279 Uppsatser om Propensity score matching - Sida 10 av 19
Industrialisering av konsumentprodukt : Från inkommande material till färdigvarulager
This report examines the industrialization of a newly developed household machine on behalf of Technogarden Engineering Resources in Karlstad, Sweden. The report is a part of the final course in the Bachelor Program in Mechanical Engineering at Karlstad University and takes place in spring 2014.An innovator, an investor and a engineering consultant firm have through collaboration developed a new type of gruel machine. The product is in its final stage of construction and is planned to be manufactured in a production located in Sweden, autumn of 2014.To compete against today?s trend in outsourcing manufacturing to low cost countries for better profitability, the industrialization of the gruel machine must be done with a minimum amount of resources in order to become successful, which also describes the problem of this study. Using pre-study material in form of Lean production literature, visiting a successful production site and gathering data from involved engineers a specification was developed which describes what this industrialization must achieve and which requests can be accomplished.
Det finns bara en av dig och det är du? : -personliga varumärken som ansökningsstrategi-
The climate at the labour-market in Sweden today means that students who have recently passed their examinations find it quite difficult to find work. The competetiveness calls for a strategy to find advantages in the employment process. The strategy explored in this thesis is called personal branding. We believe that by building a strong personal brand you can increase the possibilities to influence the decisions of those responsible for recruitments in our society. The question we ask ourselves in this essay is how to build a personal brand with the power to give students a competetive advantage in the employment process.
Predation som selektiv kraft bakom differentiering av populationer av sötvattensgråsugga, Asellus aquaticus
Predation is a strong dective force on invertebrate prey. Asellus aquaticus differs in pigmentation reed and submerged vegetation habitats in lakes. Light pigmented individuals al vegetation dominated by Chara sp. while dark pigmented individuals dominate in the reeds. These differences have been hypothesized to result from background matching.
Tillfredsställelse på arbetet och spänningssökande som en effekt av uppväxten? : Sambandet mellan arbetstillfredsställelse, syskonplacering och spänningssökande
ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction, birth order and sensation seeking. The sample consisted of 179 jobholders in four different organizations in southern Sweden, with an average age of 44 years (SD = 12,12). A questionnaire consisting of three parts was used to map out and measure the participants? family background, birth order, job satisfaction and sensation seeking. The study showed no significant relationship between birth order and job satisfaction (p = 0,127).
Kreditbedömningar och Data Warehouse : En studie om riktlinjer för insamling, transformering och inladdning av kreditbedömningsinformation i Data Warehouse
Studien har handlat om att ta fram riktlinjer för hur extrahering, transformering och inladdning (ETL) av kreditbedömningsinformation bör göras när det kommer till att införa ett Data Warehouse (DW). Ett kvalitativt angreppssätt har använts med både en fallstudie och en intervjustudie, där fallstudien genomfördes med Asitis AB som är en systemleverantör förfinans- och reskontrafinansiering (factoring) för att undersöka potentiella affärsmöjligheter med ett DW med kreditbedömningsinformation. Intervjustudien användes för att samla in värdefull information från individer inom alla berörda problemområden, och användes sedan i fallstudien. Resultatet var både framgångsfaktorer och fallgropar för ETL-processen med kreditbedömningsinformation som kan fungera som stöd för organisationer med detta behov. Det har visat sig att ETL-processen för kreditbedömningsinformation utgör ett område med stor potential för affärsmöjligheter, där det krävs hög kompetens, domänkunskap, proaktivitet och juridisk kunskap vid genomförande av ETL-processen..
Kan nutritionsbehandling bidra till läk-ning av trycksår bland äldre patienter?
Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionTitle: Can nutritional support contribute to the healing of pressure ulcers in elderly patients?Author: Anton Kinnander, Sandra SmidelikSupervisor: Elisabet RothenbergExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 12-04-11Background The number of elderly patients with co-morbidity is increasing in the western world. It is therefore reasonable to predict increasing incidence and prevalence of pressure ulcers. One study, published 2009, found that as many as 59 % of geriatric patients within the Swedish health care system had developed pressure ulcers. Symptoms vary from mild erythema to severe deep tissue damage and development of pressure varies from hours to weeks.
Den mångtydiga notbilden : Klingande gestaltning av pianostycken i romantisk stil utifrån instuderingar med reducerade notbilder
ENGLISH SUMMARYTitle:The ambiguous scorePresenting romantic piano pieces from simplified scoresIn this essay, I have investigated if different types of simplified scores ? scores whose musical structure are clearer compared to the original ? can stimulate a more artistic interpretation as well as a more linear understanding of the piece. My analysis also investigates what kind of impact these kinds of scores have on memorization.The music is derived from the romantic piano repertoire and the subjects are six university-level music students. Half of them were placed in a reference group, and only received the original scores, while the others also received the altered versions. I used both reduced scores where notes were removed in order to emphasize the linear structure and scores where the pitch notation was the same as in the original , but the notes were grouped differently.The result indicates that those having access to multiple versions had a positive impact on the musical interpretation.
