionals has significantly decreased and that one of the major reasons for increased documenting is the anticipation of and therefore Protection against potential complaints. Finally there seems to be a greater focus on being service-minded rather than on providing quality health care..

Lokalisering av vågkraftanläggningar : Metodutveckling med GIS och fallstudie Bohuskusten

In this thesis work a Geographical Information System (GIS) based methodology to identify locations suitable for the installation of wave energy converters has been developed. Parameters of importance have been identified and a GIS-database has been set up, containing data about the marine environment. In a case study of the Swedish west coast the methodology has been applied, resulting in a number of maps showing possible areas. The results show that large areas are suitable for installation of wave energy converters, from a technical and economical point of view. When consideration is taken to other interests in the area, such as navigation, fishing and environmental Protection, the size of the suitable area diminishes considerably.

Turkiet och Bosnien & Hercegovina : Stor och liten siktar mot stjärnorna

The purpose of this essay is to examine the approach of the EU towards the reform efforts of Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the countries ambitions for EU memberships. The question formulation of the essay is whether there is differences in Turkey?s and Bosnia and Herzegovina?s qualifications for an EU-membership from an EU perspective. In order to better answer the question, we use two part questions. One is about the criterias and qualifications that need to be met in order to get a membership.

Finn fem fel? Trovärdighetsbedömningar och rättssäkerhet inom den svenska asylprocessen

The purpose of this essay is to outline the aspects of the rule of law that can be applied to credibility assessment in the asylum procedure, and more specifically what factors influence the assessment of credibility in practice. To evaluate this procedure, a multidisciplinary method has been used. Secondary data has been collected from previous academic research and from legal documents such as the Swedish Aliens Act. Since the area of study lacks a reflection on how credibility issues are dealt with in practice, primary research in the form of qualitative interviews has been conducted.Key findings suggest that the Swedish asylum system does offer a fairly inclusive refugee law and rights Protection relating to the rule of law. However, the study also suggests that the decision maker's own subjectivity, lack of training relating to trauma and torture victims as well as a rigid system of regulations contribute to credibility assessments being arbitrary and discretionary, in violation of the rule of law..

Musik och ljudnivåer : En undersökning bland musiker och ljudtekniker om ljudnivåer, tinnitus och musikupplevelse

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur musiker ser på begrepp som ljudnivå, musikupplevelse och relationen mellan dessa. Underlaget för studien är sex intervjuer med musiker och ljudtekniker, med och utan hörselskador. Studien byggs på sex kvalitativa intervjuer och är avgränsad till att i första hand behandla detta inom musikstilar vilka är baserade på trummor och bas ? pop/rock, jazz/blues.Studiens resultat visar att parametrar som t.ex. genre, lokal, ljudteknik, ljudtekniker och arrangör har inverkan på det ljud och den ljudnivå som uppnås vid en konsert.Vidare redovisas respondenternas syn på relationen mellan ljudnivåer och musikupplevelse.

Hybriddrift i stridsfordon, fördelar och nackdelar

Petro-electric IFVs (Infantry fighting vehicles) or hybrid-IFV?s are not a new phenomenon. During the 1900?s Germany as well as the U.S both tested vehicles constructed with hybrid technology. In spite of several identified advantages, no serving hybrid-IFV exists today.

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