

653 Uppsatser om Protection - Sida 15 av 44

Avlivning av sällskapsdjur, utförd av annan än veterinär : ett djurskyddsproblem?

We know that more than 2/3 of insured dogs in Sweden are put to death by a veterinarian, which means that almost one third are killed in trauma, lost or die in some other way. An unknown number of these are killed by their owner with no veterinarian involved. This graduate thesis contains a specification of the laws that control euthanasia of dogs and cats in Sweden, and the veterinary medical basics on how to perform euthanasia. The objective is also to give understanding on how pet owners choose to put their animal to death and why, and to discuss whether that is an animal welfare problem. It is legal to kill dogs and cats by shooting, using a sporting gun, provided that it is done according to laws and regulations.

Växtinventering och skötselåtgärder : en studie av Rektorsgårdens trädgård i Uppsala

The Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) causes bronchiolitis and interstitial pneumonia, predominantly in calves, and is a major cause of bovine respiratory disease worldwide. In humans, BRSV is paralleled by the closely related Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV), an important cause of respiratory disease, most severe in infants.The clinical signs and pathology during RSV infection is caused, not only by the direct effects of viral replication, but also by the response of the host immune system. The immunopathology of RSV has long obfuscated our understanding of the disease, and development of effective treatment and vaccines will be very difficult until greater knowledge is gained.One of the components of the immune system that has come into focus in RSV research the last few years, is the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). The TLR4 receptor is well known as the receptor that binds lipopolysaccaride (LPS), and initiates the host response to bacterial infection. Recently, it has been shown that the fusion protein of RSV also interacts with, and up-regulates the expression of, the TLR4 receptor.

DRM - utveckling, konflikter och framtid : konsumenters reaktioner på och företags användande av DRM

With the digital revolution within video games, the need for Digital Rights Management (DRM) has increased significantly, alongside with the increasing problem of copyright pirates. To counter pirates, DRM was created to prevent illegal copying of software, this to ensure that the Distributors received an income for their work. DRM has, since the start of its use, been getting, a lot of bad criticism from the users of the software protected by DRM. The main function of this paper is to describe the creation and development of DRM by analysis of the vision of different groups on this phenomenon. The main questions are as follows, is it possible to define the very reason for why DRM was created and if so, can its development through time be defined too? What differences in opinions are there when it comes to DRM, counting the two major groups of creators, sellers, distributors (referred to as distributors) versus individual users (referred to as consumers)? In what way will the research results suggest that the future DRM will develop?The development has gone from solving puzzles in a handbook to start the game each time the user wants to play, to serial numbers that is needed during the installation of the game.

Säkerhetsarbete inom ungdomsvård - ett underlag till förbättring av samverkan

The aim of this project is to study the work that has been done by the youth welfare to prevent accidents and to increase the preparedness in case of fire. Further the aim is to develop a basis to improve the interaction between the fire services and the youth welfare. The conclusions that were made during the project can be used to increase the safety of the environment that estates by the youth welfare..

Development of a real-time RT-PCR for quantification of bovine TLR4 mRNA and evaluation of its use during a BRSV vaccine challenge

The Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) causes bronchiolitis and interstitial pneumonia, predominantly in calves, and is a major cause of bovine respiratory disease worldwide. In humans, BRSV is paralleled by the closely related Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV), an important cause of respiratory disease, most severe in infants.The clinical signs and pathology during RSV infection is caused, not only by the direct effects of viral replication, but also by the response of the host immune system. The immunopathology of RSV has long obfuscated our understanding of the disease, and development of effective treatment and vaccines will be very difficult until greater knowledge is gained.One of the components of the immune system that has come into focus in RSV research the last few years, is the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). The TLR4 receptor is well known as the receptor that binds lipopolysaccaride (LPS), and initiates the host response to bacterial infection. Recently, it has been shown that the fusion protein of RSV also interacts with, and up-regulates the expression of, the TLR4 receptor.

Strålskydd :

This paper describes how radiation affects the body, the somatic and genetic effect that can occure in exposure of ionizing radiation and how to protect yourself against it. How radiation affects the cells and why you can get cancer if you get exposed of a large amount of radiation is mentioned. Research after a threshold is mentioned and what Sweden does today to improve the radiation Protection by laws and regulations. Explaining the atom, what radiation is and how the ionizing radation interacts with the atom. How backscatter affect the picture and the workers and how to protect yourself from backscatter is mentioned. Radiation doses, dosimetry and rules for those who practise radiation is shortly described..

Riskanalys av farligtgodsled i Kalmar - Rekommendationer med avseende på detaljplan Södra vägen

This report contains a risk analysis of transportation of dangerous goods in Kalmar. The analysis is based on quantitative data and an evaluation of the risks based on both the probability of occurring accidents as well as the consequences of those. The risks are presented as both individual and societal risks..