Dubbelbeskattningsavtal mellan Sverige och Afrika : En rättslig analys om varför Sverige bör ingå skatteavtal med afrikanska stater - särskilt fokus på Sveriges skatteavtal med Sydafrika, Nigeria och Tunisien.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om och varför Sverige bör ingå skatteavtal med afrikanska utvecklingsländer. Sverige är medlem i OECD och har en lång tradition av skatteavtal framför allt gentemot andra industrialiserade länder. Afrikanska utvecklingsländer däremot har inte ett lika utvecklat skattesystem eller konkurrenskraftigt skatteavtalsnät och har andra förutsättningar än Sverige på den globala marknaden. Frågan om varför skatteavtal behövs mellan Sverige och afrikanska u-länder ska belysas genom dessa två vitt skilda perspektiv och utgångspunkter. Jag ifrågasätter även vilka incitament afrikanska stater har för att ingå skatteavtal med Sverige.
Skogsbrandens påverkan på död ved :
Fire is an important ecological factor, but its consumption of coarse woody debris, CWD, has hardly received any attention. In this study, I investigate the consumption in relation to the time of initial flame exposure and propensity for continued combustion of standing CWD of pine (Pinus sylvestris).
Two types of CWD were studied. Firstly, wood that had been dead for one to ten years. Secondly, wood that had been dead for several decades. In the burning experiments, logs of approx.
Detection of interesting areas in images by using convexity and rotational symmetries
There are several methods avaliable to find areas of interest, but most fail at detecting such areas in cluttered scenes. In this paper two methods will be presented and tested in a qualitative perspective. The first is the darg operator, which is used to detect three dimensional convex or concave objects by calculating the derivative of the argument of the gradient in one direction of four rotated versions. The four versions are thereafter added together in their original orientation. A multi scale version is recommended to avoid the problem that the standard deviation of the Gaussians, combined with the derivatives, controls the scale of the object, which is detected.
Värderingsskillnader mellan amerikanska och svenska bioteknikbolag
Background: Companies with a high level of research, such as biotech companies, rarely generates any profit in the begining. Mostly their history is short and their pipelines usually consists of one or a few products only. Significant for the line of business is also a future very uncertain, where relevant objects of comparison are few. Altogether the facts above makes valuation of Biotech companies difficult. Swedish Biotech companies, compared to their american competitors, seem to be of relatively low value.
Nollavräkning av entreprenadprojekt: Teoretisk grund och praktisk betydelse
The purpose of this study is to investigate the method called zero recognition that is used in accounting for construction contracts when the outcome is uncertain. When this is the case it is hard to make the necessary estimates needed for the percentage of completion method to be used. Both the meaning of the method from an accounting perspective and the practical importance and purpose of the method is investigated. The method used for this study is the qualitative one and the deductive model is used to relate the theory with the empirical research. The theoretical background consists of accounting theory and theories about individuals, companies and markets.
Vilken effekt har varsel på aktiekursen? : En studie av svenska aktiemarknadens respons på proaktiva och reaktiva varsel.
Syftet med vår uppsats är att från ett kortsiktigt perspektiv undersöka hur proaktiva respektive reaktiva varsel påverkar svenska företagsaktiekurser. Vi utför en eventstudie där vi studerar aktiekursvängningarna utifrån en sjudagarsperiod omkring varslen, dagarna för sig men även dagarna ackumulerade. Urvalet är företag från Stockholmsbörsen som har varslat om uppsägning mellan 2006-01-01 till 2009-12-31. För att avgöra om det är ett proaktivt eller reaktivt varsel undersöker vi anledningarna till varslen och om det är några tveksamheter använder vi oss av Z-Score. Resultatet för proaktiva varsel visar en tendens till uppgång, dock är inte resultatet signifikant.
E-handels vara eller inte vara : En kvalitativ studie av svenska företags e-handelsverksamhet.
One of the biggest changes which have affected businesses during the last ten years is the accelerating speed at which Internet technology and e-commerce has developed. If Internet earlier was used in the purpose to entertain it is now accepted as an essential business tool and companies are investing more of its resources in e-commerce activities. Everyone ?has to be on the net? today but that implies a challenge in matching e-solutions to the company?s business goals. It is necessary to have clear goals, carry out research and plan a strategy in order to operate an optimal e-commerce website for the company?s needs.The purpose with this dissertation was to see how well companies adjust to new demands in the rapidly changing e-environment.
Bibliotekariers och ungdomars bild av sociala medier En kvalitativ studie av bilden av sociala medier hos bibliotekarier och ungdomar, och hur man kan förbättra bibliotekarieprofessionens förmåga att förmedla sig själv inom ett digitalt rum
Social media have become a bigger and bigger aspect of daily life for many ages and especially within the youth culture growing from digital interactions. At the same time libraries seems eager to use this medium to reach out to the youth to inform and to educate. But do we know enough about how these two groups? views each other to be effective at this work? And is it even something that is wanted? What?s the image of social media from their point of view?The goal of this study is to investigate the image of social media from the point of view of two groups, librarians and youth. The study is based on a qualitative approach with a random selection of candidates.