

784 Uppsatser om Profit-sharing schemes - Sida 35 av 53

Rattfylleri : Varför kör alkoholister rattfulla?

This essay is about the consequences of alcohol and driving. The topic was chosen because of all the accidents that have taken place during the last couple of years, where the drivers have been under the influence of alcohol. A number of these accidents have had severe consequences, and in some cases the outcome has been deadly. The author has interviewed members of Länkarna; a non-profit organisation that helps people with alcohol related problems.The purpose of writing this essay was to find a reason why alcoholics drive while being intoxicated. Is there really a reason? It is important to look at this because a drunk driver is hazardous to himself and to other drivers.

Vänner eller fiender? : En språkvetenskaplig studie av en idéburen organisations positionering genom pressmeddelanden

I denna uppsats presenteras en textanalytisk studie av ett urval pressmeddelanden från organisationen Djurens Rätt. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur Djurens Rätt positionerar sig bland de deltagare som beskrivs i deras pressmeddelanden. Djurens Rätt är en ideell och idéburen organisation vilket gör det intressant att undersöka hur dessa förhåller sig till andra aktörer i samhället i sina pressmeddelanden. Studien ut-går teoretiskt och metodologiskt främst från den systemisk-funktionella grammati-ken med fokus på det ideationella och erfarenhetsmässiga. Utöver detta är även positioneringsbegreppet och Greimas aktantmodell centrala för studien.

Kartläggning av Kassationerpå Bubs Godis

The waste of material is a big expense for manufacture companies caused by lack of quality. The cost by lack of quality often totaled to a big percentage share of the turnover when all cost related to lack of quality is included. New manufacturing systems like Lean production or Just In Time demands better internal quality for the manufacturer. To make those manufacturing system with small and none buffer stock successful the quality improvement continuously have to be developed.Measuring of waste of material in Bubs Candy?s factory where not simple due to the products does not have a permanent weight during the manufacturing process.

? ? då lever man i två världar på något sätt ??: Om några vuxna kvinnliga läsares upplevelser av ?en bra bok?

This Master?s thesis provides insights into adult women?s fictional reading within the conceptual phrase ?a good book?. Eight qualitative and semi-structured interviews were performed in order to examine the nature of response and perceived benefits. The collected data were analyzed by Louise M. Rosenblatt?s reception-oriented transactional theory of reading and the cognitive psychology-based model of reading developed within the joint Nordic project SKRIN.

Regeringens transportinfrastruktursatsningar : En studie av tågtrafikens utrymme i regeringsanslagen för transportsektorn

In the government's bill on infrastructure for 2010-2021, the government presents that road investments should be prioritized before investments in the railway. The grants for operation and maintenance of the railways are much higher then in the last government's bill. Furthermore the current founding of investment in railways is higher then for road investment which is in opposite of the bill on infrastructure's directives. Therefore the purpose with my thesis is to find which factors that can explain how come the government has chosen to take these actions. As a model to help me achieve my purpose I have been using a modified version of the DBO-theory, where the basic factors to explain an action is Desire, Belief and Opportunities.

Social samvaro i sociala medier : En studie om digitalt utanförskap hos äldre

This study focuses on trying to understand the attitudes of people born in the 1940?s concerning their view on social media. This 1940?s group has been growing on the social networks such as Facebook, but their usage is not active. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to understand in what way they are affected by the using of these platforms.

Att komma ikapp : notläsning för pianister

EU law is superior to Swedish domestic law, and it is on Sweden's responsibility to implement the COJ judgments so that it becomes compatible with EU law. The advantage of the Union being superior is the internal market given the member states.However, problems arise when the Swedish legislature goes further in its interpretation of EU law. Restrictions can be imposed but it must be considered to be strongly motivated so the restriction outweighs the need to maintain the freedoms granted by EU law. In Cadbury Schweppes, the court states that restrictions on freedom of establishment may be done to counter artificial arrangements whose sole purpose is to evade the national tax. Its further stated that an artificial arrangement does not exist in those cases there is a real business, even through the establishment in the low-taxing country is economically justified. The Swedish CFC rules states that the general rule is that if an establishment in a country within the EEA, which have lower corporate tax than 55% of the Swedish tax, the shareholder of this company is taxed on its current share in Sweden. The outcome of Cadbury Schweppes has not been made into a general rule, it became the exception. In addition to that in Sweden it is presumed that the company is an artificial arrangement that expressly are prohibited by the EUD, as well been implemented to supplement the rule, where the Swedish legislature changes the meaning of the term granted by the appeal. The Swedish legislature has amended the original economically motivated establishment, to be commercially motivated. The term is undefined, but applicable elsewhere in the Incometaxlaw and from this one can find that, for an establishment to be considered as commercially motivated the decisions to establish should be taken to promote normal profit-making enterprises based upon commercially motivated decisions..

