

633 Uppsatser om Prostitution laws - Sida 42 av 43

Individuell och jämställd lönesättning

Föreliggande uppsats behandlar lönesättning på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Lönesättningen i Sverige är inte i vidare utsträckning reglerad i lag. Grunden för lönesättningen är att det råder avtalsfrihet och att det är upp till arbetsmarknadens parter att genom kollektivavtal reglera området. Kollektivavtalen innehåller olika typer av reglering avseende arbetsgivarens lönesättning, exempelvis anges ofta minimilöner samt utrymme för lönehöjningar vid lönerevision. Avtalen innehåller dessutom oftast lönesättningsprinciper för hur löneutrymmet ska fördelas mellan enskilda arbetstagare.

Ha?llbar sockerro?rsodling fo?r etanolframsta?llning i Brasilien : Hur slagkraftig a?r dagens ha?llbarhetscertifiering och kan den fo?ra?ndra mark- och vattenpa?verkan fra?n odlingarna?

Climate changes today are mainly caused by anthropogenic activities and the increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and this has raised questions on how to reduce the usage of fossil fuels. Ethanol is a good alternative to conventional gas and has been used in Brazil since the 1970 ?s. In Sweden several newspapers has written about the poor working conditions on many farms thus making the Swedish company SEKAB design a certification for their ethanol to ensure that it can be considered to be a sustainable alternative.Furthermore WWF has developed a certification tool called Bonsucro in cooperation with Coca Cola, Ferrero group, BP and Shell. This is due to the fact that no global certification tool has been available up until now.

Integration genom fysisk planering : Ungdomars inflytande i byggprocessen

We live in a time where the influence of citizens is taking a larger role in the spatial planning. The Swedish laws, such as PBL, deals with matters of citizen participation which advocates that the youth should be included in the consultation circuit, but there is no directive given.  The report's purpose is to demonstrate methods for how to get the young people's influence included in the spatial planning, with a main focus on the ages between 13 and 21. On the base of literature and two case studies, the goal is to illustrate how to integrate young people through a meeting place in Jonkoping, Sweden. The report is structured along with an analysis based on the literature, two case studies from previous projects and discussions/interviews with young people from four selected areas in Jonkoping.  The case studies from Malmo and Gothenburg show how the cooperation between different participants can be organized during the planning and how to give the users a greater involvement. Based on literature and case studies, we carried out a field analysis of the four most segregated areas of Jonkoping; Osterangen, Oxnehaga, Ekhagen and Raslatt.

Björnkram eller björntjänst? Möjligheter för personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder att känna och uttrycka inflytande i insatser med avsikt att bidra till deras delaktighet i samhället.

In Sweden there are laws and recommendations from The National Board of Health and Welfare about the importance of a user's involvement in and possibility of influencing services directed at them. Even with such good intentions the same board reports that it is hard to know if people experience that they do. The purpose of my study was to examine how professionals can use their knowledge to help users increase their sense of influence in services that they use. My focus has been on adults with neuropsychiatric disabilities within the autistic spectra, such as Asperger syndrome, and on the professionals working with them. The specific problem among people with neuropsychiatric disabilities is a lack of social skills.

Svensk livsmedelsexport : hur upplever svenska livsmedelföretag exportmarknaden?

The food industry is an important part of the Swedish economy, It is the fourth largest industry in Sweden in terms of number of employees and production value. Due to the increasing globalization, the Swedish food industry faces new conditions and challenges. Through the Swedish membership in the European Union in 1995 a whole new era of competition began for the Swedish agriculture and food industry. Markets that previously were closed now opened. In retrospect, it should be noted that the Swedish food industry managed well.

Vilka faktorer påverkar ett mjölkföretags tillväxt? : en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Danmark

Dairy farms have during a long time been under pressure and this situation was aggravated during the spring and summer of 2009, when profitability declined to historically low levels. Lower milk price and relatively high input prices have caused Swedish dairy farms great liquidity concerns and profitability problems. For a long time, Denmark has been identified as a leading country for the agrarian development with a leading structural rationalization and willingness to grow. In 2009, it was shown that the Danish agriculture, which is generally more leveraged, has difficulties in maintaining profitability and when market price of land started to fall, the proportion of technically insolvent agricultural enterprises rose dramatically. In light of this prevailing situation, this study highlights differences between Denmark and Sweden with the hope to learn from each other.

KR?PTA : spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg

Trough the analyses of three young contemporary Swedish and Norwegian poets, who all in one way or another work with the language as material, I will circulate around the term language materialism. Each poet has his or her specific distinctive feature wich makes them three completely different poets. But they are all challenging the borders of literature and even the grammatical laws of language. Apart from the analyses I sketch an historical line between the predecessors of the experiments with the poetic language in the past, starting with Mallarmé, and the experiments of today. My essay will in conclusion discuss the language poetry in a wider philosophical point of view, connected to Derrida and Wittgenstein.The first analysis introduces the author and artist Johannes Heldén through his debute poetry collection Burner.

