

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 17 av 44

Konstruktion av yttervägg med vakuumisoleringspanel

This paper is about the extent to which simplified penetration calculations ofsmall-caliber projectiles is a useful tool for assessing the physical Protectioncapability. The work should be seen as an attempt to create an accessible tool inthe form of a simplified equation that allows for a better and safer use of thenaval vessels. The tool will also be used at different levels so that decisions andinstructions could be clearer.Performed calculations show a very limited capacity of a ship's basic design interms of physical Protection against the use of small-caliber projectiles.How do we know that the calculations correct? By verifying the calculations withpractical shooting tests, a substantial condition to answer the question will becreated. To shoot against a material with two different thicknesses estimated toproduce perforation and non-perforation is a good approximation of the equationusability in the context..

Tillförlitlighet för automatiska sprinkleranläggningar - en analys av befintlig statistik

In this report statistics concerning the reliability of sprinkler systems from seven countries has been analysed. The objective of the report has been to determine the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden and to present suggestions on measures to increase the reliability. The main conclusion that has been drawn is that the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden is 92 percent according to the analysis of Swedish statistics, and that this figure finds support in statistics from other countries. Further results are that the quality of design, installation, maintenance and inspection of sprinkler has to be improved and that the Swedish incident report has to be revised..

Ett steg framåt, två steg bakåt? Direktiv 2005/29/EG:s effekt på det svenska konsumentskyddet inom marknadsrätten

På EU:s inre marknad ska fri rörlighet råda. Trots det tvekar konsumenter inför att handla över gränserna. Många konsumenter känner en osäkerhet inför andra länders lagar och oroas över att skyddet mot ohederliga näringsidkare inte är det samma som i deras eget land. Denna osäkerhet undergräver den inre marknaden. För att motverka denna osäkerhet har EU antagit direktiv 2005/29/EG om otillbörliga affärsmetoder.

Har antalet naturvärdesträd i Sverige förändrats mellan 1999-2009?

Forestry and forest products are vital components of the Swedish economy but the forest is also important for recreation, hunting, out-door life and conserving biodiversity. The Swedish Forest Act has two equally important objectives, production and environmental Protection. Polytax is the Swedish Forest Agency´s inventory programme which monitors progress toward the two objectives in connection with regeneration fellings. It includes data on environmental Protection measures taken in connection with regeneration fellings. 30 § of the Swedish Forestry Act and related regulations specify the demands for conserva-tion of nature.

Byggtekniska brister i ett radhusområde Förslag på lösningar vid ombyggnad

This paper is about the extent to which simplified penetration calculations ofsmall-caliber projectiles is a useful tool for assessing the physical Protectioncapability. The work should be seen as an attempt to create an accessible tool inthe form of a simplified equation that allows for a better and safer use of thenaval vessels. The tool will also be used at different levels so that decisions andinstructions could be clearer.Performed calculations show a very limited capacity of a ship's basic design interms of physical Protection against the use of small-caliber projectiles.How do we know that the calculations correct? By verifying the calculations withpractical shooting tests, a substantial condition to answer the question will becreated. To shoot against a material with two different thicknesses estimated toproduce perforation and non-perforation is a good approximation of the equationusability in the context..

Gimo bruksområde - inventering och riskklassning enligt MIFO fas 1 :

This master thesis encompasses an inventory of the older industrial community of Gimo. Investigations of the contamination situation for each industrial area were done. A risk classification according to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s ?Method of Surveying Contaminated Sites?, phase one, followed. The risk classification was done on areas of Iron Work, a rockwool industry and a landfill. Gimo have had iron manufacturing from 1615 until 1945. Gimo have had two blast-furnaces and two smithies periodically.

Produktkoncept: lekhjälm i vintermiljö : ett nytt produktsortiment

A Protection helmet for young people (3-7 years) in winter environment has been developed in this thesis. The result is a concept proposal for development at STIGA Sports AB in Eskilstuna. This thesis work has been performed during 20 weeks, for a Master of Science in Product and Process development at Mälardalen University Eskilstuna Sweden in September 2009 to January 2010. The helmet is shown as a CAD model with detailed solutions to the outer shell, interior and adjustability (in sizes 50-56 cm) which are the three focused areas in the development. Also a physical model in scale 1:1 has been developed and is shown in this thesis work.To achieve the best result possible the process started with an analysis of the market and the product.