Software keystroke logging : Automatisering av skydd mot software keystroke logging

This piece of work develops a solution that automates Protection against software keystroke loggers. Keystroke loggers can be used illegally to register a user's keystrokes and in that way acquire sensitive information. The solution was tested on two different networks and the efficiency was measured. The network represents an enterprise network that uses the operating system Windows along with the directory service Active Directory. A script was developed to solve the automation matter.

Minoritetsproblem i Östeuropa : EU:s relation till Slovakien

The aim of this thesis is to study the situation of minorities in Slovakia before and after the EU-membership and if EU has played a role in the situation. Also the criteria for becoming a member and other treaties regarding Protection of minorities between European institutions and the accession/member states are studied. With the help of i.e. literature, relevant internet pages and yearly studies of EU, the conclusion has been made that Slovakia has made an immense change in the state?s legislation when it comes to minorities and their fundamental rights, but that changes need to be made in attitudes as well.

Tillämpning av naturvårdsavtal :

Nature conservation agreement (NCA) is a way to voluntarily protect and manage nature for limited time-periods. The agreement is settled between the government and a landowner. All public authorities can represent the government but it is only the Swedish Forest Administration who does that regularly (because it is the only authority with economic resources for that purpose). Therefore, NCAs are almost only used to protect forested nature. The government agencies have experienced NCAs for about ten years and it is now time to examine how they are applied in the forests. This study is based on a computerized questionnaire to the persons responsible for the LEKO-projekt.

Upphovsrätt och mönsterrätt för industriell design inom EU : hur ett icke-harmoniserat område utnyttjas i kommersiella syften

A group of companies that only recently has caught the attention of Swedish designers, enterprises and media are the so -called "furniture pirates". In Sweden it?s mainly two companies that have ended up in the spotlight. The online stores Ikon M and Designers Revolt are two companies which currently sell replicas of famous Swedish and foreign designers. Although the designs sold are copyright protected in Sweden, and most other European countries, the right holders can only stand by and watch as more or less exact copies are sold for a fraction of the price of the originals.The business model - to exploit the EU?s free movement of goods and the UK's short term of copyright Protection in matter of mass-produced art (industrial design) - has proven successful for the companies that practice it.

Om jämkning av utfyllande lagregler : En analys av skälen bakom Högsta domstolens breda tolkning av 36 § avtalslagen i NJA 2011 s. 67

A group of companies that only recently has caught the attention of Swedish designers, enterprises and media are the so -called "furniture pirates". In Sweden it?s mainly two companies that have ended up in the spotlight. The online stores Ikon M and Designers Revolt are two companies which currently sell replicas of famous Swedish and foreign designers. Although the designs sold are copyright protected in Sweden, and most other European countries, the right holders can only stand by and watch as more or less exact copies are sold for a fraction of the price of the originals.The business model - to exploit the EU?s free movement of goods and the UK's short term of copyright Protection in matter of mass-produced art (industrial design) - has proven successful for the companies that practice it.

Kartläggning av markberedning i svår terräng på SCA Skog

Due to the requirement for reduced use of insecticides and the lack of competitive mechanical plant Protection, you need a scarification with good result. This is often no problem to perform in normal terrain without technical barriers. However, in difficult terrain with large number of rocks and steep slopes, the result would be worse. The purpose of the study is, that in these areas with difficult terrain, to find out the scarified areas quality, describe the non-scarified areas conditions and find out where the limit is for the use of a traditional disc trencher. Findings indicate that there are usually not the machine that is the limit, but the driver of this.

Maskinskydd på rullriktverk

ESAB is a world leader in production of welding consumables and equipment. The company manufactures, among other things, welding electrodes. A roller straightening unit is used in the cutting process to straighten the wire, which the welding electrode consists of, by adjusting some of the rollers during operation. According to ESAB?s standard and the European machinery directives, moving parts of machinery, such as rollers of the roller straightening unit, must be out of the operator?s reach.

DDoS-skydd för hemanvändare : En studie kring DDoS

Att försörja sig som streamingpersonlighet på Internet är något som vuxit explosionsartatpå senare tid. Detta leder också till att man blir ett tydligt mål för attacker. Detta arbetehar belyst den problematik som DDoS-attacker skapar när de riktas mot hemanvändare.Olika lösningar på detta problem gås igenom och analyseras. Tester har utförts för attbelysa enkelheten i attacken samt hur den påverkar hemanvändares hårdvara. Testernahar resulterat i att VPN är en kompetent lösning men innehåller även nackdelar..

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