Is Home State Taxation a step forward for SMEs? An SME?s ability for growth and integration in the EU after the HST tax reform

Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) within the European Union are currently facing many challenges one being access to financing due to high risk and probability of default, another being cross-border taxation issues with double taxation and information asymmetry. Since the aim within the EU is to be the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world with sustainable economic growth and social cohesion it is essential that the EU operates as a single market. Despite this need, harmonization continues to be far from achieved in the area of direct taxation which also affects the integration and growth opportunities for SMEs. In the Agenda for Entrepreneurship, the Home State Taxation regime, which is based on formula apportionment, has been proposed by the Commission as one option in order to mutually recognize the different Member States? taxation systems to facilitate cross-border activities and reduce ?red-tape?.

Möjligheter att öka effektiviteten och det ekonomiska utfallet av barkhanteringen vid Seskarö sågverk :

The sludgebark and to a certain extent the bark were until a decade ago waste products without any economic value that were thrown away. A number of environmental laws and increcing energy prices have improved the prerequisites for increasing the use of these materials. At Seskarö sawmill they burn the sludgebark and a great deal of the bark in the sawmill furnace. The sludgebark has a number of disadvantages compared to bark during burning. The sludgebark is often wet which means the energy net from burning often gets low.

Contemporary Challenges of Public Pension Systems and Their Effects on Pension Reform Choices in European and Candidate countries

The process of European Integration and creation of the single market revealed many questions and boundaries on the development and improvement of the European Social Policy. Pension?s sustainability has become the priority issue especially during the EU enlargement processes. Different policy instruments and institutions available to governments of Member States in realization of social objectives resulted in a growing diversity of pension polices which produced different combinations of public and private provisions - ?private-public hybrids? , with the state exercising different degrees of influence in their development.

?En vingklippt ängel? : om problemen vid tolkningen och tillämpningen av bestämmelsen om människohandel i 4 kap. 1 a § brottsbalken samt förslag på hur bestämmelsen bör revideras

I denna examensuppsats har jag granskat bestämmelsen om människohandel i 4 kap. 1 a § brottsbalken (1962:700) (BrB) samt undersökt vilket eller vilka rekvisit i lag­stift­ning­en som medför särskilda pro­blem för dess tolkning och tillämpning. Syftet med upp­satsen har varit att presentera förslag på hur problemen kan lösas genom att ta fram ett lag­förslag med de ändringar som jag anser är nöd­vän­di­ga för att få en mer lättil­lämpad lag­­stiftning. Syftet har även varit att undersöka hur dessa än­dring­ar bör göras för att säker­ställa att bestämmelsen överensstämmer med de ända­mål som Sverige åta­git genom ett antal inter­natio­n­ella instrument. Lagförslaget presenteras i en bilaga nedan (Bilaga A).Utifrån det ovan beskrivna syftet är uppsatsen upplägg enligt följande.

Asfaltsvägen kom till Pajala. : Framtidens intåg i Populärmusik från Vittula.

Followers of three world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are waiting for the Messiah. Muslims are even waiting for aspiritual leader al-Mahdi. Two different persons claimed the title of al-Mahdi, at the end of the nineteenth century. Theyappeared almost at the same time, at the totally different places of the earth, with a completely different message and underthe rule of the British colonial power. The aim of the study is to compare the both religious figures, Mirza Ghulam Ahmadfrom India and Muhammad Ahmad from Sudan regarding their different messages, to illustrate the social, political andreligious factors that lead to the entirely different profile and image of these two men and how their organizations havedeveloped after their death up till today.

Al-Mahdi - Gestalt och budskap : En litteraturstudie jämförande sudanesisk Mahdi och indisk Mahdi inom islam

Followers of three world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are waiting for the Messiah. Muslims are even waiting for aspiritual leader al-Mahdi. Two different persons claimed the title of al-Mahdi, at the end of the nineteenth century. Theyappeared almost at the same time, at the totally different places of the earth, with a completely different message and underthe rule of the British colonial power. The aim of the study is to compare the both religious figures, Mirza Ghulam Ahmadfrom India and Muhammad Ahmad from Sudan regarding their different messages, to illustrate the social, political andreligious factors that lead to the entirely different profile and image of these two men and how their organizations havedeveloped after their death up till today.

Tillväxt i medelstora byggföretag En kvalitativ och kvantitativ undersökning för perioden 2009-2012

Unga är inte lika väletablerade på bostadsmarknaden som de var förr. Detta på grund av den långsamma byggtakten i storstadsregionerna, vilket också har lett till att en renoveringsvåg sköljt genom Sverige och således gjort även det äldre bostadsbeståndet dyrt och svåråtkomligt. Syftet med arbete är att undersöka de kvaliteter som finns i att bygga yteffektivt. Detta som en del till att öka möjligheterna för ungas etablering på bostadsmarknaden. För att besvara arbetets syfte delas det in i tre delsyften.

Ungdomsbostäder. En kvalitetsundersökning av kompakta bostäder

Unga är inte lika väletablerade på bostadsmarknaden som de var förr. Detta på grund av den långsamma byggtakten i storstadsregionerna, vilket också har lett till att en renoveringsvåg sköljt genom Sverige och således gjort även det äldre bostadsbeståndet dyrt och svåråtkomligt. Syftet med arbete är att undersöka de kvaliteter som finns i att bygga yteffektivt. Detta som en del till att öka möjligheterna för ungas etablering på bostadsmarknaden. För att besvara arbetets syfte delas det in i tre delsyften.

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