Fönsterglas : vilka, var och varför?

På dagens fönsterglasmarknad har produkter med samma funktioner och utseende fått olika namn. Detta är förvirrande och gör det svårt för en person som ska beställa fönsterglas att jämföra olika tillverkares produkter med varandra. Rapporten är tänkt som en översikt på de olika fönsterglasen som finns på marknaden idag och även på sådant som kan bli aktuellt i framtiden. Den berör också sådant som kan vara av värde att veta vid användning av fönsterglas. Målgruppen är alla som kan tänkas ha intresse i ämnet - alltifrån hobbybyggaren till fackmän i byggbranschen.

Konstruktion av styrelektronik till testfixtur

The focus of this thesis is primarily in electronic construction and describes the design process for a microcontroller circuit board from concept development to prototyping. The client develops test fixtures for automated testing of products within the electronics industry and needs a new controller circuit for the test fixtures that can handle controls and basic testing. An investigation into the needs of such a system is conducted and a prototype printed circuit board assembly is manufactured.The prototype is developed with focus on Protection against electrostatic discharges and overvoltage. Among the functions that are included are voltage measurements, communication interfaces and control of input and output currents. Firmware for the prototype is developed and configured to communicate with a PC through USB interface for control and collecting of measurements..

Protection of Regional Values - A comparative study of EU and ASEAN

Regionalisation has become an increasingly important phenomenon in a globalized world. As models of regional integration, the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are two prominent examples. This thesis seeks to explore through a comparative analysis, the different mechanisms and institutions for handling breaches against fundamental values within the two regional organizations. Inter-linked with the issue of the legal-institutional framework is that of what values the mechanisms are designed to protect. The method used for the analysis is first and foremost that of public international and European law, but the thesis also attempts to give a broader picture of the issues presented.

Säkerheten i trådlösa nätverk

The number of wireless networks has increased rapidly among both home users and companies in just a few years. That has brought a lot of good things with it, for example the possibility to connect wireless equipment to the network or Internet from an arbitrary position within range of the accesspoint. But since the transmissions take place through the air some new security risks appear. It?s difficult to restrict the signals to a specific space and thereby a lot easier for unauthorized to eavesdrop or disturb the signals compared to a traditional wired network.

Industrilandskapet i Norrköping : Kunskaper, värden och väg till bevarande

This study focuses the development on the Protection of landscapes with old industries and how it nowadays is appreciated by the inhabitants. The overall aim of this study is to increase the knowledge about how the so called industrial landscape in Norrköping became a cultural heritage that the citizens want to protect. The study also aims to investigate the citizens´ knowledge about the industrial landscape in Norrköping, and what value they think that the place possesses. Data was collected by an information research and six qualitative interviews. The interviews where analysed by qualitative methods techniques.

Markägare i Stockholms län och deras inställning till biodiversitet och skydd av mark :

This report investigates what attitude private forest owners in the County of Stockholm, Sweden have towards biodiversity landconservation. Private landowners were asked to answer a questionnaire containing questions about there property and there attitude towards biodiversity. The results show that private landowners attitude towards biodiversity is affected by, amongst other things, the size of their property; a larger property have a more negative owner than a smaller property. A landowner that lives on his property has a more negative attitude towards biodiversity than a landowner that?s not living on his property.

På rätt sida om gränsen? : Om EU:s yttre gränskontroll, folkrättens räckvidd och skyddsbehövandes rätt till rättigheter

Idag befinner sig över 50 miljoner människor på flykt runt om i världen. De har behövt lämna sina hem till följd av väpnade konflikter, förföljelse eller andra grova människorättskränkningar. Flera av dem behöver få skydd i andra länder. Dock är det svårt för många att få det. Inte minst gäller det de skyddsbehövande som försöker finna en fristad inom EU.

Vem är ett barn? En kritisk idéanalys av Barnkonventionen

Nearly half of the worlds population is individuals under the age of eighteen. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child state in its first article that a child is ?every human being below the age of 18 years?. Our aim and purpose with this essay is to problemize this broad definition. Our hypothesis is that the definition brought by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is too wide and therefore brings difficulties when children of different ages beneath eighteen should and shall be treated the same.

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