Facebookförvaltning : En kvalitativ studie av tre Värmländska kommuners användning av sociala medier i e- förvaltningen

With the rise of the internet especially and information- and communication technology in general, the opportunities for fast and effective communication and sharing of information have proliferated. In relation to the new technologies, the citizens? demands on organizations? communicative efforts have increased. Today?s citizens have high standards regarding transparency, the opportunity to dialogue and have hopes to influence the public sector.

Utvärdering av mjukvara inom processindustrin

This study is an evaluation of the runtime watch function in a OEE software, knownas ProTAK. OEE stands for Overall Equipment Effectiveness, it?s a way to measurethe factories process efficiency. The runtimewatch function allows the user to setup and monitor certain critical objects that are of importance for the pulp and paper process at the mill. The data from the runtimewatch can be correlated towards the suppliers specification for the components.

Tyst yrkeskunnande på Negotium : - En kvalitativ fallstudie av ett konsultföretag

Denna studie syftar till att inom fältet knowledge management, samt ur ett situerat lärandeperspektiv, skapa en ökad förståelse för hur medarbetares tysta yrkeskunnande synliggörs, delas, integreras och reproduceras i organisationen. För att möjliggöra undersökandet av detta syfte har tre frågeställningar definierats;I vilka situationer synliggörs tyst yrkeskunnande?Hur delas tyst yrkeskunnande?Vilken roll spelar organisationskulturen för delande av tyst yrkeskunnande?Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer på det undersökta fallföretaget. Resultatet från intervjuerna har analyserats med utgångspunkt i Säljös (2005) situerade lärandeperspektiv, Alvesson & Kärremans (2001) modell Four Knowledge Management Approaches samt Nonaka & Takeuchis (1995) SECI-modell. Studiens resultat visar att det förekommer tyst yrkeskunnande i verksamheten och att detta kunnande i stor utsträckning handlar om organisationskännedom, relationsmässiga kunnanden samt identifiering med förebilder.

Native Advertising - En Ulv i Fårakläder

Along with the increasing trend of online advertising comes an increasing avoidance behaviour from the observers. The marketing communication now requires a valuable content, which leads to the creation of new online advertising forms; including content marketing, advertorials, online ads and the latest rising star - Native Advertising. The last-mentioned also constitutes the basis and object of study for this paper. The purpose of this study is to shed light into this relatively unexplored topic and concretize the true effects. There are many examples of how Native Advertising is framed and implemented, but little hard facts and real figures.

Personlig lämplighet : Värderingsgrund vid rekrytering

Commercial expropriation occurs when real property is compulsory acquired by a private operator. This phenomenon is relatively new and has been criticized not only because of the rules concerning compensation, but also from the point of view of permissibility.An intervention in the protection of property must fulfill the requirement of important public interest set out in RF 2 kap. 15 § in order for it to be allowed. There is no definition regarding what constitutes an important public interest, the only thing that exist is a non-exhaustive list in the preparatory work. This in turn has led to the creation of a broad discretion when it comes to determining what constitutes important public interests.

Identitet, image och profil. En diskursiv studie av Malmö stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the discourses about Malmö public library that can be identified in several documents published by the library, articles, and various WebPages. Furthermore, our intention is to study the relation between the library?s identity, image and profile. The questions posed in the study are: Which identity discourses are Malmö public library giving expression for? What kind of conflicts between these discourses can we find? How is the identity, image and profile of the library in relation to one another? How does Malmö public library profile and market itself as a non-profit organization? Our theoretical and methodological building ground is in the discourse analytical field, with Enesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?s theories about discourse and society, as a starting-point.

Styrning mot lönsamhet : ur ledningens perspektiv

Uppsatsens syfte avser att beskriva hur ACB Laminat, ur ledningens perspektiv, arbetar med lönsamhetsstyrning. Vidare ska eventuella brister i detta tillvägagångssätt belysas och analyseras, för att förslag till tänkbara åtgärder ska presenteras för företaget.För att nå uppsatsens syfte har en fallstudiebaserad kvalitativ studie använts. En tydlig avgränsning av vad som ingår i undersökningen och vad som ligger utanför finns då uppsatsen enbart avsåg att undersöka ledningens syn på hur företaget arbetar med lönsamhetsstyrning. En kvalitativ ansats har använts för att genom en djupgående intervju belysa en helhet och med hjälp av mina egna tolkningar finna en förståelse i det undersökta.En beskrivning på hur företaget, enligt ledningen arbetar med lönsamhetsstyrning har presenteras. Vidare har undersökningen resulterat i att brister i företagets arbetssätt funnits och förslag till hur de kan avhjälpas har presenterats.

Rikedom sover illa på en bädd av fattigdom : En fallstudie om detaljistföretaget Indiska Magasinets etik- och miljöarbete

This essay highlights the Swedish retail companies? engagement in ethics and environment issues as a part of the business concept. The Customer is today more aware about what is going on in the world than ever before. Two of the main reasons are the Internet and the globalization. In relation to the customer being more aware about the situation in the world today, the demand for products which have been produced in consideration of ethical and environmental values has increased.

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